Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1021: If you get off the spectrum, you will be

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Under the blessing of Heideman's "Illumination Technique", the Mapo Pill, which was strengthened by blindness, could not see the battle situation, but received the first moment when Da Gouzi's heart was stabbed through the "False Command Spell", and burned the third Saying the 'Command Spell' gave Cu Chulainn back to his blood, back to his demons, back to his light.

It's just that unlike the previous few times, the green 'Avada Enchantment' of Heidemann lv5 has a very strong instant death effect. Just like the "thorn piercing gun" thrown by Gouzi, it has the "law of cause and effect" that cannot dodge the inevitable hit.

Heidemann's "Avada eats a big melon" can't be avoided either. Unless the vitality is as strong as Wolverine, suffering repeatedly in instant death and rebirth, until his endless vitality counteracts the magic power of "eating big melons", it will be considered to have survived this catastrophe. Or, like Hercules, consume a life to counteract this magical power.

This time, Mapo Wan did not secretly intercept the magic power of the Command Seal. But judging from the feedback data of the ‘False Command Spell’, a dog whose heart has been pierced is like a bucket with a leaky bottom, and its vitality continues to lose its vitality towards death.

The appearance of the third command spell replenished the little water left in the empty bucket in time, but it was powerless to deal with the hole. Relying on the ability of [Battle Continue] to prolong the time of death, but it can't last too long.

Now Mapo Wan has two options:

a Give up patching the loopholes, let Gouzi squander the magic power of the third command spell to his heart's content, fight to new heights, die vigorously, one life for another!

b completely give up this battle, admit defeat and run away. Use the magic power replenished by the third command spell to erase the residual death effect of "Avada gnawing a big melon", and find a way to repair the heart.

At this moment, Ma Po didn't think about the idea of ​​her own spearmen at all, Gouzi had no human rights.

I don't want what do you think? I just want to think what I want!

Ma Po's idea is very simple, that is to choose a strong enough opponent to bring Gouzi unlimited pressure, and then consume the command spell to continuously regenerate blood, forcing him to perform more unique skills, and even break through to surpass his own limit.

In the end, these hole cards will be converted into 'Heroic Spirit Data' and fed back to your own faker spirit base to complete your own transformation!

So he chooses: [a! 】

He thinks Gouzi thinks the same way, a decent and gorgeous death, a vigorous death with all his strength and no regrets. This is the pursuit of the other party, and it is also the greatest kindness he can give.

So Ma Pomaru closed his eyes, turned towards his heroic spirit, and shouted: "Don't hold back, kill him!"

The magic power of the third command spell once again stimulated the 'continuation of the battle and regrouping', making Gouzi with a staff stuck in his chest feel like he was on fire again.

Hearing the master's call, Cu Chulainn was moved to tears, and he only felt grateful, and the impulse to "die for the confidant" was extremely strong.

The best master of this Holy Grail War has been selected, and he burned three command spells in a row, just to satisfy his willful requirements. (Shirou: Huh? Huh? Huh? Prodigal, who wouldn't!)

However, Big Gouzi didn't realize at all that the scene at this moment, in the eyes of Bailang, Zai Shining and Thanos, and the audience outside the stadium, looked like unscrupulous capitalists crazily exploiting and squeezing ICU employees who died suddenly.

Time and time again, I injected powerful stimulants to the dogs who were about to return to the West, and used a defibrillator to shock the heart crazily, taking them back from the hands of Hades, just to continue programming and typing codes while lying on the hospital bed, creating glory and performance for the company !

Cu Chulainn, who longs for a fair fight, is like a silly dog ​​who has been puaed by the "chivalry spirit". In the epic ending, the drama addiction is too much.

While paying attention to the 'Ma Po Channel', Bailang complained: "Isn't it because Mapo Wan realized the 'small target' and 'Lick the dog' and used it on Gouzi at the same time?"

picture! It's so similar!

Cu Chulainn's behavior at the moment is very similar to 'I still have a dog's life? ’, and then under the small pua goal of ‘Fight to Death’, I got up again and again to charge the enemy.

Heidemann had already opened the distance at this time, and then did one thing, raised his right hand and clasped his five fingers together. The next moment, the wooden staff inserted into Gouzi's chest and piercing his body suddenly came alive, took root in the flesh and blood, shuttled quickly, and finally turned into a cage.

The branches of the plant were indistinguishable from the flesh and blood, fixing most of Cu Chulainn's body, and a large number of branches sank into the ground, imprisoning his body and making him unable to move.

