Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1137: The Wonderful Trial of Girlfriends

Seeing such a nonsensical title, even the well-informed Bailang felt his eyes widened, and then he saw Lie Xinxi, and his heart began to itch: "Do you need me to help you make a corresponding treasure?"

"Watch (don't)! Watch! Watch!"

Cowardly girl shook her head when she heard the words, and stared at Bailang nervously: "I have a hunch that this title has not reached its limit, and it can go higher. And my wheelchair also has room for further modification and improvement. The days of the third level are so long, When I develop both 'title' and 'equipment' to the limit, it's not too late to ask you to make a move."

Lang nodded to express his understanding. His [door] is also being placed, but it has not been made into a treasure. Because the potential is too high, it is a waste to synthesize it now: "Is your hunch reliable?"

"Reliable, old and reliable! Do you know how powerful I am as an 'Original Force Master'? Fengshui divination, force numerology, all my calculations. My premonition is super accurate!"

Bailang shook his head to express his understanding: "But how can you improve your title?"

"Participate in any racing competition, as long as you can win, you can accumulate a foundation for the title. There are too many worlds with racing competitions, and I [Wheelchair God of War] has a lot to do!"

Hearing Gao Wen's words, a spark flashed in Fufu's eyes, and the spirit of dangerous driving was burning.

Then, Jack, who was sitting between the counselor and the Zhuang team, was fed by the beautiful big sister, also had the urge to compete with each other and crush the track with an animal roller.

The 'Force Master' keenly sensed the fighting spirit from the same kind, and immediately sent an invitation to Sharfu: "Fufu, are you interested in a race? I heard that your little sheep is very good at riding. My wheelchair warrior can't let go of water." Oh!"

Silly fufu nodded seriously: "Yeah!"

"I want it too! I want it too! My steamroller is invincible in the world, beyond the root of heaven and access!" Jack patted the table, expressing that he would never be absent.

"In and out of the source?" Team Zhuang, who had just returned from the singularity, looked at Bailang with weird eyes, as if asking what kind of trouble did your father and daughter make after I left?

Getting in and out of the root with a roller?

At this time, the girl who had set up a racing competition with Fufu and Jack said again: "By the way, Brother Lang. I'm used to the 'racing wheelchair' you gave me last time. I'm still in this mission world Among them, spending a lot of money on tailor-made modifications is super cool. Your [Cosmic Wheelchair] has a stronger potential this time, but I still hope to use the old wheelchair as the main one and integrate this 'Heroic Spirit' into it. Can it be done? "

Lang nodded: "No problem, this [Universal Throne] comes from Thanos. Although it is certified as equipment by the paradise, it still carries the characteristics of a 'treasure'. It can extract the concept and transfer it to your existing wheelchair."

Compared with the [Universal Wheelchair], Bailang naturally prefers the old model he gave to his counselor. Because the "cosmic wheelchair" belongs to Thanos, while the "old wheelchair" was built by him himself, and it is more meaningful to accompany him to travel through the Ninja Wasteland.

"Very good!"

The cowardly girl was overjoyed, and then suddenly thought of something, her expression became furtive, as if I had a big baby, leaned over the table, and said mysteriously to Langshen:

"Brother Lang, you are an expert in this field, help me palm my eyes quickly. I got a big baby in this trial, give me advice, what kind of 'title' is worthy of it?"

While speaking, Gao Wen had already climbed over the table and came to Bailang's side, pouted his **** and pushed the tower away, unzipped the zipper with a treacherous expression, took out a pair of big treasures from his arms, and quietly showed them to Bailang.

Lang looked down, and inside was a trendy T-shirt, and a neck full of amulets and necklaces, and there were no benefits. In Gawain's arms, a pair of metal objects indeed appeared:

[Early humans did not tame the wild shower × 2: quality blue. Cursed antiques. Activated shower (serpentine) / Qimen weapons. Meteor hammer. Unearthed in Ruins of Lost Age Nine. 】

[Status: wild and unruly, naturally violent. (Recognized master: Intimidated by the power of the dragon, and subordinated to the Zhu Er Chong Immortal)]

[Ability 1: Wild Life. This is a pair of cursed antiques that were cursed by the spiritual tide and born spirituality. Kuroshio curses the aura to be born on its own, without wisdom, but with primitive instincts. Can absorb psionic tidal power without needing to eat. Vigilant and timid by nature, irritable and violent, they will attack all living organisms that come close. After being overwhelmed by the heroic appearance and dragon power of Immortal Zhuerchong, he bowed his head and became a companion sealed object. 】

