Digitalization of the World

Chapter 898: ridiculously strong fat

Wang Xian looked excitedly at the "Fantasy Heavenly Book" in the beam of light.

"Time and Space," "Stars," "Life," "Death," "Soul," "Chaos," and "The Judgment" are more or less related to him, but there has been no news about the "Fantasy Book."

Now, this last heavenly book has finally appeared!

It's just that there are eleven fairy-level bosses here, and it's not so difficult to get the "Fantasy Heavenly Book" under their noses!

It is definitely not possible to **** him head-on. The strength gap between him and those fairy-level bosses is too great. Even the fairy-level bosses don't need to take action. The hundreds of priests alone can easily suppress him.

"Never give up..."

Wang Xian frowned.

The appearance of Dragon City is too mysterious, without any rules to follow, and every time it appears, it will disappear for a long time before reappearing.

Moreover, even if Dragon City really reappeared, he would never meet again by chance.

It can be said that this time is his only chance to obtain the "Fantasy Heavenly Book", and it is absolutely impossible to give up!

"Brother, do you really miss that book?"

Ge Laiqiao sensed the strangeness in Wang Xian's expression.

"That book is important!"

Wang Xian stared at the "Dream Book of Heaven" in the beam of light without blinking his eyelids. After he quickly calculated and released all the trump cards, he could obtain the possibility of "Dream Book of Heaven".


A few minutes later, Wang Xian sighed.

He found that even if all his hole cards were shown, he had no chance of obtaining the "Fantasy Book of Heaven".

Outside, the 'festival' is still going on, whether it is the eleven fairy-level bosses or the ordinary residents in the city, they are all enthusiastically looking at the "Fantasy Heavenly Book" in the beam of light.

The old man who was in charge of holding the 'ceremony' in front of the altar, chanted a mysterious tone that was even deeper and faster.

Accompanied by his singing, the "Fantasy Heavenly Book" in the beam of light slowly opened.


The eyes of Wang Xian and Ge Laiqiao stared straight out, they almost suspected that they were right.

After the "Dream Book of Heaven" was opened, it was not imaginary words or runes, but a painting, but the scene in that painting really made the two of them feel unbelievable.

"Brother, is that you?"

Ge Laiqiao asked with some uncertainty.


Wang Xian stared at a picture that emerged after the opening of "Fantasy Book of Heaven".

Although he answered Ge Laiqiao in an uncertain tone, he could already tell that the figure in the picture was him.

There is another figure besides him in the picture, but because that figure is from the back, he knows who it is.

However, it can be seen from the clothes of the figure that it is a woman.

"This figure is somewhat familiar. I should have seen it before. Who is it?"

Looking at the woman's back, Wang Xian fell into deep thought.

After a dozen or so breaths, Wang Xian finally remembered why this woman was so familiar. Isn't this the mysterious woman who presented him with awards at Blue Star's first Martial Arts Conference?

So, that mysterious woman is the controller of "Fantasy Heavenly Book?"

In the outside world, after the "Fantasy Heavenly Book" was opened, a mysterious energy escaped from above, and those fairy-level bosses saw this scene, their expressions were all extremely excited, and they began to attract those mysterious energies.

Strands of energy flew towards them under their guidance, and when they were about to be absorbed by them, a mutation occurred.


A tower standing not far from the altar exploded, and a furnace appeared on the square.

It's fine if that's all, but the stove seems to have discovered the extraordinary energy escaping from the "Fantasy Heavenly Book", and even started to plunder those mysterious energies.

The horrible suction appeared, instantly sucked those mysterious energies into the furnace, and also sucked away the mysterious energies attracted by eleven fairy-level bosses.

Of course, this is not what makes those fairy-level bosses crazy.

What's really crazy is that the stove seemed not satisfied with just absorbing the energy released from "Fantasy Heavenly Book", so it flew into the air and fell into the beam of light.

Then, the furnace lid was opened, and the "Fantasy Heavenly Book" was directly swallowed into the furnace, and finally fell on the square "Xinxinran".

Everyone was dumbfounded, including Wang Xian and Ge Laiqiao in "The Ring of Immortals".

"Brother, is that your stove?"

Ge Laiqiao asked with a cute face.


Wang Xian nodded with a strange expression.

