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v2 Chapter 1705: Dredo

[If nothing is said, it means that Ayuan can be communicated through the mind? ] Xier asked a little tangled.

【of course can! ] Guan Liyuan replied solemnly.

"Hello, aren't you talking about something strange?" Nana interrupted.

Although I ca n’t hear the communication between Guan Liyuan and Xi'er, the two “people” were talking, but suddenly they did n’t say anything, and then under the gaze of Guan Liyuan, Xier gradually lowered his head and seemed to hesitate ...

Nana is sensitive to the fact that Guan Liyuan may be "defiled" by the pure thinking of the beast!

"No, I'm just teaching Xier some truths about life." Guan Liyuan was righteous.

"What's the reason?" Nana wasn't blinded, or ... when he noticed that Guan Liyuan was "reasonable and righteous", he became more concerned.

"When a companion is distressed about something, shouldn't he help hinder her?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"That's right ..."

After waiting for Nana to finish, Xi'er finally made a decision after listening to Guan Liyuan's words.

[Actually, in the past two days, Ida met a person who seemed to be her fellow countryman. When I first met each other yesterday, Ida was still very happy, but after talking about it alone, she finally broke up. Today, the other party came to Ada again ... After that, Ada's mood has been wrong. ] Xier said.

When Ada talked to the other side, he avoided Xi'er, but at the beginning, Ada introduced him to him, a young man named "Dredo".

[Ida has any unusual emotions about that ... Dredo? Guan Liyuan asked.

[When I first met, it was like seeing the excitement of an ordinary fellow ... By the way, Ada seemed to have mentioned that he hadn't returned to Mother Earth Village for a long time. ] Xier said.

"That is to say, it is not an emotional reason, and it is not like she was chased out because she ran away from home ..." Guan Liyuan was doing the elimination method in his heart.

Although Ada stole the illustrated books by himself and then "leaked away from the village", those illustrated books were originally prepared for the young people in the village, only because Ada called for the swan dancers and was "abandoned" by the swan dancers later, because No initial Pokémon was sent to her.

Moreover, the mother village of the earth is not a underworld cult, and there will be no "hunting" after leaving the village, but it will indirectly confirm the safety of Ada.

Guan Liyuan scratched his head and secretly said: Sure enough, there is too little information, and he doesn't know what happened.

Fortunately, before the Dadao Challenge began on the second day, Ada had adjusted her emotions. It did n’t look strange. Guan Liyuan, Nana, Xiaoai and others did n’t mention it, just went to the duel scene as usual. Cheer on Ida off the court!

Because it ’s only the challenge of the seventh badge, it ’s normal that it wo n’t line up too much, and recently, because of the battle club, there are a lot of Lv.10 duels, the venue is very tight, and the audience is also diverted. ” "Seventh Badge Challenge" this level of duel cannot be allocated to a duel with an auditorium, and nobody sees it.

Including Guan Liyuan and his entourage, there were less than ten people on the sidelines. Some were trainees and some were trainers who were also ready to challenge seven badges.

There is no special auditorium, everyone just stands on the sidelines to find a place ...

Because the "Reversing Force" caused the "Heart of the Earth" to mutate, it made Ada's Heart of the Earth more attractive to Pokémon in the flight department.

At first, the other Dojo trainer thought that this would be the "Civil War of the Flying Department", and he had a special show, and wanted to attract Ada to join the Kiyoido.

However, after Ada's third Pokémon appeared, the other party gradually felt that "things are not easy" ...

Kairos, a worm of Pokémon, looks like a giant saw stag beetle. The big clip on his head looks particularly scary, and there is another name for grounded gas-the large armor.

It was Pokemon that Ida conquered a month ago ...

Ordinary Kairos does not have the "flying system" attribute, but after super evolution, it will become a "worm + flying" dual system, and ... Kairos conquered by Ada, rarely comes with a super stone!

Generally, wild Pokémon will be attracted by their corresponding super stones. Although there are few wild Pokemon that can independently complete super evolution, there are some examples of wild Pokémon carrying super stones ...

With Super Stone, if you only need the "keystone" used by the trainer, it can be easily obtained (as long as you have the money).

It is said that the insect system will be restrained by the flying, fire, rock and other departments, but when Ada launches the "reversing force", all restraint and restraint relations will be reversed!

Therefore, Kairos of Ada, not only has great strength after super evolution, but also ... weird restraint flight system!

The Taoist trainer who blown the Taoist Pavilion apparently did not think of such a biased thing as "the power of reversal", but instead overestimated Kairos's strength-mistakenly assumed that Aida's Kairos was being restrained. In this case, there is still such a performance.

"The big picture is set." Guan Liyuan whispered.

Originally, Ida was now Pokémon into a length (level), enough to win seven badges, not to mention mastering the super evolution of Kairos—because of the mutation of the heart of the earth, the **** can be reached in just over a month. Excite the degree of Super Stone!

Moreover, there is also the "force of reversal" to escort. It can be said that in terms of attributes, Ada only has a bargain. For the opponent, the best case is that all attributes of both sides have no restraint relationship ...

At this moment, Guan Liyuan discovered that someone was mysteriously walking into the hall of the duel field. After seeing himself, he immediately came over.

Guan Liyuan was still thinking: Is my Yi Rong exposed?

But then Xier's voice ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ was ringing in Guan Liyuan's mind: [this is the person! 】

Guan Liyuan took a moment to react before he came over. Xi'er said ... it should be the Dredo!

I saw Dredo walking all the way to Guan Liyuan and asked in a low voice, "Is it the house owner? I am Ada's friend. I have an important thing to talk to you alone?"

Your suspicious look is not like Ada's friend ... Guan Liyuan secretly said.

However, looking at Aida who was still in the duel, in order to avoid Ada being distracted after discovery, Guan Liyuan took a look at Dredo and turned to leave the hall. Dredo saw that he followed quickly.

"What is it?" Guan Liyuan asked, not very well, out of what Xier said before.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan was also a little puzzled-did Murphy Ida's emotional changes after the appearance of Dredo have something to do with me?

"Hello, I think Ida may not have introduced me, I'm Dredo, the people of the earth ..."