Digitalization of the World

Chapter 884: unexpectedly smooth

Chapter 884 Unexpectedly Smooth

The dozen or so people who were completely replaced by the 'False Immortal Soul' were all senior officials of the six major families, including the head of the Li family. This is not a trivial matter.

However, with the endorsements of Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao, things are not too troublesome, but the Li family must be reshuffled.

Ji Changqing and Jiang Lao left, and the three hundred people were also taken away. Wang Xian called Nangong Wu, Su Jin, Qin Zheng and others to divide up the spoils.

The so-called loot is naturally a special substance obtained after refining the 'pseudo-immortal soul', this substance is called 'soul flesh', which has a special effect on improving the soul, especially everyone has the talent of [immortal soul], 'Soul Flesh' can greatly increase the level of their talents.

After distributing the 'soul meat', everyone began to refine and use it, and the effect was surprisingly good. Everyone's [Immortal Soul] talent has increased by about ten levels.

Of course, this is mainly because their [Immortal Soul] level is only level zero,

The tenth-level [Immortal Soul] provides 10 million full attributes and very powerful characteristics, but these are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that [Immortal Soul] has an additional skill-[Soul Body].

Separate a part of the soul and condense a new soul.

If some treasures are condensed into a body, everyone can let the new soul settle in the dormant body, and then they can leave the territory of the 'Xiangong' and go to the Thirty-Three Realms.

As for the treasures for condensing the body, Wang Xian also found two treasures, namely the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil of the Empress Nuwa and the blood essence of the Zuwu.

In addition, Wang Xian also added some emperor-level materials to everyone's condensed bodies, which greatly increased the strength of everyone's bodies.

To put it bluntly, the powerhouses at the third level of the Emperor Realm and below can break through the defenses of these bodies.

After Xuanming, Xuanyue, Jian Ersan, Qin Zheng, Long Aotian and others got their new bodies, they left the territory of the 'Xiangong' directly after getting acquainted with them for a short time.

Nangong Wu, Su Jin and Cheng Yao originally planned to be with Wang Xian, but because Wang Xian still had matters to deal with, they could only leave disappointed.

In addition, Houtu, Nuwa, Sanqing and other top powerhouses in the prehistoric dungeon also entered the Thirty-Three Domains one after another and started their travels.

Regarding Blue Star's arrival in the Thirty-Three Regions, Wang Xian did not hide the truth from Blue Star's players and the billions of races in the outer universe, and even opened several space passages at the foot of Mount Tai for them. Thirty-three domains.

Some restless and adventurous Blue Star players embarked on the journey one after another, and many strong players from outer space races left.

Time passed, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Whether it was Nangong Wu and the others, or Jian Ersan and the others, there were no accidents, and instead they got a lot of opportunities.

As for Wang Xian staying in the 'Xiangong' territory, one reason is that he is waiting for Wang Kong and Wang Shi to return.

At the beginning, the two of them entered the inner world, and they both took one thing on the altar one after another, and those two things were Lin Xue's soul fragments.

It was precisely because of this that the two of them did not choose to commit suicide and return to Wang Xian's side.

The second is that Zhao Yue has woken up, and he needs to rescue Zhao Yue's people, that is, Zhao Ya's descendants.

Wang Shi and Wang Kong had fled to a realm far away from the Emperor's Realm in order to avoid being hunted down by the domain masters. It would take a while before they could come back, so Wang Xian planned to rescue Zhao Yue's people first.

"Do you know where your people are being imprisoned?" Wang Xian asked.

"have no idea."

Zhao Yue shook his head.

Her people were all imprisoned in a small world, even the people of the Li family, few people knew about it, only people from Li Lun's line knew about it.

"Is Li Lun still unwilling to say?"

Wang Xian asked again.

"He's willing to talk about life and death!"

Zhao Yue gritted his teeth.

She used all the tortures she could think of on Li Lun, and even extracted his soul and burned it with dragon flames, but Li Lun just refused to tell where the small world where her people were imprisoned.

"How about I go to the Emperor for help?"

Wang Xian tried to ask.

He has helped the six major families so much, with this favor, maybe the Li family can take the initiative to release Zhao Yue's people.


Zhao Yue's face changed instantly.


Wang Xian's expression became serious. He could tell from Zhao Yue's expression that there must be a big secret in it.