He thought about many possibilities, but he never expected that such a scene would happen. The Heaven and Earth Oven took the initiative to attack and directly swallowed the "Fantasy Heavenly Book!"

"Congratulations brother, you got your wish!"

Ge Laiqiao said to Wang Xian with a smile on his face.


Wang Xian couldn't bear the excitement in his heart any longer, and laughed out loud.

"Brother, how do you take the stove back now?" Ge Laiqiao asked.

Wang Xian shook his head and said, "Don't worry about that. The Heaven and Earth Oven is still refining. As soon as the refining is over, it will hide itself in an unknown space. I'll call it out at that time."

A thing that is absolutely impossible to accomplish has been accomplished suddenly, and he has not paid any price, his mood is so beautiful that it is bubbling!

"Brother, those people turned on your stove!" Ge Laiqiao suddenly shouted.

Heaven and earth oven opened?

Hearing Ge Laiqiao's words, Wang Xian's first reaction was that it was impossible.

But when Wang Xian looked at the outside world, he was dumbfounded.

The heaven and earth oven was actually opened by those eleven fairy-level bosses!

"Brother, what should we do?"

An anxious look appeared on Ge Laiqiao's face.

Wang Xian's expression changed for a while, which was another unexpected thing.

It is absolutely impossible for him to give up the "Fantasy Heavenly Book". At the beginning, Zhang Xin, the Lord of Fate, and Lin Xue, the master of ice and snow, had told him to collect all the nine heavenly books no matter what, otherwise there would be unpredictable things occur.

Although he didn't know what the unpredictable thing that the two taboo-level existences were saying was, Wang Xian knew that it was definitely not a good thing, so he had been 'working hard' to collect the Nine Heavenly Books.

Now, the last "Fantasy Heavenly Book" among the nine heavenly books has appeared, and it has also been put into the oven of heaven and earth, so he can't give up!

Therefore, he can only say sorry to the fat man in the oven of heaven and earth!

As long as the fat man leaves the Heaven and Earth Oven, the Heaven and Earth Oven can return to the unknown land, and then the "Fantasy Heavenly Book" will not fall into the hands of those fairy-level bosses again.

"Brother, why is there a fat man in your stove?"

Ge Laiqiao's voice full of surprise and doubt rang in Wang Xian's ear.

Wang Xian was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked towards the outside world.

Sure enough, after the lid of the Tiandi oven was opened, a round head poked out from the oven.

"Hey! Dao Lord, the weirdness in my body has finally been refined and cleansed. It is really tormenting Dao Master!"

The fat man lay his hands on the edge of the stove, with an expression of the rest of his life.

However, the fat man's face changed quickly, and he noticed the eleven fairy-level bosses surrounding him.

"Master Wuliang, it's so weird!"

The fat man let out a strange cry, and quickly put his head back into the oven of heaven and earth.


Wang Xian was stunned when he heard the fat man's shout.

Are these fairy-level bosses weird?

He didn't really know what the weirdness was, but he just felt that the weirdness was definitely not a good thing, and once it was contaminated, the end would definitely be very miserable.

Now, the fat man said that those eleven fairy-level bosses are weird, does that mean that everyone in this city is weird?

The fat man returned to the heaven and earth oven, and replaced the lid of the heaven and earth oven.

However, as soon as the fat man put the furnace lid on, the furnace lid opened again, and the fat man flew out of the heaven and earth oven in an extremely 'elegant' posture, and then slammed heavily on the square.

Immediately afterwards, the lid of the Tiandi Oven returned to its place again, and under the dull eyes of the fat man and the angry and murderous expressions of the eleven fairy-level bosses, they disappeared on the square in an instant.


Seeing the disappearance of the heaven and earth oven, the sluggish fat man let out a miserable howl.

At the same time, it was this wail that brought the eleven fairy-level bosses back to their senses in shock, and instantly surrounded the fat man.

"Bastard, where's our holy thing?"

His Majesty among the eleven fairy-level bosses grabbed the fat man by the neck with one hand, and lifted the fat man into the air.

"My lord, I don't know!"

The fat man's neck was pinched, and his face turned red from being suppressed.

He really didn't know that after the weirdness in his body was purified, the lid of the stove opened automatically.

Never would he have thought that just as soon as he poked his head out of the stove, he saw eleven oversized monsters. He had only seen such monsters in a group of immortal tombs.

"You don't know? You say you don't know?"

