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v1 Chapter 454: We have 1 traitor

恩 "Well? Three times? Not thirty times?" Lucia asked in a frown.

"Yes, and‘ First House in the World ’only guarantees that the racial value of the initial form of the quasi-god beast will exceed the specification. After it has evolved to the full form, it still has only 600 racial values.

Lucia heard this for a moment, because the Pokémon community is controversial about this phenomenon. Some people think that the final form of the quasi-god beast race value can exceed 600, and it can evolve like other super-specified Pokémon. After inheriting over-spec points.

But there are also many researchers who hold another opinion that those are mismeasurements ... that is, the results of individual efforts are miscalculated in racial values.

After all, there are only a few Pokemon with a race value of more than 600, and there is not much measurement experience. Maybe Pokemon algorithms above 600 should be different.

In fact, the latter theory is more justified. After all, there are no examples of born super-species of the descendants of quasi-gods, that is, the so-called super-specs of quasi-gods are not inherited.

If it is racial value, it must be inherited!

However, because some of the industry's top peers in the cultivation house have cultivated super-standard quasi-gods as their selling point and glory, they have always been arguing ... insisting not to accept another statement!

"The First House in the World" is also a breeding house. According to Lucia's guess, the first statement should be accepted normally ...

Therefore, Lucia did not expect that "the first house in the world" actually uttered a voice and stood on the other side!

When Lucia wondered, was it because Tomoko was just a "manager", not the owner or educator, so he said something wrong, Tomoko added: "Yes, this is our house. The Lord personally issued a policy. He has cultivated many quasi-beasts that have shown super-species when they have not evolved completely, and the two fast dragons have also evolved before evolution. Therefore, he has experience in this area and will never deceive trust. Our trainer. "

LU Qi Ya heard the words, and immediately switched the topic ...

敏感 Some sensitive people have guessed that in front of TV, many breeding houses, especially those of top breeding houses, should be very embarrassing!

The original "first house in the world" swollen the world's posture, so that many people have a sense of crisis.

Envy and jealousy for the show "First House in the World" every day, especially the first-class breeding houses, gradually feeling like they have become second-class ...

Who knows that this evening will be more exciting ... directly by the owner of "The First House in the World", "being a sword"!

The usual debate about whether the quasi-god beast can exceed the specifications or not, the cultivator and researcher are quite reasonable, and some argue ...

After all, "other Pokémon will not lose over-specification points in evolution" and "the over-specification of quasi-beasts will not be inherited." Both are factual arguments. They are fairness and fairness.

现在 And now a cultivator is arrogantly "turning against the water", pumping his mouth directly!

If it was just a general breeder, it is estimated that the peers would let him "retreat" directly ... However, now that the "home of the first house in the world" is very young, there are many successful examples of cultivating quasi-beasts!

Last show, on Dragon Island, they have also seen the results of race values ​​of those dragon-like quasi-gods.

Now the owner of the first house in the world, Guan Liyuan said that "the quasi-beast's race value cannot exceed the specifications" will cause the people who eat melon to produce a "many people have cultivated so many super-standard, non-final forms of quasi-beasts. Say, what are you crooked about? "

Just as these cultivators and fellows were full of grievances and dissatisfaction with Guan Liyuan, they wished to go to Hualan City immediately ... No, it was even more unbelievable when they went to the quartz plateau and debated with the owner of Guan Liyuan for three days and nights. A scene happened ...

Lucia just tried to dig the egg of the iron dumbbell ... but failed!

When the audience felt that it was not so easy to start the quasi-beast, Tomoko suddenly found it again and motioned to Lucia saying, "Well, there is an egg with iron dumbbells, you can try again ... etc. The camera takes a close-up, this is still a special iron dumbbell egg! "

"What's wrong?" Lucia asked with interest.

Then the camera is close to the close-up ...

I saw the egg of this iron dumbbell, and at first glance it felt a lot larger than the previous "egg". It looked like a piece of ore that was changing from dark brown to dark blue, but there was a red stone eye on it.

Iron dumbbells have only one eye. After the fusion evolved into a metal monster, there are two, but this "iron dumbbell egg" has one eye on the side!

"Multibody?" Lucia exclaimed after seeing both eyes.

当然 Of course, this is not a mutant iron dumbbell or a metal monster that has been directly hatched, but two iron dumbbells that have been born at the same time!

Eggs such as small magnetic monsters and iron dumbbells will have such a small chance that this rare situation will occur.

And this polysomal egg can hatch more than one individual!

For Pokémon, such as little magnetic monsters and iron dumbbells, which are fused and evolved, multicellular bodies are especially precious ...

