Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1073

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This night, Liudong Temple became famous in World War II. Not only did he withstand the full force of the red camp, he even killed a group of top masters + heroic spirits, making the audience outside the venue (contractors) cheer.

Although the "Liudong Temple camp" has repeatedly emphasized its presence in the live broadcast. However, Bailang took the initiative to close his live broadcast channel, so that the audience outside the venue could only spy on the scale feather, creating enough suspense.

Tonight's battle, [ex-Tiangang Disha Samsara seeks Taoism fish looks up at the starry sky and transforms into a dragon sword array! 】Sweeping the screen thoroughly, with an alternative fighting style, directly topped the popularity list of this Holy Grail reality show.

Immediately, the information about Bailang was also dug out by the good-for-nothings (contractors).

A contractor who had experienced the alchemy world with him broke the news that Lang was a quack doctor, a Mongolian doctor who had ruined countless patients on the battlefield.

Someone who experienced the end of the ninja world together broke the news that his real occupation is [blasphemy priest], an old Yinbi who plays faith, once worshiped a certain "healing evil spirit", and engaged in "carp evil spirit worship" in the country of water , suspected to be the predecessor of [Looking at the Starry Sky Sword Formation]?

There is also a contractor who has seen the waves on the great channel, and revealed his true identity as a "buy fisherman". Possess a mysterious submarine, develop a pirated version of "Seafood Knight", and sell fish blades in the new world.

But there are also many doubts that no one can explain. For example, Lang was the only one who experienced in the last mission (Shanhaijie), so no one knew the origin of [Greedy Sequence], did not understand the hidden configuration of [Little Holy Bowl], and thought it was the most common 'false holy grail' '.

Soon, one after another of true and false rumors about Lang was gathered together, and finally pieced together the past and present of tonight's [ex-Tiangang Disha Looking at the Starry Sky Sword Array], which was described in a very serious way.

Then, a contractor forcibly analyzed the various services provided by Liudong Temple, combined with Bailang's known mission experience, to compile a set of convincing character experiences.

Describe him as a rapidly growing paradise elite genius Xiaoyin b! This son has the talent of a big brother, and his potential is still higher than that of a group of VIPs on the red side. Otherwise, how could he be treated differently by the organizer and given the status of 'behind the scenes'?

For a time, Lang became a dark horse that the major forces were optimistic about, and was focused on. At the same time, he also received invitations from a large number of organizational forces in his contractor's mailbox.

About these gossips, revelations, guesses and discussions, Bailang didn't know anything about it. But the actions of the audience outside the stadium coincided with his original intention.

By actively displaying some of their abilities, the contractors who are on the sidelines from the third perspective can make up for themselves a set of reasonable and convincing "genius personality designs".

And this set of characters only reflects 1/n of his true strength. In the eyes of the off-site audience, he is already the best among the second-tier contractors, enough to match the elites of the paradise behind the scenes.

But he didn't reveal his crime with his trump card, or he was so outrageously strong that he aroused the jealousy of all parties. From admiring and drawing to being quick to get rid of, people couldn't wait to kill and eliminate hidden dangers.

After this battle, the first thing the Bone Taoist did was to issue an armistice agreement to the black side and invite the black side to join forces to destroy the evil spirits of Liudong Temple.

First eradicate external threats, and then fight for life and death!

The black [Pharaoh] has always controlled the [Ten Plagues] in Fuyuki City. It's just that the 'Ten Plagues' are expanding day by day, beyond its absolute control. At best, the pharaoh could only detect abnormal energy fluctuations in the 'fifth and sixth plagues', and then a high-energy reaction erupted in Liudong Temple.

In the end, the pharaoh immediately paid attention to the situation of Liudong Temple. Although it is impossible to be personally on the scene and get 100% first-hand detailed information, but I also know the news that the "Monk Killing Group" has been eliminated, and I am amazed that the "Liudong Temple Black Hand" is so secretive that it actually held the red square Everyone is fighting back? !

Regarding the ferocity of Liudong Temple, Black believes that it needs to wait for two more versions of [Ten Plagues] to be able to confront it head-on. Otherwise, head-to-head confrontation hastily, and the red side is not far away.

As for teaming up with the red side? It's a joke, this is clearly an act of killing with a borrowed knife.

Black's greatest advantage is the 【Ten Plagues】. The top priority, of course, is to strictly guard against the black hands of the Red Fang and Liudong. Don't repeat the old incident of the [Fifth Calamity] this morning, and create the 'Seventh Calamity' to usurp power.

Therefore, the black side never responded to the alliance invitation issued by the Taoist Bone. Instead, he stared at the red side more vigilantly, for fear of being tricked by the Taoist Bone again.

