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v2 Chapter 1168: Respective calculation

Although there are distant relatives that are not as good as close neighbors, Black Mane finally agreed to the messenger of the clan, and will then respond to the attacks of the major clan states. Correspondingly, after the werewolf nation entered the southwest, the hunting area of ​​the black mane could be expanded. Times ...

As one of the main forces of the eleven nations, more than half of the Barbara nations are the "target" of the werewolf nations!

After all, there are many orc tribes in the six southwestern countries, most of which are not close to humans and even often conflict. Therefore, as long as war starts, these orc tribes in the country will certainly be automatically classified by the human race into the "hostile" ranks. Not a "wolf", it would be better to arrange it now.

"But what about those dwarfs who have broken their minds and cut off the back road of the clan?" Keith Shaman asked a little uneasily.

"They dare? It's nothing to dare, as long as they enter the southwest and lay the southwest, even if they are cut open? We orcs don't need to be like weak humans, they need the supply line to be able to fight," said the emissary of the clan.

Where the orcs can hit, eat ... slaves can also be used as part of the food reserve!

Keith thought for a while, and felt that it made sense-just that they both ignored that entering the southwest was not the same as laying down the southwest. It may be because there were many orc tribes outside of humans in the six southwestern countries, so they were very small to the six southwestern countries?

The orc's tribal parallelism system was originally not afraid of the territory being cut, as long as the southwest was cut and it was cut.

Instead, the dwarven kingdom sandwiched in the middle has a headache!

But ... At the same time, the Dwarf Society also opened a meeting of princes. Only the dwarven king and several ministers, as well as the Duke and Lord of the Goblin, participated in the meeting.

It is also discussing the orcish nation's desire to enter the southwest ...

But the content of the discussion is likely to disappoint the eleven countries!

"Give this area to those guys? There seem to be several entrances to the dungeon ..."

"It doesn't matter, since their goal is in the southwest, there will be no delusions about our dungeon until the six southwestern countries fall."

"Yes, even after the Southwest down, they still have to fight the three major counterattacks ..."

"Down? Oh, how could it be possible to watch them lay southwest ... After they lay down the snake clan, almost we can disclose this news to Raphael and Arnold!"

"Yes, by that time, they would at most lay Barbara and Tutuk ... the batch of new mechas that we sold to Doulong would temporarily stop the orcs' attacks in the Yatta Valley and Gopin Heights. The problem, as long as it is blocked for a while, the three major countries that have received the news should be able to react, and then the orcs will suffer the enemy on both sides. "

"Just so many dwarven kingdoms have stockpiled a lot of weapons, and then they can slaughter the orcs ..."

"Hey, and in order to make sure we don't try to cut off the channel between the southwest and the north, we will ask for a little higher price!"

"Of course, the most important thing is ... the Barbara's dungeon must be intensified. There are orcs and humans fighting on the ground, and they will not even notice our plan. That thing ... A business is much more important! "

That's right ... the idea of ​​the Dwarf will have been informed in advance that the senior officials of the three major countries with which they have "business" relations, and the orcs also underestimated the strength of the six southwestern countries-or that the Dwarf and Arms business in six countries.

According to the small abacus of the Dwarf Society, when the six countries in the southwest and the north of the three countries will become a pot of porridge, creating a good arms trading market ...

On the other hand, in the dungeon near Storm City, they will not have to worry about interference.

However, at this time, one of the three major powers in the center of the continent, Saint Rudd, several cabinet and military representatives in the royal palace, was discussing this matter before the king!

"According to the transactions between the eleven clan states and the human nations over the past three months, they are definitely planning a war, not for the sake of internal fighting! In addition, the recent behavior of the Dwarf Society is also suspicious. ... and sold a batch of new models of mechs to Southwest Doulong ...

To sum up, I think that 40% of the 11-nation state is possible for the Barbara and Tutuk states. 30% of them may have greater appetite for the entire southwest ... It is not ruled out that they will attack the west and confront us directly. At this time, the Minister of the Cabinet of St. Rudd, Raphael, summed up the cabinet's speculation to the military chief in charge.

"Fighting with us directly at Buluo Xiongguan? It's unlikely ... but I think it can indeed be secretly prepared in Buluo Xiongguan, as long as the orcs dare to set foot in the southwest ... we will go north to attack the Beastmaster Temple, making it difficult for them in ten years. Revitalize! "Military Minister Harris said coldly.

"What about the six Southwestern countries?" Raphael asked back.

"Notify them of their own alert, and if they really start fighting in the southwest, they can invest in the three newly recruited corps, plus the other two reinforcements, enough to drag the orcs in the southwest!"

