Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1065: Become a big boxer now!

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When I woke up from this sleepy sleep, it was already nightfall, around 10 o'clock at night.

The red Berserker Fan Mayong stabbed a cigarette like a bully, with thick chest hair bare, leaning lazily on the head of the bed, puffing in the empty room, savoring carefully what he got from eating the forbidden fruit the benefits of.

surprise! unexpected surprise! Incomparably huge surprise!

Ten minutes ago, the scarred Master Gavalro woke up first with his heroic spirit, then his eyes were numb and empty, and he staggered out of this cave.

Then, the footsteps trembled along the way. When it came to the first floor step by step, startled and weeping blood, it met the undead Drew Yin, and the loli Li Kui who was pestering O'Neill sauce to watch animation together.

Seeing Gavarro's distraught appearance, Kono immediately contacted other people. Soon, except for Berserker, who was still sleeping, and the dead weapon master, everyone else on the red side was everywhere, wondering if they had become stronger? But it emphasizes the strange power of an important announcement.



The lighter was turned on and off, and a little spark flickered on and off.


A puff of blue smoke spewed out from Weili's mouth and drifted around the house

At this time, the 32-year-old Pokémon Martial Artist, Mr. Gavaro, who is a fighting monster, lit a cigar and brewed it for a long time. Finally, he mustered up the courage to say what was buried deep in his heart. secret.

He... was forced to grow up by Yujiro!

"Originally, I didn't intend to say anything about this in my whole life! But I thought about it for an entire hour, and I still couldn't let it go. At 2:12 this afternoon, I was forced to grow up by my servant Yusashiro... Hour!"

As he spoke, tears of regret and fear flowed from the corners of Pokémon's eyes:

"No matter how I resisted at the time, it was useless. It was originally a thirty-two-year-old adult male Pokémon, with perfect muscles and four mixed-element four-elephant arms inhabited by the Pokémon's totem Yuanling. The whole body exudes masculine charm , Countless female monsters have screamed crazily for me. I was proud of it, and I am proud of it."

"But since the evening, I realized that I am a bitch! After this happened, my Dao heart began to collapse, and I couldn't accept all this. I have...I have..."

Having said that, its voice choked up, and some were sobbing. The body trembled violently uncontrollably, as if facing a shadow that could not be overcome in a lifetime. The fear and shame came so violently and intensely that he couldn't even condense his voice in his throat, and couldn't even utter half a word.

It gripped the cigar, clenched its teeth, and took a deep breath. Stimulated by the strong tobacco, he felt a burning pain in the respiratory tract, but it also helped him get rid of the psychological shadow a little bit.

"I can no longer awaken the male in my heart! I am crippled, and even the 'Pokémon True Essence' that I cultivated so hard was ruthlessly drained by that beast! Captain, I have already figured it out and decided to withdraw from this competition , leave this sad place." Gavarro had a free and easy look of "the past is too bad to look back on, so don't pursue it anymore".

In fact, Gavaro, who was on the verge of speaking, did not reveal his truest thoughts:

Under the influence of the buff of the No. 2 Holy Grail [Pink Summer Memories], among the masters of the red square, which one is not affected? Which one is not sincere?

If someone can be exempted from the 'pink summer buff', then it must be [Undead Drew Yin Kono] who is too old, his body functions have degenerated, and his chickens have already turned into spirits. This old guy who pursues the mysteries of self-cultivation doesn't have anything wrong with Xie Ding Toutuo's 'Sha Wu Jing' who drinks blood.

In addition, even the Bone Taoist is too obsessed with the "Natural God and Demon", and finally wants to integrate his heroic spirit into his body, possessing it forever, and never separating it.

In addition, the late master Franny also developed a different kind of maternal love for Atreus, the indifferent little prince of Nordic Shamat.

As for the silver fighter Glenn, he was so haunted by his heroic spirit 'Lori Kui' that he couldn't sleep. Every day, she yells "Oni Jiang", and refuses to leave no matter whether she takes a bath or sleeps.

Kate and Yin Sen are the culprits of the 'Pink Holy Grail'. They also succeeded in attacking each other's heroic spirits, crazily racing and practicing, and even exchanged private cars. The four of them walked together, and even invited Yong Shilang to eat the forbidden fruit together.

Finally, let's talk about Gavarro and Yusashiro, how could they not have real feelings when they get along for a long time? The forced growth in the afternoon... really made Gavaro feel pain, disgust, rejection, despair... Besides, there was also a touch of affection.

This is what frightens Gavarro the most. In the midst of his extreme resistance, he has some faint thoughts of not rejecting it? It's too scary, so Guaili can't wait to escape from this place of right and wrong.

