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v2 Chapter 1008: rescue?

In the dark cave, Guan Liyuan and Salina advanced along the approach of the lights and pink butterflies. The dim environment made Salina nervously grasping Guan Liyuan's arm.

However, the worry about Fenxiangxiang still made Selina not shrink back at all ...

"This cave should belong to a very small number of Pokémon. Not only are there no fungi, plants, water sources, but also no effective minerals." Guan Liyuan said.

Quite "desolate" cave ...

I always feel that in such an atmosphere, "suitable" some dangerous situations occur.

And just then, at the corner in front, unless a black shadow flashed, the pink butterfly leading the way came straight!

"Be careful! Knight snail, stop it!" Guan Liyuan ordered immediately.

"Ah!" Selina was startled.

But ... "Black Shadow" didn't attack directly, but stopped in front of Guan Liyuan, whispering in the same way: "Broken Diamond, Diamond, Broken Diamond ..."

"Eh? Is it a small broken diamond?" Guan Liyuan also found the other party's "identity" at this time.

A small broken diamond, which looks very cute and beautiful, is a mineral-type Pokémon. Among the generally silly big and dark mineral-type Pokémon, it can be regarded as a cute value.

The part of the body is completely a gray inverted cone-shaped stone with a small head on it, white fluff between the head and the body, long ears on the head, and a pale blue small like gem. Eyes, broken diamonds at the bottom ...

However, the small broken diamond in front of it is slightly different from the standard small broken diamond on the illustrated book. The part of the body should be darker, the fluff is light blue, and the eyes are blue. Obviously this is still a "different color" Little broken diamond.

In terms of racial value, the 500-point racial value of the small broken diamond is not very high, but it is very considerable in the non-evolutionary Pokémon.

At the same time, the race value of the small broken diamond is more extreme than that of the knight snail, and it is completely inclined to double defense. The physical defense and special defense each have 150 race values, while the other aspects are mediocre ...

Personality is just like its qualifications-generally timid!

Obviously, this little broken diamond did not come to attack Guan Liyuan and Salina.

[Ecstasy Eyes, Ecstasy Eyes ... Help ... Help ... Pink Fragrance ...]

After Guan Liyuan used the mind to communicate, the little broken diamond eagerly sent information.

"Eh? It's ecstasy eyes?" Guan Liyuan muttered in confusion.

"What? Did Ecstasy attack Fenxiang Xiang?" Selina asked immediately after hearing the words.

"It seems to be like this ... The little broken diamond is also showing me the way, just keep up!" Guan Liyuan said.

Compared to cute little broken diamonds, the Ecstasy Eyes are unfavorable both in appearance and attributes. The appearance of the Ecstasy Eyes is like a small alien. On the big head, although sapphire is also used as the eye, but But as big as Altman's eyes are, the godless, with a mouthful of fangs, it looks difficult to touch the human sprout.

And ... it is still a rare combination of evil and ghost systems. Only the ghost eye and another type of flower rock monster have this attribute!

In addition, Haunting Eyes usually live underground or in caves. They are accompanied by thrilling appearances and malicious attributes, and even for a long time, they are regarded as Pokémon who "will actively attack humans." There are even rumors that "looking at its eyes will **** the soul", so it has the name "Ecstasy Eyes".

However, as human exposure to this Pokémon increased, countless master ghost masters and master evil masters have also subjugated the ecstasy eye, and it has now been proven that ... this is just a kind of pokemon who likes pranks. It will not be malicious to human beings, nor will it have the ability to rob the soul.

It's true that people who often tease into caves are real!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan also had some doubts-the appearance of the ecstasy eye really matched the guy seen by the rocket sparrow, and the ecstasy eye could also learn the "provocation" skills.

However, it can be said that it is a prank to take away the rocket sparrow, but why did you attack Fangxiangxiang? Just met a ecstasy eye with very bad character?

However, all the small broken diamonds have come for help. Guan Liyuan estimates that most of them are true!

There is a "natural enemy" relationship between the ecstasy eye and the small broken diamond ...

However, it is somewhat different from the natural enemies of the cover worm and the small beak worm. The main contradiction between the ecstasy eye and the small broken diamond is that although the ecstasy eye is a Pokémon of the evil system and the ghost system, it uses ore. For food, and especially like to eat the broken diamond on the small broken diamond!

And if the broken diamond is taken away by the ecstasy eye, the small diabolism will be weak for a long time, which not only affects the strength, but also affects the reproduction. As for the small diabolism to the ecstasy eye ... It is entirely a relationship of "because the other person slams me, I will smash back", It's all a pot of ecstasy.

But unlike the "balanced rivalry" between the cover worm and the small beak worm, the reputation of the ecstasy eye is scary, but it is actually only a Pokémon of 380 race value, and it also has no evolutionary type-it is not a sibling at all. Little broken diamond opponent!

If it wasn't for the courage of a small broken diamond, and it wouldn't take the initiative to cause trouble, the ecstasy eye population would be miserable.

The little broken diamond that just came for help is very low, only level 8. If Guan Liyuan didn't guess wrong, the level of the ecstasy eye should be high-Pokémon, which is a combination of evil and ghost attributes, is only affected by Fairy restraint, and although the fragrant fragrant race value is only 341, but it has been 52, individual value is also excellent, fighting strength in the early 20,000, lower-level ecstasy eyes are not enough fragrant fragrant.

Following this "enthusiastic little broken diamond" running in the cave for a while, Guan Liyuan and Selina faintly began to hear some sounds ...

"Powder, fragrant!"

"Hmm ..."

"Scent, powder!"

"Hmm ..."

Seems to be fragrant screams and weird laughter?

Guan Liyuan also believed at this time ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It seems that he really encountered a terrible ecstasy eye—it's definitely not a serious pokémon that laughs so badly!

"Xiangxiang!" Exclaimed Sally, in anxiety, she couldn't even hold Guan Liyuan's arm and ran straight to the place where the sound originated.

"Wait, be careful!" Guan Liyuan has been taking care of the speed of the Cavalier Snail-this guy runs slower than Guan Liyuan.

At this time, seeing that Selina ran over, Guan Liyuan immediately caught up, and then I saw that in the open space of the cave where the sound originated, there was a scene of "wonderful world"!

The fragrance of the power of the stars is shining around the powder incense, and it can also be said to be the light of the power of the fairy. These powers are constantly condensed into a "whip" by Fan Xiangxiang's skillful use of the "power of the moon". Rolling Ecstasy Eyes ...

To a certain extent, Fenxiangxiang does not need Salina's training. Not only is it high-level, but it is also very proficient in mastering the power. It can be condensed into a whip with the power of the moon-neither Big Pippi!

It is only because the evolutionary conditions are special that it has not been able to evolve, limiting its combat effectiveness.

Fenxiangxiang smoked while shouting: "Powder, fragrance! Fragrant, powder!"

At this time, Ecstasy's eyes rolled and screamed, "桀桀 桀 ... 桀桀 桀 ..."

The little broken diamond urged: "Pray for help, ask for help, stop the powder fragrance ... Erotic eyes are gone! 】

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Selina: "..."

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