Cu Chulainn couldn't move at this time, but his right arm was not pierced by the staff. Regardless of the severe pain in his body, he gritted his teeth and held another red magic gun in his hand, mobilized all the magic power in his body, injected it all, and decided to put all his eggs in one basket.

Seeing the spearman activate the treasure again, Heideman raised his hand to receive a series of magic blessings, shielding lock, shielding tracking, shielding prophecy, force field offset, defensive shield...

Then, his early warning magic delivered a deadly alarm, the source of which was the red magic gun that pierced the heart. So he reached out and grabbed the gun body tightly, wanting to pull it out.

As a result, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull out the handle with his invincible strength, as if it had been welded to death in the flesh and blood, and had already merged into one.

At this time, Gouzi vomited blood, held up another red magic gun, and launched a finishing move: [The gun that pierces through the death flying! 】

Cu Chulainn, who only has a magic spear treasure in his hand, has mastered two special moves, namely: the ultimate move of the law of causality, the "piercing spear of dead thorns" that will inevitably pierce the heart; The ranged bombardment that splits into several arrowheads in an instant is the 'piercing gun of death flying'.

The latter exhausted all his magic power at once, and according to the amount of magic power, he split and copied the magic gun into about 30 pieces, and dropped them from a high altitude to carry out a large-scale saturation bombing. Each magic spear has a lethality equivalent to that of 'piercing a dead thorn'. However, there is no "inevitable hit" effect.

When fighting with "One Gun Dog", you must carefully choose your nirvana according to the enemy's state. 'Piercing the dead thorn' tends to consume less energy, and it is sure to hit, which is favored by dogs.

After 90% of the opponents are pierced through the heart, they must be led by dogs. And the remaining 10% will be seriously injured even if they don't die, and then launch the "piercing death spear" to send it to heaven with saturation bombing.

But "Double Gun Dog" is very different, and they are generally arrogant.

His second magic gun, gáebol galternative, came from his teacher Skaha. The Noble Phantasm held by the rich woman in the Kingdom of Shadows [Death Flying Spear] can be regarded as a magic gun of the same model as in the old era earlier than the magic gun gáebolg.

And the number is not unique.

The rich woman, the queen of the country of shadows, set foot in the realm of the gods as a human being, and was unable to leave with the skill of killing the **** spear. So the wealthy and self-willed Skaha built many "rich women's happy guns" and gave one to Gouzi.

When Cu Chulainn evolves from a one-gun dog to a two-gun dog, he no longer needs to worry about which finishing move to use. Only the little Gouzi makes the choice, but the big Gouzi of course wants everything!

First, the first magic gun is projected to 'nail the enemy to space' with the law of causality, so as to obtain the coordinates. Then, project the second magic gun, use up all the magic power to make it split as much as possible, and then saturate and bomb!

Although the second magic gun was thrown with all its strength, although it no longer had the effect of 'cause and effect', the first gun had nailed the enemy and provided coordinates. The subsequent countless magic spear attacks can also be regarded as a karmic hit, this is 'tracking + homing'.

"Piercing! Piercing! Piercing the death flying gun!"

Drenched in blood, his flesh and blood pierced by wooden thorns, the dog nailed to the ground roared and threw the magic gun in his hand into the sky. Heideman's complexion changed wildly, but he still couldn't pull out the magic gun that had been nailed to his 'space concept'. He could only grit his teeth and launch phase steps continuously, and began to frantically dodge.

The magic gun rising high into the sky burst out with crimson light, and instantly turned into thirty gun shadows, carrying powerful magic power, falling to the ground like a meteor, penetrating through different spaces, the target that flickered, disappeared and reappeared like a ghost.

The ear-piercing sound of metal-penetrating friction continued to be heard from the open space. When Heidemann reappeared, his arms, shoulder blades, chest, abdomen... were crookedly inserted with red spears, as if sprayed by a porcupine.

Although the 'Death Flying Spear' is ferocious, it is not as accurate as the 'Death Thorn Piercing Spear'. Heideman couldn't escape these magic spears and return home, but he used continuous flashes to move, creating dynamic errors, and using his own body changes when escaping, so that the magic gun's attack point fell in a less critical position.

Although he seemed to be in a panic at the moment and was tied into a hedgehog, every shot avoided the vital point. In addition, his [Titanium Gold Body] surpassed most third-tier contractors, and he forcibly swallowed Gouzi's finishing move not dead.

