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v2 Chapter 746: Kisuke Urahara

"... That's it, so I brought him here, the manager of Urahara. You should take care of it." Ichigo introduced him to "Cheng Gong" and explained "Cheng Gong" and Xiaohei To Urahara.

And Pu principle said with a black line: "What is that? That ’s what! What kind of sincerity? Do you believe it yourself? So you brought him here? Are you afraid he came to assassinate the manager?"

"You are captain-level anyway, aren't you so easily assassinated?" Ichigo said indifferently.

Urahara still wanted to say something, but Ichigo interrupted: "Well, you can deal with it later! The lunch break is almost over, I haven't eaten yet ..."

"The soul will eat it for you!"

After Ichigo left, Kihara Haru looked at the smiling "Cheng Gong" and said clearly, "What do you want to do?"

"... Guardian Spirit King!" Guan Liyuan said brightly.

"Oh, that's a good thing. Unfortunately, I'm no longer the captain, otherwise I must introduce you to the Hu Ting Thirteen Team." Urahara said with a helpless expression on his face, "I believe you have ghosts."

"The 13th team of Huting is not needed. Master Wang asked me to go directly to the Zero Fan team to find him." Guan Liyuan said.

"Master Wang?" On the one hand, Urahara Kisho was surprised that Guan Liyuan mentioned the Zero Fan team, and on the other, he wondered who "Master Wang" was ... He has not been young in the 13th team of Hu Ting. He has never heard of the Zero Fan team. This number, secretly: Did you join the Zero Fan team in the past 100 years? Why haven't you heard of anyone ...

"Master Wang, don't you know? The sword **** Wang Yue! Craftsmanship is good!" Guan Liyuan said with a thumb.


Urahara Kisuke was stung for a long time and then said nothing: "King ... Keke, Captain Nieya! He was taken away by you a few days ago ... I mean, he was taken away by blue dye. Is that right? "

"Well? Didn't Master Wang come back? Impossible ... I let him go a few days ago!" Guan Liyuan wondered.

After hearing a word, Pu Yuan took a deep look at "Cheng Gong" and said solemnly, "Wait for me to ask."

Guan Liyuan was inexplicable for a while and secretly said: Why does Puyuan suddenly seem to be very afraid of me? Doesn't he want me to release Master Wang back?

Thinking of the increasingly contradictory stand of the nobles and the zero-fans, and thinking of Urahara Hisuke as the family member of the family of four maples, and then thinking of Urahara Hisuke as the captain of the research and development team, and Master Wang is also a research and development talent ...

At this point Guan Liyuan had made up the gossip of the court's secret battle of 30,000 words!

At the same time, what Urahara Kisuke thought about was: Captain Nigaya really returned? Is he quietly letting go? Can this kind of thing be done under the blue eyelids?

In Urahara's view, he is both smarter than Lan Ran, but his smart points are more in scientific research, and Lan Ran is more in conspiracy calculations!

But now Urahara finds that some people have turned Lan Ranhua around and released his important captives, and he is still retreating ...

This goods is actually "bad" than blue dye? How "bad" is this?

Urahara has made up 300,000 words of Infernal Affairs!

After Puyuan contacted Yeyi and Yeyi again contacted the broken bee. After the bee confirmed that Wang Yue had returned to the Spirit Palace, in the heart of Puyuan, Guan Liyuan had kicked Lan Ran away and was promoted to the "King of Kings". "s position.

"Ha ha ha, unexpected, unexpected! Mr. Cheng Gong is so diligent in Wang Ming's life, I don't know ... How did Mr. Cheng Gong rescue the captain of the second house?" Puyuan asked with a few tremors.

Guan Liyuan was also very surprised. How did he feel that Uhara was afraid of me? No, he's so insidious. How can he be afraid of me?

"It didn't take much effort, just to say to Lan Ran ... You see, in the end, those who sent me to this world." Guan Liyuan said very honestly.

But stopped in the ears of Urahara, but did not think so, but felt that the blue dye was absolutely miserable by this cargo! Actually let the broken face send him to this world ... Is this sold and still helps to count the money?

Co-authored Lan Ran in front of this product, as pure as his deputy captain Hori Mori, how bad is this product?

Uramahara even felt that after "Cheng Gong" stood there, even the style of the surrounding scenery became deceitful.

"So ... what does Mr. Cheng Gong want to do now?" Kihara Haru asked.

"Please help me contact Master Wang." Guan Liyuan waved his hands casually, and his attention was attracted by some special products with pressure-sensitive response in Puyuan Store.

No one except me is a night man, who can command me like that!

Uhara wants to be angry, but now he feels that Guan Liyuan's style of painting is very scary, so he is not impulsive, but honestly contacts Ye Yi again ...

"In fact, it will be easier to contact the 13th team of Huting." Urawa tentatively said.

"No, no, just contact the Zero Fan team directly."

Immediately from good to good, Urahara Guan Liyuan was a big scourge in his eyes. Instead of the scourge of the Thirteenth Guardian Team, the main force of the Lingting ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, it would be better to close the door and scourge those who do nothing.

After communicating with Yeyi using the communication device in the inner room, Urahara came back and said, "Relax, Mr. Cheng Gong. One of them will find a way to pass on your current world news to the Ling Palace."

And Guan Liyuan was teasing the twin-tailed little Lolly House Rain with a lack of expression at the moment, and Wen Yan said casually: "Then help me get a righteous skeleton first! I'll walk in Kuzamachi and wait for zero You will inform me when the team has news ... "

"No problem!" Hihara Urahara still hoped that "Cheng Gong" would go out for a walk. After all, he was worried that "Cheng Gong" would lie in the store.

But when he went to the warehouse to retrieve the prosthetic bones, Uhara was very entangled. Should he hand over the prosthetic body that can seal the spirit body to Cheng Gong?

In the end, after sweating heavily in the battle between heaven and humans, Urahara gave up, took the capsule with the latest auto-adapted skeletal body, took it out of the warehouse and handed it to Cheng Gong.

"Yeah? Manager Puhara, is there no air-conditioning in the warehouse?" Guan Liyuan looked at Puyuan sweating in doubt.

"Province, save electricity ..." Urawa said with gritted teeth.

Guan Liyuan didn't care too much. After releasing the prosthetic bone in the capsule, he took it in, and later saw the humanoid prosthetic body without any physical features like the "plastic model", gradually creeping into Guan Liyuan's appearance!

Later, after asking Urahara for some real currency, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei left ...

After leaving the Puhara store, Guan Liyuan said to himself: "I can't think of the manager who looks very dark, but he is so enthusiastic!"

And Pu Yuan thought that Guan Liyuan used his righteous body without hesitation, and it was even more so in his heart that this product was definitely from my cold sweat and the time to enter the warehouse. He speculated that I was tangled, and also judged that I would normalize Skeleton to him! ...