Digitalization of the World

Chapter 897: The last book!


A total of eleven fairy-level bosses!

Wang Xian was completely speechless. He had planned to fish in the troubled waters of the so-called "sacrifice" and fish for a few treasures. After all, everything related to the "sacrifice" had sacrifices.

This ancient city is so mysterious and weird, and the priests are all from the tenth heaven of the Emperor Realm, so the quality of the sacrifices must not be bad.

It's completely dead now, the eleven fairy-level bosses are watching there, not to mention taking advantage of the 'festival', but as long as he shows up, he will definitely be discovered by some fairy-level bosses, and he will also become a friend of the Zhou family. And the same fate as the people of the Zhang family.

Unable to take advantage of the opportunity, Wang Xian could only quietly watch the so-called 'festival' take place.

An altar exuding this ancient aura appeared out of nowhere, and after a series of lengthy rituals, the sacrifices were delivered to the altar one by one.


Wang Xian stared at a sacrifice on the altar and called out directly.

It was a golden cicada, a golden cicada with a pair of ice wings.

"Wang Xian, what's the matter? Do you know that insect?"

Jiang Mengmeng followed Wang Xian's gaze, and also saw the Chilling Golden Cicada.

"Yeah." Wang Xian nodded and said, "You can be considered my younger sister!"

The Frozen Wing Cicada is Ge Laiqiao's natal Gu, but this one is not, it is just a clone that Wang Xian helped Ge Laiqiao refine, and this is why Wang Xian recognized this Frozen Wing Cicada at a glance.

"Sister? Then what shall we do?"

An anxious and worried look appeared on Jiang Mengmeng's face.

Basically, any sacrifice would have a miserable ending, especially now that it was still in such a strange city, the sacrifice's fate would definitely be even more miserable.

"Not in a hurry!"

Wang Xian shook his head.

This Chilling Golden Cicada, which was used as a sacrifice, was nothing more than a clone of Gel Laiqiao. Although a lot of precious materials were consumed, it was not enough for him to take risks with himself.

The avatar is gone and can be refined again. If he is in crisis because of this, it will be too much for the loss.

Hearing Wang Xian's words, Jiang Mengmeng showed a look of astonishment on her face, and a hint of disappointment appeared in her eyes. The little hand holding Wang Xian's right hand couldn't help but let go, and even moved her body slightly, taking a small step away from Wang Xian. .

Wang Xian noticed Jiang Mengmeng's strangeness, and after seeing the disappointment in her eyes, he immediately understood the matter, and explained with a smile: "Little guy, what are you thinking? That's just my sister's clone!"

"Ah? Clone?"

Jiang Mengmeng let out a cry when she heard the words, and her little face was instantly covered with red clouds.

After realizing that she had wronged Wang Xian, Jiang Mengmeng immediately apologized: "Wang Xian, I'm sorry."

"What's the matter, you can be so vigilant, that's a good thing!"

Wang Xian rubbed Jiang Mengmeng's head.


Hearing Wang Xian's praise, Jiang Mengmeng laughed immediately.

"Mengmeng, do you know those sacrifices?"

Wang Xian pointed to the various offerings on the altar.

Above those sacrifices, there is energy hovering, which seems to be some kind of seal, which makes it impossible for him to check the specific information of those sacrifices with his [Sky Eye] skill. They are all extraordinary items.

Wang Xian even suspected that the items placed in the center of the altar had already reached the immortal level!

"I don't know, I haven't seen any of those things."

Jiang Mengmeng shook her head decisively.

A steady stream of sacrifices were sent to the altar. When the last sacrifice was sent to the altar, Wang Xian found that the number of sacrifices had reached a terrifying tens of thousands.

Especially the items that are considered to be fairy-level, the number has reached hundreds.

Looking at those sacrifices, Wang Xian almost drools.

If he hadn't been concerned about the eleven immortal-level bosses, he would have appeared and emptied those offerings long ago!

After all the sacrifices were delivered to the altar, the 'ceremony' also began.

An old man wearing a white star robe appeared.


Accompanied by the old man's loud shout, everyone in the whole city knelt down, including the eleven immortal-level bosses.


An extremely awkward tone sounded from the old man's mouth, and everyone respectfully bowed towards the altar.

As the old man continued to sing, the sacrifices on the altar disappeared one by one from the outermost periphery.

Wang Xian looked at the sacrifice that was gradually disappearing, and then at the people who were all kneeling on the ground. With a flash of light in his eyes, he directly controlled the "Spiritual Ring" to appear above the altar, and received the cold-winged golden cicada that was about to disappear. In 'The Ring of Immortals'.

