Digitalization of the World

Chapter 883: shot again

Chapter 883

Ji Yueling and her parents have both left, and they need to discuss with the elders in the family about the 'Remnant Immortal Soul' and 'False Immortal Soul', especially when a Human Sovereign is involved.

What's more troublesome is that the Human Sovereign's personality is still extremely aloof, and it is basically difficult to persuade him to take the initiative to enter Wang Xian's "Heaven and Earth Oven".

As for directly telling the Human Sovereign about the 'Remnant Immortal Soul' and the 'False Immortal Soul', I'm afraid that the 'False Immortal Soul' in the Human Sovereign's body will jump over the wall in a hurry and directly seize the Human Sovereign.

Therefore, they have to find several Human Sovereigns, and even invite out some old antiques from various races, in order to make that Human Sovereign subdue.

Before leaving, Ji Yueling told Wang Xian not to leave the mountain or the territory as much as possible, because many powerful people in Human Sovereign Realm were discussing how to carve up the Blue Star.

After all, realms such as Immortal Realm, Demon Realm, and Technological Realm have all competed for Blue Star, and they naturally don't want to miss it.

For this situation, Wang Xian had already made preparations, even before Blue Star entered the inner universe, he planned to give up on Blue Star.

However, the mutation in Mount Tai gave him a new idea.

When the outer universe was unified, Blue Star was unified, and he was awarded the title of 'Star Lord'. Apart from its own attributes, this title also has some special effects.

The 'star master' is the master of the blue star. As the master of the blue star, he actually has certain authority over the 'rules' of the blue star.

It's just that he didn't use these permissions when he was in the outer universe.

It's different now, after entering the inner universe, there are many powerful people who are eyeing the blue star, and even want to carve up the blue star.

Moreover, those powerful people seem to want to drive him, a native of Blue Star... ah bah, it's the aborigines who drive out, so it's time to use those permissions.

After finding a comfortable place to sit down, Wang Xian dropped out of the attribute interface that belongs exclusively to the 'Star Lord', and Wang Xian began to study it carefully.

On the other hand, after Ji Yueling's parents returned to the family, they immediately told the emperor and elders of the Ji family about the "remnant immortal soul" and "false immortal soul", which immediately caused a huge commotion.

After repeatedly confirming what Ji Yueling's parents said, the Emperor of the Ji Family immediately contacted other Emperors.

Of course, the Human Sovereign who had entered the 'Fairy Tomb' was naturally not among the contacts.

There are a total of eight Human Sovereigns in the Human Sovereign Domain, respectively in the Ji Family, Jiang Family, Feng Family, Li Family, Yao Family, Winner, Zhou Family, and Zhang Family.

Among the eight major families, the first six families were passed down from ancient times. The Zhou family and the Zhang family are newly promoted Renhuang families, and the Renhuang family who entered the 'Fairy Tomb' is from the Zhang family.

Although they are both from the Human Emperor's family, because the Zhou family and the Zhang family's act of obtaining the Human Emperor's position was too dishonest, the relationship between the Ji family, the Jiang family and the other six human emperor families, the Zhou family and the Zhang family was not very good.

Therefore, it is really a big problem to persuade the aloof Emperor of the Zhang family to voluntarily succumb.

The six Human Sovereigns discussed with the elders of various clans and Old Antiques for a long time but failed to find a good solution. In the end, they could only decide, that is to forcibly suppress the Zhang Family Sovereign.

However, before that, they had to confirm whether the 'false immortal soul' that Ji Yueling's parents said was true or not.

As a result, those who had walked out of the 'immortal grave' from the six major families gathered together.

The six Human Sovereigns and those clan elders were taken aback by this summoning. More than 300 people actually came out of the 'Fairy Tomb'.

Moreover, these more than 300 people are basically high-level members of the major families, and even two of them are the patriarchs of the families.

The six Human Sovereigns and those clan elders couldn't imagine that if these people really had 'pseudo-immortal souls' lurking in their bodies, the Human Sovereign Realm might be completely overturned when they exploded!

Without further delay, the six human emperors used 'training' as an excuse, and Jiang Lao and Ji's family emperor led the three hundred people straight to Mount Tai.

"Human Emperor, let's wait here, I have already sent a message to Wang Xian."

