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v2 Chapter 1162: Sit in the air ... Wings?

"Well? Is this a strong bite land shark of different color?"

"No ... it's clear that before the super evolution, it was not 'color'. Why did the 'door' differ only after the super evolution?"

"Not only is the color different, but the shape of this fin is also different from the normal biting land shark!"

"Is it some kind of beast?"

"Before the super evolution, it did look like a strong bite shark. Right now, it looks similar to the super strong bite shark ... wait, do you guys feel that this fin looks familiar?"

Opposite to the fiercely biting land sharks like this, the audience also talked about it. There were also many trainers, especially those in Fengyuan area, and they became familiar with this "novelty" fin!

"Is this ... the fiercely seated fin?" Guan Liyuan asked curiously. Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ..СоМ. .

Obviously, the bite of the shark's fin is superbly related to Liekong, otherwise it won't look like this.

Because Deo Qixisi felt the breath of strong sitting, Guan Liyuan reacted immediately.

"No, this is the dragon's fin of Liekongsi!" Laolong corrected, presumably Lieji didn't like the word "fin".

"Flying empty fish ... Dragon fin, can it still be used this way?" Guan Liyuan nodded clearly.

Guan Liyuan also awakened his dream.

Many newly-trained trainers have responded that they are right, that is, they are very similar to the fierce fins!

And Guan Liyuan's performance is more calm than most trainers, because similar situations, Guan Liyuan has not seen it!

As mentioned earlier, Lao Ka integrated his scales into the scales of Da Ha and Er Ha, so as soon as they evolved into a fast dragon, the multi-scale traits 'awakened' to lv1, and later rose to lv2, A layer of faintly visible scales formed under the skin is denser and stronger than the scales of an ordinary dragon with multiple scales ...

It's just that the old card, Daha and Erha are fast dragons, so it doesn't look like the appearance has changed much.

This integration is not simply a "transplant", but a resonance and fusion of the strength and nature of the power. Therefore, the fierce empty seat gave Dragon Xiaolong a "dragon wing", but it caused the bite of the land shark to have three "wings" It is not surprising that the shape has changed.

Guan Liyuan was just surprised. There was a similar effect between the beast and Pokémon.

Old card, would n’t Sitaka be from "Lite Shark"? Guan Liyuan asked Lao Ka doubting "confusing".

That ’s right, do n’t you take a “little” with you? Guess it. Old Card, who was still paying attention to his seeds of miracle, did not pay attention to the outside world at all.

what? Is it also a reason to bring "little"? "Sex" is different ... Guan Liyuan was surprised.

Although there is such a change in the nature of Diane, the ‘sex’ is a constant beast, but it ’s also normal for the ‘sex’ to change. And it ’s a very obvious reminder to bring “lie”? "Al Zeus" and "Aboso" do not both carry "Ah" ... you must pay attention to observation. Old Card replied casually.

Wait ... Absolu? What is the relationship between Alzuse and Absolu? Didn't you say that the race of Alzace's origin is now in the old world? Guan Liyuan asked.

It is indeed in the old world, but the new world also has an Absolu? That was part of the blood that had been 'mixed' with the new world Pokémon before moving back to the old world. After so long, the two Absoluts are now a bit different ... Old Card said using consciousness to pass to Guan Liyuan Up the picture.

Well, the old world of Absolut is more like the "Super Absolut" in the game, with short wings on the back, but in the Pokémon world, the familiar Absolut of human beings has not been found for the time being. Over evolved ...

But ... Aboso is indeed similar to Alzeus in terms of posture, but it ’s too bad to sit and bite a land shark, right? Guan Liyuan was still worried.

This kind of example is not without it! Because Liekong was a dreamer who wanted to fly to the sky and bite a land shark, he became what he is now ... Lao Ka replied.

This answer ... So idealistic!

The strong bite of the land shark hopes to fly to the sky, and it becomes a strong empty seat? Guan Liyuan felt that his three views were refreshed again.

Except that the two have the same surname, the only difference is that they should not have long fins but have fins?

The strong bite land shark is a land creature long fin, and the fierce air sit is a flying creature long fin ...

Of course, although Guan Liyuan groaned in his heart, he actually accepted and had to accept this fact!

The strong bite land shark with the "Serious Air Sitting Wings" does not know whether it is due to insufficient strength or other reasons. Usually it can not show this feature, but after its super evolution, the fins clearly show the "Serious Air Sittings" "Wings".

At the same time, combat effectiveness has skyrocketed ...

After watching the bite of the land shark with "dragon claws" and "dragon's wrath", he took a stun to catch a surprise, then Guan Liyuan secretly stunned, under the addition of "strenuous air sitting wings", the bite of the dragon shark 'Sex' may already have lv3!

Increasing the awakening level of the 'sex' will not only make the corresponding skills stronger, but also widen the restraint gap and narrow the restrained gap.

The demon ‘fine’ is only lv1. Although it still has restraint effect at this time, it is no longer immune to the dragon power of lv3!

On the contrary, because of the strong bite of the land shark, it also has the characteristics of an "airlock" similar to the strong air sitting, which greatly affects the power of the "Qianbenyu" ...

In the game, the "airlock" feature has the effect of invalidating the weather effect. Only the feature of Liekong sits, and according to Guan Liyuan's understanding, in the Pokémon world, the "little seated" features "Sex" should be the same as "Sex" in the game. It is "delta airflow", which is an enhanced version of "airlock ~ lightnovelpub.net ~" which not only invalidates other weather, but also strengthens itself.

As one of the three ancestors in the Pokémon world, the "Delta Air Flow" of the sultanic airspace has even expanded the atmosphere and affected the global weather.

Now the new character ‘sexuality’ exhibited by the strong bite of the land shark is similar to the “airlock” in the game.

Although "Senkimoto" is not considered to be weather, because of the "turbulence" of the airflow, the attack power and crosshair are greatly lost.

Guan Liyuan also took it seriously at this time and assisted him to enter the state of fetter evolution.

The "Large-winged Land Shark" did not fall in the slightest. After all, it was only the Dragon lv3, which was equivalent to 100,000 combat capabilities. At this time, its combat effectiveness was not much different than that of the cricket.

"Earth! Use Dragon's Dive!" Old Dragon seized the opportunity to command.

I saw the strong biting land shark that was originally a ground system. At this time, the dragon's power broke out in the whole body, forming a green 'color' flying dragon shadow. At the same time, it stood up to the ground and dived towards the puppet ...

Hagi also flickered with the incandescent "color" "Senbon Naki's Final Scene White Emperor Sword" ready to go!

Obviously neither side had wings, but at this time it was one green and one white, and the two seemed to be spreading wings in flight and collided together ...

Both sides obviously made a full blow, but it was "exciting" that before the collision, when the approaching bite of the land shark was approaching, the "wings" behind it were a bit messy, obviously The wings formed by "Qianben 嘤" are greatly affected by the "airlock", causing its skills to plummet!

That's right, because before the dragons and dragons, the five Pokémon were all out of battle, and they were only one step away from being strung by a string of six, so everyone was more inclined to the old dragons ...

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