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v1 Chapter 105: Return to the main world

When the trainer across the street saw the mountain rat, he calculated it with his fingertips: "A mountain rat is a terrestrial system, restraining rocks on the ground and ...? Ah! It cannot use sword dance, Xiaoquan No.2, 100,000 volts! "

面对 However, in the face of the incoming light, Guan Liyuan did not give any command at all, but continued to make the Mountain Rats enhance their power with "sword dance" ...

The electric light has been hit, and the mountain rat is intact!

糟糕 "Oops! The Pokémon on the ground, the skills of the immune system ..." The boy on the opposite side had panicked, and it looks like he should really be a student in the gym.

"Crossing a rat, turn round! Be careful, the skills of the ground system, the small boxing stones that attack the dual attributes of the electric system and the rock system are still four times the damage!" Guan Liyuan reminded.

"Hundreds and millions of tons of boxing!" Taoist students gave orders in a panic.

Another small boxing stone inherited from millions of tons of boxing? Guan Liyuan speculated that the other's family situation should be quite good ...

And on the fist of Alora's fist, this time it turned out to be electric light!

"Well? Is the characteristic still a rare 'electric skin'? You can use the skills of the general department to use the effects of the electrical department ... But in this way, will not you be ignored by the ground-mountain rat?" Guan Liyuan wondered. Muttered.

Tong Guan Liyuan held himself under the level advantage and hit a punch in the front. There was no problem, so he did not order to evade ...

"Rabbit, gyro ball!"

I saw the penetratus spinning in place, and directly resisted the fist of the small boxing stone. At the same time when it was hit and flying, it also bounced the small boxing stone back ...

恩 "Well? It doesn't seem to be completely ineffective ... Well, rattrap, use Scroll to solve it!"

The trekking mouse seemed to be hit and flew out, but in fact it was not injured. Instead, after the small fist stone was bounced off, it did not slow down after a while, and was directly "rolled" by the trekking rat and flew out of the duel. range……

At the moment, Guan Liyuan also understood that in the real Pokémon world, because of attribute restraint, immunity and reduction of some skills are only immune to the part with attributes.

For example, when Arora's small fiststone with "electrical skin" used the electric system's million-ton boxing, the power of the electric system was immune, but the physical impact still had to bear ...

It's just that when Arora Little Boxing Stone uses millions of tons of boxing, half of the power is transformed into the power of the electric system, so it is very easy to pass the mountain rat to resist!

Of course, the main reason is that Guan Liyuan speculates that the other two fist stones should be in the 12-15 level, completely crushed by the reachable duck and the mountain rat.

For the sake of insurance, Tong Guan Liyuan temporarily said goodbye to Terahara Tomoko and trained at the Nibi Dojo until the last day of his stay in the Pokémon World.

"Congratulations to the challenger Guan Liyuan, who won the first badge of the Taoist Museum! If you are interested in the training of the rock-based Pokémon, you are also welcome to join the Nibetsukan."

The "ceremony" of awarding badges is also very simple, but Guan Liyuan finally took an important first step on the path of Pokémon trainer!

"Congratulations, I finally got my first badge! But remind you that it is seven months before the start of the Kanto Pokémon Trainer Contest hosted by the Quartz League ... and you are on the first badge It has been delayed for a month, "Xiaoxia reminded.

"No, it ca n’t be considered a delay. Except for the fossil pterosaur, all my other Pokémon have just reached the balance point of" field combat "," indoor special training "and" theoretical training ", which is more efficient . "

Tongguan Liyuan has trained the fire dinosaurs, Pakistani butterfly, Bibi bird, reachable duck, and mountain rat in this time.

At the same time, I also feel that they are saturated in terms of special training and theoretical training. Without practical stimulation, it will be difficult to improve.

As for the fossil pterodactyl ... at the current level of Guan Liyuan, it is not enough to achieve results in training elite Pokémon!

On the contrary, due to the "potential development" effect, the strength of the fossil pterosaur has been slightly improved ...

And during this period of training, Guan Liyuan's own "inspiring" skills also transformed!

Has become the first level of "learning enhancement", the effect is to strengthen the learning ability of the summoned beasts ... manifested in Pokémon, the main effect is to improve the speed of their learning skills.

From the BUFF skills in battle, they have directly transformed into training skills.

Metamorphosis happened when Guan Liyuan signed a contract with "Fossil Pterosaur", because Guan Liyuan speculated that it was because of the strength of the fossil pterosaur, that his career of "Summoner of the Other World" was rewarded!

Even the skills of the other two "Summoners of the Other Worlds" are already active, and they only feel like they are at the door ......

关 Under the continuous "learning and strengthening" of Guan Liyuan for half a month, he finally achieved the expected learning goals.

This also makes Xiaoxia sigh, Guan Liyuan's training talent ... Of course, it also makes Guan Liyuan's "guts" even more!

I actually had to wait so long when I challenged the Dao Pavilion for the first time. What more did I say to prepare ...

"Where are you going next?" Xiaoxia asked.

"Will you come together?" Guan Liyuan asked.

In the Pokémon world, although it is not as dangerous as the main world, it is normal for the trainers who have good relations to take a company when adventure in the wild ...

"It depends ..." Xiaoxia didn't answer directly ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ En ... I heard that the sunset on the Hualan Strait is the most beautiful, there are many water systems Pokémon, and the distance from the Hualan Road Museum is Hualan City is not far away, and there is only a monthly mountain between Nebi ... "

"The sunset over the Hualan Strait ... I haven't seen it for a long time ..." Xiaoxia's tone carried some memories.

恩 "Well? Have you been to Hualan City?" Guan Liyuan heard a word.

I didn't get a response for a long time. Guan Liyuan turned his head and looked at Xiaoxia in surprise, but saw her expression very tangled.

But in the end, it seemed that I had finally made up my mind, and resolutely said, "Okay! I'll go with you!"


He seemed to feel that his tone was too strange, and Xiaoxia immediately changed her mouth and said, "Cough, I mean ... let's go together."

[But for me, it takes one month ... No, it's two months after the Naruto world is counted. Guan Liyuan sighed in his heart.

But most of them are satisfied with their trip to Pokémon World.

Not only did they sign a contract with "Fossil Pterosaur", but among the other five Pokémon, the strongest fire dinosaur has a combat power of more than 10,000. In the main world, it will have the first-level professional, Considerable strength, the combat effectiveness of the Pakistani butterfly and the reachable duck also exceeded 8000, which is equivalent to the junior professional who has just left the entry stage. The combat ability is 7300, which is close to the junior professional. It also surpassed 6,300.

And to the most satisfaction, or peace of mind, Guan Liyuan, the two reagents that Dr. Ogi gave him yesterday, a pink test reagent and a blood color inhibitor ...