Digitalization of the World

Chapter 940: get together

"Just let him go!"

The patriarch of the Golden Horn clan said without thinking.

Although it is said that through the function of the gift package, Jin Shuo can directly return to the Golden Horn Clan, but the place where Jin Shuo is now is the "Secret Realm of Immortal Ascension". As long as Jin Shuo is allowed to leave and auction the resources he needs, he can find them himself. return.

"no problem!"

Wang Xian immediately gave Di Yao a look, and Di Yao understood instantly, and immediately released the restraint on Jin Shuo.

As soon as Jin Shuo's restraint was lifted, his aura immediately exploded.

"What? Are you going to be betrayed by me again?"

Wang Xian sneered.

Jin Shuo's expression changed for a while, but when he saw Feng Zhen, Su Qiaoling and others all surrounded him, he forced a smile on his face and said, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Shuo's body flew into the air and turned into a golden light and quickly disappeared into the sky.

"A small episode, now we continue."

Wang Xian once again ingested a foreign race from the crowd behind him.

"Oh, what a coincidence, it's another Golden Horn clan!"

Wang Xian couldn't help laughing.

He swears that he really grabbed it randomly, and didn't find a Golden Horn on purpose.

"One thousand Jin Yanshi!"

The patriarch of the Golden Horn tribe made an offer directly.

Charm Eleven: "Thirteen hundred catties of fluorescent water!"

Patriarch of the Golden Horn Clan: "One thousand and five hundred catties of Jinyan Stone!"

Charm Eleven: "You won again."

"Anyone else bid?"

Wang Xian asked with a smile.

After a few breaths, seeing no one bid, Wang Xian let them go directly.

Next, the aliens were auctioned off one by one by Wang Xian through the live broadcast room. Except for a few who asked to be packaged and shipped, the rest were left directly.

"No, you sold so many aliens, why are all of them men?"

A monk in a live broadcast room discovered an abnormality.


Wang Xian noticed this statement, coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Men of different races are more popular!"

"Fart, I've fallen in love with that girl from the Sunflower Clan for a long time, so hurry up and start the auction." Someone said immediately.

"That's right, start auctioning off the girls of the Sunflower Clan!"

"hurry up."

"If we don't sell it, we can leave."

A series of speeches appeared in succession.

"Is there anything special about the Sunflower Clan?"

Seeing that so many monks wanted the Sunflower Clan, Wang Xian asked Ji Yueling.

"There are sunflowers?!"

When Ji Yueling heard Wang Xian's words, her eyes lit up immediately, without saying a word, she turned around and ran towards the crowd behind her.

A moment later, Ji Yueling brought a woman back to Wang Xian's side.

The woman is absolutely stunning, but she is a bit short, only about 1.5 meters.

"This is the Sunflower Clan? What's so special about her?" Wang Xian asked curiously.

"Change back to your original body!"

Ji Yueling said to the woman.

The woman's face was full of reluctance, but under Ji Yueling's 'coercion', she honestly changed back to her original body.


Wang Xian looked at the woman's body in surprise.

"Hee hee~ Emperor-level Sunflower Clan, it's done! It's done!"

Ji Yueling happily picked the sunflower seeds from the sunflower, and didn't stop until she had picked all the ripe sunflower seeds.

"Okay, you change back to human form!"

Ji Yueling said.

With a flash of light, the sunflower disappeared, and the woman just now appeared, but now her face was very pale, without a trace of blood.

"Eldest sister, you are too ruthless, aren't you afraid of hurting her origin?" Feng Gan said with a wry smile.

"Ah... I forgot!"

Ji Yueling was startled, then quickly took out a bottle of spiritual water and handed it to the woman.

The woman was not polite either, and drank the spirit water after receiving it.

"I didn't find this sunflower family before, so careless!"

Su Qiaoling sighed.

"What's going on?"

Wang Xian was at a loss.

Isn't it just a sunflower? Why do you feel everyone is so excited?

Lin Yushuang said with a smile: "The sunflower family is a very special race. Their group is very small, or there is no group at all. After all, sunflowers are just ordinary plants.

There are very few sunflowers who can embark on the road of practice, even fewer who can reach the emperor level, not even one for tens of thousands of years or one hundred thousand years. "

"So rare?"

Wang Xian looked at the Sunflower woman in surprise.

"Wang Xian, she won't be auctioned off, we'll keep it for ourselves," Ji Yueling said.

"What's the use of her? Does she only provide melon seeds?"

Wang Xian took a few melon seeds from Ji Yueling's hand with doubts.