When the red-black alliance failed, Bailang in Liudong Temple was investigating his second daughter, Little Jack the Ripper.

As a special participant (behind the scene) + VIP player of this Holy Grail War, after killing Lancer for the first time, Bai Lang not only put the "spiritual foundation" of Sha Wujing into the [Little Holy Bowl].

The first blood he got was also rewarded with the 'No. 2 Cup'. In other words, the reward mechanism for this trial was triggered.

Obviously Lancer's spirit foundation did not return to the No. 2 Cup, but the organizers still had to follow the rules and carry out a round of upgrades for Lang's servants.

Fufu holds two heroic spirits, and Bailang only has one, so the opportunity to strengthen falls on assassin Silly Jack.

The official "heroic spirit strengthening +1" is related to the foundation of Little Jack and determines her future growth direction.

If Bailang, like other masters, only regards the heroic spirit as a tool to optimize his own ability system, then squeeze it out and discard it when he returns, without paying too much attention.

But Bailang is different, he intends to solidify little Jack into a familiar and bring him home as a second child, so he has to care about Jack's future development direction.

After getting along for several days, he found that Little Jack is a lively, cheerful and outgoing child. But the shortcomings are also obvious: scumbags, weariness, hyperactivity... In stark contrast to "Perfect Miss" Sharf.

Xiao Fufu was raised by Bailang alone. She was well-behaved, sensible and obedient since she was a child, and was raised as a 'medical nurse'. Now the medical skill is supernatural, and it has begun to evolve in the direction of [Angel].

Sharf holds three orange ability bars [19 remodeling surgeries, holding head township far away from the world, debt angel], and possesses unlimited potential [five ghosts spread wealth, lawyer-gourmet engraving].

The luxurious ability configuration makes the magic circle difficult to meet with opponents, and even 90% of the third-tier contractors are overwhelmed, and they are no match for a pet. (Bailang: I can't even compare it! Don't say you scumbags are even worse than me.)

From the point of view of raising a daughter, even if the stupid fufu dies immediately, and will be lonely and wandering from now on, he can still thrive with his own abilities, become the guest of all major forces, and live a rich life.

Compared with this kind of "other people's daughter", the newly purchased Jack is definitely a loser.

In particular, children with problems that are visible to the naked eye, such as 'stupid attributes + attitude of being tired of learning + incompetent learning + ADHD + mischievousness + provoking older sisters...', and it is difficult for them to be successful when they grow up.

If Fufu is the kind of Bai Fumei who is recommended to the world's top universities and has a monthly salary of tens of millions after graduation; then Jack is a vocational high school dropout and has difficulty finding a job. He may go astray and continue to be a "five-star killer" to make ends meet, eventually spending all his father's pension The small five.

If it weren't for being cute, smart, sweet-mouthed and extremely clingy, Bai Lang even thought about whether to abort the second child, let the Holy Grail have another one, or simply have one with mother c?

But little Jack is extremely lacking in love, clings to the "belly (seal pitifully every day, and hugs the orphan who calls himself "mother", which still touches the soft-hearted Bailang.

Now I have to think about Jack's future.

Lang thought a lot, and finally decided to spend this strengthening share on Jack's existing enchantment treasure [Dark Fog City], sublimating it into an [Inherent Barrier]!

It is very difficult for a heroic spirit to condense an inherent enchantment treasure for no reason. The force of the inherent enchantment is a kind of culmination among all the treasures.

However, Little Jack's treasure [Dark Fog City] has great potential, and it is a C-level enchantment treasure. Although it is a thousand miles away from [Inherent Barrier].

But the 'noble enchantment' itself can be regarded as the precondition of [Inherent enchantment]. Under the "enhanced upgrade (official opening given by the organizer, there is finally a chance.

The concept of the Noble Phantasm of [Dark Fog City] originated from the 'fog of death' that shrouded London all year round during the Industrial Revolution.

A large amount of incompletely burned coal waste gas was discharged into the sky through the chimney, condensed with the cold fog of London, and turned into a highly acidic sulfuric acid fog, which caused a catastrophe in 1950, resulting in the death of many civilians and long-term and lasting damage to a large number of people. public health.

After Jack releases the treasure, he can consume mana to continuously create 'sulphuric acid poisonous fog', forming a fog with a radius of tens of meters, blocking vision and perception. Unless the intuition reaches b, it will be lost in the fog.

In addition, the poisonous mist continuously releases the 'sulphuric acid erosion' damage. Ordinary people will die after breathing for a few minutes, but magicians will suffer continuous damage. Finally, being in the mist, agility and speed will be weakened and reduced.

At the same time, it can also meet the condition of the 'heavy fog' activated by [Our Lady of Disintegration].