The majesty roared angrily.

The faces of the ten fairy-level bosses around were also extremely ugly, staring at the fat man who was pinched by His Majesty's neck with one hand. If they didn't want to regain the creature, they would have already smashed the fat man into pieces.

"You better think about what you're saying!"

The majesty said to the fat man coldly again.

"I really don't know!"

The fat man was extremely wronged.

"very good!"

With a flick of his right hand, the fat man was thrown to the ground by the majesty, and then he turned to a fairy-level boss and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."


The fairy boss who was watched by His Majesty nodded.

This is an old man who looks extremely gloomy, with a crack between his brows, like a closed eye.

"Don't come here!"

When the fat man saw the gloomy old man walking towards him, he immediately yelled.

"Little fat man, sabotaging the 'ceremony', preventing me from waiting for the opportunity, and even stealing our sacred objects, do you know what will happen to you?"

The gloomy old man walked towards the fat man slowly, the crack between his brows slowly opened, and an extremely white eyeball gradually appeared.

"Master Dao warns you, Master Dao is very strong, don't come here again!"

The fat man scrambled and retreated towards the rear, but he finally uttered cruel words.

"Jiejiejie...very strong? A quasi-emperor-level ant, this old man wants to see how strong you are!"

The gloomy old man laughed wildly as if he heard the funniest joke in time.

The fat man didn't make a sound, and retreated crazily towards the rear.

However, how could his speed be compared with the gloomy old man?

After two or three breaths, the gloomy old man came up to the fat man, and the white eyeball between his brows was completely revealed.

The gloomy old man stared at the fat man with murderous intent, and said in a hoarse voice: "Little fat man, hand over the holy object, or you will... ah!"

The gloomy old man let out a miserable cry, and covered the vertical eyes between his brows with his right hand.

"Master Dao has told you that Master Dao is very strong, why don't you believe it?"

At this time, the panic expression on the fat man's face disappeared, and he looked at the gloomy old man with a look of trepidation.

"Fatty, you are courting death!"

An extremely cold voice sounded from the gloomy old man's mouth.

"It's not up to you whether Master Dao will die or not, but Master Dao knows that you are definitely going to die!"

The fat man had a sneer on his face.

It is true that he, an underground worker who resounds throughout the Thirty-Three Realms, is for nothing. If he encounters a real fairy-level existence, he will kneel down and surrender without saying a word.

But what he encountered now was a group of weird ones, so he wouldn't be afraid!

Recalling the strange sight he encountered in the group of fairy tombs, a frightened smile appeared on Fatty's face again.

"Brother, your friend is too much..."

Ge Laiqiao had a speechless expression on his face.

Since this fat man is not afraid of those weird things, why did UU Reading pretend to be so scared at the beginning?

Wang Xian was also speechless.

Originally, he still had some guilt towards Fatty, but now those guilts are gone!

However, he was also very curious in his heart. Since the fat man is not even afraid of the weirdness that reaches the level of a fairy-level boss, why is he afraid of the weirdness in the ruins?

Could it be that the weirdness in the ruins is more powerful, even surpassing the level of fairy-level bosses?

Outside, the gloomy old man attacked the fat man, but a golden bowl appeared on the fat man's head.

Endless golden light... No, it should be endless Buddha light emanating from the golden alms bowl. Along with the continuous sound of Buddhist scriptures, phantoms of Buddhas appeared and guarded the fat man firmly.

Under the protection of the Buddha's light and the phantoms of the Buddhas, no matter how the gloomy old man attacked, he didn't hurt the fat man at all.

"Old man, why don't you continue?"

The gloomy old man stopped attacking for several minutes, and the fat man also challenged the gloomy old man under the golden bowl.

"Let's shoot together!"

That His Majesty stepped forward, followed by the other nine immortal-level bosses.


The fat man swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he saw a total of eleven fairy-level boss-level monsters surrounding him.

The golden alms bowl suspended above his head was dug out by him in a forbidden place in the Buddha Realm, and it is the natal treasure of a Buddha who has reached the fairyland.

Although this golden alms bowl has also reached the level of a fairy weapon, he is really not sure that this golden alms bowl can block the strange attacks of eleven fairy-level bosses!

So, without further ado, the fat man asked for help.

"Daxian, Wangxian, Wang Daxian, come and save Daoist!"