Wang Xian's timing was very ingenious, and those people might not have thought that someone would steal the sacrifice, so they didn't realize that Wang Xian put away the Chilling Golden Cicada.

Jiang Mengmeng was dumbfounded.

She was a little startled by Wang Xian, she never expected that Wang Xian would dare to steal sacrifices under the eyes of the 'immortal', and succeeded.

Wang Xian ignored the stunned Jiang Mengmeng, he quickly unsealed the seal on the Cold Winged Cicada, awakening the soul that had fallen into sleep.

"elder brother?"

After Ge Laiqiao's soul was awakened, the Frost Wing Cicada also recovered, and the compound eyes looking at Wang Xian were full of disbelief.

"Qiaoqiao, how long has it been since I saw you, don't you know me?"

Wang Xian asked with a smile.

The wings of the Chilling Cicada vibrated wildly, a white light flashed, the Chilling Cicada disappeared, and a girl appeared.

"Brother, it's really you!"

The girl hugged Wang Xian in her arms with a look of surprise.

"Of course it's me!"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Wang Xian's face.

It was supposed to be Ge Laiqiao who threw him into his arms, but because of his body, it turned out that he was embraced by Ge Laiqiao.

"elder brother…"

"Let go, Wang Xian is mine!"

Ge Laiqiao was thinking about something, but found that someone was pulling her clothes vigorously.

Turning around with doubts, I found that it was a little girl of four or five years old, staring at her while tearing at her clothes.

"Brother, is she?"

Ge Laiqiao looked at Wang Xian and asked curiously.

Just as Wang Xian was about to answer, Jiang Mengmeng stepped forward and said, "My wife, Wang Xian!"

A look of shock appeared on Ge Laiqiao's face, he looked at Wang Xian, then at Jiang Mengmeng, and stammered, "Brother, she...she..."

"Forget about her, her, you still believe what a child says!"

Wang Xian stretched out his hand, supported Ge Laiqiao's chin, and closed her ever-opening mouth.

"I'm not a kid, I'm serious!"

Jiang Mengmeng pouted angrily when she heard Wang Xian's words.

"Little sister is so cute, what's her name?"

Ge Laiqiao stared at Jiang Mengmeng's eyes, and squatted down to pick up Jiang Mengmeng, and kissed Jiang Mengmeng's face 'hardly'.

"Old woman, let me go!"

Jiang Mengmeng wiped the saliva on her face with disgust.

"old woman?"

Ge Laiqiao was immediately dumbfounded.


Wang Xian laughed outright.

"Hmph! Isn't it right? You are so much older than me, aren't you the youngest?" Jiang Mengmeng said confidently.

Ge Laiqiao suddenly had black lines all over his face.

She is only in her twenties, how old is she?

Also, what does it mean to be older than you? What the **** is this?

Seeing Jiang Mengmeng's arrogant appearance, Ge Laiqiao decided to tease Jiang Mengmeng.

"Little sister, you said that you are Wang Xian's wife, does sister Wu, sister Yaochi, Xiaojin and Yaoyao all know?"

"Sister Wu? Sister Yaochi? Xiaojin? Yaoyao? Who are they?"

Jiang Mengmeng was taken aback for a moment, then asked quickly.

"Don't you know? They are naturally Wang Xian's Taoist couple and wives!" Ge Laiqiao said.

"Wang Xian has a wife?"

Jiang Mengmeng was stunned in Ge Laiqiao's arms.


Wang Xian glared at the smiling Gel Laiqiao.

"I don't believe it, you old woman must want to rob me of the king fairy, so you lied to me!"

Jiang Mengmeng glared at Ge Laiqiao angrily, she felt that this woman was too bad, she actually said such things in order to make her give up Wang Xian!

"I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, ask your brother."

Ge Laiqiao immediately refuted.

"Wang Xian, she lied to me, right?"

Jiang Mengmeng looked at Wang Xian pitifully.

Seeing Jiang Mengmeng's appearance, Wang Xian sighed softly, reached out and rubbed Jiang Mengmeng's head.

Although she didn't say anything, Jiang Mengmeng, a big kid, already understood what Wang Xian meant, her mouth shrunk, and she burst into tears.

When Jiang Mengmeng cried, Wang Xian and Ge Laiqiao were dumbfounded, and then quickly coaxed Jiang Mengmeng.

However, no matter what Wang Xian and Ge Laiqiao coaxed, Jiang Mengmeng was still crying, and the more she cried, the more sad she became.

