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v2 Chapter 905: Sand hidden village chaos (2 in 1)

"No! It's not just Sandy Ninja and Wind Country's Guardian Ninja, but also Konoha!" Beiliuhu recognized several of them who were wearing Sand Ninja costumes.

Although due to the special climate and geographical location, Shayin Village's clothing is very unique. Not only has one-piece clothing covering the whole body, but also often comes with a face mask that blocks half of the face, or even only the eyes, to cover the sand ...

Guan Liyuan also found that these people who were staying in the "front line" were wearing sand ninja costumes, but they did not take sandy village guards, and some even looked like civilian caravans.

"Looks like Yeye Hehe came in ... No wonder he was so decisive!" Guan Liyuan immediately realized this.

"What to do afterwards? It seems that the current situation of Sandyin Village has caused Yecang to be 'closed and beat dogs'." Bei Liuhu said with some worry.

Sandy Hidden Village is located in a natural canyon. After the Hidden Village was established, the surrounding cliffs and rocks were reinforced from generation to generation, and many seals of defense and counterattack were also arranged. In theory, unless they fly in, only " Yitiantian "entry and exit.

"Phosphorus is waiting outside, and you and I flew in directly." Guan Liyuan said, and two eagles were directly psychic.

Xiang phosphorus came to Shayin Village with them because Guan Liyuan was worried about the damage of the "ally" side.

As for Jiaodu, Sasuke, and Bamboo, they will either defeat or retreat, and the possibility of "serious injuries" is very low.

The matter of fighting directly was still done by Guan Liyuan and Beiliuhu!

The two eagles had just taken off, originally because their sky was getting dark and they were far away, and their guards were not found. At this time, they also noticed the situation here ...

Guan Liyuan and Beiliuhu have also seen the fire in the sandy villages, especially in the northwest corner. Obviously, the civil war is ongoing!

"Well? Eagle?"

"No! Someone above is a ninja!"

"Someone, come down immediately!"

The ninjas guarded by the front line of the sky were furious, but Guan Liyuan and Bei Liuhu ignored them, rushed across the cliff, and rushed into the sand hidden village.

I saw the fire fighting everywhere in the village. The main fighting sound came from the cliff leaning on the cliff in the northwest corner ...

"It's Fengying's office," reminded Beiluhu, who had been there once.

"Well? Are these anti-counterfeiting measures in place before?"

Guan Liyuan looked at the trance in battle and found that the whole was like a "city within a city", especially with a layer of sand condensed on the wall, and people outside could not attack it for a moment.

"Except for that layer of sand, the strong walls like that of the fortress already existed, but I didn't know before ... It turned out that it didn't just look like a fortress, but it also had a defense force equivalent to the fortress." Said.

It seems that Luo Sha really lacks a "feel of security", not only framing other war heroes in the sandy village before, but also building Fengying's office location like a fortress-this is to do a good job of being pressed by someone that day Ready to slap at home?

At the same time, in the layer of sand that assisted defense, Guan Liyuan also felt that Chakra was different from ordinary Ninjas. He had the feeling of a tail beast Chakra and mixed with some other power ...

At this time, the situation on the "battlefield" was that people outside constantly wanted to rush in through the thick walls of the "fortress", but were constantly resisted by it.

Fengying's office location has been created like a real "fortress" with various blessings of counterattacks and defensive enchantments. Therefore, although the offensive party is more powerful, whether it is ninjutsu to bomber or short soldiers. , Can still support for a while.

And when someone wants to directly attack the "fortress" thick wall, or use ninjutsu such as "transient", and rushes directly, it is often scattered throughout the field, as if life-like sand is prolonged, and then It is necessary to usher in the surrounding attack.

"Master Fengying will continue to wait for reinforcements? It is almost impossible to keep it." Kan Jiurang turned and asked Teju who had just returned.

At this time, Ye Cang was at the main gate, fighting "Betrayal", and Kanjiro led his team to defend on the south ...

Although Kanjiro was the son of Luo Sha, after Ye Cang took office, except for a few consultants who were directly involved in the frame of the hero of Sha Yin that year, others were not affected.

And through a series of things, accompanied by conflicts, running-in, and other narrative stories, Luo Sha's three children, Kan Jiuro, Temari and I Ai Luo, are now standing on the side of Yecang.

Even ... I Ai Luo stayed beside Ye Cang, while defending Ye Cang, he was also distracted by the empty field. A pair of dead fish panda eyes flashed when he scanned Ye Cang from time to time ... ?

If Guan Liyuan or Naruto sees this scene, he will definitely feel ruined by three views!

The reason why Ye Cang had a "worse" feeling ahead of time was also because the other party indirectly attracted me to love Luo, but instead I was alerted to Ye Cang ...