It is also because of the 'pink buff' that Yongcilang ate the forbidden fruit this time, the effect was so good that it exploded, and from Gavarro's body, he got all the four martial arts that belonged to the strange power. (Yu Sanjia + Pikachu)

At this time, Yusashiro, who had eaten the forbidden fruit, had already stolen the Master's signature unique skill, the Four Elephant Hunyuan Pokémon Martial Arts Totem. As for whether Gavarro has benefited from Yong Assassin? He doesn't want to talk about it.

Hearing its answer, Taoist Baigu frowned, very unhappy. He thought that after Berserker fed each other the forbidden fruit, both parties could grow and reach a win-win deal.

As a result, this Gavarro seemed to be more sensitive and fragile than he expected. He couldn't face up to his feelings, but chose to escape and wanted to retire early?

At this time, Ko Nuo, who was sitting on the side, interrupted: "Then what about your heroic spirit?"

Compared with your mere Pokémon, can you run away? He was more concerned about what to do with the feral Berserker after Gavarro left the field?

Wei Li said with a complex expression: "He will stay here until he dies in battle. Although I choose to quit, he is still the Berserker of the red side. Before the black side is completely eliminated, he cannot subjectively harm any teammates. Even if If you want, I can transfer the master's authority to you and turn him into your berserker. It's just a pity that my command spells have been used up, and it's up to you to replenish the magic."

When it came to mana replenishment, everyone's expression changed again. I don't know if Gavarro looks so empty at this time, is it because Yong Assassin forced him to replenish his demons too much?

All of a sudden, all the remaining masters of the red side are ready to move. Is Fan Mayong the Assassin strong? It is obvious to all.

The reason why this pair of master and servant lost consecutively was that apart from the first defeat, it was the loss of tactical nuclear bombs. Afterwards, every time he made a move, he almost foolishly challenged the strongest heroic spirit in the region, Saber.

It was a monster that could even be intercepted by the evolved 'Sha Wu Jing' and 'Bone Otto'. It is not difficult to understand Gavarro's defeat. A record of all losses does not mean that the brave assassin is weak.

On the contrary, Kate and Yin Sen, who have been eaten milkshakes and forbidden fruits by Yong Assassin, are very aware of each other's strength! Especially after that sparring, Fan Ma ate Baby Milkshake and Pokémon Forbidden Fruit one after another, and he will only become stronger!

At this time, Kate suddenly spoke, she looked at Guaili Gavalro, and asked hesitantly: "You said that you have been unable to awaken the male in your heart, this incident has become your inner demon, and your Dao heart has been destroyed? "

The terrifying monster with strange power suddenly turned ferocious: "Please don't sprinkle salt on my wound. My best friend 'A Fu' is dead, I killed him with my own hands and sent him into a devil's body , watching him twist and degenerate a little bit and finally be swallowed up."

Drew Yin, who has a lot of research on heroic spirits, shook his head and denied: "It's not depraved. Maybe this is the nature of Berserker? Your best friend is just forced to return to the original with the awakening of this body's instinct, and release together." What about 'self'?"

Hearing this, everyone has a new understanding of Berserker. Maybe he is not the one who can fight the best, but he is the one who can lower the lower limit of all heroic spirits the most. Except for [Fake Item. Mapo Wan] in the False Holy Grail, no one can fight him.

Gavarro has made up his mind to go, and the others can't persuade him. The red team loses another combat force out of thin air, which makes the Bone Taoist feel puzzled. It seems that he still overestimated the endurance of this glass heart. You, a little **** bred by egg groups, where does your self-esteem come from?

Next, it's time for bidding.

Just like the last time the black masters competed for the ownership of Medusa, the red masters started a round of small internal auctions. Because they are all VIP or airborne related households, the red side has a lot of good things on hand.

Gavarro was influenced by "Pink Summer Memories" and was unwilling to continue entanglement with Berserker, so he also had the idea of ​​​​stopping losses in time.

It's a pity that it takes the martial arts route, and it attaches great importance to the fields of "state of mind, will, and comprehension". This time it was eaten from the forbidden fruit, but it was just a trivial matter. What caused it to collapse most was that this kind of behavior completely destroyed his self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-improvement.

If his state of mind cannot be repaired, his future martial arts path may become a dead end. I don't know if these masters can come up with treasures that allow themselves to be broken and then erected?

Facts have proved that Gavarro is completely overthinking. The treasure that can restore a scrapped warrior with a broken heart and return to the peak is not a mere "berserker temporary ownership" that can be traded.

No matter how strong Fanma Yujiro is, he is not the "master hero" specially summoned by himself. He cannot be taken away after the mission is over, at most it is a temporary summoned beast. And it is the most polluting one among the summoned beasts.

