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v2 Chapter 1178: Maiden Fairy

"Welcome everyone to the Southwest Auction. This auction is co-organized by Barbara, Tutu, Doulong ... and the Goblin and Dwarf Federation. It is fortunate to have invited Her Majesty King Figara, and ... ... "

Before the auction began, the emcee was passionately doing the opening speech that everyone cares about most.

In the grand Southwest auction, the emcee was actually a man ... Guan Liyuan poked his lips.

"He is the little sister-in-law of the fortune." Warren did not know if he understood Guan Liyuan's expression and explained it specifically.

"So why are you crowded in my box? Is it because the Dwarf will know you are insolvent?" Guan Li politely poked at Valen's heart.

"Hey, I haven't thanked Mr. Guan ... My box actually ... There are a few VIPs who want to use it temporarily." On the one side, Valen thanked Guan Liyuan for bringing him "fortune", and the other face of his own box was unclear.

It was a bit difficult for Wallen's lot to make up for 40 million, but ... with Guan Liyuan's previous operation, now not only is it enough to pay back the money, but also some balance.

Moreover, the Grand Duke of Trade still promised his guests with "very boldness"-in the underground trade fair in the past two days, the lot was bought by the auction organizer at a low price, and if the lot appeared at the auction, it would be afterwards Make up the difference! It can be made up for the reputation loss of some dwarf clubs ...

Of course, this difference will be paid to the real client Guan Liyuan.

"Guik? Who?" Guan Liyuan asked curiously.

"It's nothing ... I can't say, don't ask Mr. Guan." Warren waved with a grin.

But the more so, the more curious Guan Liyuan was, so he further said, "I can ask you to give up the box, but there are not many people who have no box ... Is it the people of the three big countries?"

"Mr. Guan don't force me, can't say." Warren continued to wave.

"What are the usual offerings?"

"Can't say, can't say ..."

"Is it an elf?"

"I can't really say ..."

"That's ... Magic Castle!"


Warren immediately gave a stern drink, but immediately responded, explaining, "Oh, I mean ... can't say."

Guan Liyuan had an "I know" expression, nodded and didn't ask again, but Warren was depressed.

Obviously ... it is no surprise that it is the people at Moxianpu who have taken Valen's box!

Of course, if Moxianbao normally wants to participate in the auction, it will definitely be treated with the highest courtesy, but before that Moxianbao didn't mean to come, now it comes ... it doesn't seem to want people to know.

Warren said that of the six Southwestern countries, only Barbara has two "Extreme Extremes", which is the "field realm" in Guan Liyuan's first impression.

Therefore, the upper sacred enshrinement worship group in the Barbara kingdom is also "two-axis". On the one hand, it is the ancestral home led by Barbara's ancestors;

Because the throne of the Barbara kingdom was not limited to men, when the fairy maiden was young, she was involved in the battle for her outstanding qualifications.

But the magic fairy is only excellent in cultivation talents. There is no talent and ambition on the part of the queen, but the "unusual" of cultivation qualifications makes it impossible for her to hide herself and be passively involved.

According to the conspiracy, the mother of the fairy fairy died with hatred, and she was persecuted to flee. However, after starting the escape journey, the fairy fairy started the "hanging road" like Shuangwen's protagonist ...

In the end, when he was less than 40 years old, he broke through the "Ultimate" and almost killed Barbara City all the way ...

The ending is the Barbara ancestor who has been in retreat for many years to appease the fairy maiden. As for the brothers who framed her, they are already dead, and the undead are confined to life. The agitated confused father is also deprived. The throne was succeeded by his younger brother, who was born with the mother of the fairy maiden, that is, Figara's father.

However, afterwards, the fairy maiden did not enter the ancestral court, but set up her own magic fairy castle. Now she is more powerful than the old ancestral court ...

Guan Liyuan faced the window sill of the auction stand from the box and looked at the location of Valen's box. Some wonder why the people of these magic fairy castles are mysterious.

Normally, although a box on the second floor is open on the side facing the auction floor, it is also equipped with a "fog magic light" barrier that interferes with visual perception, and people inside can see outside At the auction table, it was not clear what was going on inside.

But for Guan Liyuan, it is not difficult ...

Wallen looked silently at Guan Liyuan. Around the white pupil, a blood vessel was raised. On the platform protruding beside the box, he stared at the direction of his box without blinking ... Forcibly as if not seen!

The mist magic light directly penetrated after Guan Liyuan actively excited his eyes, and saw the scene directly inside.

Because it is Guan Liyuan's seeing through all eyesight-"Mist Illusion" is equivalent to shielding most of the "light" from the inside to the outside ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ to the extent that ordinary people are not visible, but this level of Obscuration is still visible to Guan Liyuan.

It does not destroy the "fog illusion" itself, so it will not trigger the early warning mechanism like ordinary means of breaking obstacles.

Guan Liyuan saw three young women inside ... One of them belonged to look young, but his temperament seemed solemn and steady. The other two women seemed to be her maids, but they also had a strong element of strength!

Especially Guan Liyuan, who looked like he was wearing a palace costume and looked like he was posing, felt a threat!

With Guan Liyuan's current strength, the ordinary realm is not invincible, and the light environment will definitely not give him this feeling. If the magic fairy castle does not have the second "Imperial Extreme", the identity of this person can already be determined ...

Suddenly the woman in the palace dress frowned, then looked around, and Guan Liyuan also lifted her "white eyes" at this time.

After all, the realm of theory is a bit higher than Guan Liyuan, so there was some induction on Guan Liyuan's gaze, but he was not even sure about the direction, probably just a vague intuition ...

"Mrs. Fairy is coming in person?" Guan Liyuan asked Warren directly.

Warren almost sprayed the juice out of his nostrils, and then looked at Guan Liyuan helplessly, a look of "you sneak and peep, I didn't pretend to see it, do you have to tell me?"

At the same time, Warren was also a little surprised-Guan Liyuan really saw through the "fog illusion"? And ... didn't get anyone's attention?

In the face of Guan Liyuan's doubts, Warren pouted his lips and said, "This ... the twelve ice reagents are the lots offered by Moxianbao, but they were squeezed out of the top ten, probably ... I'm also curious, what is that mysterious lot? "

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