Digitalization of the World

Chapter 896: Weird 'back in time'

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The sky became darker and darker, and the forest became more and more quiet, and soon there was no sound at all.

People from the Zhou family and the Zhang family hid in layers of formations, staring at the scene outside the formations with tense expressions, even holding their breath.

Wang Xian was extremely curious, how terrible the night in this forest was, that made the people of Zhou family and Zhang family become like this.

You know, among the formations arranged by the two of them, there are several formations specially designed to isolate sound.

But even so, they didn't dare to make the slightest sound.

When the night was completely dark and there was no light at all, the silent forest changed drastically in an instant.

The change started from the ruins first. The ten 'Sealing Immortal Needles' emitted a dazzling light that pierced the sky and pierced the earth, like ten great suns, illuminating the entire forest instantly like daylight.

Immediately afterwards, the pillar surrounded by the ten 'sealing needles' became golden, and pieces of golden light scattered in all directions.

Where the golden light passed, everything began to change.

The dilapidated ruins began to become brilliant, the forest began to disappear, and a magnificent ancient city appeared here.

Ten minutes later, the golden light dissipated, and the empty ancient city suddenly became extremely lively.

"Buns! Freshly baked hot buns!"

"Yakiniku! Hot BBQ!"

"Seed cakes! Who wants sesame cakes!"

One after another shouts kept ringing in the city, and a large number of ancient people lived and played in the city.

'The Ring of Immortals', Wang Xian and Jiang Mengmeng stared at this astonishing scene in astonishment. They never imagined that the forest at night would turn out like this.

"Wang Xian, what should we do? Wait until dawn again?" Jiang Mengmeng asked Wang Xian while looking at the scene outside curiously.

"Things here are too weird, it's really the best way to wait until dawn!"

Wang Xian nodded.

He checked it with the [Sky Eye] skill, and the ancients outside are basically ordinary people, with a level of around 10.

Of course, there are also some slightly higher levels, but the highest level does not exceed level 100.

"Wang Xian, your stove has been discovered!"

Jiang Mengmeng said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xian immediately looked in the direction of the heaven and earth oven.

Sure enough, dozens of soldiers in silver armor surrounded the Heaven and Earth Oven.

In addition to these soldiers in armor, there are many ordinary people watching the excitement around.

"When did this stove appear?"

"I don't know! It wasn't there yesterday!"

"Is this stove for alchemy?"

"should be!"

"Is that the fairy's?"

"It should be!"

"Why did the immortal put the stove here? Could it be a gift to His Majesty?"

"should be!"

When these three words sounded again, all the people around turned their eyes to the person who spoke, including several soldiers in armor, who also looked at that person.

"Did I... did I say something wrong?"

Being watched by so many eyes, the man was very flustered.

When everyone heard what they said, they turned their gazes away, put them back on the oven of heaven and earth, and discussed again, and that person also breathed a sigh of relief. ....

Not long after, three figures flew over from a distance and landed on the edge of the heaven and earth oven.

"Imperial Guards! Mythical Boss!"

Wang Xian confirmed the identities of these three people through the [Sky Eye] skill.

After inspecting the heaven and earth oven, the three imperial palace guards looked at each other, and then all shook their heads. They didn't know what kind of oven it was.

After discussing with Wei Wei, the three imperial palace guards decided to take the stove away first, after all the stove

The child's appearance is too weird, and it will be a little troublesome to stay here in case something unexpected happens.

However, when the three imperial guards wanted to move the Tiandi Oven away, they suddenly found that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move the Tiandi Oven.

"what to do?"

An imperial guard frowned.

This is the square of the Imperial City, and soon their Majesty will hold a ceremony here with the immortals of various religions. It would be fine if there were no accidents to the stove, but if an accident happened, it would definitely damage His Majesty's majesty.

This is not the worst, if it affects the ceremony, it will be a real disaster!

"It's still some time before the ceremony starts. I'm going to invite the priests from the Enshrining Pavilion." After another imperial guard left a sentence, he flew towards a group of palaces not far away.

In "The Ring of Immortals", Wang Xian and Jiang Mengmeng continued to watch this scene, and they also became very curious about the "ceremony" that the imperial guards said.

