Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1089: Unboxing evaluation, big bang!

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When the dragon warlock Ethan ran away completely, the battle caused by this sneak attack officially ended. All hostile beings in the vicinity were cleared away by Dumb Mao Wang.

Bailang has Fufu in his left hand and Jack in his right hand. The father and daughter are reunited, just like a ginseng prostitute. Not to mention that he also got a bunch of small gift bags, which stretched his muscles and bones, lifted his spirits, and immediately made a big difference in his mentality.

At this time, Lang looked up at the sky. The blood cloud, blood rain and blood fog, which had been gloomy and gloomy for a long time, also became hazy and poetic at this time, with a unique aesthetic feeling.

Suddenly, he had the idea of ​​going out to play Fuyuki.

So, Lang just took his two daughters and sat on his boss's filial motorcycle, racing around in the empty city. Behind him, there was also this British bodyguard fairy who was proficient in car theft (riding) skills. It is rumored that it only takes 0.02 seconds for her to fire the light cannon, which makes people feel safe.

Along the way, Bailang was attacked by a large number of frogs, locusts, and monsters. The father and daughter didn't waste anything, and put everything into their own [Three Thousand Worlds. Red Soup Merit Pot], Little Jack's [Inherent Enchantment. Le is the Fog City], and Fufu's [Baotou Township Away from the World].

Two treasures and one natal main course need a lot of nutrients to grow.

In addition, as the playing route gets farther and farther, along the way, many mercenaries wearing camouflage uniforms, carrying weapons and experimental devices to collect samples; Fuyuki aborigines.

The former came from all over the world outside of Fuyuki and entered through the space tunnel.

The Holy Grail War lasted for several days, and the whole process was broadcast live to the outside world without any deletion or concealment. The scale was extremely large, **** and cruel, and countries could not block the signal.

Therefore, as long as there is a TV at home, people who eat melons in any corner of the world will understand that this wave of "mutations" is no longer a gradual "resurrection of spiritual energy", but a "advent of the age of gods" that is cooked with fire.

When the violence came, it only took four days for the people of Fuyuki to accept the new era in an all-round way and become the shape of the [Ten Plagues].

Then the power enveloping Fuyuki suddenly disappears, will the earth evolve to Fuyuki's current level in just one month?

A sense of crisis has appeared in the hearts of politicians and people of insight in various countries. If you don't take the opportunity to get in touch with the supernatural power of the Fuyuki battlefield first, obtain samples for experiments, and find a way out for yourself... In the future, you may be eliminated in the new extraordinary world structure division, or even destroy the country.

As a result, all countries sent troops and scientific researchers into Fuyuki, and a large number of mercenaries came for money and strength. And more black uncles and Middle Eastern believers who couldn't survive on the African continent also rushed in excitedly.

It's nothing more than going from one **** to another, and what I get is the supernatural power that can take revenge on the American ghosts and animals. I'm **** rich!

As for the latter..., the current death rate of the citizens of Fuyuki has exceeded the 20% mark. Minor injuries, serious injuries, mental breakdowns, half-madness, total insanity, eccentricity, and demonization are countless.

The buffer period of several days forced the survivors who were still alive and crazy to recognize the reality. Even Shirou didn't beep to save Fuyuki and went back to a week ago. The citizens of Fuyuki have to survive in desperation, and real people eat chicken. Join the [Great Temple Glory Evolution Family Bucket Package], unscrupulous sacrifice + become stronger.

It is also after witnessing the mediocre Fuyuki mastering superhuman powers in just a few days that stimulated the global audience in front of the TV even more. As a result, more and more non-governmental organizations rushed into Fuyuki to add meals to the "Ten Disasters" with the gamble mentality of turning bicycles into motorcycles.

So far, a virtuous circle has been achieved, and the future of the world is full of hope.

Today's Fuyuki, the "real people eating chicken, survival in desperate situation, slaughtering demons..." performed by these citizens and foreigners who come to travel have become a new "hot live broadcast content".

Many local audiences, as well as outside contractors, began to watch performances by other non-masters. For example, in the death rally that is going on at this time, the starfish people modify their cars and start racing + compete to see who has more and stronger monsters to kill?

Along the way, King Dumao worked hard to kill [Animal Plague], trying to feed the three mouths of the Bai family.

Seeing the Bailang family as if they were on an outing, those passers-by obviously had seen the strength of this group of non-human beings as early as in the live TV broadcast. Therefore, there was no offense, and they all gave way, or pointed to the places where they had witnessed powerful monsters.

Until Bailang's family left, the passers-by were still trembling with fear, for fear of provoking the displeasure of these inhuman strong men and being beaten to death themselves.

"It's only been a few days, and Fuyuki has regained its vitality!" Sitting behind Fufu, Bailang sighed to Daimao who was racing beside him.

