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v1 Chapter 252: Northern melee

Over a period of three months, Guan Liyuan personally led a team to defeat Xingyin Village's rebellious Red Star successfully and returned.

In fact, most of the time was spent on post-war comfort, **** migration, and the most important negotiation of alliance terms.

The one issue that needs to be discussed most is also the reason why Firefly and Summer willingly merged Star Ninja into the Northern Alliance, and even a few Shangni including Firefly, and volunteered to take hostages ...

That is, after Xingyin Village enters the state of cultivation, it must try as little as possible and not fight, that is to say, it can no longer take on tasks above d level.

And the daily consumption of the ninjas requires a lot of food. Even if you stop refining Chakra, just maintaining the current consumption is not a small amount, and you can't be self-sufficient by virtue of e-class tasks!

Firefly and summer are embarrassed by themselves. Not only can't help, but for a long time, they may also need funding from the Northern Alliance ...

Guan Liyuan did not have a headache because of this. He directly sent several crop seeds transformed by Dashe Wan, as well as those farming tools driven by Chakra, to let the star ninjas conceal and plant them without concealment.

Although this kind of large-scale planting cannot be kept secret for too long, Guan Liyuan was also planning to promote it within one year, and the right is to test it in advance.

Thousands can bear it. Although they ca n’t fight, they can still farm, and with Chakra, they have much stronger physical strength than ordinary people. After using special tools, they are more than ten times more efficient than ordinary people. These crops The returns are several times more than ordinary crops ...

Counting the Northern League as long as they help them through the difficulties of the first few months, there is no need for additional funding.

After the announcement of Xiong Zhiguo and Xingyin Village to join the Northern Alliance, on the surface, it seems that due to the retreat of the Xingyin Village, the Northern Alliance ’s combat power has increased slightly, but the indirect benefits have not been small!

First of all, the unique geographical advantage of Bear's Kingdom cannot be reassuring for a day without being completely integrated into the Northern Alliance. Once Bear's Country stands on the opposite side of the Northern Alliance, it is equivalent to piercing a nail in the meat.

And now the three northern countries that are easy to defend and hard to attack are the snow country, the waterfall country, and the poisonous gecko country, which have all been brought under the control of the Northern Alliance. In other words, it is already a flat horse!

Secondly, the deterrence brought by the pacification of the Bear Kingdom also caused most small northern countries to accept the invitation of the Northern Alliance one after another ...

In the north, the country of Sichuan, which is a big country and has Tangyin Village, also officially joined the Northern Alliance. After the country of Sichuan entered the territory, the country of snow is no longer an enclave, and the Northern Alliance is completely connected!

Of course, the country of Sichuan is not very peaceful. Although Tang Yincun cooperates with the king's room of Sichuan, it is not the only ninja organization in the country. Other secret organizations such as the evil gods, and some rebels flee to the country of Sichuan. There are still many ninja families established, and even the black-skinned thief among the seven people of Wuyin Village's s-class rebellion and ninja sword is suspected to be in the country of Sichuan.

It can be said that Tang Yincun agreed to join the Northern Alliance on the one hand because it did not like fighting, on the other hand because it was about to lose control of the Kingdom of Sichuan ...

However, Guan Liyuan did not think these were problems. With the intervention of the Northern Alliance forces and the assistance of the local Tangyin Village, these "earhead snakes" could not be wiped out any time soon!

Of course, not everything is satisfactory. There are also several northern powers that have a forbearance village and still refuse to join the Northern Alliance, mainly concentrated in the west and east of the northern region ...

"Frost Country, Shen Country, Mountain Country ... Sure enough, Yan Ren and Lei Ren did not want to see a complete unification of the northern region!" Guan Liyuan murmured while looking at several countries on the map who refused to join.

Obviously, in these several countries, Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village are supporting and even funding, so they dare to reject the Northern Alliance.

"Master Liyuan, in fact, most parts of the north have now been merged into the alliance, and there is no resistance on the side of the leaves. It is only necessary to leave some countries as a buffer with the land of the land and the land of the thunder." Takeori Takeshi said.

Obviously, he thinks that the "Northern Union of Nations" can reach the current level, which is already incredible. If the expansion continues to conflict with the five big Ninja villages, we can consider maintaining the status quo!

"No! I already said that except for the iron country in the Ninja Realm, the North must be unified." Guan Liyuan's attitude was firm.

"But Yan Ren and Yun Ren have ..."