Not long after, the imperial guard came back, followed by two old men in long robes.

One in white robe and one in black robe, both of them have silver hair and beards that reach to their chests, they look very fairy-like.

"Level 1055, the tenth heaven of the Emperor Realm!"

Wang Xian was a little shocked.

Although the previous three imperial palace guards were mythical bosses, their levels were only over one hundred and fifty.

So he guessed that the enshrined in the mouth of the imperial palace guards should also be a mythical boss, but the level will be higher, like eight or nine hundred, or even one thousand.

Who would have thought that this enshrinement would be so exaggerated, not only the emperor-level boss, but even the level is above 10,000.

He originally planned to have a 'festival ceremony', fish in troubled waters after the start, and take the opportunity to reap some benefits, but now he directly extinguished this idea.

The so-called offerings are all emperor-level bosses above 10,000 levels. Who knows if there will be bigger ones after the ceremony begins!

After the old man in black robe and the old man in white robe carefully inspected the heaven and earth oven, their eyes lit up at the same time, and then the two of them made a move.

Two big handprints appeared, one black and one white, and they grabbed at the oven of heaven and earth at the same time.


The two big handprints collided and dissipated directly into the air.

"Hei old man, you are crazy, you dare to fight here in the imperial city!" the white-robed old man roared.

"Old man Bai, you obviously did it first!"

The old man in black robe immediately retorted.

While talking, the black-robed old man and the white-robed old man didn't keep their hands idle, and continued to compete for the oven of heaven and earth.

boom! boom! boom!

The old man in black robe and the old man in white robe kept shouting, and the loud voice resounded throughout the city.

Of course, the two old men are restraining their strength, otherwise, with their strength, the first time they fight, they will directly shatter the city under their feet. ....

"White worship, black worship, stop beating!"

The three imperial palace guards shouted loudly while hiding in the distance.

As for the silver-white armored soldiers and ordinary people before, they hid further away, watching the battle between the black-robed old man and the white-robed old man with a happy face.

"Mengmeng, have you seen that, no matter what era you are in, there are always people who eat melons!" 'The Ring of Immortals,' Wang Xian said to Jiang Mengmeng with a smile.

"Yeah yum!"

Jiang Mengmeng nodded repeatedly.

The black-robed old man and the white-robed old man didn't seem to have heard the shouts of the imperial guards, they were still fighting constantly, and began to shift the battlefield.

Wang Xian and Jiang Mengmeng's expressions suddenly became strange, because the direction in which the black-robed old man and the white-robed old man moved the battlefield was the place where the members of the Zhang family and the Zhou family were hiding.

When this ancient city appeared, the formations arranged by the Zhou family and the Zhang family were also fully activated, and they became invisible directly.

Therefore, Wang Xian and Jiang Mengmeng didn't know what happened to the two families hiding in the formation.

However, now

The battlefield between the black-robed old man and the white-robed old man is constantly moving towards the formations arranged by the two families, and the faces of the two families must be extremely exciting at this time.

After a few breaths, the battlefield between the black-robed old man and the white-robed old man was close to the sky above the formation formed by the Zhou family and the Zhang family, and the aftermath of the fight also fell on the formation.

In an instant, the concealment formation arranged by the Zhou family and the Zhang family failed, and thousands of members of the Zhou family and Zhang family appeared in front of everyone's eyes!


The sudden appearance of the people from the Zhou family and the Zhang family startled the black-robed old man and the white-robed old man, and they didn't care about fighting each other. They each condensed a big handprint and slapped the Zhou family and the Zhang family.




Facing the attacks of the old man in black robe and the old man in white robe, the formations arranged by the Zhou family and the Zhang family were like paper, and they shattered in an instant.

Seeing that the formation was broken, the elders of the Zhou family and the Zhang family had no choice but to act. They, the black-robed old man and the white-robed old man were all strong men in the "Ten Heavens of the Emperor's Realm". Easy is to block the attacks of the old man in black robe and the old man in white robe, and wound them both.