Today's Fuyuki is no longer a stage for contractors. Citizens from all over the city also began to actively integrate into the [Ten Disasters] environment, surviving in the apocalypse, and the ratings were robbed a lot.

The last battle of the Bailang family was at the radiation pollution spot where Hong A shot the 'broken arm' before dying.

After arriving, Lang did not find the bodies of Shirou and Rin, and it seemed that he should have successfully escaped. Then, Lang observed carefully again, and found no battle information left by Xiongba. It seemed that the two sides had decided the outcome and life and death in [Unlimited Sword System].

The nearby monsters, frogs, and locusts were all killed, and nothing was gained. Depressed, Bailang activated the [Armed Color Vajra Barrier], jumped into the deep pit of the core that penetrated the bottom layer, and dug out a group of nuclear power plant radiation cores.

"Here! Who do you want?"

Little Jack asked curiously, "What's the use of this?"

"Such a hot temperature, stuffed into the moon of [Fog City], isn't it just a furnace that will never go out, continuously boil your 'red soup' to create red mist, greatly saving magic power."

Then, Lang looked at Fufu again: "This core is placed in 'Baotou Township', and it can also release 'radiation aura' and 'heat energy' to provide energy for your 'Toadstool Fairy Township'. Everything on the earth, It is fed by solar energy. The sun is a huge nuclear fusion reactor!"

"I want it!", "I want it too!"

When the two loli heard this, they raised their hands to beg.

Lang thought for a while: "Give the first core to Fufu, your sister's [Baotou Township] is too simple. After a while, Dad will go dig some 'cores' and come back to make soup for you. "

"Cut!" Jack curled his lips, "Partial eyes!"

The play is over, the time has reached 2 pm, and I missed lunch time.

Including Damao King, several people were a bit hungry, so Bailang chose a high-end restaurant that was not open, and said, "Let's go in and have a meal first, and then return to Liudong Temple."

Others agreed one after another, "Red pot shabu-shabu", of course, is to eat first as a respect. So a group of people smashed the door and broke in. It has not been open for several days, the restaurant is still clean and tidy, and the power has not been cut off.

After choosing the position of 'eating + enjoying the scenery outside the window', Bailang left the work of the picnic to the two sisters, and ran to the side by himself to take stock of the benefits of this battle.

First of all, he took off a rider class [vehicle: steamroller] from Dior, and it is currently in a state of compulsory sealing. Lang intends to kill Kara, and after obtaining a new 'heroic spirit enhancement share', he will transform it and use it as Jack's new treasure.

Since it is decided to solidify Little Jack into the [Familiar Bar], the transformation of the exclusive Heroic Spirit (ability configuration, power system, and type of treasure) during this mission will be recorded by the paradise, and finally solidified into the [Ability Bar] of the familiar 】middle.

Therefore, Lang decided to collect, modify, and manufacture as many powerful treasures as possible for Jack, and finally used the contract to make demons, solidify them into the ability bar, and complete the disguised prostitution.

One is the whiteboard Little Jack, who only has low match [The Virgin of Disintegration] and [Dark London. Fog].

One is Bailang's ultimate modified version of Jack, which has [Inherent Barrier. Le Shi Wudu], [Vehicle. Explosively Modified and Reloaded Roller], [Paoding. Disintegration of the Virgin], etc...

Both are familiars, which one is more powerful? Needless to say.

In addition to this [steam roller], Lang also snatched the 'treasure box key' of the witch Kate from Dior. As for [Substitute: World], which some netizens in the comment area strongly disapproved of, Bailang wasn't very interested.

My own strength system has formed "blood + mental pollution", and it can be used with "virtual occupation" to deal with various emergencies. There is really no need for a 'local time stop' that pulls the hips.

If you can be controlled, you can easily kill yourself; if you can't stop, is it worthwhile to improve? Isn't it fighting by yourself?

After being promoted to Tier 3, the seventh ability bar will be opened. However, Bailang thought about it, and it seemed that he didn't need the 'seventh column', and he could go all the way up to the fourth, fifth and sixth steps.

At the third level, they are all the elite among the contractors. Across the world of major missions, you can get in touch with a large number of "mythical power systems" and resources. The optional content of the seventh column is very rich.

Even the most mediocre ordinary third-order, as long as one is patient enough, one can acquire abilities no worse than [World]. Such as inherent barriers, domains, time and space abilities, fate... are all basic exercises.

There are also many people who install [Godhead] in the seventh column.

After the rider, is the berserker.

Yujiro Fanma's kill was stolen by 'Mapomaru. Kotomine Kirei', but the spirit base of the heroic spirit still entered the No. 3 cup, and got all the data and ability information of berserker.

And Ma Po, who killed Yujiro, also got a new round of "pseudo-hero strengthening resources" (provided by Bailang).

