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v2 Chapter 1271: Pirate Years (2 in 1)

In a blink of an eye, Guan Liyuan came to the Pirate World and has stayed for 1o years in total ... & 1t; /

Most of the time during this period was used to temper domineering, kendo, and soul abilities! & 1t; /

Most people in Pirate World do not know about "soul power". & 1t; /

In simple terms, it is similar to the ability of "Huangquan Fruit", but it has no "resurrection once" effect. & 1t; /

When Guan Liyuan first came to the Pirate World, Brooke ’s soul power in the original work should be separated from the “Huangquan Fruit” power. The soul power is that his soul has not returned to the body for a long time, but gradually possesses it. A capability. & 1t; /

For Guan Liyuan, experiencing death in the Pirate World is not difficult. After trying many times, he gradually has the soul ability! & 1t; /

In addition, Guan Liyuan also has the transformation of the sacred tiger "brought" from the main world. Because Guan Liyuan is a white tiger after the transformation, he is judged as a "fantasy beast" fruit in the Pirate World ... & 1t; /

For ten years, although Guan Liyuan often gave suggestions to the revolutionary army, he did not leave the headquarters of the revolutionary army, the island of white clay, "Baldigo." & 1t; /

Therefore, from the perspective of many revolutionary army cadres, Guan Liyuan is definitely a weird and capable weird ... & 1t; /

For example, Saab and Kerla, who were children 10 years ago, have grown up now, and dared to go out secretly with other cadres who performed tasks three or four years ago, and they have performed well. & 1t; /

However, Guan Liyuan has been on the island of white clay-repeating "you silly 'beep' listen to me", "silly 'beep' means not to listen", "the facts prove that I am right", this is desperate Cycle! & 1t; /

Yes, although everyone in the Revolutionary Army, including the leader Dorag, respects Guan Liyuan, and he is also appointed as the "Chief of Honorary Staff", he often refuses to listen to important decisions. Suggestions ... & 1t; /

The reason why Guan Liyuan did not completely reject them was that these guys refused to obey his opinions, not because they had opinions on Guan Liyuan. & 1t; /

Many times, they have understood that Guan Liyuan's opinion is correct, but they will be affected by some other things-these guys are either too idealistic and make them judge, often not in the interests of right or wrong; or He is from a local faction and needs to pay attention to the interests of the forces he represents. & 1t; /

For example, in the big decision, Guan Liyuan has been persuading Dorag to take the overthrow of the world government as the main purpose. Do n’t think about bottom-up reforms. Regarding the decay of the world government, the Tianlong people are just an external manifestation, not the main cause. , Even ... According to Guan Liyuan, compared with the behemoth of the world government, the weak chicken is not a revolutionary army, and it should "cherish" the Tianlong people group-the pig teammate of this world government. & 1t; /

However, it is clear that Dorag is still trying to overthrow the Tianlong people, reorganize the world government, and has the meaning of persuading reform from the bottom up without really breaking the boat. & 1t; /

In addition, in some detailed decisions, Dorag and many cadres of the revolutionary army are roughly divided into two categories-one is "tugging at home", and may even be the king of a small country, so we must consider our own forces. Gains and losses, and benefits, so acting forward and backward, another is with a strong idealism ... & 1t; /

These people ask them to kill themselves, and their eyes won't blink, but expect them to become the weather ... It still needs to be tempered! & 1t; /

Especially in the first four years of Guan Liyuan's crossing, these guys were nominally revolutionary troops. In fact, the most "effective" actions they did were to secretly persuade senior officials of the world government, assassinate the dogs of the Tianlong people, and rescue them from persecution by the world government. Other dissidents are funding non-affiliate countries that have been "pulled" by the world government. & 1t; /

Well, the last two things have nothing to say, at least it has the effect of gathering people ’s hearts, but what makes Guan Liyuan vomit blood is that the revolutionary army has repeatedly stated that “the relationship with us will cause them trouble”. Leave a name, and even secretly help non-joining countries to successfully join the world government and get the protection of the navy, gratifying, congratulating ... & 1t; /

What a hair! & 1t; /

Guan Liyuan simply didn't know what they were doing. Since it was so simple to change to a downright charity? Would it be advisable for the world government to compile you as a UNHCR? & 1t; /

As for the first two ... & 1t; /

It is full of idealism and speculation, always hoping to get things done by moving his mouth, or gritting his teeth, and exposing himself, with courage and ideals, but no practical spirit. & 1t; /

It was not until four years after Guan Liyuan crossed it for the first time that it gradually improved. It was also at that time that the revolutionary army began to be mentioned at the World Government Conference and gradually became "the biggest enemy of the world government." & 1t; /

Until then, the world's governments are probably too lazy to deal with them. & 1t; /

However, since then, the color of idealism has been lingering. Even two years ago, a thing that made Guan Liyuan very uncomfortable was born ... & 1t; /