Putting a melon seed in his mouth and cracking it open, an almost indescribably rich aroma instantly filled Wang Xian's mouth.

"Why is it so fragrant?"

Wang Xian didn't know why.

The next second, the system's prompt sounded: "Ding! Take the emperor-level 'Sunflower Seed', all attributes +10000, damage +10%, injury-free +10%, skill damage +10%."

"The added attribute is not bad, so let's keep it."

Wang Xian nodded.

As soon as these words came out, Ji Yueling and the others were happy, but the countless monks in the live broadcast room were not willing. They crazily complained about Wang Xian and asked Wang Xian to quickly auction off the Sunflower Clan girl.

Naturally, Wang Xian didn't bother to talk to them, and began to auction off other women of different races.

Compared with men of different races, women of different races are much more popular, and the asking prices are more and more ruthless, and the ones who set the price are not the same as those women of different races.

However, in the end, these women of different races were bought by their own races. After all, there are basically no weak races that can enter the 'Secret Realm of Immortal Ascension'.

This auction lasted for a full day and night. Nearly 3,000 foreign races provided Wang Xian with a large amount of emperor-level materials, pills, spiritual fruits, and even a lot of "pseudo-immortal-level" materials.

The materials for the 'Pseudo-Fairy' are all provided by the top clans such as the Demon Race, the Buddha Race, and the Machine Race. After all, their race saints, goddesses, and emperors are so popular that they don't come up with the 'Pseudo-Fairy Grade'. Materials, it is really difficult to buy back their clansmen.

"Okay, everything is over, let's continue to look for opportunities, are you continuing to act alone?" Wang Xian asked Ji Yueling and others.

"We're with you."

Ji Yueling, Feng Gan, Jiang Li and the others spoke in unison.


Wang Xian was puzzled.

Didn't these guys have to act alone before?

Why is it the rhythm of vowing to die with him now!

Ji Yueling rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "The aliens you sell will definitely hate us to death. If we act alone, I'm afraid I won't survive tomorrow!"

"Uh... let's do it!"

Wang Xian thought for a while, and it was indeed the case. Although he was the mastermind, Ji Yueling and others who were with him would also be hated by those alien races.

Wang Xian and the others were on their way, looking for various opportunities while continuing to watch Hua Xiangrong's live broadcast.

With the guardianship of four gods who possessed 'quasi-celestial artifacts', no one dared to trouble Hua Xiangrong anymore. Even the Eleventh Patriarch of the Buddhist Clan, who had been resurrected again, did not say anything after learning about this situation. Without saying anything, he left with the rest of the Xeons.

The blockade of the Immortal Domain lasted for three days, and when the curtain that sealed the entire Immortal Domain dissipated, twelve figures appeared in front of Hua Xiangrong. A figure condensed by the moonlight.

"Palace Master, please come back to the 'Moon God Palace' with us."

The twelve moonlight condensed figures knelt in front of Hua Xiangrong.

"Yeah, get up quickly, I'll go back with you."

Hua Xiangrong immediately stretched out her hand to help those figures condensed by the moonlight.

She has already received a private message from Wang Xian, including the guess that she is the 'Moon God', if possible, she will go to the 'Moon God Palace'.

"Thank you, Palace Master."

The twelve moonlight condensed figures said in unison.

"Can I ask you one thing?"

A figure with condensed moonlight stood up and said to the Great God and the others.

"Please say."

The Great God responded immediately.

This is a person from the 'Moon God Palace', she is absolutely not to be provoked, and she has swept through the Immortal Realm with her divine sense just now, and found that in the Immortal Realm at this time, there is not a single fairy clan left, only those dependent fairy clans are left race.

As for where the fairy clan went, she knew it without even thinking about it, it must have been wiped out by the twelve strong men from the 'Moon God Palace'!

"This storage ring, you give it to a human race called Wang Xian, it contains what he needs."

The moonlight condensed figure handed a storage ring to the Great God.

"Wang Xian..."

The Great God was stunned.

Of course, she knew about Wang Xian. A few days ago, the auction that caused a sensation in the entire Inner Universe was held by Wang Xian.

"Can it be done?"

The figure condensed by the moonlight asked.

"no problem."

The Great God said immediately.

"Thank you."

After thanking the condensed figure of the moonlight, he took out a few rings and handed them to the Great God, and said: "These are the resources we collected in the Immortal Realm. Although Wang Xian didn't say anything, you should give them to him too. , one of them will be your reward."

"No! No! No pay."