When Mapo Wan becomes stronger again, it will be recorded in the [Must Die] inheritance menu. Therefore, the strength of Mapo Wan becomes stronger, and the essence really helps the Noble Phantasm [Must Die] to upgrade.

Therefore, Ma Powan is using her own struggle, life and life to cultivate the treasure for Bailang! It's really touching.

In addition to taking his life to upgrade [Must Die], Father Kotomine who will benefit countless generations of Fuguimaru in the future; the death of Yujiro also provided Lang with a ship-bound spirit 'Afu'.

Finally, the Kryptonian meat weapon [Eir Zo-Kara] of the class alien, currently locked in the coffin of souls, has been disconnected from the dragon warlock Ethan, and has become Lang's spoils of war.

There is no rush to kill, a living heroic spirit is definitely more valuable than a dead one. Try first to see if you can squeeze out new value, if not, it’s never too late to kill.

After finishing the review, Lang put the **** key on the table, smelling the tangy smell of red soup, he squinted his eyes, and it was time for the long-lost unboxing activity again.

However, Lang actually didn't expect it at all.

He has played several third-order keys. As a result, the harvest after opening is just like that, which is not surprising. It is impossible for the treasure chest to explode all the properties and abilities of the contractor.

In fact, after a contractor was killed. The contractor itself is also full of dimension-enhancing power and ember crystallization, the stronger the strength, the higher the value.

Some lords often play games in their own 'territory', similar to the Holy Grail War in this trial, hold a 'World's No. Attract a large number of low-level leeks to compete, and then compete with each other.

In the end, low-level leeks died in batches, and the "dimension-enhancing power and embers" that overflowed after their death could greatly improve the quality of this "territory" (increase the degree of erosion).

Therefore, the contractor is a treasure, and it is extremely valuable regardless of life or death. Live, create value for the paradise, organization, and boss; die, your own inheritance is wealth.

Therefore, different contractors, due to their different affiliations, are first drawn by their own paradise when they die, taking away the most essence of ember crystals and power systems; Power, embers; in the end, it is the paradise that gives birth to treasure boxes according to the probability of metaphysics, and is finally divided among those who kill them.

Therefore, the value contained in the treasure chest is limited, which is left over from the paradise and the mission world. And this second-tier treasure chest can at most inherit part of Witch Kate's inheritance, and the quality depends on luck.

In normal times, the waves will not even open, but will be auctioned off on the Paradise platform as a blind box.

But this time the situation is different. Kate, as two related households of the red party, forcibly jumps into the queue and airborne, and her net worth is obviously very high. Although the second order is a bit rubbish, the airborne VIP may not be without surprises?

It's worth opening!

As for the specific work of unpacking, I still leave it to... Lang to sweep around.

Little Jack, a collection of vengeful spirits born from murderous ghost stories, doesn't look lucky at first glance, and doesn't seem like a good person, so pass!

As for Fufu, theoretically, she is a quasi-angel, with infinite merits in saving lives and healing the wounded, smart, kind, and well-behaved. Hands must be very red.


She is [Poor Wife (Title)]! Debt Angel + Five Ghosts Spreading Wealth + Poverty Clericship... She opened the box = bankruptcy.

As for Arturia, the dumb-haired king who is eager to try? Forget it, you have become the king of subjugation, your wife betrayed you, your brother ntr you, your son backstabbed you...you are the real 'betrayal witch', my mother is far inferior!

"Go away, go away, don't bring bad luck with you."

Bai Lang waved his hand away to drive away the dull hairy king who was trying to get close, this is the real moldy king.

Looking at the audience, Bailang had no choice but to realize that the non-chief was actually me? The others are hard-working Africans under the chieftain. If I had known earlier, I would have brought mother C along.

"There are no three moles to burn. Missing Dior the Witch feels like missing three hundred million." Bailang muttered, then grabbed the air in front of him.

I said silently in my heart: My sister gives me strength! Then…


Wow! Golden legend.

In Kate's treasure chest, a lot of sundries burst out instantly. blue green. Among the many messy items, there is a touch of...

There are so many Kate treasure chests ~lightnovelpub.net~ that Bailang didn't expect and dazzled him.

This number is a bit too much!

But soon, he found that the most treasure chests were crystal bottles. There are different types of medicines in it, there are more than ten pills in one bottle, and three or four pills in less.

There are more than a dozen such crystal bottles, filled with treasure chests, and they have different shapes, shining brightly. Like the perfume bottles of various colors after opening a girl's drawer.

Lang stretched out his hand to caress these bottles and jars, and the information of the items immediately came to mind. Immediately, his expression became strange.

Are they all love potions with different effects and functions? !

There are some to enhance the fun, some to enhance one's own charm, some to force sex, and some to greatly enhance the sensitivity... There are men and women, and there are special ones for powerful monsters. In short, it is an eye-opener.

Lang even wished he hadn't opened the box to avoid these mental pollutions. I'm still young, I shouldn't understand so much!