However, the elders of the Zhou family and the Zhang family didn't have any joy on their faces. Instead, they were full of panic and uneasiness. They each roared, regardless of the two families, and fled in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xian and Jiang Mengmeng were astonished. They thought that the elders of Zhou family and Zhang family would kill the old man in black robe and the old man in white robe. It turned out to be an escape.

The elders all fled, and the members of the Zhou family and the Zhang family also showed their magical powers and fled frantically towards the outside of the city.

In a breath, thousands of members of the Zhou family and Zhang family disappeared without a trace.

"Escaped so easily?"

Wang Xian was surprised.

From the terrified expressions of the Zhang family and the Zhou family elders, it can be seen that this ancient city must be very dangerous, otherwise they would not have chosen to escape the first time they were discovered.

If they could escape so easily, then they shouldn't show such frightened expressions! ....

Just when Wang Xian was puzzled, an incomparably majestic voice resounded over the entire city.

"Come on, just stay!"

With the sound of this voice, the whole city stopped, and then the whole city was quickly reversed like a movie with the reverse button pressed.

"Back in time!"

Wang Xian's eyeballs almost popped out.

He has the book "Time and Space", and he also controls the power of time, but now he can only achieve 'time acceleration, and a short period of 'time stillness', that's all.

Now, there is a big boss who can 'turn back time', how can this not shock him?

A famous member of the Zhang family and Zhou family returned to their original positions with a terrified look, and the old man in black and the old man in white also became what they were before they were injured.

"Your Majesty!"

The old man in black robe and the old man in white robe bowed towards the sky and said not far away.

"Interrogate carefully."

That voice sounded again.


The old man in black robe and the old man in white robe responded in unison.

Both the Zhou family and the Zhang family have already been sealed by His Majesty, so there is no need to worry about their strength being insufficient.

Thousands of people from Zhou's family and Zhang's family were taken away. As for what will happen to them, one can imagine.

"No! No!"

'The Immortal Ring, in the middle, Wang Xian is like a demon, muttering constantly in his mouth.

The members of the Zhou family and the Zhang family returned to their original places, and the black-robed old man and the white-robed old man also returned to their original state. All of this is like going back in time.


He didn't feel any 'time'

The existence of power!

Although it is said that with his current strength, he can't "turn back time", but he already has some control over the power of "time", and it is absolutely impossible not to feel the power of "time back, time"!

Therefore, everything that happened just now should not be a 'reversal of time' under the law of time!

But then again, if it wasn't 'back in time,' how would you explain the scene just now?

don't know!

don't know!

I don't understand at all!

Wang Xian rubbed his swollen temples, and finally gave up all kinds of guesses about the 'backward flow of time and space' just now!

"Wang Xian, are you alright?"

Jiang Mengmeng tugged at Wang Xian's clothes, and looked at Wang Xian worriedly.

"It's okay, there's just something I don't understand."

Wang Xian smiled and rubbed Jiang Mengmeng's head.

"Don't think about it if you don't understand it, or you will be so tired!"

Jiang Mengmeng said crisply.

"Mengmeng is right, don't think about it if you don't understand it!" Wang Xian said.

The members of the Zhang family and Zhou family were taken away, and the city became normal again, if Wang Xian's 'Heaven and Earth Oven' was not counted.

Dozens of guards from the Imperial Palace appeared and surrounded the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', and the last new priest appeared, took out a tower-shaped treasure, enlarged it and covered the 'Heaven and Earth Oven'.

A few hours later, the whole city of UU Reading became even more lively, all because of the appearance of 'immortals.

"It turned out to be a fairy-level boss!"

Wang Xian looked at those 'immortals', who could stuff two duck eggs with their mouths open. This was really something he never expected.

Starting from that majesty, he thought that there would be a more powerful BOSS, but he really didn't expect that there would be a fairy-level BOSS, and there were more than one.

After carefully counting several times, Wang Xian was sure.


A total of ten fairy-level bosses!

The only pity is that although he confirmed that there are ten fairy-level bosses, he failed to find out the levels of those fairy-level bosses.

Not long after the ten fairy-level bosses appeared, the majesty who cast 'Back in Time' also appeared, and this majesty is also a fairy-level boss!

Brother Guang is super handsome