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v2 Chapter 1955: True goddess

"No, it's your dark side. You want to kill Her Royal Highness, look ... you've been controlled by the dark side again!" Gallon accused Saga.

"You, the deceiver, are still playing tricks here, saying! What conspiracy do you have!"

"Now I'm the saint who protects Athena, you are the mean reptile who has been tempted and fallen by Hades ..."

Saka and Gallon quarreled in the Temple of the Goddess.

In short, "You are a bad person", "No, you are a bad person", "You lied to me to become bad", "You are already bad", "You are bad, you are bad, you are the worst", "Rebound", etc. .

"Okay! Gallon, get that thing!" Athena interrupted.

After seeing Saori's expression, he knew that he could no longer be discouraged, and he had to take his orders. After a while ... Kamiao and Dismusk were also brought by Glacier and Abrodie. The Titan-style painted box returned to the Temple of the Goddess.

This is the thing that the Titan Protoss gave to Gallon ...

However, the Titan Protoss itself was defeated by the sanctuary led by Saka when it was completely unrest years ago!

"Leave it to Saga." Saori didn't take the box.

After Gallon hesitated, he finally retreated under Saori's eyes and threw him in front of Saga.

"Athena ... what do you want to get out of this thing ..." Saga looked at the golden dagger that fell out of the box in front of him, and couldn't help it.

"That's right, this is the kind of god-killer you used to ..." Saori said.

Probably because Saori said "you" and did not pass Gallon around, so Saga did not refute.

"Athena ... what the **** ..." Saka lowered her head, hiding her expression in the shadows.

Except for Seiya and others, the other gold saints are called "Goddess" or "Athena". After all, for them, it is not important who "Saori" is.

"Come! Don't hesitate to pierce my throat with it!" Saori stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Saga's hand holding a dagger.

"Miss Saori!"

"Her Highness ..."

"Wait! Miss Saori, what are you talking about? We are about to win ..."

Seiya and others, as well as Miro, obviously couldn't accept the result.

Abrodi still sniffing the rose aside at this time, and Gallon seemed to have realized something, not even having an argument with Saga.

"Stop ... this way, you will be relieved from the pain, right?" Saori stopped Hase and others from approaching, and continued to say to Saga.

Seeing Saisa regardless of the sharpness of the dagger, his hands were pierced and he still held the blade. He held the dagger in front of his throat. Naturally, Seiya and others couldn't sit still and ignore it, even if they had Saori's order!

However, at this moment, he was blocked by the invisible crystal wall, and he could no longer approach the gauze—Shi Ang ... Shoot!

I can only watch it with open eyes, the golden dagger pierced into Bai Nen's neck, blood splattered, and the smile of compassion on Saga and all sentient beings on Saori's face does not change, but it is stained with blood and warmth ... ...

"Miss Saori!"

"Do not!"

"Why ... why is this ..."

When the sanctuary was thought to have won, Saori, like a butterfly in the cold wind, quietly fell in front of the Temple of the Goddess.

Tong Hu, who still hasn't been exposed, said to Guan Liyuan, "Athena is the goddess of war and wisdom, but to control the Athena universe, you don't need force or intelligence, but love and sacrifice."

Love is the love of every soul on the earth, whether it is to friends, relatives, saints, human beings ... or even all enemies.

Perhaps in some ways, this is a "virgin" (negative derogation) behavior, and if it comes from the heart, it is even more incurable.


This is exactly what Athena needs, along with it ... and "sacrifice."

If it is said to the saint warrior, "Don't you still have life?" For Athena, only by enshrining her life as "sacrifice" can she inspire the true goddess.

The female sacred clothing is not able to wake up as long as it has cheap blood.

Only when Gauze truly became "Athena", the female sacred clothing appeared!

If Saori can grow up in the sanctuary from a young age, there is Shi Ao's guidance, and since childhood he asked himself according to "Athena", maybe ... there will be an easier way.

Shaka hinted that Saori knew this ... but for her, it was still the same way as suicide.

If you ca n’t do it from the bottom of your heart, forgive, or even “love” Saga, Karu, Dismsk, or even all the other fighters who came to take her first level, or you still hold your own sacrifice. With fear and doubt, she will be greeted by the death of her body, the death of Saori.

Only two hundred years after Pluto ruled the earth, there would be a new opportunity for reawakening and reincarnation. At that time, she might still be Athena, but she would not be saori.

The reason why Shi Ang returned to the earth with the old gold fighters is not to take down Athena's first rank, nor to tell Athena that the way of opening the sacred clothing is more than just a few drops of blood ... ...

It was to make Saori and become a real Athena!

When Saori was pierced through his throat, his heart was completely free from the previous sorrow, despair, and sorrow, but only pure love and sacrifice ...

The huge statue of the goddess also seemed to feel that the "real goddess" had returned to the sanctuary, tears were seeping in the eyes of stones.

There is no need for Shi Aung to give any guidance or read any eulogy ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I saw this giant statue standing in the sanctuary, gradually disappearing in the golden light ...

What remains in place is a miniature sculpture with colorful golden lights, but only "hand-made".

However, Saori had already fallen into a pool of blood with a serene smile at this time. She could not feel the vitality and the universe in the slightest. Only her face was still smiling ...

Tong Hu and Guan Liyuan also appeared from one side at this time, no longer hiding their tracks.

At this time, Hoshiya was full of sadness and anger, not only Hoshiya, but even Miro, who was faintly feeling, at this time still stunned Dismusk ...

Until Tonghu stopped them.

Other gold trapped by the fighters also went to the temple of the gods as the sanctuary appeared due to the death of Saori. As for Ballendain and others ... after knowing that Saori was dead, they also laughed. To leave.

At this time, Shi On, finally, without any resistance, after being blown by Hoshiya, he told everyone the true meaning of their "resurrection" return ...