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v1 Chapter 315: Career prediction

"Master Huang, hello." Guan Liyuan walked to Master Huang in black for the first time.

The assessment of the professional grade can be measured using various instruments of the alliance, but the ability to predict the profession and the ability to predict can only depend on the strength of the prophet!

"Prophecy division" is a large category, some can predict the weather, some can predict the blessings, and some are like Master Huang, they can predict the career and skills of other professionals.

Master Huang is an old man who looks 50 or 60 years old. He has black hair, black beard and black robes, and his face is a little black and thin. He has a beard and a goatee on his chin. He is sitting behind a table. , The table is covered with a white paper full of weird symbols ...

In the second half of each year, Master Huang and Master Yun will be invited by the Eagle College every month. Naturally, I know that the first student who predicted is definitely the most talented in the current year!

Although the prophet has a special status, there is no need to favor young talents.

"Well, Guan Liyuan, aren't you? You have three places? Each place can predict a career. If I now predict that you can awaken the second profession when you are at intermediate level, and Brother Yun will also predict your intermediate level skills. , You can apply for 'equal speed up' ... then you have awakened the second career, I can predict for your second career again.

But there is one point I want to say, whether it is me or Yun Yun, the predictions have accuracy after all ... I can guarantee 80% accuracy at the beginning to intermediate levels, but if something really happens, it's no wonder I. Master Huang said solemnly, it seemed to belong to the unsmiling type.

No one else is surprised ... The reason why he said so much is because Guan Liyuan was the first one, and at the same time he also said to the later students.

It is not uncommon in the past. The prophecy will awaken a new career when it breaks through, or predicts a career variation, but it will not happen after the breakthrough. After all, the prophet's prediction is not a data measurement and is not absolutely correct.

This is true not only of "occupations", but also of "skills".

But there is no new career in the prediction, so it is almost certainly not, and if the middle-level skills are not predicted, it means that the beginners do not have the accumulation, skills, and direction of the next level!

Therefore, in the regulations of the academy, the birth of a "new profession" and the prediction of "intermediate skills" must be predicted in order to meet the bottom line of rapid growth of the same order.

Although for ordinary professionals, the awakening of a new career at the intermediate level is a "small part", but for a specially trained genius, even this cannot be achieved, and it is too wasteful of resources ...

At the same time, this is to prevent some students from sacrificing potential to advance in order to keep their places.

Whether the result of the prediction did not reach the college's bottom line, or the students were not satisfied with the result of the prediction, they can continue to accumulate. When the prediction is made again next month, because there is another month of hard work, the result may be different.

"Master Huang, you can rest assured, I understand ... but you are not always trying to help me predict the second occupation, it is ... whether the fourth occupation will appear." Guan Liyuan said a little awkwardly.

It seems that Mr. Huang Lao really did not know much about the trainees they were about to propagate, but just read the names on the list!

Guan Liyuan has just finished talking, and he is just a little embarrassed, and there have been complaints behind him ...

Was the fourth profession awakened?

The elite high-level professional mentors present also had only three occupations, but Guan Liyuan already needed to predict whether the fourth occupation would appear.

"Well? Fourth ... you already have three professions?" Master Huang then moved.

"Yes, I was lucky. I had two professions just when I was awakened, and another career awakening at the beginning of metamorphosis. But ... there was a career in the summoner class that was promoted to mid-level, but there was no other awakening new profession. Guan Liyuan told the truth.

Generally, there are two professional middle-level professionals. At the advanced level, there may be situations in which the new career is not awakened when the first career is promoted, but the new career is awakened when the second career is promoted. Therefore, Guan Liyuan is not Worried that your situation will look special.

"Well, don't be nervous ... you awakened to a new career in the early stages. You want to take up a lot of career space. Only the first career reaches the intermediate stage. It ’s normal to open up enough space. But you still have There should be no problem in opening up the fourth profession at two intermediate levels, "said Master Huang.