Zhao Yue pursed her lips and lowered her head. After a long silence, she said: "The bloodlines of our people are very special, which can improve the purity of the bloodlines of human kings and human emperors, and even allow their bloodlines to break through the boundaries of human emperors and reach higher levels. High level!"

Now, it was Wang Xian's turn to change his face.

If it is really what Zhao Yue said, he really can't ask Ji Changqing for help.

Once Ji Changqing came forward, the other royal families would surely know that even if Zhao Yue's clansmen were rescued, members of the royal clan would probably hunt Zhao Yue's clansmen secretly.

It is even very possible that before he rescues Zhao Yue's clansmen, the royal families will directly carve up Zhao Yue's clansmen.

It's not that Wang Xian doesn't believe in Ji Changqing, but that the benefits are so great that even the Human Sovereign may find it difficult to suppress this greed.

"Come on, let's meet Li Lun."

In the ice prison, Wang Xian saw Li Lun. At this time, Li Lun was covered with scars, and his vitality was very weak. He felt like he was going to die at any moment.

However, there were several priests by his side, and they released healing skills on Li Lun from time to time, making it impossible for Li Lun to die.

Seeing Wang Xian and Zhao Yue, a trace of fear flashed in Li Lun's eyes, but it turned into disdain in the end.

Wang Xian came to Li Lun with a blank face, stretched out his right index finger, and touched Li Lun's forehead.

"Hehe~ Searching for the can't get the answer!"

Li Lun's hoarse and mocking voice slowly sounded.

The members of the Zhao family have the background of their Li family's dominance of the human emperor's domain, and even the thirty-three domains. How could this kind of secret be obtained by the soul search technique?

Wang Xian ignored Li Lun's words, he was looking at Li Lun's memory, and there was indeed no memory of where the Zhao Yue tribe was locked up.

However, Wang Xian also discovered an abnormality, and some memories in Li Lun's mind were sealed.

If there is no accident, the sealed memory contains the memory of where the Zhao Yue people were imprisoned.

"Don't think about breaking the seal, even if you touch the seal, the elders in my family will transfer the Zhao family immediately!" Li Lun looked at Wang Xian with a sneer.

Wang Xian was not impulsive, he could not gamble on the authenticity of Li Lun's words.

He can't afford to bet!

If he starts to scare the snake, he may completely lose the possibility of saving Zhao Yue's people!

After staring at Li Lun for a long time, Wang Xian suddenly made a move.


Li Lun let out a scream, and a part of his soul was torn off by Wang Xian.

"Hehe! What's the point of this pain, come again!"

Li Lun was sweating all over his face, mocking Wang Xian with a pale face.

Wang Xian ignored Li Lun's taunt, and sent his torn soul into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ten minutes later, Wang Xian's soul came out of his body, but the soul that came out of his body was not in the appearance of Wang Xian, but in the appearance of Li Lun.

Not only that, the fluctuations emitted by this soul are exactly the same as Li Lun's soul!


Li Lun showed horror on his face, but soon he mocked: "Even if the soul wave is the same, you can't copy the seal in my mind!"

"Is it?"

Wang Xian smiled faintly, turned around and left directly.

Zhao Yue picked up the spiked leather whip on the side, whipped Li Lun several times, and then quickly chased Wang Xian.

At this time, Wang Xian had already changed into Li Lun's appearance, and when Zhao Yue came out, he said, "Let's go, let's go find someone from the Li family."

"Is there really no problem?"

Zhao Yue looked at Wang Xian who had turned into Li Lun, with a worried look on his face.

Although she desperately wanted to save her clansmen, she didn't want Wang Xian to take such a risk, not only because Wang Xian was her savior, but also her hope.

"rest assured!"

Wang Xian gave Zhao Yue a reassuring look.

He transformed into Li Lun's soul with the secret technique in the "Soul" book, and suppressed it with the "Soul Tower". It is impossible for anyone to see through his fake.

As for the physical changes, it is naturally the supernatural power in [Xian Jue], this kind of change is an essential change, no difference from the real Li Lun.

In addition, he copied Li Lun's memory, so at this time, he is the real soul, even if Li Lun's parents come, they can't tell whether he is real or not.

"Okay, but if there is danger, you must run away as soon as possible, and leave me alone!" Zhao Yue was still a little worried.

"How can there be so much nonsense, let's go!"

Wang Xian supported Zhao Yue with his mana, and flew towards a certain place on the blue star.