Not only did he not die, Heidemann also appeared in front of Cu Chulainn who was hollowed out again. The previous 'Death Curse' has not yet disappeared, and then the staff erupted with parasitic, piercing, and blood-sucking attacks, further sucking the dog's life.

At this moment, a layer of green light appeared on Heidemann's right hand, and [Avada Kedavra] was enchanted again. This battle has been fought long enough, and the audience outside the arena is already satisfied. It is time to take this head and take it. The first blood of this trial left a deep impression on the audience.

"You can make me bleed and hurt, you are proud enough! It's a pity... the heart is not my key point."

The violent old wizard was drenched in blood, with a mad and ferocious expression. He flashed up to Gouzi and raised his muscular green arm: "Hell Spike! Avada has one hand!"

The muscular hand knife pierced Cu Chulainn's chest in an instant, and then protruded from his back. With this move, a transparent hole the size of a football was torn out in his chest, countless pieces of flesh, bones, and internal organs erupted behind him.

Under the illumination of the sky's "Illumination Technique - Little Sun", it spreads out in a radial pattern, like a flesh and blood firework, with a hazy beauty.

Then eat the double instant death judgment of "Hell Spike - Avada gnaws a big melon!" ’ After that, Gouzi finally couldn’t hold on anymore and came to the end of his life.

His face was pale green, his seven orifices were bleeding, but with a serene smile on his face, he said with difficulty: "What a, good opponent..."

After speaking, his body, which was pierced and supported by countless branches, sank, his head drooped, and he died suddenly.

"Heroic spirit returns!"

At this time, Ma Po, who monitored the feedback data of the false command spell all the way, saw that Gouzi's soul fluctuation was about to return to zero, and immediately consumed the 'command spell' stored on the flower arm to forcibly renew Gouzi's life, chasing the soul in the underworld. At the same time, he called the 'corpse' summoned by the spearmen back to his side.


Gou Zi, who passed away peacefully, suddenly opened his eyes that were dying, spewed a mouthful of blood, and then panted heavily. He insisted on letting Mapo Wan to rescue him.

At this time, the magic spears that pierced Heideman's steel body turned into magic power and disappeared.

Although they look like a lot, they are actually just a magic gun. When Gouzi's magic power is exhausted and he is killed by the wizard, the effect of the magic gun will disappear. As Cu Chulainn returned to the Great Holy Grail bit by bit, his two magic spear treasures also dissipated.

Just when the recovery progress of the "Holy Grail No. 2" reached 99%, the "Tu Hao Wan" with the command spell tattooed on his arm was unruly and secretly burned the fourth command spell, interrupting the recovery progress of the No. 2 cup.

However, Gouzi has been pierced through, there is such a big hole in his chest, even if the Command Seals renew their lives, it is only a flashback.

At this time, Cu Chulainn was a broken barrel riddled with holes. No matter how much magic power was poured into it, it would not be able to fill the barrel, and there was no such thing as a "battle continuation".

What Ma Powan did was just to 'continue the life of the command spell'. Burn a precious command spell in exchange for the dog to linger on the earth for dozens of seconds. In less than a minute, he had to return to the Holy Grail, and he was unable to fight anymore. He even lost a part of his spine, and he was paraplegic at a high level, unable to even stand up.

At this time, Cu Chulainn was paralyzed by Mapowan's feet like a dead fish, his mouth opened and closed, dying, with an aggrieved expression that wanted to cry. Begging the master with his eyes:

Kill me quickly, let me die quickly! I'm really drained, please give me the decency I deserve! Stop torturing me with Command Seals, it's too extravagant, too wasteful, too cruel! Didn't I just miss the gate a few times? As for doing such a terrific thing, sending me to heaven, and then tearing me down to hell?

Ma Powan looked coldly at Cu Chulainn, who was about to go out again, and shook his head: "I didn't want to humiliate you."

As the magic gun disappeared, Heideman, who was also seriously injured, panted heavily, leaning on his staff to support his body, and approached Kotomine Kirei step by step: "How dare you blaspheme the dead? You are seeking your own death!"

Ma Po Wan ignored the old wizard who was gradually approaching, bowed his head and said to Gou Zi: "Give me your treasured treasure!"

His purpose of consuming the fourth Command Seal was of course not to save the defunct dog, it was meaningless to do so. The opponent had already dedicated a wonderful enough battle for himself, allowing him to get a glimpse of the mysteries of the Spearmen. In his eyes, Cu Chulainn's heroic skills had no secret scientific research.

