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v1 Chapter 495: Rita Star Tower


"Well? Do you know me?"

A male staff member who looked quite upset looked at Cheng Gong in doubt.

"Cough, I don't know, it's written on the name tag on your chest." Cheng Gong explained forcefully.

After all, "Cheng Gong" should not know him, it is Guan Liyuan who knows him!

That ’s right, the name tag on this man ’s chest was written with the name of “Hua Xiaohua” —when he was near Dongshun Mountain, the orphans of the team of professionals who were killed had helped Guan Liyuan go to the stronghold. Passing for help ...

However, Guan Liyuan later confirmed that his father was indeed killed by Tiexin Yan and Elder Kong of the Fallen Alliance, and because Mo Tianfan got the news from Wu Di Mo Yu ahead of time, Hua Xiaohua and the 9th Lama arrived at the stronghold. Not long ago, the garrison at the base just sent away Mo Tianfan, Jiang Yuanjing, and others.

After Xiaohua pleaded for help, he fainted because he was too tired—Xiaohua ’s space system ability also played a great role in hiding, and the area he was walking through was too dangerous for him and the Nine Lamas. So my nerves have been tight.

Before fainting, Xiaohua didn't know that his warning was one step slower than Mo Tianfan, and did not play any practical role ...

After that, Guan Liyuan also inquired about Hua Xiaohua. It is said that it was because of the occupation of the space department and the courage of "solitary" for help. In addition, his father was killed by the fallen league's people. Hua Xiaohua was appointed as a staff member of the alliance.

For Hua Xiaohua, who is not very good at fighting, it is a good result.

However, Guan Liyuan did not expect that Hua Xiaohua actually entered the headquarters of the Alliance directly, and today he will meet him in the registration area of ​​the Three Towers.

At this time, Hua Xiaohua naturally couldn't see it. The person in front of him was Guan Liyuan, but looked at him with an inexplicable look—when a normal person saw the name on someone's name tag, would they call out as if they knew it? ?

"Ahem, help me make an appointment for the Sun Tower and the Star Tower, the sooner the better." Guan Liyuan also knew his performance, and it should be weird to others, and immediately switched the subject.

I saw that Hua Xiaohua was not proficient in following the steps and started to operate the networked crystal ball issued by the headquarters step by step ...

"Is it for single sign-up? The identity card gives me a little ... eh?" When Xiaohua used Cheng Gong's identity card to help him make an appointment, he suddenly gave a flick, and then looked at "Cheng Gong" more strangely.

Guan Liyuan is likely to be his "sisters and sisters" and told him a lot of bad things about "Cheng Gong"!

So when Xiaohua finds out the identity of "Cheng Gong", he will have the look of "It really is a weirdo" ...

But now Guan Liyuan can't reveal his identity and teach him, just urging to make an appointment quickly.

In the Sun Tower and the Star Tower, "Cheng Gong" has no advantages, and the rewards that can be obtained are negligible compared to the "Month Tower", but the first layer is still to be passed. After all, when it is selected for the place to be ranked, One is through the first floor of the three towers within a month.

Now that there are Lily and Lilac beasts, at least the first floor should have no difficulty ...

Guan Liyuan was out of luck this time. There is no place in the two towers now!

The energy supply of the three towers is limited. If they are all challenged below the ninth floor, they can accommodate hundreds or even thousands of people. However, if someone is challenging the fifteenth floor or higher, they can only accommodate five or six people at the same time. Team challenges, probably only one group.

Now there are no empty places. It is estimated that someone is challenging the upper floors of the two towers, otherwise it will not be so easy to fill up.

The sun tower and the three-story star tower are not like the moon tower that can pass through by time, so Guan Liyuan simply went to the rest area next to him ...

At this time, although there are already many people in the rest area, "Cheng Gong" is considered to be in the lower rank, but it is estimated that as long as the professionals who are challenging the two towers come out, dozens of people in the rest area can be stuffed in!

The number of people challenged in the field is about one-half challenge and team challenge.

Guan Liyuan directly found the corner and sat down to brush the forum ... After seeing "Cheng Gong" coming in, many people in the rest area whispered.

Some are envious, some are jealous, some are scornful ... and even more gossiping!

Guan Liyuan didn't pay much attention, but at this time someone took the initiative to find it, but it didn't look provocative.

"Is Cheng Gong? Challenge the Sun Tower or the Star Tower? How many floors are you confident to challenge?" A sturdy senior professional came to ask actively.

"Ha?" Guan Liyuan looked at him doubtfully, seeming to be scared by his "seeing nowhere".

"Don't get me wrong ... I mean, if you want to challenge the Star Tower and you are not sure about the ninth floor, you can team up with us temporarily. You can call me the Tower, our team of four high-level professionals, except me The other three are good at assassination. At that time, you and I just need to keep the stronghold of the fortress, "said the tower.

The "Star Tower" tests the ability of "stabbing" certain individuals in a group of abyssal creatures. In the abyss tide, sometimes there are some individuals that must be killed in advance, such as some female insects, auxiliary organisms, or pairs of The defense line threatens huge self-exploding creatures ... and this "mission" is usually performed by professionals in the strongholds outside the defense line.

