Dimension Forum

v1 Chapter 400: There is such a brazen person

In the small and dim space, it can be said that Loli, a young girl, is disheveled, her eyes are red, and she stares at Guan Liyuan, who is holding strange props ...

"Ah! Hold, sorry! Hehehe ... Are you okay, little sister?" Guan Liyuan laughed.


"No, no, no ... you must have misunderstood my little sister! The elder brother just got into the ventilation ducts curiously, and then mistakenly thought that there was any strange Pokémon approaching ..."

This misunderstanding has reached the point where Guan Liyuan has to explain.

Because in the Pokémon world, there can be too many contracts that can be signed, unlike in the Naruto world, there will be a "contractable creature approaching" induction ... To be precise, in the Pokémon world, there is always this Kind of induction!

Therefore, unless you enter the "meditation" state and try to communicate effectively, you can determine whether the other party is Pokémon ... For example, Guan Liyuan accidentally discovered the identity of Tomoko Terahara when he was communicating with the ancient empty spikefish.

In this case, Guan Liyuan was not sure whether it was Pokémon who was close to him ...

In other words, Guan Liyuan felt that at this time, there was no one other than himself who was drilling ventilation ducts?

"In fact, you can't blame me at all? As a human being, it's a weird thing to drill a ventilation duct at this time, right?" Guan Liyuan said for granted.

"Hehe." Red-eyed Loli looked at Guan Liyuan who was shrinking in the pipe and sneered.

Indeed, Guan Liyuan's current state is completely unconvincing!

"Wait ... yes! Why did you drill ventilation ducts here? You also want to enter the round tower? No ... your direction is opposite to me, do you want to ... quietly leave?"

Guan Liyuan said, and looked at the red-eyed Loli's apparently torn clothes, and could not help exclaiming: "Do you want to escape? Are you ... Nazi ..."

After hearing the name of “Nazi”, Red-eyed Loli obviously changed her look, and Guan Liyuan also noticed this, then said more confidently: “Ah no, you are the devil's head who caught the tower ... What is that ... right? Sure enough! I don't think that woman is a good person, and actually did this kind of thing to a little girl! "Guan Liyuan said angrily.

But perhaps because he was so angry, Guan Liyuan didn't notice that Red-eyed Loli was confused, then angry, and finally forbeared, pretending to have a pitiful expression ...

"Yes, that's right ... that's the person ..." Red-eyed Loli said, holding back something.

"Are there any other boys and girls caught by her in the tower?" Guan Liyuan asked immediately.

"No, big ... brother, you are coming in from the vent too, is that the enemy of the woman ... the devil's head?"

"Big brother, I'm following a guy who is suspected of being a bad guy ... Of course! A brazen person like Nazzi is the enemy of all my righteous people! You are right!" Guan Liyuan Yizheng Verbally said.

But he didn't notice that every time he downplayed Nazi, Red-eyed Loli would show some angry eyes ...

"Can that big brother save me out? I'm so afraid ..." Red-eyed Loli continued to endure what she looked like.

"Certainly! Come with me." Guan Liyuan said as he tried to turn around, but found it impossible, and then crawled backwards like this.

Red-eyed Loli looked silently at Guan Liyuan, who seemed to be less reliable in front of her, but after thinking about her situation, she followed him and crawled outward.

After Guan Liyuan "squirmed" for a long time, he finally returned to the "exit" of the vent.

Although he was very concerned about the cape male and female devil Wang Nazi, but at this time, Guan Liyuan was still unable to turn a blind eye to the red-eyed loli ...

Red-eyed Loli always keeps her face cold, but has been supplemented by Guan Liyuan's brain as "the sequelae of being a demon king Nazi."

Guan Liyuan drilled out of the vent again, and looked around at the same time ... He specially selected the vent that could avoid the eyes of most angles, and at this time there were no people around.

"People who look at you, the king of the mountains!" Guan Liyuan once again asked the king of mountains to open the way for him.

"Huh? Are you so close?" Red-eyed Loli asked.

"Yes ... hh! Someone!" Guan Liyuan said immediately.

Just listening not far away at this moment, there was a conversation between two Taoist trainers ...

"Wait, don't you hear anything?"

"Voice? How can there be a voice ... you said the Queen's Tower? Maybe the owner of Nazi Pavilion is doing an experiment? The movement during the previous experiment was very loud."

"No ... not inside the Queen's Tower, but behind it ..."

Talking footsteps are getting closer!

When Red-eyed Loli heard the voices of the two, she opened her mouth, but after hesitating, she didn't say anything.

"No!" Guan Liyuan gave a low sigh, and immediately lifted the red-eyed loli on one side, throwing it into Chuanshanwang dug out the tunnel, at the same time Guan Liyuan himself also closed the vent cover and got into the tunnel ... … Apparently didn't notice the hesitation of red-eyed loli!

And he took off his coat like a burglar, covered the entrance to the tunnel, and waited for a while at the "entrance" ... if the other party found it, Guan Liyuan was prepared to break himself first.

"You're troublesome ... hurry up, or I won't wait for you, I'm hungry."

"Wait, here it comes ..."

No one came, obviously the trainer was just passing by, not a guard, and didn't come to check.

Guan Liyuan heard the sigh of relief, took off his coat at the same time, and climbed up along the tunnel, and soon caught up with red-eyed loli.

"Don't worry, they didn't find out that the soil at the entrance should have collapsed now." Guan Liyuan said.