However, Ye Cang did not expect that the other party would come so fast, and there were still ninjas suspected of Muye and Yanyin Village.

If it wasn't for Kankuro who had told Yecang before, Fengying's "Fortress in the City" opened various enchantments. I'm afraid Yecang is already kneeling ...

The opposition in the hidden village, the royal family's guarding forbearance, and the "friends" of Muye and Yanyin Village were also helpless at this time. I didn't expect that it was not only high walls and thick walls, but it was really arranged like a fortress. Even the consultants of the advisory board did not know this!

Obviously, they also guessed that concealed projects of this scale were definitely not completed in the two years when Ye Cang came to power.

"Luo Sha's **** is really troublesome! And his **** son ..." An adviser to Sha Yin Village said at this time.

They don't even know that there is "a different world" here. Ye Cang, as Luo Sha's deadly opponent, knows?

It's easy to guess that Luo Sha told his son or daughter about the arrangement here ...

Now Luo Sha's two sons and a daughter are all standing on the side of Ye Cang. Even the reason why they hurriedly caused trouble was because I loved Luo's disregard for their pull, which made them feel a little bad. Otherwise, there will be more reinforcements on the side of Ko Ye. !!

In fact, there are also secret passages that can withdraw from Shayin Village, but Ye Cang has given up ...

Not because of believing in the "reinforcement" of the Federation, but when Ye Cang understood that he had run away, everything was over.

Now there are not many sand tolerants joining the battle. There are fewer than a thousand people—the major hidden villages are gathering strength, but the sand hidden villages that have been “hungry” for too long have taken the opportunity to seize the share, even because of the alliance. Agreement, some tasks in the country of fire were handed over to Sandy Village!

The reason is simple, because if the country of the wind normally meets the federation with other big powers, it is the only one that does not border the federation ...

At this time, if the Sandy Village "piled up" all the ninjas in the village, the country of fire and the country of land might have a chrysanthemum feeling cold, but they could not fight the Federation at full strength.

Therefore, even in order not to be suspected by Muye and Yanyin Village, Shayin Village must undertake these tasks.

If it weren't for Ye Cang's understanding that the wind's king's room would not look at Sandy Village to grow larger, and already had a dark alliance with the Commonwealth, this time is actually a good opportunity for Sandy Village to take the opportunity to "regain lost ground". The country's right to undertake tasks can also win over a group of "customers" of the land country and the country of fire.

Of course, Ye Cang is not stupid. No matter what the royal family, Muye, and Yanyin Village say, she is a part of the elite. She will not send out Sandy Village, and the power remaining in Sandy Village is always her supporters. Advantage, to ensure that the opposition and the royal family can not shake her ...

Although Yecang was careful enough, he didn't get hold of the handle by the royal family and Muye and Yanyin Village, while maintaining the power of "considering that he could protect himself", but did not expect that Muye and Yanyin Village were completely at peace with each other. She tore her face, and in order to completely remove her, the King of the Wind's room attracted foreign ninjas to attack Sandy Village!

Not only a part of the "customer" feedback, the opposition ninja that should be performing the mission, lurked back to Shayin Village, but also hundreds of elites of wood leaves and Yan Ren, also under the cover of the royal family, "Business "Team" status, one after another into the hinterland of the country.

Worrying internally and externally, in one fell swoop, he forced Ye Cang into a "near" despair ...

Although there is still a way of life-Luo Sha seems to have a "victim of paranoia", he actually opened a tunnel to the shadowy village of the natural Jedi to directly ventilate the photo studio, and use the loopholes in the external guardian enchantment to directly wear it out.

However, Yecang was reluctant to do so as a last resort, because if she left now, she would still be on the outside to perform the task. Wan Sha Ren, who would obey her call, would only be one out of ten.

After all, Ye Cang has been in office for less than two years. Most of the sand forbearance is loyal to the "sand tolerant village". As long as it does not significantly harm the interests of the sand tolerant, who can control the sand forage, they will obey their orders ... ...

If Yecang leaves, as long as Muye and Yanni Village's ninjas withdraw, the opposition will first push up a six-generation style shadow, and a large part of Sand Ren will not rebound too fiercely.

However, as long as Ye Cang stays true, now the distress signal has been sent to Sha Ren, who will go out to perform the task. When this part of Sha Ren returns, most of them will still support Ye Cang's "rebellion".

After all, Yecang is not completely unpopular in Sandyin Village, and it is a well-established image. The most important thing is ... so many Muye and Yanyin Village ninjas are in the village. It is not clear who is the enemy or who is the friend. ?

Muye blocked hundreds of ninjas in the field, in fact, to prevent the ninjas who are performing tasks nearby to counterattack ...

When Guan Liyuan and Beiliuhu took off, they also saw that there were some latent sands in other directions—there were too few people, and they did not dare to directly impact those in the field.

