Digitalization of the World

Chapter 930: Mutation

Ji Yueling and the others were furious, while Jiang Li, Liu Lan and the others left rows of imprints on Wang Xian's arms one by one.

"Okay, stop making trouble, the sacrifice is about to begin, and you all prepare to make sacrifices!"

Di Yao stopped everyone's playfulness.

"Out of the 'Secret Realm of Immortal Ascension', I'm looking for you to settle accounts!"

Ji Yueling gave Queen Wang a 'serious' look, and immediately ran towards the magnificent altar.

Jiang Li, Lu Lan, Feng Gan and others followed suit.

"These little girls are too cruel!"

Wang Xian looked at the imprint on his arm with a wry smile on his face.

"You also said that you let them watch such a **** TV series for two months, and it was still played on a loop. If it was me, I would teach you a lesson!"

Di Yao angrily stretched out her finger and tapped Wang Xian's forehead.

She was also very impressed with the **** TV series on Blue Star, especially one of the TV series, watching her rock-solid Dao heart for thousands of years almost collapsed.

It just so happens that Wang Xian played that TV series to Ji Yueling and the others. From this, one can imagine how excusable the actions of Ji Yueling and the others are!

"I just picked one at random. Who knew that the plot would be so bloody, and after encountering so many things, I forgot about Sister Ling and the others."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Wang Xian's face.

He has also watched that TV series, and the plot has indeed reached an extremely **** point, and it is definitely not ordinary people who can insist on watching the whole series.

"Okay, find a chance to apologize to them, let's go to the altar too!"

Di Yao picked up Wang Xian like a child, and flew directly towards the altar with Wang Xian.

"Di Yao, can we not hug like this?"

Being held in Di Yao's arms like this, Wang Xian's old face immediately turned red.

He is now 1.34 meters. It is too embarrassing to be hugged like this.

"Hee hee~ Xiaoxian, you are so cute!"

Di Yao kissed Wang Xian on the face, then put Wang Xian down, took Wang Xian's hand, and quickly came to the altar.

"Local tyrant! What a local tyrant! Where did you get so many materials, and there are also materials of 'pseudo-immortal level'."

As soon as they came to the altar, Ji Yueling and others surrounded Wang Xian.

When they came to the altar, they were really frightened. The entire ground and the altar where the offerings were placed were all made of 'pseudo-immortal-level' materials.

You must know that any top power will not take out 'pseudo-immortal-level' materials as materials for the construction of altars, and they will not even be used as sacrifices!

"Go aside!"

Wang Xian pushed Ji Yueling away who was close to her face. From her eyes that were almost shining, it could be seen that she wanted to ask for a sacrifice from him!

"Good brother~"

Ji Yueling shouted at the top of her voice.


Wang Xian shuddered instantly, quickly took out an item from his backpack and threw it to Ji Yueling, and said, "Here! Get away from me!"

Ji Yueling looked at the items in her hands, and the light in her eyes became even brighter. She winked at Wang Xian charmingly, and said, "Good brother, my sister still wants it~"


Wang Xian's face immediately darkened.


Ji Yueling saw Wang Xian's expression, and immediately ran away in a panic.

"Wang Xian geigei~"

Lu Lan, Jiang Li, Lu Qing and others also joined Wang Xian.

The corners of Wang Xian's mouth twitched a few times, but he also gave them something moving.

"If you dare to shout, I will tear you down directly!"

Wang Xian noticed something wrong with the eyes of Feng Gan and others, and immediately issued a warning in advance.

After the air was dry, Feng Zhen and the others' expressions suddenly drooped.

"Here! Here! Here! I really don't know, how can you say that you are also the direct line of the Emperor's family, why are you all so poor?"

Wang Xian took out some things and threw them to Feng Gan and the others.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Feng Gan and the others quickly thanked them.

"Are we poor? Are we poor? Obviously you are too wealthy!" Ji Yueling who was not far away heard Wang Xian's words and immediately retorted.

They are direct descendants of the imperial family, and they have never lacked various cultivation resources, but they are never lacking, but compared with Wang Xianyi, they immediately become poor ghosts!

Wang Xian was too lazy to talk to Ji Yueling who complained, so he began to prepare the sacrifices he would use later.

Among the nine heavenly books, he has the body of the "Time and Space" book, the body of the "Dream" book, and the body of the "Soul" book, and the rest of the book bodies are not in his possession.