What Ma Powan needs now is just two magic guns. With these two treasures, he is the lancer among fakers!

Cu Chulainn, who once again felt the call of the 'Holy Grail', spoke with difficulty: "Just for this?" He squeezed the madly lost magic power in his body, and with difficulty summoned two magic spears, which landed at Mapowan's feet.

"Take it, take it all. For the sake of master and slave, let me go, master!"

With trembling hands in the depths, Father Mapo picked up the two magic guns on the ground, with an uncontrollable smug smile on his face, and looked at Gouzi again with kindness in his eyes: "Okay, it's really great! "

Feeling that Cu Chulainn transferred the ownership of the two magic spears, from now on, the two treasured treasures can remain in the world like Kiritsugu's 'Avalon'.

Ma Po said with satisfaction: "I'll send you back right away."

‘Pfft! '

Heideman, who was walking, was suddenly stunned, and the two heroic kings who were watching the show in the sky were also stunned, including the audience outside the venue, who were shocked by the weird scene on the ground.

Ku Chulin, the No. 1 Holy Grail spearman, died in the end with his own magic spear, and was sent away by his master with a single shot in the head.

Let’s take a look, it turned out that Heidemann and Cu Chulainn fought fiercely, burning three Command Seals in a row, and the fighting was full of twists and turns. Finally, he was sent into the No. 2 Holy Grail by the old wizard dignifiedly.

But when it was only 0.1% away from the recovery of the heroic spirit, Mapo continued a command spell for Gouzi for dozens of seconds. Just to blackmail the big dog with two guns.

After the incident was completed, Ma Powan was merciless, destroying the corpse and stealing the head. Bewitched by the 【Little Holy Bowl】, the dog was sent into the 'No. 3 False Holy Grail'!

The 20th Daime Hanabimaru: "That's right, Command Spells are so capricious!"

Heideman recovered from the momentary shock, and then completely furious!

Nima, labor and management have wasted so much energy, isn't it just to take down this wild monster treasure chest, harvest his divinity by the way, and rate +1 at the same time?

In the end, it was just a command spell, and everything I did was to make a wedding dress for this inexplicable Kotomine Kirei!

Young people nowadays don't talk about martial arts, they use command spells to deceive, to extend life, and to steal my blood! You are **** sick! Where is the master who kills his heroic spirit? You are not a contractor, can you get +1 for killing Heroic Spirits?

faker Mapo Wan nodded: Hey, it really works! I feel stronger again!

At this moment, Cu Chulainn died in the hands of 'Ma Po Wan'. According to the principle that whoever (Heroic Spirit/Master) kills, whoever (Holy Grail) benefits. The "Heroic Spirit Share" belonging to the Lancer did not flow into the No. 1 cup of the Lancer, nor did it enter the No. 2 cup because the contractor contributed the most.

Bailang's No. 3 [Small Holy Bowl], happy to mention the first head of this Holy Grail War.

Fuyuki City also ushered in the death of the first heroic spirit on the first day of the opening of "Red and Black Contest".

Cu Chulainn was also recorded in the annals of history~lightnovelpub.net~ and became the most outrageous heroic spirit in the history of the Holy Grail.

He was killed by his master, and then the master made great achievements, inherited the treasure, increased his cultivation, and learned skills by stealing data. Even the share of the heroic spirit of 'Cú Chulainn' was returned by the [Little Holy Bowl]. "The Magic of Wedding Dress" is not as good as it is.

Kill your own heroic spirit and get a kickback from the small holy bowl. At this time, Mapowan's 'pseudo-spiritual foundation' has already reached Gouzi's level by 30%!

As the saying goes, 'If you get off the spectrum, you can be a master'!

Bailang of Liudong Temple heard a reminder in his ear. The task of [The Black Hand Behind the Scenes] that I accepted, after completing the 0-ring preposition of the 'Implanting the False Holy Grail', suddenly jumped again at this moment, and completed the first ring.

Although it was just a mere wild dog, the first kill in the Holy Grail War, the first heroic spirit in the little holy bowl, and Bai Lang's routine of guiding Mapo Wan to play a successful behind-the-scenes manipulator are all very commemorative. Therefore, it was judged by the park that the 1st ring was achieved.

Bailang also enjoys the happiness of nesting dolls. Mapo is standing on the second floor, and I am in the atmosphere.