For Guan Liyuan, this small group of ninjas has not changed much, so they have not swept the wood-leaf ninjas blocking the door first, but rushed directly to Yecang.

"There are flying ninjas in the sky, watch out!"

"Except I love Luo, there is no ninja in the sandy village who can fly freely, and no one has heard of flying ninjas ..."

"What people? Are they from Koyo and Yanyin Village?"

"Is it Ye Cang's reinforcements?"

At this time, the ninjas in the war also noticed Guan Liyuan and Beiluhu.

"Go in and help Ye Cang, I'll play with them outside!"

I saw Guan Liyuan finished, jumped directly from Bi Diao, the landing point ... It seems that outside the area that Ye Cang is holding, is behind a group of ninjas who are attacking Dongmen.

Although it is in a hidden village, the vicinity of the battle area has been cleared. Guan Liyuan does not need to worry about hurting innocent people. He ignores all the ninjutsu that hits himself and falls directly under the purple light on his waist. The psychic has a huge alien golem ...


At this time, the "Outer Golem" was more imposing than when he was in Koba. When Fang appeared, he roared and swept the audience, even interrupting a lot of people's ninjutsu in the process of sealing. Like "I don't have a brain right now, but Guan Liyuan directly gave a" roar "command, but it could be executed.

"This, what is this?"

"Is there such a big ninja? Guys, Koba, the psychic beasts you three tolerate are not so big, right?"

"Yes ... it's the Federal Speaker!"

"That's right! I've seen this thing, the Speaker of the Commonwealth!"

Many of Ninja's ninjas have already recognized the "outer golem"-80% of the Hyuga tribe's entire family defected, and with the support of Guan Liyuan, they withdrew from Kono with almost no loss, which caused extreme damage to Kono's reputation. Great blow, both Sand Ren and Yan Ren know this ...

"The speaker of Guan Da was really afraid that the world would not be chaotic. First, he deceived the family of Hyuga and then came to intervene in the sandy village. It seems that he made up his mind to disrupt the order of the Ninja world and become the enemy of the five great powers!"

Just then, Guan Liyuan saw an overly small old man in the crowd, floating out with a red nose ...

However, this one didn't seem to have shot before, even a lot of Sha Ren just saw him!

"Oh? This is probably the third generation of Fengying Onoki, right?" Guan Liyuan said.

Ohno Mu suddenly jumped out of his head and said angrily, "Smelly boy! Are you stupid? I am the third generation of earth shadows and earth shadows!"

"It's weird. You, a shadow figure, accused me of interfering in Sandy Village in Sandy Village? Besides, I'm trying to rescue Fengyin right now?" Guan Liyuan sat on the head of the Outer Golem, pretending to be Said in doubt.

Although the Outer Golem was sitting more than 100 meters, Guan Liyuan passed it down very clearly ...

Sha Ren's face was not very good at the scene, they did not know before, the three generations of Tuying actually came in person!

In other words, the old man has been watching them "consume" before?

If you think about it, it seems that Yan Yan has the least damage on one side!

Although the three parties joined forces ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, there was no cross-cooperation, and the three teams have been besieging in three directions. Onoki did not take a direct shot before, but only used the earthen dust and dust to rescue Yanni from time to time.

"Well, we at Yanyin Village only received help from the Sandy Village consultant, so we came to help." Onogi said.

From the time Guan Liyuan appeared, Onoki knew he could not hide, so he stood up.

Now this sentence is not only spoken to Guan Liyuan, but also to the people in Shayin Village-they are only here to "help", so don't ask for your best!

"It's a coincidence that I also received Fengying's help, so I just came to help." Guan Liyuan said.

"My Excellency the Speaker! My King has always wanted to cooperate with the Commonwealth, and has also expressed goodwill. Do you really decide to help our rebellion?" A ninja dressed up to guard the ninja asked at this time.

Ohno gave him a glance, and seemed to want to know to what extent the "Wind King" wanted to cooperate with the Federation ... but also understood that most of the time he just wanted to persuade Guan Liyuan to leave first, so he didn't say a word.

"Your king? Your king is in the city of wind? It is said that the protector of the country of wind is the strongest among the five nations. Now that I have left so many, I don't know if the rest is strong or not ..." Guan Liyuan muttered. .

"What do you want to say? I hope the Speaker will respect the friendship between our country and the Commonwealth!"

"Oh no, it's nothing, you don't have to worry about it, just mumble." Guan Liyuan laughed.

Just whisper? The sound actually passed through the gap of more than one hundred meters and passed to everyone's ears?

The royal guardian of the kingdom of the wind is a bit turbulent. Obviously, they do not think that Guan Liyuan is just "whispering" ... 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school