At the foot of Mount Tai, Elder Jiang stopped the Emperor Ji's family who wanted to climb the mountain directly.

The Ji family emperor nodded.

Although he is the emperor, but now he has something to ask for, naturally he can't put on the air of the emperor.

Not long after, a space door opened in front of Jia Lao and Ji Family Emperor, and Wang Xian's figure also walked out from it.

"Old Jiang!"

Wang Xian greeted Mr. Jiang with a smile.

"Wang Xian, we meet again, this time I will trouble you." Elder Jiang responded.

"Small things."

Wang Xian waved his hand.

In fact, he can gain a lot of benefits by refining those 'pseudo-immortal souls' with the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', otherwise he wouldn't rush to help others refine them.

"Wang Xian, this is the emperor of the Ji family, you should have seen it."

Elder Jiang introduced Wang Xian.

"I have seen the Emperor."

Wang Xian saluted slightly.

He had indeed seen this Human Sovereign, not long ago, the Human Sovereign named 'Ji Changqing' who drove a dozen domain masters and hundreds of top powerhouses out of the Human Sovereign Domain with a golden giant sword.

Wang Xian secretly looked at Ji Changqing. He remembered that when the lord of the fairyland left, he shouted loudly, "Ji Changqing, cherish the time you have left." It looks like it's about to fall!

"Little friend, what's wrong with me?"

Ji Changqing suddenly spoke.

As a top powerhouse, even if Wang Xian is looking at it secretly, he can still find out.


Wang Xian coughed lightly, the feeling of being exposed face to face made him somewhat embarrassed.

"Elder Jiang, Renhuang, let's get down to business first."

Wang Xian said quickly.


The two nodded, and stepped into the space gate together with Wang Xian.

Elder Jiang had already informed Ji Changqing about the territory of 'Xiangong', so after Ji Changqing stepped into the territory of 'Xiangong', his expression changed slightly, and then he regained his composure.

Wang Xian didn't waste any extra nonsense, he directly called out the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', then opened the lid, and said: "Human Sovereign, just send those who have entered the 'Immortal Tomb' to the oven."

The Human Sovereign nodded, flicked his sleeves lightly, and more than 300 people were directly sent to the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' by him.

Because there was no prior notice, those three hundred people suddenly appeared in the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', which immediately made them nervous and uneasy.

After all, with their spiritual sense, they found that they were in a furnace after a slight inspection.

In particular, they also discovered that there were still flames burning below them, and their consciousness was instantly ignited as soon as they approached those flames, which made them understand how dangerous their current situation was.

"No matter what happens for a while, suppress the power in your body, and don't allow any resistance!"

Ji Changqing's voice rang in the ears of more than three hundred people.

"Respect the emperor's order!"

More than three hundred people responded in unison.

Although they were uneasy, they believed that Ji Changqing would never harm them.

"Little friend, please!"

Outside, Ji Changqing bowed to Wang Xian.

"Human Sovereign, you are trying to shorten my life!"

Wang Xian quickly avoided.

Although he has already understood that there is a big difference between the Human Sovereign in the Human Sovereign Domain and the Human Sovereign he knows, but the Human Sovereign is still a Human Sovereign, and he really can't bear the Human Sovereign's bow.

"For the sake of long nights and dreams, I will start immediately!"

Wang Xiansheng was afraid that Ji Changqing would do something again, so he put his hands on the wall of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' and started the 'refining' of those three hundred people.

In the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', raging flames rose up. Even with Ji Changqing's advance explanation, many people still instinctively resisted.

It wasn't until these people saw that those flames didn't hurt others that they suppressed the power in their bodies.

Then, they became curious, why did the Human Sovereign send them to this furnace, and what is the use of these flames?

"My God! What is this thing?"

Suddenly, there was a cry of panic.

"Yao Yun, what's your ghost name?"

The people around the screaming person spoke in dissatisfaction.

"Look at your insides!"

Yao Yun said with a miserable face.

As soon as these words came out, more than 300 people subconsciously sank their spiritual consciousness into their bodies. Seeing this, almost all of them turned miserable.

"What's this?"

"Why is there such a thing in my body?"

"Damn it, when did I get the trick?"

The members of the six major families screamed one by one.

Apart from the person who screamed, there were more than a dozen people whose faces became extremely gloomy. Taking advantage of other people not noticing them, they quickly gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

People from the six major families didn't notice such a move, and Wang Xian, who had been controlling the fire all the time, also noticed it keenly.