"If they intervene, they will not be able to concede any more! Now that they have shown some prestige, if they immediately close because of the intervention of the land of the land and the land of thunder, they will only be considered weak. Xiu, after you know, I will doing what……

As long as this matter is done, the four major nations except the country of water are all our natural enemies. They will be slightly cowardly and will immediately bear the thunder strike. Instead, they will now be frightened by them, and they can also gain some development time. . Guan Liyuan said.

"alright, I got it……"

Takeori Xiu smiled bitterly, and secretly Guan Liyuan still did not give up "that plan."

Even after Xingyin Village joined the alliance, there were only three people, including Firefly, Summer, and Fu. They were told that Guan Liyuan was the craziest and would accidentally "destroy" the entire Ninja Chakra civilian Plan "!

Like Taketori and Okumaru, after they first heard of the plan, the three only felt that Guan Liyuan was crazy ... After all, doing so was not good for him, but it would anger almost all the old Ninja forces.

But after understanding the ultimate purpose of Guan Liyuan, they all added some admiration in the eyes of "You are absolutely crazy".

Fu then only believed that Guan Liyuan's statement that he wanted to completely change the Ninja world was not bragging. As long as this plan was implemented, the Ninja world would inevitably change. The point is whether the Northern Alliance can withstand the rebound brought by this change in the future!

Zhu Tiuxiu and others also understand that since Guan Liyuan has not given up on this plan, then indeed he cannot show any weakness.

One month after Guan Liyuan returned to Tianyin Village, many people in the northern countries who were just about to rain, guessed whether the Northern Alliance would be dormant for a while under the pressure of the two major countries ...

The Northern Alliance went up to big countries such as the Kingdom of Tian and Snow, and down to unknown small countries such as the Country of Stuffing and the Country of the First. All 27 member states have not joined the Alliance in the northern region except the Iron Country. Thirteen Kingdoms declare war!

Every time I declared war, I also found some excuses, such as assisting Xingyin Village to hunt down Red Star rebellion, helping the Snow Country to calm down the turmoil ... The reasons for the declaration of war in the 27 countries are "simple", and to safeguard the northern countries All national interests, resolutely eliminate all forces betraying the North ...

Although the other 13 countries are also inexplicable, why did they "betray the north"? The North is not one!

But they also understand that the alliance of the northern states is real.

Almost all the ninjas that can be mobilized came out of the nest, and the major ninja villages in the alliance even abandoned the village, leaving only a small number of people to stick to the fortress, so as to mobilize more ninjas to join the offensive sequence ...

Bai and Honglian led Xue Ren from the country of snow, Kong He Zhonggo from the country of Tian, ​​Fu He Huanyou Maru from the country of the two, the second generation of four people to assist Tang Yin Village to heal the evil deities and other Sichuan provinces Most of the rebel groups, even the family of Dashe Wan, dispatched most of them ...

After all, the bottom line was used for testing. Guan Liyuan saw that Konoha did not respond during the war of the bear country, immediately kicked his nose on his face, and sent out those ninjas who obviously had the imprint of the big snake pill ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ I'm ready if I don't admit it if Kobe pursues it ... at most, I found the research data of Dashe Wan!

And the Northern League has already started desperately before fought, and it really scared a lot of people ...

Guan Liyuan's targets for various offensive forces have also been leaked. The bottom line of the Northern Alliance this time is to expel all ninja forces in the North who do not want to join the alliance. If necessary, they can only stay in secular countries, and no exceptions will be tolerated!

Seven of the 13 nations fell without a fight and announced their membership in the Northern Alliance.

After all, these countries were not strong at all, just wanted to wait and see. It would be better if the Northern Alliance was counseled by the land of the land and the land of the thunder, but now it seems that the Northern Alliance is really desperate, right away Stop watching!

And if it is limited to the northern region, as long as the country of the land and the country of the thunder do not end in person, obviously the northern alliance has the greatest advantage.

Even if the other six countries depend on the two major countries, they will only receive some funding at the most, as well as the support of a small number of top-level combat forces. It is impossible to rely too much on the two major countries.

Otherwise ... it would be better to join the Northern Alliance if it is annexed by the two great powers!

Guan Liyuan also saw this, so this time he did not lead the team himself, so as not to completely anger the two great powers.

As long as the highest levels of the Alliance and the two hidden villages are not present, even if there are some "misinjuries", there will still be steps for each other.

Now is the precious development time to deter the two powers and win ... I don't want to start a full-scale war now!

As for Guan Liyuan's meaning of not wasting this time, he left the North during the Northern Wars and went to the southwest of the mainland alone to prepare to visit the "good friend" of Okumaru in the "Country of Air" ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Friends, you can search for "Blue Book" and you will find this site as soon as possible.