Although I intend to use the body of the Heavenly Book as a sacrifice, I still have to consider possible accidents just in case.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Xian still couldn't make a decision, so he had to find Di Yao and ask her for reference.

"You want to take the heavenly book as a sacrifice?"

Di Yao was directly frightened by Wang Xian's bold idea.

"Didn't I just want to see what the 'Moon God Palace' is going to do?" Wang Xian said awkwardly.

The Moon God Sacrifice has been going on for an unknown number of years, and the power of the priests collected by the Moon God Palace has definitely reached an extremely terrifying level. He is really curious about what the Moon God Palace wants to do by collecting so much priest power, especially the Moon God Palace. The shrine also opposes the power of the blood sacrifice.

Di Yao frowned and pondered for a long time, then said: "We don't have complete control over "Fantasy" and "Time and Space". Immortal monarchs, even the existence of the peak of the immortal level, cannot be forcibly plundered."

"I see!"

Wang Xian immediately understood what Di Yao meant, just use the 'Soul Pagoda' as a sacrifice.

However, the 'Soul Tower' is now suppressing Fatty's soul and true spirit, and if he wants to use the 'Soul Tower' as a sacrifice, Wang Xian still needs to prepare some things.

Entering the inner world, finding Fatty and Jiang Guyun, Wang Xian temporarily sealed Fatty with the power of time and space, and then took out the 'soul tower' suppressed in Fatty's sea of ​​consciousness.

Without the suppression of the 'soul tower', the fat man's soul and true spirit were annihilated again, but with the seal of the power of time and space, this annihilation speed is extremely slow, so there is no need to worry about problems with the fat man's soul and true spirit.

"The Moon God Festival is about to begin, do you want to participate together?"

Wang Xian asked Jiang Guyun.


Jiang Guyun shook his head.

Wang Xianye, you didn't say much, you directly left the inner world and returned to the altar.

At this time, everyone had prepared sacrifices and placed them on the altar, and on the altar, everyone also left the most central area for Wang Xian.

Wang Xian came to the altar with a smile, took out the 'soul tower', and placed it in the center of the altar.

"You actually want to use this small tower as a sacrifice?"

Ji Yueling looked at Wang Xian in shock.

She had an impression of the 'Soul Tower', after all, Wang Xian used this small tower to check the immortal inheritance after he obtained the immortal inheritance in Dragon City.

Later, she also got some news from Jiang Li and others, that is, they obtained the immortal soul in the inheritance, which was suppressed by Wang Xian with this small tower.

In her opinion, this small pagoda is definitely one of Wang Xian's most important treasures, but she never imagined that Wang Xian would use this small pagoda as a sacrifice!

"My lord, if you don't have a sacrifice, we'll return the previous treasure to you!"

"That's right, my lord, using this pagoda as a sacrifice, even if it is to obtain the Moon God Body, is not worthwhile!"

Jiang Li and the others also came to Wang Xian's side and spoke one after another.

They have seen the supreme power of this small tower, it is a treasure that can easily suppress the soul of an immortal, it is too wasteful to use such a treasure as a sacrifice!

"Don't worry, my treasure is not so easy to get!"

Wang Xian gave everyone a reassuring look.

When Ji Yueling and the others saw Wang Xian like this, although they were worried, they couldn't say anything more. After all, this was Wang Xian's own treasure, and they had absolutely no control over what they wanted to do with it.

Looking at the various sacrifices on the altar, and at the Shenyue in the night sky, Wang Xian suddenly thought of something, so he immediately opened the pet panel and forcibly summoned the Lunar Jade Rabbit to his side.

A cute girl with silver hair and red eyes immediately appeared beside Wang Xian.

Suddenly changing the scene, the girl's face was blank, and she didn't react until she saw Wang Xian.

"Wang Xian, where is this? Why did you ask me to come here?"

Xiaoyu, who is also a cute girl, asked suspiciously.

"Look at this moon, do you feel anything?"

Wang Xian pointed to Shenyue in the night sky and said.

"Wow! What a big moon!"

Xiaoyu looked up at the night sky, and was startled by the huge moon above.

"Don't be shocked, do you feel anything?"

Wang Xian tapped Xiaoyu's smooth forehead.

"Ouch~ It hurts!"

Xiaoyu glared at Wang Xian angrily, and then said, "There is indeed a very special feeling."

"What does it feel like?"