[Ability 2: Rootless Water. By absorbing the energy of the spiritual tide, the 'rootless water' is continuously stored in the unknown space. There is no source, but it is sprayed from the nozzle through the metal hose. When the shower head is angry, the reaction force of the water spray can make the shower head stand up naturally, imitating the attacking cobra. 】

[Ability 3: Man of Steel. Beautiful industrial art from a lost age. Exquisite workmanship, engraving a large number of aristocratic patterns; the material is exquisitely blended with memory metal. Indestructible, after being worn out, it can be automatically repaired through practice. 】

[Hidden attribute: After subduing this pair of showers, you can collect a kind of 'true water' to bind with the showers. Activate rootless water, automatically refine and bind 'true water', rootless and sourceless, endless...]

"What the hell? Early humans didn't tame wild showers?"

If it weren't for the last 'hidden attribute', Bailang would have almost regarded this pair of 'showers' as garbage.

Fortunately, the last one made Lang feel that this pair of 'showers' was not easy. If Gawain can collect liquids like 'Sanguang Shenshui, Weak Water, Spring of Life...' and bind them to this pair of showers.

So can they spray out endless 'special real water'? Without any logic, rootless, and endless.

"Why do you collect such boring things?"


The cowardly girl said mysteriously: "My occupation, [Force Master], you know about it, right?"

Lang nodded. Counsel pioneered the integration of the force induction of the "Jedi Knight" into the Taoist system, and embarked on a route of "non-mainstream feng shui divination and running for life" that does not rely on fighting.

Speaking of which, his [Encoffiner] is also an unpopular subject in the Taoist sect, and it can also be divided into Jinding acupoints. But counseling girls are more professional and cover a wider range of occupations, not limited to the small category of 'funeral yin house'.

"After I encountered them in the ruins, I had a strong premonition that this is my opportunity to prove the Tao! Anyway, the quality is not high, and it is not worth the money. I can afford it, and I don't need to bother to feed it. Just raise them Pets."

Bailang looked at the pair of metal shower heads that sprayed air from the nozzle and made a snake-like hissing sound to warn him, his face was covered with shit. This thing is more excessive than my own 'fishing tackle'!

He really didn't expect that two showers could also be judged as 'equipment'.

"Shh! Don't speak ill of them, and don't scare them, they are timid." Saying this, the cowardly girl pulled up her coat to cover a pair of sensitive showers.

No wonder it was mysterious, it turned out that it was too sensitive to the nature of the 'wild shower'.

"How did you get this thing? The name is so weird."

At this time, Team Zhuang said: "Our original 'Trial World' is a high-tech world with faults in human civilization. The prehistoric civilization of the lost era possessed extremely high-end technology and even completed space colonization. But this world is called The power of the "black tide" invaded and civilization was destroyed. Hundreds of years later, the new era was rebuilt in the wasteland, the order was lost, and the civilization was faulted. The original scientific and technological planet, a mysterious side appeared, scientific rules became invalid, and a large number of people with mysterious abilities The "cursed object" was excavated. Then, the remaining technological equipment of the old era was transformed into black technology under the pollution and distortion of the spiritual tide. The new era also became a wasteland punk with the fusion of "occultism" and "black technology". "

"There are traces of [Pollution Source. Chaos] in this world, which is very suitable for team advanced trials. Unfortunately, I was recruited to the 'Singularity' before the mission started. Then the team lost control completely under Gao Wen's misleading... This As for the shower, in the ruins of City No. 9, the 'luxury shower' of human nobles in the last era was transformed into a 'cursed antique' after being polluted by the Kuroshio."

Hearing Miss Sister's narration, Lang was full of fantasies about this half-mysterious, half-technical wasteland punk world: "Sounds great."

Cowardly girl jumped out again: "Of course, under my guidance, everyone will experience a fantastic adventure and have a great harvest! Langguo, please help me to see what title is most suitable for them? I plan to make them into treasures." Tool, protect me to become enlightened."

"These things can't even be regarded as spirit monsters on the cultivation side. Since they have the shape of a snake, you might as well give them the title of 'White Snake, Green Snake' and see if you can cultivate them into 'Artifact Spirits' and then transform them into shapes?"

"It makes sense, you can give it a try."

The counselor accepted Lang's suggestion, wrapped the pair of shower babies again, and put them in the storage space, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

After sending out two meeting gifts, only the little apprentice Tim was left.

Naturally, Miss Captain doesn't need it. Everyone went through the same trial, and I helped her get a good result in double kills, and the other party also successfully solidified 'Medusa' into a demon belt, and it hasn't existed for a long time.

