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v1 Chapter 63: 3 clan old

"That's the case. You are not a member of the Huiye clan, but you heard that you have the blood of the Huiye clan, and you heard that we are homologous to the Huiye clan. ? "

"Yes, I hope to complete the old Si, Long and Xiu!" Guan Liyuan said.

At this time, Guan Liyuan already knew that the three families of the Zhutou tribe are now Taketosho, Taketoru, and Taketosho. Among them, Taketosho is the youngest and is considered to be the youngest. ...

恩 "Well ... I'll let someone look up the records in the family!" Said Jiang Si Clan Lao.

"However, the Zhutou clan is a clan that has existed since ancient times. There are many records and it may take some time ..." The Long clan side aside also added.

I said very sincerely!

If it wasn't for Xiu's old man to say something, but he was interrupted every time, Guan Liyuan would almost believe it ...

Although I know that there is something tricky in it, now Guan Liyuan is asking for something, and it is not on the other person's place. It is not so aggressive, so I have to pretend that I have not seen it.

"Kiko, you take the guests to the guest house west of the clan to rest ... Li Yuan, if there is anything, you can talk to Kiko." Called a young girl of the Taketori family.

The appearance is pretty ... but it would be better without Malu Mei and Shuang Wan Zi Tou!

"Yes!" Noriko answered.

The entire residence of the Taketori family can be regarded as a small Ninja village, but this "Ninja village" is the clan system that maintains ... a quite old system!

I came out of the place where the clan elders were discussing, Guan Liyuan also saw bamboo take empty, the latter glared at him, but thought of "Brother Xiu", did nothing.

Tong Guan Liyuan found Ji Zi around him. When he saw the air, his eyes were a bit scared and adored, and he couldn't help but knock on her side ...

"Who is this 'empty'? The old brother of Xiu?"

"No, Master Kong and Xiu are not brothers, but King Kong is an orphan, and he grew up with Xiu."

"Master Empty? Do you adore him?"

当然 "Of course! Lord Kong is the first warrior of our Taketori family ... Lord Liyuan can draw an equal with Lord Kong, you must be very powerful!" Kiko revealed with no precaution.

Bian Jizi is not a meticulous person. The reason why she was assured to receive Guan Liyuan is because she doesn't know any secrets ...

"Air is the first warrior? Stronger than the three clan?" Guan Liyuan was surprised.

Originally, after he determined that he had experienced the "empty" strength, he thought that the bamboo takes a family of crouching tigers and hidden dragons!

It's just that the bamboo is taken empty, and the three clan elders, aren't there four elites who can stand it?

It's totally unscientific!

Is Cao Cao so strong? And if the bamboo take family is so strong, the wood leaves should not dare to help the allies in the early days when the third generation has just died and the internal stability is still unstable ...

"Three clan elders ... Germany has high prestige in the clan and are very strong, but not strong in force!" Ji Zi said for granted.

Tong Guan Liyuan also understood at this time that there was still a difference between the clan system and the tolerance village system, just like the original Uchiha clan, Fuyue was not necessarily the strongest of the clan ...

This is only reasonable. The Zhutou family has only one elite to take care of, and it barely makes sense.

这 At this time, Guan Liyuan also asked about the war with Cao Ren. Speaking of this, Wen Wenjing's quiet son seemed very excited, and it seemed that the take-out war mobilization was in place.

From the look and tone of Kiko, the Taketos are full of confidence in victory, and they are ready to seize the Ninja rule of the country of grass!

However, it is also limited to "full of confidence". Noriko has no concept of the strength of Cao Yin Village and the strength of the Taketori family ...

Tong Guan Liyuan temporarily rested in the Zhutou clan, and immediately used another form of "spiritual communication" to enter a meditation state and communicate with the Nine Lamas.

Lao Jiu Lama can not only gradually recover her strength because she can absorb natural energy by herself, but also her energy is self-consistent. The distance between the incarnation and Guan Liyuan is very small, and she does not need to consume the professional power of the "Summoner of the Other World".

Although the Zhutou clan is not as strong as expected, Guan Li still did not let them come together. Instead, he asked the nine lamas and Bai to explore the strength of the Cao Ren and the Zhutou clan, as well as the current situation of the two sides ...

When Guan Liyuan was thinking about the attitude of the Takeri family at night, when they guessed their intentions, they suddenly heard footsteps outside!

Tong Guan Liyuan usually uses the outside natural energy to refine Chakra, so he is very sensitive to the surrounding wind and grass ...

"Who!" Guan Liyuan asked in a deep voice.

Although Xun did not think that the Taketou family had reason to assassinate himself at night, it was true that someone approached sneakily.

"Dear guest, it's me, take bamboo repairs."

Guan Liyuan was surprised, and there was a clan voice of the Taketori family!

"Xiu people are old? Please come in." At the same time Guan Liyuan was puzzled, he sorted out his clothes a little and gave them proper respect.

I looked at Zhu Quxiu without wearing old clothes, but in a black casual dress, and his previous actions, he knew that this was an "unannounced visit"!

It is also obvious that as a clan-taken bamboo repairer, the people in the bamboo-crushed family need to carry ...

"Brave to visit ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ to disturb the guests," Xiu said politely.

"Xiu's old lady is kind, just call me 'Li Yuan'."

"Well, Li Yuan, I have also told you the truth ... I actually want to confirm this time. The purpose of your coming to take a family!" Xiu said seriously.

"The Xiu people are very worried. What I said during the day is already the reason why I am here ... at least most of the reasons and the main reason."

Xi Zhuzhu took a look at Guan Liyuan for a long time, but did not see any signs of lying.

"Xiu people ask this question, is there anything to say?" Guan Liyuan still remembers how Xiu stopped talking during the day.

Xiu slightly thought about it and said, "Yes, as long as you want the cultivation method and skills of 'Bone Bone Veins', in fact ... the Huiye family secretly sent a batch of information to the bamboo before the coup in Wuyin Village. Take a clan, saying that if the coup fails, there will be someone to take it ... but it seems that something unexpected has happened. It has been six or seven years since you haven't seen anyone. You are not from the Huiye family, and probably their backhands have something wrong. "

Tong Guan Liyuan heard a surprise and heard ... Hui Ye clan has "backup" here?

But Guan Liyuan immediately realized that things were not that simple!

In the daytime, Takeshi Taketori and Taketori Takashi did not mention this ...

咳 "Keke, the Si and Lao people probably think that you are not the family of the Huiye family, but just a surviving family, so you don't know what to do for a while." Xiu explained.

Tong Guan Liyuan knew that since Xiu came to find him on his own initiative, and also mentioned this matter, it should have meant to want to cooperate ...

"I want those materials, what do I need? And ... why do you work directly with me?"