Wang Xian hurriedly asked.

Xiaoyue tilted her head and thought about it. After a while, her eyes lit up, and she said quickly: "It's kind, it's a kind feeling."

"Is that so... that should be right!"

Wang Xian nodded.

"Xiaoxian, don't you want to use Xiaoyu as a sacrifice?"

Di Yao, who knew Wang Xian very well, immediately guessed what Wang Xian was thinking.

"Sacrifice? Am I going to be a sacrifice?"

After Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, she immediately looked at Wang Xian with grievances, and mist filled her eyes.

"Wang Xian, don't make trouble, not only the blood sacrifice, any sacrifice with life will arouse the anger of the Moon God Palace!" Su Qiaoling immediately came over to persuade.

Lin Yushuang followed closely behind, and said with a serious expression: "Taking living beings as sacrifices is a blasphemy against the Moon God, and will be killed by the strong men of the Moon God Palace!"

"Ann! Ann! I have a sense of proportion!"

Wang Xian waved his hand to signal everyone not to panic.

"Wang Xian, did I do anything wrong? I don't want to die!"

Xiaoyu cried and hugged Wang Xian's right arm, looking at Wang Xian pitifully.

"When did I say you were going to die?"

Wang Xian said helplessly.

"Don't you want me to be a sacrifice?"

Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment.

They were all used as sacrifices, could they still live?

"You are my pet, and you are also Hela's good friend. If I let you die, Hela will have to fall out with me!" Wang Xian said.

Hela is a 'true fairy', if she really loses her temper, not to mention the territory of the 'Xiangong', even the entire Thirty-Three Realms will be overthrown!

"Then shall I still be a sacrifice?"

Xiaoyu asked cautiously.

"Damn it!"

Wang Xian said as a matter of course.

"Do you still want to be?"

Xiaoyu was dumbfounded.

"You don't have to die to be a sacrifice. Besides, even if you really die, I can resurrect you!"

Wang Xian comforted Xiaoyu and told her to put her heart back in her stomach.

"Can it be resurrected?"

Not only Xiaoyu, Ji Yueling, Lin Yushuang, Feng Gan and others were all shocked.

The Moon God Sacrifice is not a trivial matter. If it is used as a sacrifice, it is a sacrifice to the Moon God. If you want to resurrect the sacrifice again, it is almost like stealing something from the Moon God!

What is the moon god?

At least it is a fairy-level existence!

Snatching something from such an existence is something they dare not even think about!

"In short, you don't have to worry about your life, and I have a hunch that you might meet your former master." Wang Xian said to Xiaoyu with a smile.

"The former master?" Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted, and said a little excitedly, "Is it Sister Chang'e?"

Although she is Wang Xian's pet now, her affection for Chang'e has never faded, and since she hasn't seen Chang'e for so long, she naturally misses her very much.

"Xiaoxian, did you find something?"

Di Yao asked.

"I found something, but I can't confirm it yet. After the Moon God Festival is over, I should be able to confirm it!" Wang Xian replied.

Di Yao nodded, but said nothing.

As for the others, they were in a cloud of fog, completely unable to understand what Wang Xian's words meant.

"Okay, Xiaoyu, the Moon God Sacrifice is about to begin, you should change back to your body and go to the altar." Wang Xian said to Xiaoyu.


Xiaoyu didn't resist this time, she turned into a palm-sized snow-white rabbit with joy, and then jumped onto the altar.

Ten minutes later, the Moon God Festival officially began.

One after another, brighter moonlight scattered from above One of them landed on the altar where Wang Xian and the others were.

With the falling of the moonlight, the whole altar began to tremble, the mysterious power of sacrifice emerged, and one after another illusory figures stepped out of the moonlight.

They were slender and their faces were blurry, but even so, everyone seemed to feel their incomparable beauty.

However, when they saw the little snow-white rabbit on the altar, terrifying killing intent emanated from them immediately.

"not good!"

Ji Yueling, Lin Yushuang, Su Qiaoling and others suddenly felt bad, and quickly gathered beside Wang Xian.

They were shocked by the figures made of moonlight before. After all, the Moon God Festival has been held for so many years, and they have never heard of such a situation.

This is definitely a big event that shocked the entire Thirty-Three Regions, but now they don't think so. The killing intent emanating from these figures is too terrifying, and they probably won't be able to tell the truth about this situation.

(end of this chapter)