"Professional space? What is that?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

Hearing Guan Liyuan's doubts, Master Huang was very satisfied ...

He has the ability to predict career changes after he has advanced, and naturally he has some research on the vocational awakening and the rules of advancement of professionals.

If it is an ordinary student asking, he has no interest in answering it, but he is happy to answer Guan Liyuan, who has three professions when he is in the early stage!

"Although there is not much theoretical basis, according to my observations, whether or not a career awakens is simply to see if you can 'fit' a new career ... I call this space loaded with careers, ' 'Professional space', this space will also expand when professionals are promoted at the same level.

However, the growth rate of occupation accommodation space is different for different professionals. When some people break through the mid-level, they can make the space to accommodate a new occupation, and some people need to advance to the advanced level ... Some people even want to When you advance to the advanced level, you can make space for a new career.

And those who have multiple occupations can make room for growth when each occupation is advanced. However, when each occupation is advanced to the same level, only the first level to a new level is created. The expansion of space is the largest. The second and subsequent occupations will also help expand the space!

It is the reason that the stronger is stronger. You have three occupations, and the space grows at least three times in the advanced intermediate stage. Being able to awaken the three occupations in the early stage also shows that your spatial growth is extremely high, and it is almost impossible to be in the intermediate stage. New vocations cannot be awakened. "Master Huang said.

On the side with the mentor Guan Liyuan they came over, could not help but said bitterly: "Master Huang, you are old ..."

"Okay, okay, I won't say it! Although there is no theoretical basis, but how many professionals have I predicted? Can the practice summary not be used as the standard for verifying the truth?" Master Huang waved his hand impatiently when he saw him blocking it. .

This statement of Master Huang did not ...

To be precise, this is what Master Huang himself "guessed". Although he guessed based on his extensive observations, there is no theoretical support and it is not a forming theorem.

Teacher Lin, who brought Guan Liyuan to them, saw that he would not know what was right or wrong, and told the students to the college, which could not help but stop him.

This is where the identity of Master Huang is placed here ... This instructor must be careful when reminded, if he is replaced by another "misunderstood child," he would have slapped it away!

Do n’t know what is right or wrong, dare to teach others?

However, Guan Liyuan showed his thoughts, and Teacher Lin who noticed this was in a hurry ...

Although he was not a tutor to Duran Class, he also showed some concern to all the students. Naturally, he did not want Guan Liyuan to follow Master Huang's speculation.

Master Huang felt relieved to see Guan Liyuan thinking about his words. At the same time, he thought that Guan Liyuan had three professions at the beginning, and he couldn't help turning his eyes without the master's grace ...

[Can you ask him to help me experiment and verify my guess? 】

But he didn't know that Guan Liyuan had already agreed with his point of view. He was not thinking before, but Penguin was communicating with him!

According to Penguin's understanding of Guan Liyuan's awakening profession and his understanding of the host world, the conclusions drawn are actually similar to Master Huang.

There is only a slight difference ... It is not that professional advancement makes the space grow, but each career advancement will "stretch" the space a bit, and the higher the professional grade or the situation of career variation, it will make the "support" "The power is even greater.

Of course, there are also "luck" factors that are important in professional awakening.

Guan Liyuan, because of the "universe will" of the main world, had the best luck, and the expansion of professional space was very good, so it was easy to be "extended".

At the same time, "professional advancement" is equivalent to "supporting" internally, and if there is a new career in line, it is equivalent to a force outside to squeeze in ...

Inside and out, it's easier to get a new job.

The entry level is transformed to the first level. In this process, the "supporting" power is very small, and it is impossible to reach the level of awakening a new profession. Occupations have been squeezed in and out, and Guan Liyuan's space is extremely high-growth, which has created a "miracle."

And if there is no force to "squeeze in" outside, you need to expand the space, and the will of the universe will directly give the professional a new career.

