Dimension Forum

v2 Chapter 1099: Streak

"Master Itachi loses his combat power. Please ask the museum to change Pokémon within ten seconds!"

"Building an old craftsman loses his combat power. Please ask the museum to do so within ten seconds ..."

"Throwing ghosts loses their combat power ..."

"Fight the ghost ..."

Facing four successive Pokémon series of pure fighting that was absolutely restrained by himself, the agile worm uses the "shadow clone" and the ghost version of "super absorption" to directly string four ...

If not, the performance of the agile worm is quite good, and Kerni has also worked hard to the end. When fighting against the ghost, he still tried to direct him to avoid the attack of the agile worm ... I'm afraid the audience is already clamoring for "refund"-no Just seeing the beast. After Lucalio was defeated, the whole second half of the game took less than five minutes!

"All six Pokémon in the Taoist Pavilion lost their fighting power, and the challenger won!" Announced East George Sumba.

With the announcement of Semba, not only did Guan Liyuan get the eighth badge, but it also meant that it was difficult to force Guan Liyuan to use Tianxi before the Carlos contest ...

Although ten badges are theoretically needed, and Guan Liyuan still needs to challenge two Daoist pavilions, but ... the strength of most of the patrons is only about the same as that of Kerni!

The four games behind Kerni quickly lost to the north, related to attribute restraint, but everyone can see that even without attribute restraint, at most, it only forces the bag dragon and the shield shield monster, and even Bo Lido, who has been hidden by Guan Liyuan Radu may not be playing ...

"Unexpectedly, I would lose so badly ... I fettered the evolved agile worm, and transformed all the grass and water skills into the ghost system?" Kerni said a little lowly.

"Yes, the ghost system's restraint to the fighting system is quite obvious." Guan Liyuan comforted in disguise.

Even when the trainers on both sides shook hands after the game, the audience was still noisy, and they seemed overwhelmed by these overly "rapid" games.

At this moment, Cocobool stood up from the commentary.

"Well? Mr. Cocobour?" Barbaro looked at Cocob in confusion.

I saw Cocobour from the commentary and came to the duel ...

"Grandpa ..." Kerni bowed her head in shame when she saw Cocobour coming over.

However, Cocobour just patted her shoulder and said, "You are doing well. Perseverance is the essence of the fighting system. This time you are purely lost in strength and continue to work hard!"

"Well!" Kerni looked at Guan Liyuan with a burning spirit, then nodded fiercely.

Then I saw Cocobour walked to Guan Liyuan and asked, "Guest Owner, it seems that everyone is not happy yet. How about we have another friendly match?"

"Mr. Cocobul end in person?" Guan Liyuan asked back.

"That's right, only the old ones will come on to match the identity of the housekeeper? Of course, it's just a friendly match, we each send a Pokémon, just a little bit of discussion." Cocobul said.

Guan Liyuan considered it for a moment, and then agreed ...

Pokémon trainers learn from each other. It is a daily routine. There was even a tradition of "eyes meet and start confrontation". When you meet other trainers in the wild, confrontation is like shaking hands and saying hello.

It is not easy to find an opponent of this level such as Cocoa.

And when he was young, Cocobul even served as the four kings of the Carlos area. It can be said that it is the prestigious Pokémon host in the Carlos area ... He came to compete with Guan Liyuan, and there was no such thing as a "homeowner." Issues of fame.

For Cocoble, who was once the four kings, there is nothing to show off for Guan Liyuan, who only uses Pokémon that has been conquered in the Carlos area, that is, Pokémon who has been trained for up to half a year. On the contrary, in case of losing, Guan Liyuan will be completed!

The most important thing is that if there is only one match, Guan Liyuan does not have to worry about exposing him ...

As for the reason why Cocobble will end at this time, on the one hand, it is to save the audience from shrinking tickets, on the other hand, it is purely out of the Pokémon trainer's psychology, looking forward to the opponent!

"You don't have to carry the Pokémon now, it's just a friendly match. Now you can exchange it with a Pokémon communicator." Cocobul said.

"No need, just this time my Pouchosaurus is not full!" Guan Liyuan directly revealed the Pokémon he was going to use.

Guan Liyuan isn't talking nonsense-with the enhancement of strength, but unable to "born", the Baolong girl is getting more and more anxious. Recently, it seems to have meant to enter the rebellious period in advance ... Yes, it is before the birth Enter the rebellious period!

"Are pouch dragons? It's really bold ..." Cocobour also said that he took out his elf ball from the old elf ball purse.

In theory, after the evolution of the falcon dragon, it was only a "general + fighting" dual-line Pokémon, and the general department was restrained by the fighting system. Cocobool was the king of the fighting system.

"So Brother Samba, please trouble you a bit more," Cocobour said.

"Very honored." Sumba, the referee, nodded.

At this time, it seems that because of a person on the comment table, Barbaro is more "free-floating" ...

"It is true that Mr. Cocobour, who has handsome eyebrows, is ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Semba is a younger brother ... Ah! I almost forgot that Senba was originally a younger brother and did not look like So mature! "

Barbaro's skillful "pretend silly + vomiting" second consecutive, so that while Semba showed a polite but gentleman's smile, a kind blue ribs jumped over his head ...

"In the friendly match, Party A Cocob and Party B Guan Liyuan each use a Pokémon for the duel, and the regular duel rules apply ... the duel begins!" Samba said succinctly.

Because it's just ordinary discussions, and it's just "one-on-one", there aren't many rules, and Samba also uses the basic rules by default.

The audience who had some complaints at the scene, whether they were ordinary people or trainers, were either excited or quietly returned to their seats, and even the major television stations that broadcast the game live , Also immediately began to prepare for broadcast ...

Unexpectedly, after the challenge, there will be Cocoboul himself in the end!

"Ladies and gentlemen, the exciting time has come. Mr. Cocobour personally launched a duel invitation to the house owner ... Mr. Cocobour can be said to be one of the first super-evolutionary explorers in modern Pokemon. , Is still engaged in research in this area, and once won the favor of the beast when he was young, it can be said that it is the eyebrows of Carlos Pokémon ... Ah! No, it is a gem! "Barbaro put the homonym in the comment table. Play fly.

The old dean, watching the live broadcast on TV, could not help but reserved a bed for Barbaro-in his hospital before, Barbaro had several painful "medical accidents", for which the old dean investigated it, and concluded There are traces left by Pokemon's "prank" ...

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