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v2 Chapter 984: pierce!

On the battlefield, I saw Guan Liyuan's Xu Zuoneng on his left arm. The spiral snake thorns were slowly stabbing into the chest of the defensive original machine ...

Defense breakthrough!

The heavier and thicker armor of the defensive original machine failed to prevent the snake thorns from being stabbed into the cockpit.

Outside the cockpit, the snake thorn suffered unprecedented obstacles, but in fact, as long as Guan Liyuan continued to work hard, although he could not destroy Elsie's dedicated cockpit, he could also destroy the connection between the cockpit and the fuselage, which could also win.

"Abominable! If I used my special machine, I wouldn't lose at all!" Elsie left the joystick with both hands dissatisfied, indicating that this was the pot of the original machine.

The other snake's thorns have already arrived on the cockpit. Although the cockpit cannot be damaged, as long as you keep working hard, it will be enough to cause the cockpit to damage the surrounding connection structure ...

Even in the current posture, Elsie could not fight back at all, otherwise it would hurt the connection between the cockpit and the body.

Elsie and Dreden now knew that they had lost, but Guan Liyuan didn't realize it!

The special cockpit shell with 10% of the metal content of God made Guan Liyuan obscurely see the figure inside, and naturally did not know that Elsey had given up.

When he found that the cockpit's defensive performance was far beyond his expectations, Guan Liyuan even suspected that he was doing it!

After all, Guan Liyuan didn't understand the goblin technology system, and the number of battles with the goblin technology system was only the second time.

Therefore, I don't know what the current situation means. I only know that at least so far, it looks like a sword through the chest, but it has not affected the function of the opponent ...

More importantly, Guan Liyuan did not know Elsie ’s relationship, so he did not know that the cockpit was over-specified. If such a powerful cockpit is to be normally equipped, use normal logic to judge how it may be Stayed in the cockpit and easily interrupted the connection?

Therefore, Guan Liyuan's first reaction was "this is a trap". Then he did not immediately expand his advantages, but hesitated to use "Qiu Daoyu"?

Theoretically, "seeking the Tao jade" is the power of the great world, the power of the extraordinary existence, which is higher in nature than the power of the world in the small world, but the power ... because the amount that can be manipulated is too small, the real world The strong can wipe it out with enough small world power.

But the power of the big world is not as obvious as the halo and the realm. After really using it, if you want to use the other person's eyesight, you may not find what is at least what Guan Liyuan now looks like.

Because he did not know Elsie's identity or the existence of the metal of God, Guan Liyuan did not correctly judge the hardness of the cockpit. He instinctively thought that the attack that could be performed was only slightly worse.

In this way, the cockpit is really destroyed, and the other party's judgment on "seeking Taoyu" should only be slightly stronger than "Suzano", and it is impossible to think of the power of the big world with a big mind ...

With that in mind, Guan Liyuan didn't feel that he needed to hide too much!

So at the tip of the snake thorn, the power of "Qiu Daoyu" condenses a "black ball" the size of a glass bead ...

And the next moment, Elsie had already left the joystick with his hands, feeling that he was all bad!

The control room, which was regarded as "absolute defense" by himself, broke a hole at this moment, so a large one was inserted in a little bit, scaring Elsie to immediately activate the automatic ejection mechanism of the cockpit. Sprayed out of the body ...

In this way, the original machine that lost control was smashed by Guan Liyuan on the spot!

It's just that Guan Liyuan didn't know at this time how much damage he had caused to Elsie and Dreden, and to the Goblin and Dwarves in the future, which would cause greater damage to the three views ...

Originally found that when Elsie actually started the cockpit ejection mechanism, Dreden was still a little bit dissatisfied and thought that His Royal Highness was working again. He obviously did not think that any attack could hurt the cockpit of 10% of the metal of God.

Until he saw a hole poked in the cockpit ...

Elsie stared at this moment and looked out of the hole. Dreden immediately responded, called for a few cranes, and packed away the cockpit!

Although humans are generally blind to goblins, their shape and clothing are more recognizable to humans than the green-billed monkey's cheek face, but ... if someone recognizes Elsey, Prince Deberger's plan is likely to be influences.

Unlike Dreiden, who has a nominal Viscount of Trade, Elsie, as "Derberger's son", will certainly be "over-associated" once he is found.

"It looks like we won, Viscount Dryden," Haywood said with satisfaction.

At this time they didn't know what the hole in the cockpit represented ...

"Yes, according to the previous agreement, um ... In the future, after my chamber of commerce has occupied this place, the storm gods will enjoy 50% of the wind element polysilicon deposit!" Deliden said solemnly.

Originally, when Dreden locked in the victory in Guan Liyuan, he thought about how he would perform the "unwillingness" feeling afterwards to prevent the other party from seeing that they did not care about the polysilicon of the wind element.

However, after seeing the hole in the cockpit, Dreden felt that he didn't have to act at all, and his tone was dignified enough!

Afterwards, as agreed, God of the Storm released the captive goblins, Dryden officially signed the agreement, and Haywood also emphasized: "Although the agreement has been signed, we have not given up support for cavemen ... "

It's not completely hypocritical. If there is a chance to take advantage of it, the storm **** will not be wasted, and it is impossible to give up the caveman directly.

"I understand that the agreement is also very clear this time. In short, the agreement will not take effect until we occupy here ... By the way, what about Mr. Guan Liyuan?" Dreiden asked ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Mr. Guan has other things. Heywood didn't say anything, although he didn't take special precautions.

After the fight, Guan Liyuan has once again been swimming in the ocean of knowledge ...

And this time Guan Liyuan's small-scale test showed the true "holy realm" strength, and the storm gods became more and more diligent.

For their diligence, Guan Liyuan did not exclude it. In addition to the practice of "theo priests", the practice methods of mainstream fighters and magicians in this plane also entrusted the people of the storm gods to collect and organize.

Although Heywood and others did not understand why Guan Liyuan, who had a strong combat effectiveness, would care about these things, but he didn't even ask the reason, so he vowed a guarantee ...

As with the "Theocratic Priest" system, the specific cultivation methods are the secrets of each school, but the theoretical general context and some basic cultivation methods are not unavailable for a certain price.

For this reason, the storm gods are also considered to be the blood ... but they think it is worth it. They can ask the existence of the Holy Realm to take a shot. It is totally worth the cost. If other forces in the storm city learn about Guan Liyuan's strength, I am afraid that it will not be the storm. Theological performance.

For Guan Liyuan, during this period of time, this part of the data was continuously passed back to Dingchun, and the professional leagues as a whole worked together to compare with the "professional system" of Dingchun, and the parts that needed to be verified were returned. Confirm to Guan Liyuan.

As for Guan Liyuan himself, he continued to study "Pokémon". Two months later, things in the dungeon ended completely. Guan Liyuan also decided to leave for the Pokémon world, but did not know that during this period, the dwarves There is something happening in the kingdom that is closely related to him ...