It seems that the functions are quite rich, but in fact, this treasure is a scum. Within a range of tens of meters, it is okay to restrain ordinary magicians in this world, but it is not enough to face heroic spirits like livestock.

As for the damage of the 'sulphuric acid mist', it has limited effect on local magicians. Facing ferocious and powerful heroic spirits, it is even more like a scraping attack.

Once Jack is solidified into a familiar and brought back to the paradise, this treasure will gradually become a laughing stock in the face of increasingly higher-level contractors. Therefore, it is very necessary to upgrade [Dark Fog City] to an inherent enchantment, which can greatly improve Jack's life-saving ability and combat effectiveness.

The eldest sister Sharf has already used up his opportunity to synthesize treasures for this mission, and got her own [Rough Room. Baotou Township].

Lang named Jack's new treasure [Inherent Enchantment: Le is the city of fog! 】(Please read in Sichuan dialect)

Bailang has a lot of ideas about the treasure-enhancing plan of [Le is the Fog City]. First of all, he removed the 'sulphuric acid scraping magic attack' with limited damage!

The names all changed from [Dark Fog City] implying London to [Le is Fog City] pronounced by Trump. Obviously, the 'concept' contained in the Noble Phantasm also spans half the world, from London to the mountain city of Chongqing.

Then the 'fog' in Chongqing cannot be 'sulphuric acid fog'. Continuing to retain the attribute of 'sulphuric acid mist', the conceptual conflict will inevitably lead to a sharp decline in the gold content of the 'treasure'.

So, what kind of magic damage should be added to the 'fog' of [Le is the Fog City]?

The answer is simple, Lang immediately thought of the sub-professional power he acquired in the last world [Life Menu: Fo Nian Da Mushroom's Chili Sauce Fumo Fist! 】

Bailang changed his [sub-profession.life menu. First dish: An important ingredient of Hell, Salt, Pepper and Buddha's Evil Mushroom, and the soul of [Extreme Lava Flow Cuisine], contributed by 'Original Chili Sauce'.

As the core material for synthesizing Noble Phantasms, it was poured into Jack's custom [Inherent Barrier: Le is the Fog City]. Give this mist the spicy property of "red soup pot bottom".

That's right, it is very reasonable to use the signature "red soup hot pot base" in the Sichuan, Sichuan and Chongqing regions as the "core concept" of the new treasure, replacing the previous "London. Death Fog", right?

What kind of fog can the fog in Wudu be? Of course, the whole city shabu-shabu together, the mist of boiling and evaporating red soup!

Bailang's 'Benming Chili Sauce' is the soul core of [Hell Lava Flow Cuisine]. Extremely spicy, like lava flowing from purgatory, capable of piercing through the soul's triple attack of "physiology, magic, and spirit"!

Isn't it more than enough to make hot pot bottom material?

Bailang's plan for Jack's 'inherent barrier'~lightnovelpub.net~ is her plan for her future life!

Since you don't like studying and are willing to be a scumbag, why not learn a craft! Inherit the inheritance and accumulation of my father's [cooking skills] in an all-round way, and be a little cook with extreme lava flow!

The boss is smart and promising, inheriting his father's "Physics Devil Witch Doctor" tradition, and becoming a respected "Angel of Debt". The second child is a scumbag who is playful and does not seek to make progress, so he will inherit daddy's restaurant and culinary skills.

In the future, when he dies, the eldest and the second will divide the family peacefully and inherit the property, so that the brothers and sisters will not fight each other, and he can die peacefully with a smile on his face.

Lang also thought carefully about choosing the path of cooking for Jack.

Not to mention the [Inherent Barrier: Le is the Fog City] that is being built into a top-level [Red Soup Noble Phantasm] by him, Jack's other Noble Phantasm [The Virgin of Disintegration], if you ignore the special attack of women for the time being, just look at her. The 'anatomy technique' of proficiency and flowing water.

In addition to being a "perverted murderer", is it also worthy of the praise of "Paoding Jieniu"?

Of course it's wrong to dissect people. After Bailang finished "Le is the Fog City", his next plan is to correct Little Jack's bad habit of being a murderer, transforming it into a "knife skill" in cooking, and becoming a "knife skill" Noble Phantasm]!

In the future, there will be two sisters of the Bai family, one will be in the medical assistant department, and the other will be in the culinary assistant department. Needless to say, Fufu, under his education, this waste of little Jack has also become a gourmet hero of "Wen Neng Red Soup Shabu Bottom, Wu Neng Dao Kung Fu and Show Cooking Skills".

He Bailang [La Laiye Seafood City] has a successor! Spicy fish pot + professional sliced ​​fish, Lalaiye Jack spicy fish shabu shabu!

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