As for his little apprentice Tim, Bailang didn't have any suitable equipment at hand, so after thinking about it, he gave Tim a place to customize a treasure. Anyway, he is now making treasures, and there is no limit to the number.

Then, in the name of a teacher, Lang checked Tim's practice progress. (Contractor panel)

It can be seen that her various [Ability Columns] have grown, and [Occupation Column - Magical Girl] has also sealed a large number of 'Kuro Cards'. After opening the 'Magic Farming Girl Combat Form', she can add more cards to herself. state.

Tim's "Magic Girl" is not a card-based summoning flow; instead, like "Kamen Rider", different cards are inserted to switch battle forms.

Therefore, she is the most adaptable in the team, and the environment of the mission world can be adapted to the environment through the local "Kuro card" of the sealed work.

However, because the 'card strength' and 'sealing technique' are limited, it is difficult to make a god-level card against the sky, so the 'enchanting state' is limited.

Tim's 'occupation' is somewhat similar to his own 'Master of Secret Treasures'.

Lang can open different "power systems" (virtual professions) by embedding "treasures". Although Tim cannot change the core of the profession, different cards give different surface states, which can be regarded as varied.

These powers can be borrowed as long as they are sealed separately to produce "monster cards in the fairy world, monster cards in the magical world, and superhuman cards in the supernatural world".

Looking at Tim's ability bar again, apart from [Inherent Temporal Control, Bloody Planting Technique], she doesn't have much experience, no matter her solidified [Three-Color Domineering, Nandou Shengquan, Element Ripple Breathing Technique]...or even [Sealing Technique], Lang has rich and unique experience.

Should he really be worthy of being his own student?

Although I didn't systematically plan the "strength configuration" for Tim like I taught Fufu and Jack, but let the other party develop and grow freely.

But now it seems that the two sides' practice concepts, ability configurations, and power systems have a surprisingly high degree of overlap.

They are all unpretentious and down-to-earth routes of famous farmers and workers. And Tim is more down-to-earth and more pragmatic. He is a "migrant worker", and she is simply a "magic pretty girl farmer".

So Lang thought about it, and got the best gift: "Tim, the gift I prepared for you... is a one-on-one special training and counseling for a month! From tomorrow, enter the paradise space every day and accept my test.【 The application of armed color and blood, the enchanting enhancement of Nandou Shengquan by the wave of killing intent, the wave of the big heart demon and the elemental breathing method, and the seal superposition principle behind the seal wave of the mother love demon...]”

"Also, your [Kuro Cards] should not just collect and seal 'conceptual elements' from different worlds to create a set of highly applicable multifunctional card classes. You should also consider constructing the second set, the first Three sets of professional 'card groups' are used to obtain powerful specialization power. How about this, as a teacher, this trial is also quite rewarding, just to help you build a set of card groups: [Kuro Card. Fish Sword Immortal], try to expand your career to: [Magical Girl. Fish Sword Immortal Mode]”

The little apprentice who didn't know what to do was overjoyed: "Thank you, Master! I will work hard!"

The sisters in the team are all very strong, each possessing unique skills, but their fighting style is incompatible with her.

Lucy embarked on the path of a mage, obsessed with refining corpses and couldn't extricate herself; Gao Wen never participated in frontal battles, and relied on his ineffective divination + premonition, as well as the indescribable tricks of Feng Shui, to make the team feel bad.

The captain is powerful and has outstanding sword skills, but he is specialized in thunder, so he can only help her seal and make [Leika]. And Ta is a violent huntress~lightnovelpub.net~ Throwing a long spear... It is incompatible with her "agricultural skills melee".

Fortunately, looking forward to returning to Bailang now, I can finally get all-round guidance.

"By the way, sir, remember that you haven't taken up a [sub-profession] yet? If you don't have any ideas about the future and feel confused, you might as well learn how to cook with me! I'll pass you the [Life Recipe] of Food Paradise. As a teacher, now [ Big Mushroom Fruit Bit], has obtained [Gourmet Paradise] license-free qualification certification, and can change jobs for you in private."

Considering Tim's certification, her ultimate dream of working in [Magic Farming Girl] is to be able to adapt to the environment of any mission world, and use [Bloody Planting Technique] to cultivate thriving crops and fat livestock. Gain satisfaction and happiness from harvest.

And the [sub-profession of the gastronomy department] mentioned by the master is indeed highly compatible with his 'main profession', so it is worth a try.

The shower is not just a word of water, it is a distant foreshadowing... First dig the hole and fill it in the future.

(end of this chapter)

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