Without any hesitation, Wang Xian directly pulled these dozen or so people out of the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

Suddenly appearing in the outside world, the dozen or so people were all startled.

"Human Emperor, Jiang Lao, suppress them!"

Wang Xian's voice sounded.

Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao were wondering why a dozen people were suddenly released by Wang Xian. After hearing Wang Xian's shout, they immediately realized what was going on, and took decisive action to suppress the dozen people.

The realm of the dozen or so people is only the highest level of the emperor's realm, and they have no resistance at all against Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao's suppression.

"Human Sovereign, Elder Jiang, what did we do wrong?"

One person shouted with grievance and resentment on his face.

Neither Ji Changqing nor Jiang Lao paid attention to the man, but looked at Wang Xian.

"Human Emperor, Mr. Jiang, you have already guessed it, haven't you?" Wang Xian smiled.

The two nodded.

It's just that, when they were suppressing them, they checked the dozen or so people and found nothing abnormal at all.

Wang Xian saw the doubts of the two, and said, "Actually, I'm not too sure."

Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao were stunned for a moment.

"Their behavior was a bit weird, so I picked them out."

Wang Xian told about the weird behavior of these dozen people in the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'. After hearing this, Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao thought that what Wang Xian did was right. Soul' completely replaced.

"Is there any way to be sure?"

Ji Changqing frowned.

Although he also thinks that there is something wrong with these dozen people, if there is no convincing proof, he really can't directly kill these dozen people, especially among the dozen people, there is also a contemporary patriarch of the Li family. .

"Yes, but I have to wait until I can solve the problems of the remaining people." Wang Xian said.

"That's good."

Ji Changqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Xian didn't open his mouth either, and concentrated on helping the remaining people in the furnace refine the 'pseudo-immortal soul' in their bodies.

Things went smoothly. After successively refining the "false fairy souls" in the bodies, souls, and true spirits of those people, Wang Xian released those people.

"What happened to them?"

Ji Changqing and Mr. Jiang stared at the man lying on the ground in astonishment.

"The refining process is a bit painful, and they haven't recovered yet."

Wang Xian rubbed his nose.

There is no way, helping so many people refine the 'pseudo-immortal soul' in their bodies at once, it is impossible for him to finely control every ray of fire that invaded their bodies.

Therefore, when they made some mistakes occasionally, they caused harm to these people, and naturally caused extremely terrifying pain, especially when cleaning up the 'false immortal soul' in their souls, the pain was even more terrifying.

"It turns out that I just fainted from the pain, that's good!"

Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

These 300-odd people are high-ranking members of the six major families. If anything happens, the six major families will be in chaos, and it will even cause turmoil in the Human Emperor's Realm.

"These people are next."

Wang Xian looked at the ten people who were suppressed by Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao. Under his command Ji Changqing sent these ten people into the 'oven of heaven and earth'.

"Human Sovereign, Mr. Jiang, you should also enter the furnace, just to see if these people have really been replaced." Wang Xian said.


Without any hesitation, Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao directly entered the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

Wang Xian put his hands on the furnace wall again, and began to refine the dozen or so people.

The fiery flames penetrated into the bodies of the dozen or so people, causing them to let out miserable wailing sounds, and wisps of black gas continuously flew out of their bodies.

Not long after, the bodies of the dozen or so people were directly reduced to nothingness under the calcination of the furnace.

Faced with this situation, Wang Xian was a little dazed. He really didn't expect that the bodies of these dozen people had been completely replaced by the 'black gas'.

The body disappears, the soul appears, and these souls are also very different from others, their souls are directly a cloud of black mist!

When Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao saw this scene, they still didn't understand that these people were no longer what they used to be.

The blazing flames enveloped these black mist-like souls again, piercing screams sounded from the black mist, they wanted to break free from the envelopment of the flames, but it had no effect.

Not long after, the black mist also turned into nothingness under the calcination of the flames, leaving only a dozen strands of black streamer trying to break through the blockade of the flames.

"True Spirit!"

Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao's faces were a little pale at this moment. Even though Ji Yueling's parents had told them that the "false fairy soul" would corrupt the real spirit, they still couldn't help being shocked when they saw it with their own eyes. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter