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v2 Chapter 1579: Sento Koto

"Wait! Are you going to Gutenglin? No, that Guteng is so powerful that you are definitely not its opponent ..." Jing Jing heard that Guan Liyuan and others had to go deep and stop the road.

"Oh? How much do you know about the ancient vine demon, what is its realm? People in Shushan, why never trouble him?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"This ... I have only been to Gutenglin in recent years. I came here because I heard that Shushan has never been to Guteng to remove the demon, but there is a very bad and strong Guteng demon. Fortunately, he can't live without it. Deep in the ancient vine forest. As for the reason why Shushan does not come to remove monsters, it may be because of the old man of ancient vine ... "

"The head of Shushan is also so persuasive? The Guteng Demon will not come here?" Xuejian could not help but say.

"No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no. No, no.

I haven't seen him go all out, but a few years ago, I saw a man in a robe coming from the direction of Shushan to visit the old man in Guteng. When I left, I peeked in the woods ... At the time of the sword, I also glanced at my side. I guess ... if he shot, I'm afraid I can't stop a sword! "Jing Jing said a little later.

Guan Liyuan heard the words, and even more surprised, he could not help whispering: "Is it really that the ancient vine fairy has reached the realm of earth fairy?"

The current Shushan disciples usually don't have much rejection of Xiuxian's demons, but ... they won't let a monster at the foot of the mountain, or at least coax it away.

However, if it is a demon fairy who has reached the realm of the earth fairy, naturally it is another way of saying-after all, there is no earth fairy on the surface.

Not to mention the fear of strength, what's more important is that the realm of Shushan is far less than the ancient vine fairy, and there are usually places to ask for advice.

Judging from the essence of it, there are indeed occasionally some high-ranking people from Shushan who come to visit the Guteng fairy ...

"Is this still the fairy of the ancient vine, who has protected the ancient vine demon? It's all called‘ the ancient vine ', is n’t there any relatives? ”Xue Jian couldn't help but say.

"I don't know about this ... but the Guteng demon wants to leave the Guteng forest, or spread the limbs, it will be stopped by the Guteng fairy," Jingjing said.

Guan Liyuan feels that Xue Jian is not unreasonable!

Shushan does not come to the ancient vine forest to remove the demon, it is obviously for the face of the ancient vine fairy, but why can the ancient vine fairy tolerate the ancient vine monster in his own territory? It does mean that he saved the Guto monster ...

And in the original work, there is also such a "Guteng immortal" who will appear on the road to the Guteng's body.

In the original work, "The Ancient Fairy Fairy" used vines to seal the way to the ancient vine demon. He also said that this vine was his painting, and he was not allowed to be destroyed by Jingtian and others.

In the end, he made a gamble to say that he could guess the "most important thing" of everyone in Sedum and his team. This kind of means of glimpsing the past and knowing before is already in the category of gods and demons. The land fairyland is not excessive.

Even the ancient vine fairy can even glimpse Zi Xuan's past, and afterwards, he also asks the ancient vine fairy for advice.

Of course, the Guteng immortal is not almighty. First of all, he didn't see the past life of Sedum, and he couldn't see the snow, or ... was surprised by the history of Xue Jian?

In short, when predicting Xuejian, the Guteng fairy kept silent and gave up, allowing everyone to pass.

After all, the "God Tree" can be regarded as the ancestor of the world's plants, and Xuejian is born from the fruit of the God tree ...

However, in combination with the actual situation, the actress's motivation is strange.

Why protect Guteng? Is it really a relative?

But if you really want to hide, with the ability of the ancient Fuji fairy, the "protagonist group" has no way, why give up because of a gamble?

"If you have to go, I'm fine ... Go with you!" Jing Jing said with his teeth.

"That's not necessary, you even my demon pet ... Hehe, I mean Li Daxia's unique skills, if it is lost, it is a shame, we have a self-protection method, if you are fine, you might as well go to Li Daxia's descendants "Guan Liyuan said.

Jing Jing heard the words a little hesitant. Guan Liyuan said that he wanted to go to Li Hankong's descendants and also wanted to help.

"Little monkey, you can worry about yourself. The evildoers are much more powerful than any ancient vine demon and 瘪 藤 精!" Xuejian said.

Jingjing then made up his mind to archlike the crowd: "Since so, let's ... the green mountains will not change, the green water will flow, and there will be a period later!"

Seeing Jing Jing leaving, Xue Jian suddenly remembered something, and said with some worry: "It is not far from Shushan here, Jing Jing is not in danger?"

"Rest assured that you have traveled for many years in a secular world. Fighting may not work. It's okay to try to avoid evil." Guan Liyuan said.

Then Guan Liyuan and others continued to go deep into the ancient rattan forest. Because the Thunder Spirit can lock the position of the Earth Spirit Bead, so he is not worried about deviating ...

However, walking and walking, the Thunder God suddenly reminded: "Well? Someone laid the array, and the direction was out of order. 】

Guan Liyuan heard a move in his heart and stopped.

"Brother Guan, what's wrong?" Sedum asked when she saw this.

"We have been in circles ... Which predecessor is joking with us? Please show up!" Guan Liyuan shouted aloud ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I saw an old man in green robe appeared in Guan Liyuan out of thin air In front of others, the old man's skin was as old as tree bark, his eyebrows seemed to germinate plants, and his white hair was slightly green ...

"You are unreasonable afterwards. It is clear that you stepped on the roots of my old man and kept walking along. How can you blame my old man's roots for not going straight?" After the old man appeared, he sternly criticized Guan Liyuan.

Xuejian asked aside, "Demon, is he a Guteng fairy or a Guteng fairy?"

"Children don't understand politeness! I am an old man, and you don't see whether I am a demon or a fairy?" Said Guteng Xian.

Guan Liyuan looked with "white eyes" at this time, but found that with his current state, he could not see the breath of the other party!

To know the four thunderstorms of Shang Fengzi, Guan Liyuan can distinguish them ...

I have been convinced that the other party is the ancient fairy, but still secretly asked the Thunder God: [Lao Long, help me see his realm ... and the school of practice. 】

【he? A splint is perfect, but it is also the most difficult way of divination .... Alas, a true immortal is placed in the war of the three races, which is a little **** to practice the divination. I can't see any future mystery. At best, I know the past. The fighting method is definitely weaker than the demons in the same realm ...]

Guan Liyuan is considering whether to black him!

After a long period of depreciation, isn't it true that the land is still immortal? You are so capable, do you come out and punch him?

Thunder God is now a big breath, in fact, there is no direct combat power at all, and at most he manipulates the "pseudo-Ray Lingzhu", and Gu Tengxian ... even if it is weaker than the average fairy, Guan Liyuan can't handle it!