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v2 Chapter 1513: Forced Breaker (2 in 1)

Behind the scenes is awesome ... but what about the penguin logo?

Guan Liyuan doesn't know if he should spit himself now, or should he be glad that at least the blue light in the center is not a penguin silhouette ...

At the same time, I also understand why there is such a thing-Guan Liyuan's "self" is integrated with "Soulwalker", and "Soulwalker" is involved by Penguin.

This thing is equivalent to the deconstructed state of Guan Liyuan's Walker's Tool "Slayer" ...

It's not surprising that this looks!

And other people (ant), at this time saw that such a large "idol" also appeared behind Guan Liyuan, and was equally shocked.

And whether it is a chimera ant or Nitro, you can feel that the "Idol" behind Guan Liyuan, when you open your eyes, the momentum has far surpassed Nitro, even ... to the extent of crushing !!

Even Pufu couldn't help but control the soldiers and ants for a while.

After feeling this great power, Guan Liyuan was equally horrified: [What's going on ...? I just combined my career with the use of skills a little bit. It has nothing to do with professional integration. How can it be so strong? 】

At this time, Guan Liyuan even had a feeling that he could single out the world top3!

Guan Liyuan is very experienced, but this time is different-Guan Liyuan doesn't feel how much his rune has been enhanced?

After all, there is no tendency for the three professions to merge. To put it plainly, it is just a breakthrough in the use of skills.

[It is the blessing of the will of the universe. Now you are equivalent to gaining the power of a part of the will of the universe ... but your incarnation is also rapidly assimilated by the will of the universe. Otherwise, your incarnation thinking will also be affected Influence of the will of the universe. Said Penguin.

The so-called influence of the will of the universe is probably like the **** beast of the Pokémon world-not losing self-consciousness, but based on the will of the self, will have a special feeling for "targets favored by the will of the universe", and instinctively Exclude "low-level goals in the universe."

For example now ... Guan Liyuan gradually felt that Nephibit, Ant King and Nitro ... were all very cute!

After Nefibit was loyal to Guan Liyuan, he was relatively cute and not to mention. The ant king and Nitro also gave Guan Liyuan this feeling? Apparently the will of the universe is affecting Guan Liyuan's thinking ...

Even if we continue, the degree of integration between ourselves and the will of the universe will become higher and higher!

However, Guan Liyuan was not nervous because this was only a soul-level influence. This time Guan Liyuan was "archived" before the battle!

For archiving, it is not the timeline of the entire world, but Guan Liyuan's own body and soul. When Guan Liyuan feels too affected, he can directly re-consolidate the previously archived body and soul conditions ...

Either humans or chimera are present, I don't know this "side effect", but just feel that Guan Liyuan seems to be the real god!

Especially when there is a circle of divine light behind the "body", it is even more impressive.

However ... just after "Ego" opened his eyes, Guan Liyuan was ready to try the effect of this trick.

Between thoughts, Guan Liyuan felt that he was looking down at the surrounding creatures from the angle of the "self" idol-after all, this "idol" was also Guan Liyuan!

As far as Guan Liyuan's eyes were concerned, even Pu Fu and Yubei couldn't help staggering their eyes, and they did not dare to look at God with humiliation.

After the "God" ...

I saw the huge "I · Guan Liyuan" shaking his right shoulder ... it felt like the right side of the backpack was loose when riding a bicycle, and he wanted to correct it.

On the right side, the devil's body that did not "wake up" was accompanied by Guan Liyuan's shoulder shaking, which was caused to bump up and down twice ... but he still did not wake up.

The scene could not help but be a little awkward. Even the "Medusa Guan Liyuan" on the left could not help but tilt her head to the side and rear, as if she could not bear to look directly at "Ego Guan Liyuan".

Of course, "Medusa Guan Liyuan" is also Guan Liyuan's consciousness-is it strange that you feel silent about yourself? Anyway, Guan Liyuan often felt this way.

In my three provinces, I am a noble morality.

"Individual Guan Liyuan" also scratched his head embarrassed about this ...

That's right, the action just now is completely "I. Guan Liyuan". I feel something awkward on the right, and I want to "wake up" the demon instinctively.

However, "The Devil Guan Liyuan" could not wake up because the grade was not enough. Naturally, he would not respond to this stupid behavior. Instead, "Medusa Guan Liyuan" was about to be stupid.

Chimera ant and chimera fighters also looked at Guan Liyuan with a beep, and seemed to be unable to understand this sense of disobedience-even in Chun, "Trinity Guan Liyuan" still Between raising his hands and throwing his foot, exuding the breath of big brothers ...

After shaking a little for two times, Guan Liyuan also realized that it was not right, and hurriedly returned to the position of dragging the cool bully, but he still felt awkward in front of him.

Even without the blessing of the will of the universe, Guan Liyuan claimed to be able to defeat the two guards and join forces, not to mention that now Guan Liyuan feels that the "world" is opening the door for himself.

I saw "Bei Guan Liyuan", but made a false bullet motion towards the chimera ant, and then hundreds of soldier ants were simultaneously headshot ...

With the purple blood splattering out, it is exactly the "clone" of the big Puff!

Because of the owner ’s blessing of the universe ’s will, Guan Liyuan ’s half-familiar “minority enchantment” easily controlled hundreds of soldier ants around them, causing the minority particles in their bodies to begin to “drive out” Puff ’s avatar unconditionally and expand the minority Pie scale ...

As a result, the soldiers and ants "exploded their brains" and collapsed Pu Fu's avatar.

On the one hand, because of the outbreak of soldiers ants forcibly overdrawing life energy, they were originally neglected and there were many minority particles, but on the other hand ... if there is no blessing from the will of the universe, Guan Liyuan ’s “minority enchantment” is true He can't be so "beautiful", after all, Guan Liyuan is only a part of practicing "how many are in control".

"What? How is this done ..."

"A special ability to read?"

"In the face of so many presidents, the chimera ants can't be easily dropped ..."

"Oops! He's stronger!"

"Me, can we really win that monster?"

"Help! I don't want to be eaten ... my legs, my legs!"

Guan Liyuan instantly killed all soldier ants and drove away from Puff's avatar, causing the surrounding chimera ants and the crusade to be shocked and even collapsed again-before they just felt strong, and now they have some more intuitive understanding.

Even some of the division heads and heads of soldiers who had originally had a shadow on Guan Liyuan at this time completely collapsed their minds, and some had already had the illusion of being "eaten." Even Pufu and Yubei could not stop them from fleeing ...

Because of Pu Fu and Yubi, Guan Liyuan was already watching!

From the perspective of the two direct guards, I only saw a huge "I. Guan Liyuan" hands facing each other on the chest, holding a big punch, and immediately between the palms, a golden energy ball shone. stand up……

I've seen Guan Liyuan's division commander and the commander of the army commander. The state of mind has not collapsed before, and now they have also collapsed-again!

But this time they didn't feel anything. Only Pufu and Yubi found themselves at the long "dining table".

On the main seat at one end, you can see the huge figure of "Bei Guan Liyuan". At this time, you have a knife and fork in your hand, you have brought a napkin, and you are ready to eat.

On the left and right hand positions of "I. Guan Liyuan" are "Medusha Guan Liyuan" and "The Devil Guan Liyuan". Here, the "Devil Guan Liyuan" is awake, and the fierce evil is constantly heard from him. gas.

At the lower hand position, you can also see "Nin Zong · Guan Liyuan" with reincarnation and writing round eyes on his forehead; "Native Oath Guan Guanyuan" with a demon passport in his chest and a foot on the battery while sitting on a chair "Like Space Controller Guan Liyuan" who seems to be integrated with the surrounding space ...

They all look like they are ready to cook!

Obviously, this time, it is ranked according to "grade", not according to "score".

The three figures in the right position are the incarnations of "high school professions", and the "ninja" is the junior high school scholastic score. The score of the simulated paper is higher than that of the high school slag, but it is not as good as the high school bachelor. It is not as good as the scum of the senior year ...

But mastering the integrity of the knowledge system is not the same thing as "score".

According to Guan Liyuan's prediction, Ninzong should correspond to the incomplete "rule of truth and reality", which can also extend the "causality rule" of higher levels.

As for the "space controller" ... Although it is called "space", it is just the name of the land system. In fact, the space controller has not even touched the fur of the space.

The "native oath" also has certain "cause and effect rules". For example, when constructing "invincible cannons" and "devil passports", they are "exchanged" with many restrictions.

To some extent, there is also a causal link between "cost and effect".

Therefore, Penguin and Guan Liyuan only mentioned before that the “native oath maker” may be integrated into the “Ninja Sect”. If the two are combined, they may be comparable to “Medusa”.

At this time, "Nin Zong · Guan Liyuan" and "Native Oath Owner · Guan Liyuan" also whispered in the seats, as if discussing the "merger" to grab a seat.

"Space Master Guan Liyuan" seemed to be bullied in the corner ...