"Brother, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to tease her."

Ge Lai happened to see that Jiang Mengmeng couldn't be coaxed well, and tears began to well up in her eyes.

Wang Xian suddenly felt a terrible headache, it was fine for the little one to cry, but the big one would start to cry no matter what.

"Qiaoqiao, don't cry, brother didn't blame you."

While coaxing Jiang Mengmeng, Wang Xian coaxed Gel Laiqiao.

"Brother, is it really not strange?"

Ge Laiqiao asked with some sobs.

"Really, as long as Qiaoqiao doesn't cry, brother won't blame Qiaoqiao."

Ge Laiqiao hurriedly wiped away the tears that were about to be shed, showed a bright smile, and quickly said to Wang Xian: "Mmhmm! Qiaoqiao doesn't cry!"

Although Ge Laiqiao stopped crying, Jiang Mengmeng was still crying.

"Brother, what should we do?"

"Let her cry, it will be fine in a while."

"Brother, I'm sorry, but for me, she wouldn't cry like this."

"I don't blame you. You will know sooner or later. Mengmeng will cry even more sadly then." Wang Xian sighed.

He really didn't expect that a five-year-old kid like Jiang Mengmeng would have such deep feelings for him.

Of course, it may not be feelings, or it may be that the things I like belong to others, so I cry so sadly.

Half an hour later, Jiang Mengmeng might have been tired from crying and fell asleep in Wang Xian's arms, but even when she fell asleep, there was still a sad expression on her little face,

"Brother, it seems that she really likes you, why don't you take her in!"

Ge Laiqiao looked at Jiang Mengmeng with a look of pity on her face.


Wang Xian tapped Ge Laiqiao on the forehead, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, how old is Mengmeng?"

Ge Laiqiao covered her forehead, pouted her mouth and said, "What does that brother mean, if Mengmeng is not a child, then he will take her in?"

"Did I say that?"

The corner of Wang Xian's mouth twitched.

"That's what brother means."

"Why didn't I know what I meant?"

"Hmph! Brother must think so!"

"It's because you think too much."

"That's it! That's it!"

"Don't talk about this, tell me about you, how did you become a sacrifice?"

Wang Xian was too lazy to argue with Ge Laiqiao, so he quickly changed the subject.

Ge Laiqiao was a little dissatisfied with Wang Xian's changing the subject, but he still talked about his own experience.

It turned out that Ge Laiqiao arrived at this forest a few days earlier than Wang Xian. At that time, she didn't know that the forest would undergo such strange changes after the night fell.

Therefore, after the night fell, Ge Laiqiao flew directly to a big tree to rest, and after the change began, she was surprised by the sudden change.

As a result, the unsuspecting Ge Laiqiao was discovered by the people in the city.

First was the imperial guards' siege, but Ge Laiqiao's body was refined from Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and various emperor-level materials, and her strength had already reached the emperor's level. Those imperial guards were no match for her at all.

This also made Gel Laiqiao a little swollen. After defeating a kind of imperial guard, UU Reading decided to find out in the ruins.

As a result, before Ge Laiqiao got close to the ruins, he was captured alive by the priests who rushed over and became a sacrifice in the 'ceremony'.

"Qiaoqiao, you have been arrested for several days, have you noticed anything unusual?"

Wang Xian was very curious about one thing, this city only appeared at night, so where would this city be during the day?

"Brother, I don't know. After they questioned me to no avail, they sealed me up. I don't know anything about the outside world."

Ge Laiqiao lowered his head.

"If you don't know, you don't know. It's not your fault!"

Wang Xian rubbed Ge Laiqiao's head.


While the two were chatting, the offerings on the outside altar had almost completely disappeared, leaving only the items in the center of the altar that Wang Xian recognized as immortals.

However, with the passage of time, those fairy-level items also began to slowly disappear.

When all the sacrifices disappeared, a piercing beam of light rose from the altar.

At the same time, in the magnificent ruins not far away, there was also a pillar of light rising from the sky, which was emitted by the pillar surrounded by ten 'Sealing Immortal Needles' in the center.

Two beams of light pierced through the sky and the earth, as if they were about to tear the sky apart.

Gradually, the two beams of light began to slowly tilt towards each other. After more than an hour, the two beams of light merged into one, and an object also appeared in the beam of light.

"That is…"

Looking at the items in the beam of light, Wang Xian's eyes almost popped out.


The object in the beam of light is a book!

Of course, the book is not the point, the point is the name of the book.


If there is no accident, this book is one of the nine heavenly books, "Fantasy Heavenly Book!"