Seeing that the masters turned around each other for several rounds, the items and materials they took out did not meet Gavarro's needs, and it seemed that the auction was about to fail.

The witch Kate tapped the table: "Wait, I have a treasure here that can repair your inner demons, but the way and method are a bit peculiar, and you may not be able to accept it."

Gavarro looked at this enchanting and lazy woman who was familiar with it, and asked, "Can you introduce me?"

Kate didn't answer, but looked at the others: "Can you avoid it for a while? It's about business secrets."

As the captain, in order to consolidate the image of fairness and justice, Taoist Bone nodded and waved his hands to create a private and opaque soundproof barrier to lock Kate and Gavarro inside. And he himself, under the watchful eyes of the other three masters, did not have the slightest idea of ​​eavesdropping, but just waited quietly.

"Tell me, what can you do to help me restore my mood?"

Kate shook her head: "The heart is the most difficult thing to repair. Once there is a scar, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime. The so-called overcoming is nothing more than facing the scar squarely, finding the right way to coexist, and even using it as a help. I know your experience very well. It is difficult for anyone to accept, I would like to call it 'shattering mental damage', and there is no possibility of repair at this level."

Gavarro is upset, how could you be so exaggerated? If it weren't for the fear of being affected by the No. 2 Holy Grail, it would distort the three views. I can even fix my spiritual leaks with 'Pink Summer Memories'.

Kate seemed to see through Gavarro's thoughts, and said with a sneer, "If you rely on the rules of the Holy Grail to restore your mood, then you will surrender to the shadow of Yong Assassin for the rest of your life, regard him as king, and become a spiritual female." !+ Poor slave."

Mentioning the psychological shadow, Gavarro's mentality collapsed again: "Enough, tell me your solution."

"You also know that I'm called [Witch], right?"

"Are witches rare? I'm also a contractor. I've heard of [Witch Paradise], and 60% of the contractors in it have the title of 'witch'."

Kate shook her head: "This witch is not that witch. There are countless varieties of witches in Paradise, with different origins. My lineage is quite rare. Have you heard of [Potion Sequence]?"

Gavarro shook his head, expressing his incomprehension.

"The [Potion Sequence] is very magical. It does not require cultivation or breakthrough. As long as you take the corresponding 'potion' according to the ritual, you can upgrade with one click and obtain the ability and potential of the corresponding level. Of course, this power is not realized immediately. It requires adaptation and excavation. Only by thoroughly digesting a potion can one take the advanced potion of the corresponding sequence."

Gavarro frowned: "What does this have to do with me?"

"Yes, of course! I can provide you with the potion of [Witch Sequence]. You only need to occupy one capacity bar, and you can solidify the potion through continuous superposition to obtain the status of direct access to the gods. [Witch Sequence], I have mastered it." 8 levels, enough for you to swipe the ability bar to 'orange'."

Gavarro was shocked when he heard the words~lightnovelpub.net~Although it is still unclear how this [Witch Sequence] will solve his spiritual loopholes? But an orange ability bar is extremely attractive to it.

"Is there such a cheap thing?"

"Of course there is, but to solidify [Witch Sequence], you need to digest the potion thoroughly before you can continue stacking. In addition, depending on the configuration of the contractor's other 'ability columns, bloodline columns, and occupation columns', [Witch Sequence] will also have different effects." Mutation, extremely unknown, extremely high risk."

Gavarro got rid of Kate's bewitchment and asked, "Tell me first, how will this [potion] help me overcome my demons?"

"The biggest feature of [Witch Potion] is that it transforms into a witch at the third level. If you take it, you will completely change your **** and become a female Pokémon. This transformation, from physical to psychological, will be a comprehensive one. Transformation and sublimation. Especially for males like us, we can experience an additional wave of gender conversion, which is no less than the accumulation of the reincarnation of the first Buddha."

"This kind of transformation will help you get out of your heart. Don't you feel that you can't find the male? Then give up! You are not a warrior, are you eager to regain the power of martial arts? Then embrace the female fist completely! Your Experience, your strength, your hard-working martial arts totem, coupled with the invincible "mentality and belief" of a female great boxer, your future is infinitely bright!" Kate opened her arms with great excitement, making a gesture of embracing the truth.

Gavarro stared wide-eyed, looking at the downright beautiful woman in front of him: "You used to be a man?"

Kate tilted her head beautifully, showing puzzlement: "Is there a problem? My boyfriend and girlfriend will only be more excited after learning about this. Besides, I have hundreds of flexible tentacles, and I can use one as a hundred. It's a hundred times stronger than a stinky man!"

"Hiss..." Gavaro gasped, it might not be impossible, it's orange!

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