Obviously, the "other two" refers to the other two big powers-at this time, the three big powers are not completely unnoticed, but without tangible evidence, it is not good enough to mobilize the people and hurt their money for war mobilization.

If the orcs were just ordinary internal fights, it would not be good for humans to forcibly drop troops from Luoxiongguan. It would be better to keep them in the north ...

The only discordance is that Her Majesty has been yawning, an over-indulgence, and even temporarily left the court for reasons of physical discomfort.

"His Majesty the Princess of Sina ... is too intemperate!" A grumpy cabinet member looked a little annoyed after the king left, but was stopped by Raphael and did not continue.

Military Secretary Harris also frowned ...

Of course, even if the king is ridiculous, the most "excessive" thing they can do is to go to the holy palace to find an old ancestor to make a small report, otherwise even Harris who has reached the imperial realm dare not have any other ideas.

Raphael didn't really want the appearance of extra sticks, but persuaded: "Okay, Your Majesty is just a bit tired, so let's be more busy." He turned and turned a gem ring on his thumb.

When the orc kingdom, the dwarf society, and the three great nations all had their own calculations, at this time in the snake family land that was acquiesced as "dead", a snake woman Guan Liyuan "thinks day and night" , Wearing a queen's robe, listening to the threats that several snake men conveyed to themselves about several nations.

At the same time, there were several ancestral spirit statues around, each with one or several serpents. They slept under the spirit statue, and used a thick sulcus with a thumb on the ground to draw some kind of huge magic array. The flowing is the blood that flows continuously and has no meaning of solidification!

From time to time, blood flows to the snake man sleeping under the spirit image, and the target will shake for a while ...

The snake man, who was reporting to the queen at the center of the blood array, looked at them with some envy.

Listening to the so-called "threat", the new queen's pair of red pupils didn't even make waves, but said with a smile: "Oh, clowning clown, it's hard to beat ... don't bother."

From time to time, pull out one or two scarlet red hairs and merge into the blood pool at the center of the blood array ...

That's right, the so-called new queen of the Snake Race is exactly the Queen of the Snake Cave that Guan Liyuan is looking for!

In addition ... In the apse of the Royal Palace of St. Ruth, a few months ago, His Majesty the King with a muscle and a face full of capable and majesty, at this time holding a blanket on the bed, thinking like a dead fat holding a one to one pillow House……

And on the side, a fear demon that Guan Liyuan couldn't forget and put him in danger several times, wearing a princess's robe, eating the grapes handed to his mouth under the trembling service of the palace maid.

After eating one, I also touched the maid's chin ...

"Ah, forgot to apply illusions to you too ... have you seen them?"

"Slaves, slaves didn't see ..."

"Giggle, just not seeing it, something so spicy-eyed ... there are many more wonderful things happening in the world, waiting for us to see?"

"Slave doesn't want to see anything, she just wants to serve the good princess ..." The maid was about to cry, and the scene in front of her was beyond her ability to understand.

Why does the princess use illusions with her majesty? And ... the worship of the nostrils in the palace was not discovered at all?

"Well, no one will find it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The Dread Devil said with a smile, and seemed to enjoy the maid's fear.

The waitress was even more alarmed when she heard that her mind had been broken by the "Fairy Princess" ...

At the same time, layers of scales accompanied her fear, growing out of her!

In the outer hall of the deliberations, no one could see the ring of snake scales growing on the root of the thumb under Raphael's gem ring ...

[Unfortunately, it ’s not easy to use the power of the abyss here ... that **** bitch, actually sent me to such a "far" world! However, this transmission arrangement should not be done randomly in a short time. The base is not much better than mine. It is likely that the thing is hidden in this remote plane. 】 Dread Devil secretly said.

At this moment, the king groaned suddenly, and then a dull expression continued to hug the roll ...

The dreadlord could not help but show his disgust, and muttered, "The one who put the restraint on him is the patriarch of Saint Rude, right? It is really difficult to control him directly without using the power of the abyss ... I heard that the Snake People ’s state changed, so I have to speed up my progress to master Saint Ruud! "

That's right, Saint Luther's new princess is the Dreadlord ... or the magic performed by the Dreadlord!

By this time, in the kingdom of Saint Rudd, the ministers inside and outside the palace, many were already controlled by the fear king ...

Three people "traversing" here at the same time ... no, one person, two Medusas ... or three Medusas!

At this time, only the purest male Medusa was preparing for the auction.

At this moment, the title of Bingqingyujie has never been more appropriate ...

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