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v2 Chapter 969: Storm city

"Well? Who are those, big caravans ... bad! Those wolf knights are back!"

"Oops, those people who knew the Black Wolf tribe would not leave honestly! Go and start the alert formation!"

"Wait, wait ... it doesn't seem to be a wolf rider in charge, the wolf and the knight are separate ..."

"It seems ... still tied? What's going on?"

"No! The alert formation has been activated ..."

That's it, because the guards of Storm City mistakenly thought that the people of the Black Wolf tribe turned and attacked. When Guan Liyuan and Garcia and others came to Storm City, they were overly warmly welcomed.

"Ha? The Unicorn Mercenary Regiment is so popular in Storm City? It's like 'Fairy Tail' feeling in the town of Margaria?" Guan Liyuan watched as a group of people greeted them at the gate of the city and couldn't help asking. Road.

"You're joking, it's just the branch here ... and which mercenary group is 'fairy tail'? Ahem ... I mean, maybe it's too far away so I don't know much." Garcia was embarrassed Said.

"Well? The unicorn's" black soil "Garcia? What's going on with these wolf knights?" A middle-aged bearded man asked Garcia immediately after seeing Garcia.

Guan Liyuan did not know before, the old man's nickname was actually "black soil", which reminded him of a girl with long legs but a very touching heart.

Garcia first whispered and Guan Liyuan briefly introduced this identity, and then immediately walked over and replied: "Chairman Rupert, this is it ... these black wolf tribe people attacked our unicorn near Storm City before. Fortunately, the master Guan Liyuan took the shot and subdued them. Mr. Guan means ... want to talk to the top of the black wolf tribe. "

The president of the Storm City Mercenary Union ... Well, there is no unified mercenary management organization on this plane, but each country has a national-level union management system, and each city has its own union.

The power is big or small, it is mainly to handle disputes between some employers and mercenary regiments. Some mercenary regiments who are insincere behaviors such as inaction or abandoning their tasks midway will be hung by the union. On the one hand, the integrity of the employer will be reviewed, and by the way, intermediary work will be done.

Although there is no higher-level relationship in theory, the president of the union in Storm City is also an object that Garcia cannot offend, and his personal strength is much stronger than Garcia. He is also a nine-level fighter in the standard evaluation method, but Guan Liyuan It is estimated that there should be no problem in playing ten with one hand.

After listening to Garcia's words, President Rupert stared at Guan Liyuan strangely for a long time, and then explained to several others ...

At this moment, the gate of the city was very lively. Many people gathered, and it seemed that it was not only from one side.

Guan Liyuan could probably guess the specific situation. At this time, Rupert was explaining to the representatives of other parties ...

In addition to Rupert, the strongest people from other parties are only eight, but Guan Liyuan knows that it is not because Rupert is the first master of the Storm City, but that the other strongest have not come. .

Garcia has been mentioned before. At this time in the Storm City, in addition to the Storm Deities, there are the Harris family, the Clark family, and the Iron Clothes Society, which have a total of four "big" forces, all of which have nine ranks of power.

According to Garcia's understanding, Guan Liyuan is considered to be a "big" force, and there should be only those who have a nine-level power.

As for the holy realm ... currently there is no such thing in Storm City, but Iron Saint Valen comes from the Iron Clothes Society!

Of course, Guan Liyuan was not really interested in them, even if Tiesheng Valen was here, Guan Liyuan would not care too much.

Don't look at him being able to dare to attack by several Nine-level strong men ... If he dares to say so in front of Guan Liyuan, Guan Liyuan can only say: If I punch this down, you may die.

"What's wrong? Can't my captives be brought in? Or are these Warcraft not? Otherwise, these giant wolves will be processed into crystal nuclei, fur and bones first ..." Guan Liyuan asked.

"No, no, as long as you can make sure they don't hit pedestrians ... Ahem, they don't seem to have the strength to hit pedestrians." Rupert glanced awkwardly at his neck and string. Each of the black wolves looks weak and weak, and I wonder if they are dead.

It ’s just that the situation is a bit complicated now. It ’s weird that the captives of the black wolf tribe will be ransom, but ... after all, it was the black wolf tribe people who attacked first, and Guan Liyuan now just wants to take them into the city. What are they doing.

"This is Mr. Guan? Really young and promising, I am Nelson, High Priest of the Storm Gods. These black wolf tribe people were actually hired by us before. I didn't expect them to do such things when they returned. I'm really sorry, "said a" young man "in a blue robe.

Well, if you don't look at the crow's feet in your eyes, it looks like a young man at first glance, but ... with Guan Liyuan's insight, it is not easy to miss his "foundation".

"Nothing, I know." Guan Liyuan waved his hand and said he didn't care.

However, Nelson paid great attention to it. He wanted to imply that Guan Liyuan was from the Black Wolf tribe. He hoped that Guan Liyuan would be forgiving and forgiving.

Seeing Guan Liyuan's indifferent answer and his face "I already knew", Nelson felt depressed for a while.

Although the whole storm city, Guan Liyuan is most concerned about the storm gods, after all, it is related to the realm of "Summoner of the Other World", but it has not reached the level of humble knees, it is impossible for them to take the black wolf tribe people in one sentence Let go.

In terms of the "soul-giving sacrifice" of the entire plane, the storm gods are not very prominent, and the three strongest main sacrifice are only level nine ... If you come to the court to intercede ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ maybe Guan Liyuan will give them this face, but if you want to release some meaning, let Guan Liyuan take the initiative to please him.

Without paying much attention to Nelson, Guan Liyuan went directly to the unicorn's Storm City branch station.

Except for the Storm Gods, the forces of all other parties were cautiously not in contact with Guan Liyuan. However, when Guan Liyuan came to the unicorn's residence, basically all the forces in the storm city have known that there is a " Very young and mysterious strongman enters the city. ”Regarding Guan Liyuan's strength ... Everyone's guess is the same as Garcia.

What's more conspicuous is that the wolf knight who directly caught a hunting group is going to knock on the black wolf tribe ...

In the general altar of the Storm Gods, in the eerie closed secret conference room, the three principal priests were cloaked by invisible eyes, and continued to talk about it by candlelight.

"It's not a good time to provoke the dislike of the Black Wolf Tribe? Although other parties are very repulsive, if it is not possible, there may be places to cooperate with the Black Wolf Tribe ..."

"Well, we didn't catch it, those two crazy dogs dare ..."

"Right? You also said that the two are crazy dogs, and they are still very crazy."

"I said at the beginning that it was not a good idea to work with the Black Wolf Tribe!"

"Hey, I'll take a personal walk and talk to the young nine-level powerhouse ... how can a sudden emergence of a young master who has never heard of it? It's an eventful ..."

"What if he doesn't agree with letting people go? We shouldn't make enemies now."

"Then let's put the money down! What else can we do?"

The atmosphere is weird, but the content of the conversation ... a little irritating!