Because of the polyploid Pokémon, the chances of heart-to-heart communication are great!

The price of the small magnetic strange egg of the three-body siblings is 20 times that of the normal three small magnetic strange eggs, and the value of the iron dumbbell of the multi-body siblings is even more innumerable.

等等 "Wait! Is there another eye here? Although only a little bit is exposed ..." At the position where the iron dumbbell egg meets the rock wall, Lucia found a stone eye mostly in the rock wall!

"At least a three-body sibling iron dumbbell ... If you look at the volume, if you dig it out completely, the four-body sibling is not impossible! By the way, the price of a normal" iron dumbbell egg "or iron dumbbell is Three times the normal individual, but if it is a polysomy, the price of a twin is ten times, three times thirty, and four times a hundred. "Tomoko said.

Although the price has risen exponentially, no one feels anything unreasonable this time!

On the contrary, if you can conquer an egg-like state that will almost certainly evolve into the final form, it is not surprising that the talent is also very high, paying a hundred times the price ...

If it is really a quadruped, you ca n’t train Uranus ... No, even if you can only train into Uranus, it means that the level of the trainer is seriously hindered.

"Try it," Tomoko encouraged.

Lu Luqia is also nervous-can you really plan a quadruplet?

I didn't expect it, however, and "The First House in the World" would give her this kind of polysome that could be used as a signboard. She was just nervous about whether she could witness the emergence of a tetrasomic iron dumbbell egg.

Although she had also received the Pokémon of "The First House in the World" before, which is the hairy eagle that is over 5 points in size, the value is also a hundred times ...

But a hundred times the hairy eagle and a hundred times the iron dumbbell are certainly not a concept!

Even if there are only three siblings, it is thirty times the iron dumbbell, which is not comparable to the hairy eagle.

Even an ordinary iron dumbbell is no less valuable than her hundred-fold hairy eagle ... And this is because of the peculiarity of the iron dumbbell, if it is the initial state of other quasi-beasts, it will be more expensive.

的 The viewers in front of the TV are also very nervous, watching Lu Qi Ya Luo Hao ... at the same time thinking, if not knocked down, it would be too disappointing!

Even if it is not a tetrasomy, it is "just" a trisomy, and they want to take a look.

And some of the top cultivators who have just been stabbed in the back by "The First House in the World", there are many dark minds at this time, cursing not to be a tetrad, it is best that the exposed eye is also "miscellaneous" color"……

The top cultivator will not be short of money. Just a quadruplet iron dumbbell, although they are excited, but they are not jealous ...

But you need to know that the appearance of polysomy is a random event with a small probability, but the higher the degree of cultivation, the greater the chance of breeding polysomy!

Especially, the breeders in Shen'ao area are complaining in their hearts: Which silly "Beep" sold such a good iron dumbbell to "The First House in the World"?


The eggs of the multicellular body fell off immediately after Lucia dropped the pick!

Tong Ming knew that it was impossible to break. Although this thing was called an "egg", it was as strong as ore, but Lucia instinctively wanted to pick it up, but she smashed her hand ...

And just then, the cameraman has given close-ups ...

Sure enough!

In addition to the two red stone eyes exposed at the front, there are two stone eyes behind, and at this time they are turning slowly!

Although it looks weird ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, when I saw this scene, many viewers exclaimed in front of the TV.

Even the Four Heavenly Kings of Fengyuan had already discussed at this time, whether to recover the tetrasome at a high price, even if the price was higher!

King Furong remembered the stunted iron dumbbell that had been sold to "The First House in the World" 20% off. At this time, he had bred a quadruplet worth more than a hundred times, and his heart was bleeding ...

But at this moment, Tomoko said: "It really is a quadruplet ... congratulations!"

"Oh? I should congratulate you ..." Lucia didn't respond for a moment.

"Yes, we have successfully advertised this time ... everyone in front of the TV, there may not be only this tetrad in the 'mine cave'! As for the tetrad, as mentioned before, it will be given to ... ... "

"No ... it's too expensive!" Rukia gritted her teeth.

Although she and Tomoko have been familiar with each other for a few days, but she ca n’t accept such a valuable gift!

"You must accept, even if it is not the promise made in front of the TV, 'the first house in the world' will be kept, let alone so many witnesses?" Tomoko said to help Lu Qiya move the tetrad into the Into the wheelbarrow.

At this moment, Xiaoxia looked at Guan Liyuan 愣愣 ...

And Xiaogang asked at this time: "Li Yuan ... The manager you asked gave away the quad dumbbell iron dumbbells ... Do you have anything to say?") !!