At this time, there are already many people from the Emperor's Realm exploring on the Blue Star, especially the leveling areas on the Blue Star that have become emperor ranks, which have become their gathering places.

In addition, the famous mountains and rivers on the Blue Star are the places where these people compete.

Even Taishan has many strong people from the Emperor's Realm who have come here, but after facing many bosses on Taishan and losing some people's lives, they never dared to come again.

Wang Xian and Zhao Yue went to a famous mountain in Blue Star. As for what it was called, Wang Xian didn't know, but Blue Star had changed too much.

As for the reason for coming to this famous mountain, it was because the Li family was reclaiming this famous mountain, and what he had to do was to hide in this famous mountain, and then be 'digged' out by the people of the Li family.

As the "star master" of Blue Star, Wang Xian can freely enter and leave the famous mountains.

After avoiding the vigilance of the Li family by relying on the power of space, Wang Xian dug a big hole in the mountain, and then took out the array disk he got from Feng Wan'er.

After some arrangements, he took Zhao Yue to hide in the dug pit, and finally restored the ground to its original state.

Five days later, the members of the Li family finally arrived at this place, and found the traces of the formation smoothly.

Thus, the excited members of the Li family began to excavate excitedly.

But when they broke through several formations and saw Wang Xian and Zhao Yue who were 'sleeping' in the pit, they were immediately dumbfounded.

"This is the young master?"


"Du Yue is here too, it's the young master!"

"But why is the young master here?"

"Who knows?"

"What should we do now?"

"Don't move, inform the young master's father, and let the young master's father identify whether this is really the young master."


Soon, Li Lun's father arrived, and finally confirmed the identity of the 'Wang Xian'.


Li Lun's father welcomes Wang Xian.

After Wang Xian 'woke up', he looked blankly at Li Lun's father.

This made Li Lun's father feel that something was wrong, but after a careful inspection, he found nothing wrong, so he hurried back to Li's house with Wang Xian and Zhao Yue.

Li Lun's mother cried when she saw the 'sluggish' Wang Xian.

Li Lun's father scolded: "Why are you crying? I said something at the beginning and asked him to keep his tricks. Now it's all right, something went wrong!"

Li Lun's mother didn't dare to speak, and kept wiping away her tears.

Li Lun's father was annoyed by her crying, and shouted angrily, "He's not dead yet, why are you crying?"

In this way, Li Lun's mother stopped crying.

"Let's go to the secret realm. With the characteristics of secret blood, Lun'er will definitely be able to recover." Li Lun's father said in a muffled voice.

"Is it really possible?"

Li Lun's mother was worried.

"You'll know if you don't try it."

Li Lun's father mentioned Wang Xian, and took Li Lun's mother and the equally dull Zhao Yue to the depths of the clan.

At this time, Wang Xian, who was pretending to be stupid, was stunned.

He really didn't expect that things would go so smoothly, and he didn't need to take Not long after, Li Lun's father took Wang Xian, Zhao Yue and Lu Lun's mother to set foot on the road. Into a teleportation array.

Wang Xian originally thought that he could reach the place where the Zhao Yue people were imprisoned through this teleportation array, but he did not expect Li Lun's father to take them through the teleportation array more than ten times in a row.

Until he came to a cave, Li Lun's father finally put Wang Xian down.

Wang Xian observed the cave secretly, secretly surprised.

There are so many emperor-level bosses in this cave that there are hundreds of them, and each emperor-level boss is above 8,000 levels.

What shocked Wang Xian the most was that the two emperor-level bosses sitting cross-legged in front of a space gate had levels as high as 11999!

The peak of the eleventh level of the Emperor Realm!

What is this concept?

You know, even Ji Changqing's level is only more than 10,000, that is, the tenth level of the emperor's realm, and these two emperor-level bosses are the peak of the eleventh level of the emperor's realm, which is even higher than Ji Changqing's human emperor. high!

Li Lun's father respectfully came to the two emperor-level bosses and saluted, and told the two emperor-level bosses about Wang Xian's situation. After one of the emperor-level bosses carefully checked Wang Xian's situation, Finally, it was agreed that Li Lun would take Wang Xian and Zhao Yue into the space gate.

After entering the portal, Wang Xian finally let go of his heart, but he didn't make a move immediately, because he was not Li Lun's father's opponent, and he had to find a way to take away all Zhao Yue's people in an instant.

Otherwise, if those two 11999-level emperor-level bosses came, he probably wouldn't be able to leave if he wanted to! Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter