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v2 Chapter 1838: "Stripe" in the air

"What's going on? What's in the air?"

"Wait, that one ... is it the original site of Vampire Warcraft? Looks a bit similar in outline ..."

"Ah! There is the desert where the orangutans lingered at the time ..."

The selected children gradually found that the mirage in the air was not simple.

At the same time, because the blood mist of the data disappeared and the signal re-opened, Guangzilang also used the computer network to search for related news-not only the East Island, but not the island country ... The sky across the world now appears as "spaced stripes ".

And in the news, some countries began to want to explore the "sky world" situation, but as long as the aircraft is raised to a certain height, it will lose control, become gray, and crash ...

"Why ... the digital world will appear in the air?" Said A-Zhang.

"It's not just a matter of the digital world!" Guangzilang said in a more serious tone.

I saw that Guangzilang logged into some forums at this time and found that there were videos uploaded by netizens everywhere-all over the world, "mysterious creature" incidents have occurred!

And these mysterious creatures are naturally digital beasts ...

It seems that on this day when the mist shrouded the East Island, the world was lively.

"What? Digimons have begun to appear all over the world?" Taiyi also had some headaches. Just a Tokyo has already made them tired.

"Oops ... Although most Digimons are friendly, if they suddenly appear in the new environment, many of them will walk away because of the horror." Meimei worried.

"Yes, humans will fight back then, and then ... if this continues, humans and Digimons will be in danger!" Xiao Kong said.

"Isn't Vampire Warcraft already defeated? Is it ... what happened to the digital world?" Yamato wondered.

"It's very possible! When we came here after chasing Vampire Warcraft, the 'distortion' of the digital world was not corrected, and because of the time distortion ... the digital world has been for decades!" Said Agumon.

(When the time is distorted, it should be one minute in the human world = one day in the digital world. It was counted as one second before, so it is decades, and it has been corrected before.)

"Then what should we do now?" Azao asked.

I saw Guan Liyuan breathed a sigh of relief, gradually removed from the digital state, from body shape to clothing, and changed back to a completely human appearance, and said: "Of course, rest and eat first! Now our state is too bad, even if The enemy is in front of him and he cannot win. "

Guan Liyuan was very impressed-in the original work, the children who were called did not even breathe, and went to the digital world as soon as possible. As a result, they were shown by the four kings of darkness, and the monsters died to save them from leaving. .

Grunts-the sound of everyone's belly screaming.

"Okay, it seems to make sense," too touched his stomach and said.

Regarding the stop of Li Yuan, and the reliability of Guan Li Yuan before, the children immediately realized that both themselves and their partner Digimon need rest now!

But what's happening at Etoshima ... it's a mess. It's impossible to go home and rest.

The only good news so far is that people who were previously hypnotized have gradually woke up.

In order to avoid being delayed by trouble, Guan Liyuan immediately took everyone to a more hidden place. After everyone called the family to report their safety, Guan Liyuan took out the food in the rune space and took a break after eating.

As for how to return to the digital world, the first-class people are also ready-since it was brought by the "Sacred Plan" before, then this time it will once again stimulate the power of the "Sacred Plan".

"Say ... do you think that the digital world looks strange right now? When we were in the digital world, the map was still normal, wasn't it one by one?" Tai Yi wondered while eating a burger. .

"Yes, many positions are not right ... There are several forests that should not be together, but now they are next to each other," Yamato said.

"Maybe some kind of optical effect?" Photonic Lang speculated.

Guan Liyuan looked at the strip-shaped digital plane showing a four-type loop, and he had some suspicions in his heart, not as optimistic as them!

I'm afraid ... The Dark Tornado has already been "activated"!

Although the dark tornado is called "mountain", when it was just built, it really looked like a "mountain", but ... after the huge force completely inspired it, its real purpose was to format the entire digital plane. , Destroy, reinstall.

The current dark tornado is just gradually formatting the entire digital plane into four parts: "dark", "forest", "ocean", and "urban". After categorizing these four parts, it condenses into a band. Then, the four ribbons are spirally formed into a barrel shape ... it is now the dark tornado!

In other words, the current dark tornado is the entire digital plane, and the strip-shaped subdivisions seen when looking up are actually looking at the "dark tornado" from the side.

Because the gravitational "setting" of the digital plane is still facing the central axis of the "mountain", and the mountain is too huge, when you really step on the peak, it is easy to think that you are still on the flat ground-just like the principle of the planet The same, but now the digital plane is not a ball, but a "barrel" spirally woven with "four ribbons".

It seems that in the past four years, the four kings of darkness have completely sealed the four sacred beasts, and have begun to extract their power, and have deduced the "dark tornado" to a step of "formatting".

Then in the digital plane of "Igudra Hill World", "evolution" will become more and more difficult, the number of digital eggs born in the "foundation land" will be less and less, and the power of the entire plane will be more and more " "Condensation", the composition of the dark tornado mountain will also spiral closer and closer to the "top of the mountain ..."

At that time, all the data of the four ribbons, that is, the digital planes, were all concentrated on the top of the mountain, and the "Fire Crest" would be penetrated, and the apocalyptic beast on the other side of the wall would be released, and Igudra Hill was completely destroyed.

In the original work, after the selected children return this time, they will find that the "geography" of the world has become very chaotic ...

And want to restore the digital plane to its original state ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The only known way is to destroy the "Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness". Each time they kill one, a spiral band they represent will be decompressed back to the original one. status!

Guan Liyuan insisted that everyone take a rest. There is another reason ...

That is the current digital plane of "Iguodela Hill". Although the geography has changed greatly, the location of small areas has not changed much.

If it is understood as a non-integrated game, it is equivalent to reassembling the transmission points of each "small map". The appearance of the "big map" is completely different from the previous one. However, when entering the "scene", it is generally still the same as Same as before.

In this way, Guan Liyuan had to think about it-will he still be on Fayilu Island after entering the digital plane?

That mysterious and evil Warcraft ... Ah no, it should be a demon female beast, has it been killed by the Dark Four Kings? Or is it contamination?

Although after watching the evolution of the demon beasts, I seem to think of something, and there is no strong desire for fighting against them, but no one can guarantee that when they encounter again, they will not fight.