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v2 Chapter 1827: You are light

"Brother Li Yuan, what have you been doing so late?" A Wu asked in a puzzled way, squinting his eyes.

Because it is equivalent to resuming the incarnation, Guan Liyuan has automatically "removed his makeup" and did not scare the children.

"Good news, tell your brother, come to the Tai family to gather tomorrow morning." Guan Liyuan finished and left from Awu's house again.

In order to avoid night long dreams, Guan Liyuan went to Tai Family directly after getting the badge.

Guan Liyuan had already told the address to the Dilu and the Witcher ...

If they had guided Vampire Warcraft before to go to the neighbourhood where "Hui Ye Ji" appeared, Vampire Warcraft would probably suspect them afterwards, especially the little evil Warcraft had been killed before, it can be said that Vampire Warcraft alert is sooner or later .

Now that the badge is in hand, the Dilu and the Witcher should not continue to risk "undercover".

When Guan Liyuan rushed downstairs to the Tai Family, he found on the balcony that the Agumon was confronting the wizard beast, or that ... the Agu beast misunderstood that Xiaoguang was hijacked by the dilu and the wizard beast, so he attacked, but the wizard The beast simply resisted, and wanted to make a mistake.

The heights of the Deer and the Wizard beasts are very petite in the mature period. The wizards are only a little taller, thanks to the contribution of the hat, and the Deer beasts ... the ancient animals of Biya are still smaller, only The average domestic cat is big!

However, if it really fights, even if the Agumon evolved into a Tyrannosaurus, it is not an opponent of the Dilu.

One is on the "template", Dilu beast belongs to a very mature period. Second, ... Dilu beast's combat experience is far from comparable to that of the ancient beast, and has even reached the level of permanent evolution and maturity independently. In three ways, the dexterous Dilu beast restrained the silly and rude tyrannosaurus in the battle mode.

But this side is originally a residential area, and unlike the Meimei family's detached house, the Tai family is still a high-rise apartment building-Agumon must not evolve here.

Seeing this, Guan Liyuan called out the Andean beast quickly, then asked her to carry her back, jumped a few times on the high wall, and landed on the balcony of Tai Family!

"Stop it yourself." After Guan Liyuan came up, he fell directly between the two sides.

"Myself? Isn't it ... that the Dilu beast is really Xiaoguang's digital beast?" Tai Yi was surprised.

"Yes, the person I was waiting for was Xiaoguang!" Di Lushou looked at Xiaoguang, his eyes were about to flash.

Xiaoguang looked at Di Lu beast, without a word, turned and ran back to the house ...

"Xiaoguang ..." The Dilu beast instinctively raised his paw and was about to cry, thinking that it was the previous bad impression that scared Xiaoguang.

But she didn't wait for her to be sad, and saw Xiaoguang run out again, holding a pair of cute animal gloves in her hand-the size of a cat's paw, and the size of a small pet.

When Xiaoguang asked Guan Liyuan what her partner looked like and what gifts she should prepare, Guan Liyuan recommended it to her.

"Is this ... for me?"

"Well!" Xiao Guang nodded heavily.

The Deer beast was more touched, the light in his eyes flashed, and he immediately removed the "cat's claw" on the spot, exposing his scarred claws, and then brought the "moe" cat's claw ... ...

Although it is also a cat's claw, compared with the claws of the Dillus before, Xiaoguang gave her a more adorable line, only selling a cute meat pad.

When Tai sees Guan Liyuan, he also acknowledges the incident and gradually believes it.

The wizard beast looked at this scene, feeling relieved, and at the same time asked half-expecting and half-anxious, "Have you got your real badge back?"

If Guan Liyuan fails, once Vampire Warcraft is alert, it will be more difficult to get the badge back later.

"Of course, there is no difficulty." Guan Liyuan heard that, and rightfully took out a bunch of keys and badges of the broken chain.

"Have you got the badge?" Tai Yi was surprised.

At this time, the Dili Beast was still coquettish with Xiaoguang, the long-lost coquettish, while the Wizard Beast looked at Guan Liyuan in surprise, and seemed to be wondering how he did it.

"But Xiaoguang's badge represents‘ light ’… what does it mean?” Agumon patted his head with his paw.

Xiaoguang now has partners, sacred plans, and badge keys, but so far, Meimei, A Zhang and Xiaoguang have not yet completed super evolution.

A Zhang and Mei Mei have any general direction-honesty and innocence.

However, Xiaoguang's badge symbol, light, looks different, so it's impossible to start!

According to Hyunai's clue to Taiyi, all the children who have been called must exert their strength to have a chance to defeat Vampire Warcraft.

"Probably ... means that Xiaoguang is as shining as‘ light ’! Hahaha…” Too a pair of his sister said confidently.

Agumon looked at him helplessly, but there was another person present, more confident than Taiyi!

Xiaoguang's badge symbol is indeed very special.

In addition to Xiaoguang and Awu, the badges of others are the positive qualities of human beings, and Awu's "hope" can be understood as both the hope itself and the "never give up hope" quality.

But Xiaoguang's badge, just like her name, is only "light", which is incompatible with other badges in style. If it is simply understood as "expecting for light", it seems to be a duplicate of "hope".

In the original work, Xiaoguang also showed several "unusual", such as being possessed by the constancy for many times. Even in tri, he can be attached directly in the human world. For example, the understanding of the emblem symbol ...

It is said that the badge is "light". This kind of nihilism is not a symbol of quality at all. Normally, it should be very distressed. It seems that other people can unlock the power of the badge after they understand the true meaning of their "badge symbol" — —Such as Tai Yi's courage, Yamato's friendship, empty love ...

In the original work, Xiaoguang not only did not encounter any trouble in this aspect, it was even easier than other children!

In the original work, just before the face of Vampire Warcraft, he received the sacred plan and the badge of light, which directly made the Dilu beast evolve into a heavenly beast, without even laying the groundwork!

No reason at all ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ As if she is the "light" itself ...

"Xiao Guang, take it first and see if you feel anything." Guan Liyuan said, passing the real badge.

At this time, even if it was too one, he did not think that Xiaoguang would immediately inspire the badge.

I saw Xiao Guang under Guan Liyuan's gaze, and the moment he took the badge, the pattern looked like a pink badge like a flower, and it suddenly bloomed a pale pink light. After a few flashes, it gradually went out.

When it flickered, even with the Dilu beast, it flashed white light ...

"This is ..." Taiyi was a little surprised at the strangeness.

"I feel like ... I can evolve at any time! Sure enough, Xiaoguang ... you are my light!" Di Lushou said.

Although it wasn't that kind of relationship, Guan Liyuan could not help but glanced at Li Lushou when he said that ... Hey, glanced at the Wizard Beast.

But at this time, the look of the wizard beast looking at the Dilu beast, there was only "comfort", and it really was a qualified lick ... the right wizard beast!