When Guan Liyuan conducted the "Moon Tower" trial before, such creatures would not appear on the front. It is because the default was that such creatures had been "stabbed" when the abyss surged to the line of defense!

The "Star Tower" trial has the same principle. It will simulate the challenger in the fortress, and the "Assassination List" will be given at the lower level. After that, the high level needs to determine which abyss creatures need to be assassinated.

Outside the fortress, there is a tide of abyss creatures like the sea ... There is no need to intercept and kill ordinary abyss creatures, because there is a defense line that will not fall behind by default.

Although there will be some abyssal creatures that instinctively siege the stronghold, but because the fortress has a dedicated space system professional and teleportation array, consuming too many abyssal creatures on the fortress is beneficial to humans, so the abyss tide will not be large. Large-scale siege of the fortress will not die with the fortress-unless it is in some ultra-large-scale formal attacks, the abyssal creatures may pull up each fortress at any cost, and then fully advance to the line of defense!

Every attack of this size will cause huge casualties to professionals. In contrast, the usual "daily offensive and defensive battles" are more like the abyssal creatures in "family planning" ...

Usually a stronghold is not large, usually about 100 Alliance Guards, plus several teams of independent professionals to coordinate defense. "Assassination" is the responsibility of the team professionals, the task of the Guards is to cooperate with the fort Defensive formation method, guarantee "retreat".

In the "Star Tower", if it is a challenge, you need to be responsible for the assassination list yourself, and the automatically simulated "Fortress" and "Guardian Army" will have a defense time limit ...

After leaving the fortress, if the assassination time takes too long, and the stronghold in the stronghold is breached, it is also considered a challenge failure. Therefore, when a single player challenges, the timing of the assassination is very important.

And if it's a team challenge, one part can stick to the simulated defense garrison to defend the fortress to ensure a smooth retreat, and another part is responsible for "assassination"!

In fact, the three towers all have the option of "team challenge", otherwise it is unfair to the auxiliary professionals or professionals who need to cooperate.

But correspondingly, the larger the number, the more difficult it is!

Like the "Moon Tower" challenged by Guan Liyuan, if the team challenges, whether it is the range of defense or the number of abyss creatures that hit the defense line, it will increase exponentially.

Of course, no matter who the team is with, or a single player, each layer of rewards can only be obtained once, and if someone passes the rewards with someone to clear the rewards, they will be severely punished once found!

As "Cheng Gong" was guessed by the way of the moon tower and gradually spread, there are actually many super-professional squads, hoping to team with him, and many of them promised to team up with "Cheng Gong" to pass Twelve or even higher teams.

After all, as long as Cheng Gong's field assistance is provided, the difficulty of customs clearance will be greatly reduced. Any team with the strength of the ninth layer can cooperate with Cheng Gong to pass the 12th floor without difficulty.

If the summoning time of Lily Beast and Lilac Beast is unlimited, "Cheng Gong" can kill twelve layers by himself.

Although the "flying field" will not kill the enemy, it can limit most of the enemies outside the field. Occasionally, some can enter, the strength will be greatly restricted, and the difficulty will be greatly reduced!

Guan Liyuan did consider the problems of "Cheng Gong" teammates. When he came here with his real identity, he could team up with Qiu, but "Cheng Gong" had no teammates yet ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ just Taking into account the principle of rather lack of excess, there has been no suitable candidate ...

As for the temporary team formation for the ground ... Guan Liyuan has no interest, and these people who are looking for him are not members of the two world rankings, and they will team up with them to clear the customs. Team up to clear the customs together, and you can only get rewards according to the criteria of Tianyao.

Although he later teamed up with a mid-level professional or cleared it once again, he could complete another nine times the reward, but Guan Liyuan now has no shortage of contributions and directly declined the other party's application for teamwork.

Now Guan Liyuan only intends to use the identity of "Cheng Gong" to pass through the first floor of the Sun Tower and Star Tower, and teleport back to the Eagle City tomorrow after the gambling battle with Lin Xiaoya ends.

It didn't take long for the team to challenge the top level of the tower to come out, and the "position" vacated was enough for all the professionals who lined up to challenge the lower level ...

Although the Lily Beast and Lilac Beast can only be summoned for three or four minutes, the first floor of the Sun Tower is not difficult-the opponent is just an abyss leader who controls the bloodline!

The second layer is a big leader who leads the blood, and "Cheng Gong" also barely passes.

As for the third level ... Although it is also the Grand Commander, it is a minor individual with the blood of the Lord, which is stronger than the Grand Commander on the previous level.

If there were no time delays in the previous two layers, maybe Lily Beast and Lilac Beast had the opportunity to pass the third layer, but now ... "Cheng Gong" regrets that only two layers have passed.

When he saw him, many people were a little surprised, it seemed that they didn't expect the first two layers to pass so fast, and the result was so poor ...

It is even more speculative that "Cheng Gong" really is not good at frontal battles!

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