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v1 Chapter 247: Settled in Xingyin Village

"Catch it as much as possible! Those who bear the stubborn resistance die! Immune to the gas will fly a few more, go below to see, how about those Star Ninja who fell before, bring back alive!"

Seeing that the Red Star-led elite had evacuated, Guan Liyuan ordered the Alliance Ninja.

"Since the consultant advised you, let's stay! The dungeon hall has no echo wall!"

Among the four generations of the second-generation curse and seal, the fattest Jilangfang suddenly held a hammer in both hands and smashed it to the ground. Then he saw that the surrounding ground shook under his hammer. After the wave started, it surrounded the battlefield in all directions. Twelve huge earth walls rose ...

At this time, the only woman in the second generation of the curse and the four women, Duoyouye, at this time, the flute was crossed by the mouth, and a sound of flute sounded on the battlefield!

"Magic Flute · Magic Silver Lock!"

The twelve-sided echo wall resonated repeatedly in the sound of the flute, and gradually all the stars on the battlefield began to lose their focus and stood still ...

Alliance Ninjas vs. Star Ninja, the first battle, the Alliance Army broke through the "Bear of the Abyss" defense line, entered Xingyin Village, Star Ninja retreat to the "Star Fortress".

There is no injury or death in the Northern Alliance. Star Ninja killed 21 people, 9 captives, 89 men in general, 636 captives ... Only half of Star Ninety was evacuated when Red Star brought him!

However, the alliance that just won a big war did not have time to rest. Guan Liyuan continued to order, leaving a hundred people to slowly **** the sealed captives of Chakra, and the others went to Xingyin Village overnight.

All the ninja troops are flying high and lower, ignoring the terrain, and do not need to be heavy. They all bring a small bag with soldier grain pills and ninjutsu props ... Do not march at full speed!

Before dawn, Guan Liyuan had already led the army with two hundred men to Xingyin Village.

Like the result of Hongye snooping, Xingyin Village had no left-behind ninjas at this time. Obviously, Red Star has abandoned this village that is only a "residence", and went to Xing Ren's real fortress, Star Fortress!

A few ordinary people and Xing Ren, who had not had time to withdraw, had been subdued by the sensing troops before the advance troops arrived, and finally completed the grandiose words of "Destroy this Chaoyang" before Guan Liyuan.

Once settled in Xingyin Village, all the Aboriginal people who have not yet withdrawn are temporarily concentrated in a street that is determined to have no secret roads, and is monitored by a special perception ninja ...

After all, this is a hidden village of ninjas, not an ordinary town. Most of the ordinary people here are also the family of ninjas, and maybe even because of qualifications, they have not been able to become ninjas.

Therefore, you can't just let it go like a normal person. You need to take some precautions before thoroughly sweeping Jingxing Ren.

Early in the morning, Guan Liyuan came to this neighborhood specially, tasted the characteristic breakfast rice of bear country and a kind of small pickles produced in the country of bear country, said some stable words, and then left ...

The core idea is that Red Star proactively provoked, and was suspected of assassinating the leader of the previous generation of Star Ninja, with the intention of destroying the Bear Country, and even the peace of the entire North ...

But until he left, Guan Liyuan still felt that ordinary people in Xingyin Village were very resistant to him, or to the Northern Alliance!

After all, in the previous year, under the encouragement of Red Star, the hard-line thinking that was suppressed by three generations of star shadows for more than ten years spread out in Xingyin Village.

Not to mention that Guan Liyuan just defeated Xing Ren, simply because most of the villagers of Xingyin Village are still full of pride in their hearts that "we will be able to juxtapose with the five hidden villages sooner or later", which makes them very exclusive to outsiders.

"Consultant Guan, has sent people to use Xingyin Villagers to monitor the Xingyin Village ... In addition, a large number of traces of population migration have also been found. It should be three days ago that Xing Ren moved most of the villagers to the Star Fortress. . "Hongyehui reported.

First stunned a few people with illusions, then compared the clever ones in the perceptual army, and used illusions to disguise themselves. This is the method Guan Liyuan thought of, which will greatly reduce the chance of any conspiracy among these villagers!

"Let's talk about the Star Fortress! Oh, and meteor ..."