Six years ago, Dorag decided to hand over an elite and absolutely reliable special unit to Guan Liyuan. No matter what Guan Liyuan is directing them to do, there is no need to report to anyone or give any explanation. Dorrag himself had no right to stop-some dark parts in Naruto, even the roots of wood leaves. & 1t; /

Probably the cadres of the Revolutionary Army have already appeared. If they reconcile, most of them will be bad ... & 1t; /

But Guan Liyuan refused to do so--his main purpose is still to cultivate well. Do n’t look at the joy he shouts. In fact, Guan Liyuan himself understands that the “map” of the Pirate World is much larger than the Naruto world. This level of revolution is definitely a time-consuming and laborious thing. & 1t; /

The reason why there were so many words before was more out of the mentality of "seeing silly‘ beep ’, making no mistakes and being uncomfortable” ... & 1t; /

However, Dorag did not give Guan Liyuan a chance to refuse. A whole hundred elites were almost 30% of the revolutionary army's elite combat power at that time. Among them, there were more than a dozen people who had the ability ... Guan Liyuan did not order anything, and Guan Liyuan meditated. Cultivate domineering, they sat around. & 1t; /

A week later, Guan Liyuan first compromised, and began to plan to build the "dark part". Even without changing his name, he called it the dark part. & 1t; /

These people also disappeared on the front line, and a large part of them, even the cadres of other revolutionary forces, did not know where they went. & 1t; /

From this point of view, although Guan Liyuan has never left Bardigo, "push here, touch tentacles there," he has already stretched out. & 1t; /

No one asked, because everyone decided to divide the one hundred people. & 1t; /

It can be said that the rise of a new solidist trend of thought in the revolutionary army made idealists and those who were blinded by the immediate interests love and "hate" ... & 1t; /

It may be an exaggeration to say "hate". After all, they have not rejected Guan Liyuan, but they are a little worried in their hearts, and feel that the style of the revolutionary army will become too much and too fast. & 1t; /

That's why it was decided that a part of the forces supporting Guan Liyuan should be completely separated and given to Guan Liyuan ... & 1t; /

A large part of them are people who have been picked from their own cadres. & 1t; /

One thing had to make Guan Liyuan change these guys, even if he called them "stupid" beep "all day long, but still helped them to make suggestions-" the dark part "has been six years since its establishment, no one time, someone Privately contact other revolutionary army cadres, that is, their old owners! & 1t; /

No cadre of the revolutionary army wanted to interfere in the dark. & 1t; /

Now that the dark parts have been expanded numerous times, there is no "hidden danger" in this area. & 1t; /

It can be said that these revolutionary army cadres still have courage, but many times, too many other things will restrain their hands and feet ... & 1t; /

At the same time, the threat of the Revolutionary Army to the world government over the past decade has indeed become more and more significant! & 1t; /

After all, even without Guan Liyuan, Dorrag would become the "most dangerous man" considered by the world's government, not to mention that Guan Liyuan, who secretly stabbed a knife. & 1t; /

Even without Guan Liyuan, Dorag's thoughts will gradually sublimate and transform in the gradual encounter of idealism and the internal interests of the revolutionary army, reaching a level that scares the world government ... & 1t; /

With Guan Liyuan, it is not just Dorrag's "thought" that the world government is afraid of. & 1t; /

However, two years ago, that is, four years after Guan Liyuan set up the "shadow", he heard a very important news, which was related to the legendary "Tianwang", and even faintly touched the essential reason for the privilege of the Tianlong people, and touched with King Im related clues! & 1t; /

Because the incident was too serious, Guan Liyuan felt that it was necessary to discuss it with Dorag. & 1t; /

Just according to Guan Liyuan's intention, this clue should be suppressed first, and the investigation should be continued in secret, as an important response when the world government is fatally hit. & 1t; /

Who knows that after this clue was told to Dorag, some cadres who were still obsessed with idealism were completely excited-they believed that as long as the privilege base of the dragons was destroyed, the dragons ’privileges could be destroyed, and then they would have made the world government self The basis of reform ... & 1t; /

When Guan Liyuan reacted, it was too late to let the revolutionary army cadres blindly deal with such a big thing! & 1t; /

A group of idealists based on the **** king Ivankov, with a mentality of "even if they are taken advantage of by the world government", sneaked into Maria Joa, and even wanted to cooperate with the world government-in their view, to help the world The government abolished the Tianlong people and already won more than half. & 1t; /

As a result ... it was sold by the world government as a whole, gg, and went to the submarine prison to reflect. & 1t; /

Guan Liyuan estimated that Ivankov had a fate with the Undersea Prison and could not be saved at all! & 1t; /

In contrast, the interest group ’s eyes are shorter, but they are more clear in this regard ... & 1t; /

The dispute between the interests of the world government and the Tianlong people, as well as its own degree of corruption, is definitely not the root cause of the Dragon people. & 1t; /

Although there is still an "absolute justice" skin that blocks the chest, but the rot behind can already be seen. & 1t; /

Because of the turmoil two years ago, the strength of the Revolutionary Army has been greatly damaged, and it has been particularly valued by the world's governments. It is even more difficult to act ... & 1t; /

