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v1 Chapter 461: champion

"Let's die! Fake base dog!" The little lightning bird angrily.

After "fetter evolution", the little lightning bird, like a hawk banshee, has been able to speak directly.

After speaking, I saw the little lightning bird with wings fluttered, and the flashing silvery fairy energy concentrated in front of him ...

裁判 At this time, the referee had already shown a questioning look, and Bao Jian also looked at Guan Liyuan in doubt at this time.

The Lightning Bird has used four skills before, namely the "electromagnetic gun" and "crazy volt" of the electric system, the "flying" of the flying system and the "light wall" of the super energy system.

"Flying" is used after flying "Thousands of Arrows", in order to break free from the power of the earth and try to fly higher.

The "light wall" is used to defend ...

But for whatever reason, Guan Liyuan's lightning bird has used four skills!

Even if it is ... or "her" is now evolving due to fetters and attributes have changed, it is not a reason to use the fifth skill on the field!

"No need to be nervous, it's just an" electromagnetic gun "." Guan Liyuan said with a smile.

Sure enough, the small lightning bird had thrown the light ball condensed by the fairy energy at "Pseudo-Kiegelde" at the same time, and at the same time, the silver fairy power was also blooming on his body, and the following kicking posture would bring two benefits The claw approached "Pseudo-Kiegelde"!

"This is ... Crazy Volt?" Bao Jian already responded at this time.

It's not that Guan Liyuan's lightning bird used the fifth and sixth skills, but that the attributes of the original electromagnetic "electromagnetic cannon" and "crazy volt" have changed!

The "Electromagnetic Cannon" changed from condensing the power of the electrical system to the power of condensing the fairy power, or the power of the starlight, and the "crazy volt" that originally attached the power of the electrical system to the body also became the blessing of the fairy power ...

"New features?" Bao Jian understood something.

Fairy skin characteristics, you can turn the skills of the general system into the skills of the fairy system, replacing the most common non-attribute power with the power of the stars.

And the lightning bird is now turning the electricity skills into the fairy skills motivated by the power of the stars!

But the new features of Little Lightning Bird after fetters evolved, and more than that ...

I saw that "Pseudo-Kiegeld" used "Thousand Arrows Together" again, and when he wanted to pull the lightning bird to the ground again, a bright silver translucent light wall appeared in front of the lightning bird. The power of the earth in Qifa stopped!

When the lightning bird used the "light wall" before, he could not resist the "thousands of arrows" ...

Also, the "light wall" of the superpower system before was still emitting pink with normal superpowers, and now it has also become the bright silver of the fairy star power!

"Can you turn all the skills of all attributes into a fairy?" Bao Jian could not help but feel depressed.

Accurately, the new feature of the Little Lightning Bird is the "fairy body". The effect is to transform skills other than the fairy and flight systems into fairy skills driven by the power of the stars!

And after the evolution of fetters, the fighting power of the little lightning bird has been increased by one third, and now the "Light Wall" has become a bonus of this department, so it can block the "thousands of arrows" that could not be blocked. Not surprisingly ...

If "Xiao Ruo" now has another core skill of "King Punisher", it is still possible to block the characteristics of the Lightning Bird, but the limit of "Xiao Ruo" can only gather so many cells, exclusive Skills will only "go with the arrows" ...

As a result, the combat power of the "fake base dog" was overtaken by the small lightning bird, and the combat experience and skills were particularly disadvantaged. The worst thing was that the "thousands of arrows" repeatedly failed to block the flight system of the small lightning bird. In the case of attributes, the attributes of the "fake base dog" are no longer "inferior" in the face of the frightening lightning bird!

The flight system is almost immune to the ground system, and the leprechaun system is almost immune to the dragon system ...

It can be said that all the skills of the "fake base dog" can only cause the most basic physical impact damage to the small lightning bird ... Basically ignored!

However, the power of the fairy line is particularly effective for the power of the dragon line, and the flight line also restrains the ground line ... it is completely tempered!

The "pseudo-Kiegeld", which originally had an advantage in attributes and combat effectiveness, became completely passive after the little lightning bird fought and evolved.

It's just fighting power ...

理论 After the "flight evolution" of Little Lightning Bird, the theoretical combat power has exceeded 300,000. Although it is not as good as the real "Three Holy Birds", at least it is not the bottom of the divine beast!

However, Guan Liyuan ’s frustration evolution is a bit of a pressure. I ’m afraid that Guan Liyuan will “lose combat power” first, but it ’s not necessary for Guan Liyuan to urge him. The small lightning bird is rushing on his own, it seems that he is more aggressive than Guan Liyuan Unwilling to maintain this state ...

And what Guan Liyuan didn't expect is that the other person's durability is not as good as himself!

In the momentary onslaught of Little Lightning Bird, the "pseudo-Kegelder" gradually "melted" and again decomposed into a pool of Kiegeld cells.

The original “little softness”, which was the core, has already “melted” back to the ever-changing look.