"It has been learned from the memory of the captives that the meteor was also sent to the Star Fortress three days ago. The current Xingyin Village has only an empty shell ... As for the Star Fortress, it was built by Xing Ren from the Warring States Period. An important stronghold.

According to some information investigated before the war, Star Fortress can rely on the power of the meteorite. Forms a strong defense. Now counting the ninjas left behind before, there should be about 60 elite ninjas and about 200 ordinary ninjas. Most of them are in the Star Fortress. I will further confirm the number of people in the Star Fortress. "

Hongye's report has been very detailed, and later also reported other ninja villages' perception ninjas, following what they are still monitoring.

"Well, please help me investigate. Among the villagers in Xingyin Village, do they now have more respect for Xing Ren than Red Star? If not, then investigate whether they are respected in addition to Red Star! ... Three generations of leaders of the three generations of Star Ninja! "Guan Liyuan specifically ordered.

The situation in Xingyin Village makes Guan Liyuan feel that it is difficult for the alliance to intervene directly. If he can find the moderates and be respected by the locals in Xingyin Village, he can help the moderates to lead the stars and to guide them after the red star is killed The Bear Country joins the Northern Alliance.

Afterwards, they will treat the Alliance Ninja into Xingyin Village without discrimination, and receive the children of Xingyin Village for unified training in the Alliance, and gradually make Xingyin Village transition to the Alliance, so the resistance will be much smaller ...

If there is no suitable candidate, based on the current situation of Xingyin Village, Guan Liyuan can only use some tough methods, such as completely abolishing the star-tolerance vein, and ordinary people in Hidden Village are scattered to northern countries and regions, and the ninja is willing to surrender. They are all separated to different places, and the dark parts focus on observation, and another ninja base is built in the generation of bear country!

With Guan Liyuan's strategy, in the future, the ninjas will mainly come from ordinary people in various countries. Ninja village ... is not too important. The absence of Xingyin Village will not affect the occurrence rate of Ninja in Xiong Zhiguo.

However, in this way, it is necessary to increase the monitoring of the bear country in a short period of time, so as not to starve the remnants of the star.

"You're still kind-hearted!" Fu's voice came.

She had never shot before, just observing Guan Liyuan's behavior as before.

"Huh?" Guan Liyuan gave a stunned compliment, looked at Fu seriously, and for a long time determined that she was not sarcastic.

"Even before the war was over, I seriously considered what to do to the enemy villagers who did not cooperate at all ... I hope this is not your performance." Fu Yi said seriously.

Only then did Guan Liyuan react. According to the tradition of the Naruto world, it is better in a large hidden village like Muye ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ At least the disgraceful things are left to the "root" to deal with ...

For the vast majority of ninjas in the Naruto world, the enemy ’s people have no psychological burden to kill them. Now it is normal for Xingyin Village to start **** baptism. Instead, Guan Liyuan thought that it was “normal”. It is already in the category of "kindness", even suspecting that he is intentionally "performing"!

In the first battle, Xing Ren was defeated in the first battle. There was no damage in itself, but in the end, hundreds of people were restrained in order to guard Xing Ren's captives.

"No, killing for no reason, I'm more exclusive ..." Guan Liyuan said for granted.

"Not enough for now?"

"I don't see any reason enough to make me determined to take away the lives of others."

"Are you really a ninja?"

"It is because I cannot accept the rules of the ninja world that I have to change it ... I am Guan Liyuan, is it a ninja ... it doesn't matter."

Guan Liyuan thought for a while, looking at Fu as he was about to be stunned, and gritted his teeth and said a perverted line: "Since you can't change yourself, you can only change the society ... Hey, I mean, it can only Changed the ninja world! "

When Guan Liyuan said his shameful lines, he suddenly felt an unusual breath approaching ...

"Well? This is ... wait! There seems to be something ..." Guan Liyuan stopped his conversation with Fu and got up and said.

And Chongwu also rushed in at this time: "Teacher, there is an unusually strong Chakra moving around Xingyin Village ..."

"Don't worry, there don't seem to be a lot of people? I'll go and see what the other party wants to do ..." Guan Liyuan didn't know why, and suddenly decided to go to investigate alone ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ friends, you can search "Blue Book Let ’s find this site as soon as possible.