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v2 Chapter 1765: 1 way west

[I have compared the current map of the Hezhong area, and probably ... it can be transmitted to a place not far from "Cangmu Town". If you want to go to Snowflake City, there is no place much closer than Ssangyong City. Little Hupa replied.

[Okay, I might ask you to teleport for a while. ] Guan Liyuan said.

"Let's go to the west according to the original schedule!" Guan Liyuan said to Aida.

"Well? Don't you wait for Nana?" Ida was surprised.

"It's okay for Xiao Hupa to pick him up later. There is no need to change the plan specifically." Guan Liyuan said casually.

"Little ... Hupa? Time and Space Demon?" Ada responded.

"Yes, an artifact guaranteed to be late!" Guan Liyuan praised.

"No no no, this is not the key, the question is ... why can you find the time and space demon to help you? Isn't Huppa in the legend being sealed?" Suddenly, Ada found that Mother Earth was right, the world outside was always Is full of accidents.

Guan Liyuan had a higher look at the Mother Village of the Earth. As a Hupa that often "appears" in the Carlos area and occasionally in other areas, there is no "sealed" setting in human observation records.

In fact, Hupa was indeed sealed for a long time ... or he accidentally entered the seal of liberating Hupa and was trapped for a long time!

The records of Huppa observed by modern humans are just that Huppa stretched out his hand and quietly took away some things or other pranks. Before meeting Guan Liyuan, Huppa couldn't make himself completely pass through the wormhole golden ring, only Can reach out a hand.

But ordinary trainers, even those Pokémon experts, didn't know about it.

However, Ada was able to say "the devil of time and space is in the seal", and it can be seen that the mother village of the earth holds many secrets of the Pokémon world.

It's just the news from Mother Earth Village, obviously there is no timeliness. On the contrary, I don't know that Little Hupa has followed Guan Dazhu Lord last year!

"To be precise, it's 'trapped', not the seal. He broke into someone else's seal ... It's complicated, but it's out now." Guan Liyuan said.

"Wait, did you save him, so he is willing to help you?" Ida asked.

"You can understand that."

After that, Ada looked forward to the "time and space demon".

Guan Liyuan originally wanted to take a car to Snowflake, but after confirming the news from the Rockets channel that "suspected members of the plasma group are still in assembly", Guan Liyuan chose to travel all the way.

Since Nana said that he would meet in Langmu Town half a month later, it can be seen that the situation may not be as smooth as he originally thought, but he still has the confidence to resolve it.

Judging from the plasma team's secretly obtaining the level of the combat division, the real place where this happened is definitely related to the authority-from the data of the Rockets, the level they obtained is Lv.7!

The battle division of Lv.7 can enjoy the authority equivalent to six badges in the United District. On the difficulty, I am afraid that it will be similar to the eight badges challenge ...

Because the combat division wants to upgrade Lv.7, it must win three games in a row in Lv6, which is more difficult than the previous "accumulated win five games" promotion conditions.

Eight badges are already the level for participating in the youth group competition-the team-level Pokémon is standard.

Although we don't know what it is, since the members of the plasma group are still gathering, we can see that there is still some time.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan wanted to accumulate strength first and raise the level of the combat division, so that he could be inconspicuously incorporated into the event like the plasma group.

Even if the situation broke out faster than expected, Guan Liyuan could let Xi'er arrive in Snowflake Town in time on his back!

The speed of the long-distance raid was born from the "Ladius" of the fast dragon group, faster than the lightning bird, even if Cher's strength is inferior to the adult beast, but a few hours is enough to snowflake town.

In less than half a month, to upgrade to Lv.7, two games are played every day. In other words, Guan Liyuan must also use the ability of Xiao Hupa to "traverse" to battle clubs in different cities. Training and fighting alternate.

As for upgrading to Lv.7, the required strength ...

Guan Liyuan estimates that as long as they have raised the black eyes to level 30 or above, they will have the opportunity to advance to Lv.7 without using the beast. If the beast is used, it is equivalent to giving up "unobtrusive." The purpose of the plasma group will be vigilant at that time.

In theory, the Lv. 7 combat division has the strength of eight badges. Six Pokémon are standard, but if you are not afraid of losing, you will have the opportunity to advance in the four levels, just like the trainer with eight badges. There are parallel imports ...

When Ada later traveled, he also found that Guan Liyuan was obviously urgent, not as leisurely as before.

And ... often diarrhea?

That's right, Guan Liyuan often separated from Ada in the name of diarrhea, then passed through the towns of the United Nations where the coordinates were set in each small Hupa, and went straight to the battle club to register for the battle.

This also made Guan Liyuan discover that not all of the clubs in the battle clubs knew that "Mo Dao Tian extraordinary" was the trumpet of the house owner. Some clubs that were far away from Ssangyong City and were not large branches did not. Knowing this, the local trainer would not have thought that the house owner would "flow" directly from Ssangyong City.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan discovered the BUG of the battle clubs. It seems that the battle clubs in various places are not connected in real time. Guan Liyuan's branch in a remote town ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ can actually register for two games at the same time ...

Guan Liyuan also chooses only those small divisions to register. In this way, the opponent is likely to be a "childcare" of the playing club, and the strength meets the current Lv standards, and no accidents will occur!

In addition, Guan Liyuan also paid attention to the wild Pokémon that can be subdued. It is best to gather six "ordinary" Pokémon to promote Lv.7 more smoothly.

Pokémon below the beast were all classified by Guan Liyuan as "ordinary" ...

"Huh? What's this? Shiny, isn't it ... the footprints of the beast?" Ada suddenly found suspicious marks on the ground.

Guan Liyuan looked after him and said, "It's just a 'cowardly'. It's more common in Arora and Carlos, and it's rare in the United District."

Cowardly, a kind of Pokémon with very small guts that will flee in the wild with a little wind and grass. The timid character is not conducive to fighting, and it does not like fighting, so it is rarely conquered.

And after being conquered by the trainer, even after the physical strength has dropped to a certain level, he may ignore the trainer's instructions and return to the phantom ball on his own.

This situation will not change even if it evolves into a "armored warrior", so for trainers, this is a "dangerous" Pokémon-in accordance with the current general rules of the United Region, Pokémon Returning to the Pokemon on your own, it is also regarded as the trainer replacing Pokémon, that is ... a little careless, when the trainer does not have the right to exchange, the cowardly or armored warrior returns to the Pokemon, the trainer will Foul out!

And timids have a very embarrassing ethnic characteristic-they will leave "traces" when they escape, and the more they fear, the more fluid they will emit ...

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