Obviously, this transformation also puts a lot of pressure on "little soft" ...

The only few in Kanto, so are the monsters that can transform into quasi-beasts. After transforming into quasi-beasts for a while, they will "melt" involuntarily!

裁判 At this time, the referee also blew a whistle ... Bao Jian has signaled his defeat and let the Kegelder cells leave.

The exhausted petty softness can no longer disguise itself as a "Kiegelde core" to soothe these cells. Unconscious Kiegelde cells will instinctively disperse again and observe the surrounding ecological environment ...

Wu Baojian wants to let the "little soft" exert the power of "pseudo-Kegelde" and can only collect "Kiegeld cells" again.

As for the scattered cells, some viewers seem to be interested and want to capture ...

I have no intention to stop everyone on the podium and the competition committee.

Anyway, this thing is not offensive and will not die ... even if someone catches it now, it will soon be understood that this thing cannot be stored for a long time because when they want to "escape", they can be turned into liquids and gases. Even a short teleportation ...

There are actually some "Kiegeld cells" in Kanto, Chengdu, and other regions, but compared to Carlos and Arora, the number is very rare, and not many are found, and Kiegeld is rare. Will fight outside of Carlos and Arora.

After all, other areas have their own guardians, such as the Kanto and Seongdo areas, where the "Three Holy Beasts" maintain the ecological environment on the land, and the "Three Holy Birds" maintain the ecological environment in the ocean.

Guan Liyuan once witnessed that "Shuijun" appeared to stop the Pokémon in the gopher cave from digging in the direction of groundwater ...

"Baojian player conceded, Liyuan player won!" The referee announced.

With the sound of the referee announcing the result, the applause of the audience off the court was dull, and then it gradually sounded, and it became more and more intense!

The applause was not only dedicated to Guan Liyuan, but also to Bao Jian. It actually enabled everyone to see a "demon beast" in the game ...

This should be one of the most complete beast-to-beast confrontations observed and recorded by humans.

Even if one side is the bottom of the beast and the other is a false beast, it will not change everyone's enthusiasm!

The leaders of the Quartz Alliance on the podium are also very happy, and believe that this unexpected "God Beast Showdown" will make Kanto and the Quartz Alliance ’s reputation once again soaring!

Especially the people of the Carlos Alliance and the Arora Alliance, seeing the ever-changing beasts of Kanto, can turn into their beasts, and it is estimated that their faces will be wonderful.

大部分 For most trainers, the most anticipated part is the awards ceremony ...

Because Guan Liyuan will be on the champion's podium, he will cut the ribbon for "The First House in the World" in Hualan City.

If "The First House in the World" is just an ordinary breeding house opened by Guan Liyuan, the Kanto Quartz Conference will naturally not help him prepare anything. At most, during the interview with the champion, Guan Liyuan will announce that "the first house in the world opens", even if he is a big tree. Illegitimate child is useless!

However, in the status of "the first house in the world", the Kanto Quartz Conference is certainly willing to cooperate with ...

The current "first house in the world" is also the pride of the Kanto region and even the Quartz Alliance.

I have already prepared in advance, the "cutting ribbon" ceremony together with the championship award.

Li Guanyuan also invited Sakagi and Wat ... at this time, the two champions in the Kanto and Jodo regions cut the ribbon with themselves.

Although "The First House of the World" is not here, the other side Tomoko has already set up a simultaneous broadcast at the door of the "First House of the World", which is equivalent to cutting the ribbon at the door of the "First House of the World"!

What ordered Guan Liyuan to be helpless was that, before Sakagi Kazuto came over, he also specially looked at the uninvited Oki ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It seemed to be guessing things like "father-son discord" ...

The worst thing is that 木 mu actually deliberately made a "stop and talk" look!

Look at the eyes of pride, expectation, disappointment, and guilt ... It's a pity that this drama can't be an actor!

"Through the award ceremony of the Quartz Conference, I have one thing to announce ... everyone should already know that 'The First House in the World' will be officially open soon! Starting today, you can go online all over the world Booking, 70% of the tickets will be sold in the form of online booking, and the booking period is one month in advance! Now I have asked Sakagi champion and To champion to accompany me to complete the ribbon cutting ... "

After finishing Guan Liyuan's speech, he cut the ribbon with applause and left and right Sakagi Kazuto ...

As for the other 30% of the votes?

Natural is a free ticket, as well as tickets sold on the spot!

After hearing that 30% of the tickets were reserved, Sakagi Kazuto was also very satisfied, especially Sakagi ...

Tickets sold on the spot may seem extremely inconvenient, but they are actually equivalent to "area protection".

Because it is near the water platform, this part of the ticket is definitely easier for trainers of the Quartz Alliance, unless local tyrants in other regions are willing to live in Hualan City for a long time in order to purchase live tickets!

At the same time, Hualan City's "First House in the World" has also begun at this time, and gradually put guests who have already lined up and holding pre-sale tickets. ) !!