The Great God waved his hands again and again.

She already knew that the silver-white phoenix hairpin was made by Wang Xian, and she also knew the reason why Wang Xian wanted to give them the 'quasi-immortal artifact'.

Although it is very troublesome to be enemies of the thousands of races in the inner universe and many top forces, but she who has a 'quasi-immortal weapon' is not worried at all.

What's more, she is not the only one who has the 'Quasi-Immortal Artifact', but also the Second Heavenly Master, the Seventh Heavenly Master and the Nine Heavenly Master.

"It's up to you!"

After the moonlight condensed figure handed over several storage rings to the Great God, he turned to Hua Xiangrong and said, "Palace Master, let's go back to the 'Moon God Palace'."

"How to go?"

Hua Xiangrong asked curiously.

The figure condensed by the moonlight did not speak, but directly turned into a beam of moonlight, which directly merged into Hua Xiangrong's body, and the remaining eleven figures condensed by the moonlight also turned into a beam of moonlight, entering Hua Xiangrong's body.

Just when Hua Xiangrong was puzzled, she had already disappeared in Shenyue and reappeared. A beam of moonlight fell from above Shenyue, covering Hua Xiangrong inside, and under the influence of this moonlight, Hua Xiangrong's body slowly Fly towards Shenyue.

"Four sisters, goodbye, we will visit you when we have a chance in the future."

Hua Xiangrong shouted loudly to the four gods in the moonlight.

"Palace Master, goodbye."

The four great gods also responded to Hua Xiangrong, but instead of calling Hua Xiangrong 'Rongrong' as before, they called 'Palace Master'.

They understand that the next time they spend time with Hua Xiangrong, they will no longer be able to communicate happily like before.

In the "Secret Realm of Rising Immortals", Wang Xian and others also saw the scene of Hua Xiangrong's "flying ascension".

"That little girl Rong Rong is really the 'Moon God'!"

Wang Xian's tone was strange.

Although he had already had this kind of guess before, but it was really confirmed, which still made him feel a little unbelievable.

"Actually, I feel that Rongrong should not be the 'Moon God', the real 'Moon God' should be 'Youying'." Di Yao said suddenly.

Wang Xian frowned when he heard the words, and after a few seconds of contemplation, he said, "Whether Rong Rong is the moon **** or not, with Chang'e around, at least she will not be in danger."

"That's for sure."

Di Yao nodded.

As Hua Xiangrong 'flyed up' to Shenyue, her live broadcast room was also closed, which made countless monks in the inner universe couldn't help crying, they still wanted to see the legendary 'Moon Palace'.

Time passed, more than a month passed in a blink of an eye, and it was not long before the end of the "Ascending Immortal Secret Realm". Wang Xian and his party of more than a dozen people also came to the deepest part of the Emperor Realm area.

As soon as he appeared here, Wang Xian felt deep malice, and his angry, humiliating eyes fell on him with killing intent.

"Hey, so many are old friends, do you miss me when you look at me like this?"

Wang Xian smiled and greeted those foreigners who looked at him.

Those alien races didn't pay attention to Wang Xian, but the killing intent in their eyes was even worse.

"Be careful, the ones in front of those aliens are real monsters."

Ji Yueling whispered in Wang Xian's ear.

"A real monster?"

Wang Xian immediately looked at the monster Ji Yueling was talking about.

A few seconds later, Wang Xian withdrew his gaze, he really didn't see how evil these alien races were.

The only thing that can be seen is that the monsters in Ji Yueling's mouth are all extremely handsome, and they are all exactly like human races, without any characteristics of alien races on their bodies.

If Ji Yueling hadn't said that they were alien races, Wang Xian would definitely think that they were all human races.

"Dude, what are you all doing here?"

Wang Xian walked to a human race and asked.


After the celebrity glanced at Wang Xian, he immediately scolded.


Wang Xian raised his hand decisively, UU reading www. slapped that human race on the face, knocking the famous human race to the ground.

"Give you a face, right?"

Wang Xian took a step forward, stepped on the chest of the famous human and snorted coldly.

He politely asked this guy about something, and this guy didn't say anything, but he even told him to 'scroll'.

If it wasn't for this guy being from the human race, he wouldn't have slapped him just now, but directly stabbed this guy to death with the Emperor Dragon Spear.

"Little brat, let me go!"

Being stepped on by Wang Xian, the human race roared angrily.

"You still can't recognize the reality, can you?"

Wang Xian exerted force with his right foot, directly crushing several of the ribs of that human race.

(end of this chapter)