"Oh." Red-eyed Loli answered coldly.

"Hey, don't think too much, everything will pass ... waiting for her is legal sanctions!" Guan Liyuan comforted.

At this time, because the red-eyed loli was in front, Guan Liyuan did not see her angry expression.

And because it is red-eyed loli in front, and now red-eyed loli's clothes are all ... Guan Liyuan found that the scenery was beautiful when he looked up ... ah no! It is very trite!

【hateful! The Witch and I are not the same kind of person! Can't see, can't see ...] Guan Liyuan lowered his head consciously, and at the same time continued to condemn the Devil King.

When I was looking down, I suddenly felt a soft resistance above my head, and it seemed to hit something ...

When I raised my head, I saw ... at the same time that it was indescribable, Red-eyed Loli was turning her head and looking at herself with a perverted expression!

"Sorry! I didn't notice! You can rest assured that Nazie and I are totally different people!" Guan Liyuan quickly explained.

The look of red-eyed loli was obviously more annoyed ...

"Close your eyes and pay attention to the front!" Red-eyed Loli exasperated.

Guan Liyuan also understood that these two sentences told him not to see or bump into each other, but it was really strange to say it together.

Chuanshanwang dug from the "Golden City Super Energy Road Museum" and dug a hole to the outside. Chuanshanwang first confirmed that the exit was a deserted path. After no one passed at this time, it jumped out, followed by Red Eyed Loli and Guan Liyuan ...

"Huh! Finally came out! Congratulations on your rebirth ... Um, rest assured, I will take you to the police!" Guan Liyuan found that Red-eyed Loli was not excited.

"No!" Red Eyed Loli flatly refused.


After discovering that Guan Liyuan looked at her in doubt, Red-eyed Loli immediately said: "Nazi ... the demon head has a good relationship with Junsha of Golden City, it is very likely ..."

"Relax! Miss Junsha must have been blinded because she didn't know what she was doing." Guan Liyuan was still confident of the Junsha tribe's ethics, and believed that Tepo was one of the bottom line representatives.

"Absolutely not!" Red-eyed Loli said with gritted teeth.

"Hey, I see ..." Guan Liyuan looked sympathetically, touching her head.

Seems to be the default, this is the performance of red-eyed loli's shadow in the heart?

However, he didn't notice that the other person, as a loli who had just been rescued from the devil's head, seemed to be a bit too strong ... When he begged him at first, he was obviously different from now!

"Are you from Golden City? I can take you home ... by the way, don't know what your name is?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I don't know ... I mean I don't know if I have a family, my name is Na ... Na ... cough! Na ..."

When Red-eyed Loli was hesitating, Guan Liyuan said, "Nana, right? You don't know where you are? You still don't want to find Police Officer Junsha. This is a little troublesome ..."

Looking at Guan Liyuan's headache, Nana said, "Yes! I know Nazi ... the devil is afraid of someone!"

"Well? Who? Is it in Golden City?"

"No, but nearby, I heard her mention it ... she was afraid of a man named Sakagi, and she said she was interested ... interest ... it would be bad to be known by Sakagi's boss! Sakagi is now in Santa Anno No. Are you rich enough to buy a ticket? "

"Hah? Nazi is afraid of Sakagi? Are you wrong? As far as I know, these two guys may be a group ..." Guan Liyuan wondered.

"No! Take me to see Sakagi, it will be all right!" Nana insisted.

Guan Liyuan nodded when he heard the words, and secretly said: At this time, there were nearly twenty Kanto patrons on the Saint Antoine, as well as Police Officer Dibo and Kwai in ... Taking her to the Saint Antoine to expose Nazi It ’s true! No one can hold her back then!

But when I looked at Nana's clothes at the same time, I had another headache ...

[Take her to the street in this way, will I be arrested by Junsha of Golden City first? 】

At the same time, there are two more headaches in the round tower of the "Golden Super Power Museum"!

"Are you kidding me? We lost so much effort before we blocked her super powers, and handcuffed her with special handcuffs that specialize in detaining super powers ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ so she can also be her Escape? "

I saw "Nazi" complaining to the cape man, and the tall man with the cape man was not here ...

"I don't know what's going on! When you went out to calm down everyone's speculation, I found out that someone seemed to be watching me outside and was about to confirm it ... but I felt uneasy about keeping her here, and I turned back When I came back, there was only this handcuff left here! "

"There are no signs of destruction ... and there are some ripped clothes at the vents ... **** it! Didn't completely seal her super powers and let her ..." Nazi seemed to realize something.

"Fortunately, it looks like she was frightened by the traitor. After leaving, she didn't alarm any trainer."

"She was very skeptical, otherwise why would she live alone in the tower and give us this opportunity? But ... Are you sure she won't go to Sakagi? If your plan is exposed now, then forgive me Not accompanying. "

If other Taoist trainers are here, you will find that Nazi's tone is completely different from usual.

"Rest assured, I have notified my people on the ship! And in that case, she used superpowers for a long time, and for a long time, she should not be able to recover, and the Elf Balls are all here ... Now you are Nazi, other suspicious People ... will not have the opportunity to board the ship! "Said the cape man.

"Are you sure she can't notify Sakagi without getting on board?"

"Oh, rest assured, Sakagi's mobile phone has been dropped, and we have to transfer all the signals before he receives it!"

"Yes, the person you said seems to find you ..."

"No, it should be my delusion! I just saw him once by chance, and then saw that he just looked up."