It is also from two years ago that Guan Liyuan no longer reported the results of the dark to the revolutionary army-they said that they did not need to report! & 1t; /

"Well? Saab, what are you going to do in 'Black Land'?" Claire called Saab in doubt. & 1t; /

At this time, Claire was not the little girl who had just been in the soul form when Guan Liyuan was in the soul form, blowing up behind his neck, and scared to jump up. Saab was not the amnesia when Dorrag had just been rescued. Little boy. & 1t; /

At the age of thirteen, ten years ago, the slave girl Clare, liberated by the mermaid hero Tiger, joined the revolutionary army, hoping to become a "bridge between humans and mermaids". Although human, but for fish Human karate has a high level of accomplishment, and now he is the acting master of the revolutionary army Mermaid Karate ... & 1t; /

There were many secret exchanges between the Revolutionary Army and Murloc Island. Although Murray Island also joined the world government, no matter whether it is for historical reasons or the current situation, the two are still incompatible-of course, there is also the Dragon Dragon's credit. Slaves are the favorite treasures of many Tianlong people, but the so-called abolition of mermaid slaves by the world's government cannot control the Tianlong people. & 1t; /

Clare is also working hard for his dream ... & 1t; /

As for Saab, who has already become the chief of staff of the revolutionary army ... Yes, it was Guan Liyuan's previous position! & 1t; /

Things also need to be said when Saab was just rescued. At that time, Saab was attacked by the Dragons and lost his memory. It was not unreasonable to be referred to as "lost soul" in this case. It was indeed linked to the soul. & 1t; /

So, Saab just became a patient with Guan Liyuan shortly after he came to Bardigo. & 1t; /

All day long with Guan Liyuan, Saab's revolutionary will is also relatively pure. Although Dorag was later taken away by him, it gave him some idealistic taste, but in general it was still excellent. Kendo In terms of domineering, they were also taught by Guan Liyuan, and Dorag later taught him some physical skills ... & 1t; /

Two years after arriving in Bardigo, Saab has recovered his memory, but in order to better motivate Luffy and Ace, Saab has not recognized them for the time being. & 1t; /

In addition, two years ago, after Ivankov and they were packed and thrown into a large submarine prison, Guan Liyuan unfortunately snapped his gentleman's hat on the head of Saab, the recorder at the meeting of the Revolutionary Army, and Pointing at the noses of other cadres, he said, "I'm too rude to be your chief of staff. My apprentice is just good at being your chief of staff!" & 1t; /

As a result, Saab became the chief of staff-the cadres of the Revolutionary Army were embarrassed to refute Guan Liyuan, and Saab was indeed excellent. & 1t; /

"It was the leader who asked me to come to Master," Saab said. & 1t; /

"Well, that guy ..." Clarke pouted. & 1t; /

"Clara! Why do you call me‘ that guy ’again, you have to be more respectful!” & 1t; /

Although usually a frizzy Saab, managed by Clare, he will not budge in this regard. & 1t; /

But it didn't help, and Clark responded with a "slightly" voice ... & 1t; /

Ever since Clara knew as a kid, the "spiritual incidents" he encountered in Bardigo were all somebody's pranks, and he has always had a lot of opinions about this unscrupulous "former chief of staff"-Guan Liyuan can really also be a fart Children play together. & 1t; /

As for the so-called "black land", this is where Guan Liyuan usually "closes." & 1t; /

It is said that Bardigo is called "the island of white soil". Except for the yellow sand on the island, it is barren rock. There is no "black land" at all, but ... & 1t; /

I saw a gravel field at this time ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ a three-five-meter tall, but from a normal person's point of view, he was also very shapely and powerful sitting on a conical rock pillar top! & 1t; /

What's interesting is that its entire body, including clothing, appears black and purple in every strand and every inch ... or black, with a purple metallic luster! & 1t; /

Even ... this black-purple spread from the sitting rock pillars, not only the entire rock pillars, but also the surrounding area of ​​about thirty meters, all covered in this color. & 1t; /

Even Claire, who has always been with Guan Liyuan, seems to have forgotten his year-end relationship, and does not show much respect. Every time he sees this scene, he can't help but grin—human beings ... it can really cultivate domineering to this extent! & 1t; /

Not only covering his entire body, but also spreading rock pillars of nearly ten meters high and the ground of thousands of square meters around ... is this a so-called monster? & 1t; /

Although the armed color domineering may not be stronger the larger the coverage area, but it can cover such a large area of ​​armed color domineering when it is expanded outside the body. Even if he has never seen his real shot, he also knows that it is absolutely terrible. & 1t; /

Even among people with a little common sense, after seeing this scene, there are no more than five people who dare to do something with him. & 1t; /

That ’s right, Guan Liyuan stayed in the Pirates for more than eight years in one breath. A small part of his energy was used to manage the shadows and worry about silly beeps ... and most of his energy was used for cultivation. This is the longest practice. The result is that Guan Liyuan's domineering and fruitful ability has reached the level of "monster" ...... & 1t; /

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