Dimension Forum

v2 Chapter 659: To cross (sh) to cross (ui)

[Found a matching world, the member is still the person you asked me to check before ...] Penguin said suddenly that day.

[The person I asked you to check? Would n’t it be “the swimsuit just needs to cover‘ beep ’,” right? Guan Liyuan frowned.

(Because of this bad luck Id, Jiedong has been rectified a chapter.)

Guan Liyuan was puzzled by the "white" gender of the Naruto world. When the post was discussed, this guy also came out to make trouble.

When viewing the background registration information afterwards, the other party is now Shiro Kuroko of "Forbidden World".

If it is a "magic forbidden world", there is indeed a system of space capabilities ... but it doesn't make much sense!

What Guan Liyuan now needs is a world in which the rules of space are close to the main world and easier to grasp.

"Easier to master" is the key, otherwise, if you go, you will have to change the place to "hang a branch".

[No, it was the user you asked me to check not long ago, Id is the "king of the gods". Said Penguin.

The kings of the gods have communicated with Lan Ran about the stability of the world, and can even be said to be pointing ...

Being able to guide across the world shows that his understanding of "world stability" has reached the level of hitting the essence!

【he? Do you know who it is? Guan Liyuan asked.

[The name is known, but it doesn't make much sense to him. He is the maintainer, observer, supervisor, initiator of his world ...] Penguin muttered.

【stop! In other words ... is he really "God"? And at the level of the creation god? ] Guan Liyuan secretly said: Id is not bragging!

And what Guan Liyuan refers to as "God" is naturally not the existence of "capable people" in a broad sense. In many worlds, all powerful people are called "Gods" because their direct strength exceeds the world average. too much……

But Guan Liyuan, as a "noble administrator", hasn't seen any kind of great person? The so-called "God" by Guan Liyuan refers to the derivative of the will of the universe!

That is, the existence of upholding the will of the universe, "they" may not all have powerful powers, but they represent the will of the world. Some are more represented, some are less ...

Therefore, the **** beast in the "Pokémon World" can be regarded as a kind of "god" in Guan Liyuan's view, and the "god beast" in the main world ... is just a respectable title for the Warcraft powerhouse.

[Yes, and he is the closest to the universe's will among all users of the forum ... it is no longer the "creation god" to describe it, but the real "initial", or "first cause", " First push. " Said Penguin.

[Cough, be more careful with what you say! ] Guan Liyuan said a glance at the penguin.

Penguin understands that Guan Liyuan means, let it be simpler ...

[Simple ... Keke, "meticulously", in the world based on the "Big Bang" model, the so-called "God of Creation" is the first batch of souls born after the "Big Bang." A derivative of the "will to create" that upholds the will of the universe.

And the "king of the gods" ... is the "Big Bang" itself! In a world usually based on the "Big Bang" model, the "Big Bang" does not produce self-awareness. Said Penguin.

[In other words, is he a "Big Bang"? 】 Guan Liyuan said in surprise.

[Although the statement is a bit strange, the truth is right ...]

It is indeed a rare phenomenon. Generally, the “bigger” and “more” the will of the universe is, the less likely it is to be born of self-consciousness. When the derivative of the will of the universe is born of the self-consciousness, his distance from the will of the universe will also become “ far".

For example, the will to create is one of the strongest will in the universe ...

Therefore, in most of the world, the true "God of Creation" does not have self-consciousness.

In a world based on the "Big Bang" model, the "Big Bang" is undoubtedly a stronger wish than "creation". The beginning of the real world exhibition can even be said to be the first breath exhaled after the birth of the universe consciousness ...

In terms of odds, the chance of the "Big Bang" being refined is very small, but since there are an infinite number of worlds, then any small-probability event can be born, such as the "king of the gods"!

[It sounds like a thick "thigh" ... in his world, do the rules of space have similarities with the main world? And easier to master? 】 Guan Liyuan's eyes flashed.

【You can say that……】

Hearing Penguin's clearly reserved language, Guan Liyuan couldn't help but mention: "What does it mean to say" may "? Is there an exact answer? 】

[That world ... can meet your current needs, but there is a small problem. The degree of instability in that world is more unstable than that of the "lord of the virtual night palace". It can be said that if there was no long-term maintenance of the "king of the gods", that world would have been destroyed long ago, and it would have been more thoroughly destroyed than the "death world" ... even the will of the universe would collapse. Said Penguin.

[Cosmic Will Can Collapse? Guan Liyuan said in surprise.

[Well, although this situation is extremely rare, since the forum was operated, a world that has been completely destroyed three times and that the universe's will no longer exists has been observed. Said Penguin.

No wonder the "king of the gods" can guide blue dye in the stability of the world ...

If you think about it, if the world of the "king of the gods" is very stable, he won't understand it!

[The world is about to be destroyed. I can't stop it. It has little to do with me ... but how can I get him to agree with me to "traverse" the past? ] Guan Liyuan scratched his head.

People's homes are almost "burned out". Are you rushing to "visit"?

Guan Liyuan felt that the other party would not care about himself ...

[It is enough to donate a forum point to him for free. Said Penguin.

【what? Is he still in the mood to open VIP? Or ... reward the anchor? 】 Guan Liyuan suddenly felt speechless-this "big bang" into a refined brother ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Is it reliable?

[Dear Mr. Administrator, Although the new features you proposed are indeed big points for earning forum points now, but ... don't forget the original functions of forum points! You look at the forum's exchange mall page 193, the second item. Reminded Penguin.

[This is ... the world's original restoration. The more points you invest, the better the restoration effect. The minimum investment is 10,000 points? ] Guan Liyuan was shocked by this high-consumption project, and also shocked by the forum's high-end features.

[Wait, that "king of gods", in his world, should be invincible. How many points can I get? Guan Liyuan wondered.

[Don't forget, the essence of forum points is the world's origin ... so the consumption of forum coins can be used to repair the world's origin. If you use the exchange items in his own world to redeem the points and repair them, it is equivalent to dismantling the east wall. The Western Wall, but also half of the bricks we stopped.

In fact, the world he lives in can hardly be redeemed for points, and can only earn points for other worlds ... which is equivalent to letting other worlds "donate blood" for it. Said Penguin.

[Slow, do other worlds redeem points also cause the world to collapse? ] Guan Liyuan frowned, if so, he would feel a bit guilty!

In the future, will there be news that "lost users recharge 100,000 points and make their world collapse"?

[No, the exchange system of the forum also has a protection mechanism, like a benign "blood donation", which can be gradually restored. Said Penguin.

【Oh? So I'm still doing good? OK, donate 100,000 first! ] With a big wave of his hand, Guan Liyuan looked like a philanthropist in return to society. ()

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