Of course, Guan Liyuan's professional incarnation, the chain of contempt at the table, has nothing to do with "food" in the final analysis.

For the two immediate guards, now they are both eaters, and they are just food. With the sound of tableware bumping, their consciousness is gradually blurred ...

From the perspective of other chimeric ants, Guan Liyuan did not use the golden ball to illuminate this time, but directly threw it out.

As a target, Yuaphu and the Monks were as if they were lost in the same place. When the golden **** touched their bodies, they did not make any noise or glory.

It was silent, "erasing" the contact ...

Just like the edible material in the game of gluttonous balls, the ball disappears without any notice when it comes into contact with the ball, and the ball is unobstructed, without even a pause!

The so-called "small ball" is still "small" for Guan Liyuan's huge idol. In fact, there are people with large heads and flipped up and down. "A few rounds and two direct guards have completely disappeared."

In the month before looking back, when Pufu and Youbi were just "born", they taught the other division commanders and the commanders of the Corps to read the abilities, and forcibly read the soldier ants. The strength of the chiming ants increased rapidly. At that time, although I knew that "special humans" had hit the outside, but because of the power of Wang, we also looked forward to the dream of swallowing more humans and becoming stronger after leaving ngl, and then dominate the world ...

Even the division commander has developed a way to alienate humans as chimeric ants. At that time, humans can not only be used to eat, but also used to breed and supplement the army.

Unexpectedly, this beautiful prospect has been "eaten" by humans before taking the first step!

In their opinion, the extremely powerful direct guards were "eaten" within a few seconds without any resistance!

That ’s right, if it ’s someone who has n’t experienced Guan Liyuan ’s “Diner of the King ’s Food”, it may now seem that Puff and Ube are only obliterated, but those chimera ants who have experienced it in the first place understand that this is Was eaten!

The reason why they were not eaten was not because of anything else. It was just that Guan Liyuan saw Nefeibbit so hard and wanted to find the cannon fodder for the road, so he didn't want to pour cold water ...

If Neferbit can't defeat the ant king independently, or can't control these chimeric ants, Guan Liyuan doesn't mind killing them out.

But now Neferbit is still working hard, so Guan Liyuan just killed two guards who would never surrender ...

On the other side, Neferbit and Ant-Roy Merlot have already reached a fierce battle, and the two are evenly matched in strength.

Meru Aim's "reading" is stronger, but Nefibit is assisted by the gourmet cell system, and the pure hard attributes do not fall behind.

On the contrary, because of Nefibit's ability of thinking, he can control himself more finely and exert a stronger fighting instinct, suppressing Meru Aim in the beginning.

However, although the two players turned upside down in the surrounding area, in a short time, Bit could not lock the victory ...

On the contrary, Meru Aim's "swallowing" effect gradually came into play, so that the thoughts of the two sides, one increase and one decrease, gradually pulled back to the balance!

After discovering this, Nefibit inherited the fine tradition of Guan Liyuan and began the "cut and make fast" combat mode-that is, injury for injury!

In terms of racial talent, the regenerative ability of the ant king is higher than that of the guard ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ However, Nefibit has gourmet cells, so it is not recommended at all.

the most important is……

Nefibit can forcibly use her abilities to hang herself, just like when she first met Guan Liyuan, her whole body bones, including her spine, were broken into several pieces, which still did not affect her combat performance.

If both sides are seriously injured, Nefibit can beat Meruem, so Bit's style is very similar to Guan Li.

Meilu Ailu is cautious. Before swallowing the effect, the "qi" of the two sides will form a clear trend of pros and cons. Try not to stubbornly collide with Nefibit. The battle situation is so deadlocked ...

Until Guan Liyuan suddenly broke out, Meru Aim's heart beat!

After the death of the two guards, Meru Aim couldn't help scoring for a moment ...

At that moment, Nefibit seized the opportunity, represented by one arm being broken, and the other arm pierced the ant king's left chest!

Although for the ant king, the broken heart is only a serious injury, but ... at least it will lose 50% of its combat power, and the broken arm will not have much effect on Nefibit!

Immediately entered the rhythm of Nefibit's big advantage, Meru Alm was almost just dying ...

Just then, Nob's face suddenly changed, and then he quickly said, "No! Who is plotting me?"

Then he saw that he was driven into a dead end, and a dimensional crack appeared behind the ant king who was about to be fatally hit, making him hide in.

Recognizing this ability, Nefibit could not help looking at Nobu. Although he was aggressive and almost scared Nobu, he also found that Nofi ... was being forced into the "absolute" state. It was not him who just launched the "Four-Dimensional Apartment"!

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