Similarly, during the opening ceremony, it is also a "support" power, and "semi-awakening" is equivalent to a crowd of occupations outside!

"Ahem, classmate Guan Liyuan, please quickly invite Master Huang to help you foretell the three occupations." The leader of the team can't wait to interrupt Guan Liyuan's thinking.

"Master Huang ... Can you help me predict two professions? If a new profession is predicted and I can pass it after Master Yun's side, I am going to apply for a speed increase immediately. After the new profession awakens, I will decide How good is the third profession to predict? "Guan Liyuan asked.

Other students, as well as some staff members of the alliance, even felt that there was too much to do.

After all, who is Master Huang?

Ask him to predict that the college has already paid a lot of money. How can there be so much room for students to ask for their own requirements? Really be a member of the Super Genius Project?

Who knew that Master Huang said, let alone other people, Guan Liyuan was startled ...

"Of course you can! Don't say three. If you have more occupations and there aren't enough places available, go directly to my house in the city to find me, and I will give you a prophecy alone!" Master Huang said warmly.

But Master Huang's personality is obviously not so enthusiastic.

At this time, in order to show enthusiasm as much as possible, the voice is thin, the smile is stiff, and it looks quite awkward!

Is this the unsmiling Master Huang? Go straight to your house? Who usually waits in line for a group of high-level professionals?

The students in the queue, as well as the staff of the Alliance and the Academy, were naturally familiar with Master Huang, and couldn't help looking at the old man weirdly.

"Then trouble masters! The first ... please help me predict the career of the" Holy Tiger Fighter "!"

"Be assured, rest assured, I will do my best to predict, so that your accuracy is higher than others and the prediction results are clearer!" Master Huang forced out a smile that he thought was kind.

The students in the back have already made a black line ... What is higher accuracy than us? Please always do your best for us!

Of course, in the identity of Master Huang, no one dared to say this.

Later, I saw Master Huang condensing a pen with his skills and handed it to Guan Liyuan, letting him hold it in a weird posture ...

"Close your eyes, and introspect your professional runes while you doodle on the paper ... don't think about what you drew, just introspect the professional runes!" Master Huang said.

The way of this prophecy is a bit strange, but the profession of the prophet is strange, some need the hair and saliva of the professional, and there are some special things that the professional needs to complete ...

There is even a master of prophecy in the record, which requires someone to beat him before he can make a prophecy!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan didn't think much about it, and just did what he said.

It wasn't until a golden light flashed on the paper full of ghost paintings that Master Huang shouted "Stop".

Afterwards, I saw Master Huang with a golden fireball in his left hand. He picked up the paper with his right hand and slowly put it into the fireball to burn. A pair of eyes stared at the burning scene with a serious expression ...

Others were watching, but naturally they couldn't see anything. After a while, the paper burned out, and Master Huang suddenly turned pale!

"Master, what's wrong?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

In fact, Guan Liyuan was determined that after he advanced, he could awaken a new career, and at the same time, when the "Sacred Tiger Fighter" advanced, he could also complete the fusion mutation and become the "Ghost Tiger Fighter" profession.

The reason for predicting a career is more to meet the requirements of "equivalent speed rise" ...

[How to predict that your face will turn pale? So many people behind ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Can this old man do it? ] Guan Liyuan could not help but doubt Master Huang's professional ability.

Looking at Guan Liyuan and the college's mentor, Master Huang blushed oldly: "Awakening a new career ... It seems that there will be career variations."


Is this "clearer"?

The type of new career is difficult to predict, but if it is normal to predict "career mutation", then at least it should be able to predict the approximate mutation result, right?

Just when everyone was wondering, what did Teacher Lin suddenly think of? He asked tentatively: "Is it beyond the scope of the prophecy?"

Master Huang slowly nodded ...

"What is the scope of the prediction?" Guan Liyuan did not respond.

Master Huang Youyou said: "I can only predict occupations below the third grade, if the result of the mutation reaches the third grade or above ..."