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v1 Chapter 584: Dark island

"Hello, what happened?"

"Island dark?"

"Damn! What did you do? Stop now!"

"Calm down ... don't be impatient."

Seeing Fayilu Island, it was "dyed" to black, and the Digimons couldn't calm down.

Under the infinite mountain, the lion and the beast who just woke up couldn't help but want to rush up and desperately ...

Although everyone does not know what "black" means, obviously nobody thinks it will be a good thing!

However, Guan Liyuan stopped the Wutu beast first ... Although Fayilu Island seems to be undergoing some changes, Guan Liyuan just got the news from Penguin that the "Demon Girl Beast" has never been within the scope of the universe's will!

In other words ... the demon beast is no longer considered a "threat" by cosmic consciousness.

[When did it start? Did n’t the previous dark gears be "threatening"? Guan Liyuan wondered.

Even the things that Warcraft creates are "threats", but aren't they? The universe will be a bit stupid?

[It all started with all the "dark gears", all self-destructing ...] Penguin said.

【what? This is not to kill the gun, or to lay down the butcher knife and become a Buddha? Guan Liyuan became more and more confused about the way the universe was determined.

Isn't the subject considered a "threat" evil evil, but dark gears?

Guan Liyuan actually knows that although the "Demon Girl" is a virus-type digital beast, not all virus species will have a destructive effect on the digital plane. Ordinary virus-type digital beasts will not destroy the digital plane and kill them. Nor will it win the favor of the "Cosmic Will".

The real dangers are those digital beasts with a "will to destroy" setting. They are the result of the wrong setting of the digital world. From the heart, I believe that I was born to destroy the digital plane, and most of them have powerful devices. Rating power!

There are also digital beasts that inherit the will of the "Destroyer". Their strengths are strong and weak. All digital beasts that assist or help the "Destroyer" are listed here.

The Dark Four Kings are not "Destroyer", but inherited the will of "Apocalypse Beast".

The previous evil Warcraft, as the little leader of the Nightmare Corps, is obviously included here, but judging from the words of the demon beast, now she does not seem to have a cold about the Nightmare Corps. Calling the clown emperor they are just "the four guys" ".

[Is it because the evil Warcraft had some kind of change before its evolution, and its purpose is no longer "destroying the world", but the existence of the "dark gear" itself is a threat to the digital plane, so it is instead made as a maker Evil Warcraft has been on the "blacklist" ... Now the dark gears have all destroyed themselves, and the demon beast has been "washed out" in front of the will of the universe? 】

[It is very possible. 】

Penguin acknowledged that Guan Liyuan's speculation was logical from the "cosmic will" point of view.

There is no "self" in the will of the universe. It will not avenge itself or measure other individuals on a moral level ...

"Fairy beast, what do you want to do?" Guan Liyuan said, watching Fai Ludao, which gradually became black and gray.

"Nothing, just make this place suitable for my full strength ..." Fairy Beast said of course.

"The dark area ... is the 'dark area'! Damn, the entire island has become the 'dark area'!" Wu Tuju exclaimed.

Just as the unmanned factory is the "adaptation field" of the "Iron Empire" and the toy city is the "adaptation field" of the "Toy Corps", the entire Fayilu Island is now included in the "dark area"!

All Digimons with “Dark Zone” as their genus will not only be restricted here, but will play abnormally, and Digimons living here will more easily evolve into the evolutionary branch of “Dark Zone” ...

In the setting of the digital plane, the dark area is the dark side of the world. All negative emotions are concentrated, including the first evil Warcraft and the first demon female beast. It was born from the "dark area", the most famous of which is the ancestor of the "Seven Demon Kings" who possessed the power of "God".

However, the digimons born in the "dark area", although usually not very friendly, do not represent the digimons in the "dark area" and want to destroy the world.

The "dark area" is the other side of the world-that is, it is also part of the world.

Words of war and plunder alone will not consider the will of the universe to be the "destroyer".

Although the corresponding four kings of darkness have "darkness" in their names, they are not actually "dark areas".

Because the Joker Emperor is the "primitive ancestor", unless the Nightmare Corps it establishes creates its own "adaptation field", it will not be subject to any bonuses. The "Infinite Dragon Beast" and "Iron Sea Dragon Beast" are obviously "Iron Empire" Belonging to it, "Puppet Beast" belongs to "Doll Corps"-only from the "adaptation field", puppet beast appears harmless to humans and animals.

"It turned out that the entire island of Faylou was turned into a" dark area "with its own power? How is this possible? Only those ancestors of the most advanced body can do this, right?" Dandan said in disbelief. .

"It's not just your own power ... It should be to absorb the data from the ocean and then use it to transform Fairou Island!" Guan Liyuan speculated.

If the overall environment of Fayilu Island is regarded as "individual", it seems that what the demon beast did to Fayilu Island is similar to what she used the "dark gear" to collect data from other digital beasts. It is no different from my evolution. .

"Indeed I have heard a rumor ... there is a dark abyss in the direction of the setting sun on Fairou Island," said the Agurah Beast.

When there were countless dark gears rising in the ocean before, it was also the largest in the west!

"Actually doing this kind of thing ... what do you want to do?" Wu Tushou said angrily.

It's no wonder that Wutu is angry. This is not just a change of "view". In the "dark area" environment, Digimons are the easiest to evolve to the evolutionary branch of the dark genus, and secondly, it is easy to evolve toward the virus species. If none of these branches exist, evolution will be very difficult.

The lower the evolution of the Digimon, the greater the impact!

In the village of Wutubei ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ There are also thousands of gummy beasts. On the entire island of Failu, there are tens of thousands of early-life digital beasts, as well as the "birthplace" that is constantly being born. Eggs ... they are most affected.

"Giggle, it ’s too difficult for you to evolve, is it good for you? Gummy beasts ... There should be evolutionary branches of 'Little Warcraft' and 'Poison Cuni Beasts'? Maybe it will evolve faster than before Oh! "Said the demon beast with a smile.

"Who wants to evolve into that kind of thing!"

In fact, if it is not in the "dark area", it is almost impossible for the gummy beast to evolve into such a branch.

Fortunately, that's all. Now the demon beast tells it that in the future, most of the gummy beasts in the village will evolve to the direction of virus species. How can it accept it?

"Stupid! What about virus species? What about data species? And evolution doesn't stop because you don't accept it ... Of course, if you don't like it, you can leave, this island ... from now on it is 'darkness' Island '! "

The monster female beast laughed out, revealing a brutal side ...