Dimension Forum

v2 Chapter 810: Take the benefits and "go home"

"Gemini, Aries, and Leo's clothing? Yes, this is what we agreed upon before, isn't it?" Saori directly agreed to Guan Liyuan's request to return to the sanctuary.

The holy clothes that Guan Liyuan asked for this time are these three sets of gold holy clothes ...

Because it was discovered that the gold suit could be “charged” after being lent to Guan Liyuan, lending the gold suit to Guan Liyuan was mutually beneficial to Sanctuary, not to mention that Guan Liyuan did not wear the holy garment, and still Stay in the sanctuary.

And Guan Liyuan also said that in the past month, he would borrow all nine suits he had not borrowed, and Gemini, Aries, and Leo were just the first batch.

In addition ... Guan Liyuan found floods everywhere. It seems that the world here will encounter the "Nordic Warrior" event like in the animation, instead of directly confronting the sea fighters of Poseidon as in the comics. , But whether he is a fighter or a sea fighter, he is not too interested.

Guan Liyuan has already verified with Brother Boom before. From the perspective of "space ability", the understanding of "Athena" is very thorough, and the twelve golden robes she has cast have already included twelve space mysteries, all of which contain among them.

Even if Guan Liyuan goes to the troubles of God fighters and sea fighters, the gain in space will not be too great.

On the contrary, it is "Gao Taoist" and "Heaven Fighter" ... Guan Liyuan is more interested because of some special abilities.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan was not prepared to deal with the warriors and the sea fighters. It was enough to help the sanctuary to charge the golden garments!

Originally, the **** fighters and sea fighters were defeated by the Wu Xiaoqiang, not to mention that now because of Guan Liyuan's concord, there are more surviving golden saints than in the original, and the holy clothes are also "charged", and they can't win without reason.

In particular, the "God" to which the warrior is loyal is just Odin ...

Although there are some "Odin" in some other parallel dimensions in "World of Saint Seiya", Odin is not the top god's residence in this dimension where Guan Liyuan is.

Even in the defeat of Athena's men, compared to Poseidon and Hades, they are not very prominent.

Moreover, Odin ’s God Universe is still reincarnation, and there is no human body. Now what the fighters have done is just Odin ’s substitute, that is, Hilda equivalent to the “Pope” was used by Poseidon. That's it.

So ... the original Poseidon missed the opportunity to engage in a wave of things while Athena and Sanctuary were the weakest. First, he used God fighters to help the five small levelers, and finally he himself Boss pushed ...

Guan Liyuan didn't quite understand this behavior of brainless fattening.

But the warrior can nourish the five strong men, but it is of no use to Guan Liyuan, so Guan Liyuan only wants to be promoted to the intermediate level first, and then he will understand the other six space capabilities.

Even if he comes to the Saint Seiya world next time, Guan Liyuan is considering going to the "Wonderland" to see the Taoist priest. After all, he will go to the Naruto world immediately. In terms of the time of the master world, it is not far from the promotion of Guan Liyuan and there will be new ones. Occupational quota!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan first mastered the three abilities of different dimensions, space compression, and space isolation in a week, and successfully promoted the "space controller" career to the intermediate level.

The new intermediate skills are also the three passive skills of "different dimensions", "space compression" and "space isolation" ...

"Different Dimensions" gave Guan Liyuan the ability to enter and exit different dimensions and open channels of different dimensions. "Space compression" manifested in the main world and should be considered as part of the folding flow, while "Space Isolation" was Mu's creation of the space wall and even the launching of stars. Cut the foundation of rotary work!

It is said to be "intermediate skill", but in fact, because the skills of Guan Liyuan's "space controller" have been mutated, they are no longer arranged in a tree, but "skill runes" revolve around "professional runes" like satellites. Just three more "satellites".

For Guan Liyuan's "space controller" profession, there is no difference between low, middle, and high skills. All skills have the same intensity, and are only related to "professional grade" ...

Of course, the six passive skills of the "space controller" are also slightly weaker than the middle-level skills of the normal "space controller". Even if Guan Liyuan is promoted to the super level, he will have twelve stronger than the higher level, but Skills that are weaker than the super order should generally be earned, but it is not possible to have the twelve super orders directly.

Guan Liyuan is also very satisfied with this variation. The skills that represent the twelve basic spatial attributes are maintained at a strength, which can make Guan Liyuan have no dead space to master!

After spending more than half a month, Guan Liyuan tried on the other six gold suits in turn ...

In this way, Guan Liyuan's "space controller" career has already reached the foundation of "the peak of the foundation" when he is in the intermediate stage!

At this time, there are already six skill runes and six seemingly unreal runes around the professional runes of "Space Master".

Although there is no skill level, but the other six spatial mysteries, Guan Liyuan has gradually made up for it ...

After the twelve skill runes of six realities and six deficiencies are completely transformed into Guan Liyuan's "instinct", and the space runner's professional rune body has also been thoroughly mastered, Guan Liyuan can reach the "peak of the foundation".

Counting "space master" should be Guan Liyuan's fastest occupation.

In the next Naruto occupation, Guan Liyuan is only confident that he will be able to lay the foundation of the "pinnacle of the foundation" after his next trip to the Naruto world, and Guan Liyuan has only stayed in the "Saint World" for more than a month!

This is why Guan Liyuan regards the "Saint Seiya World ~ lightnovelpub.net ~" as a "space treasure". The rules of space here are no different from being directly exposed to the world ...

In some cases, the value of the "Saint Seiya World" can almost be equivalent to the special experience time rewarded by Shenshan.

Staying in the Saint Cloth World for half an hour while wearing a golden cloak can be used as a hidden reward for the 300 levels of the mountain, or a normal reward for the level of 700 or 800, without appearing to be at odds.

However, Guan Liyuan can come here to choose the holy garments at any time. It is strange that progress is not fast under such conditions!

If Miss Mo is here, it is estimated that she can return to the Lord's World every day.

In the month when Guan Liyuan tried on the holy clothes, the floods in various places became more and more serious, and the sanctuary had also found abnormalities. In order not to trouble, Guan Liyuan returned the gold holy clothes and left ...

"After counting, there will be at least two professions. Before reaching the advanced level, you will reach the" peak of the foundation ". Even Miss Mo must feel some pressure, right?" Guan Liyuan thought with satisfaction.

"Come back? What are you thinking about? It's so cumbersome ..." Xiao Hei looked at Guan Liyuan's grinning grin, and couldn't help getting a little grouchy.

"Ah, just thinking of being able to get hidden rewards, so I'm a little bit happy." Guan Liyuan wouldn't tell the truth at this time-can it be a pride to make Miss Mo a little stressed? As a real male owner, at least you must crush her!

"The other dimension found by Penguin is so amazing? Can you change the time flow?" Xiao Hei asked without doubt.

"Wait, let me try ..."

At this time, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei were on the 499 level steps. The previous test failed, so they returned here and stepped up again to start the next test.

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