Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1148: Welcome to Hogwarts Dragonborn Technical

Time flies, the elf girl has been on a mission for half a month, and Bailang only enjoys a rest period of one month before being forced to start a new journey.

Fortunately, there is no main task for this holiday. After meeting with the girlfriends in the paradise space, we started a new journey.

In the Bailang camp, they brought their two daughters with them. All three members of the family were dressed in formal attire. Bailang wore a CP0 white suit with a cropped cut. He was 199.9cm tall, and his normal charm was strengthened to 10 points. He must give the British soil turtles a refined and easy-going first impression.

Silly Fufu put on the black princess dress carefully selected by the elf girl, a pair of little red shoes, and held a small umbrella, full of rag doll attributes. But soon, she consciously put on the [Little Genius Explosion-Proof Learning Helmet] full of mechanical sense, and stood beside Lang independently.

Ever since Little Jack insisted that Bailang was her mother, Lang also fought back equally, inheriting Teacher Kaido's will and raising her as a son. At this time, she was wearing a black suit, playing with a butterfly knife in her hand, and kept dubbing in her mouth, and her movements were falsely aiming at the vital points of 'Mummy', her filial piety was deteriorating.

Seeing the Bailang family in black and white, Team Zhuang, who is also in formal attire, shines in front of his eyes, and suddenly feels like a CP of a blind date group. But this atmosphere was quickly broken by the counselor.

"Wow, Fufu is so cute! The helmet mask can also scroll kaomoji, where can I buy it, I want it too!"

Gao Wen, who was dressed in trendy brand sportswear, pounced on Fufu like a dog, holding her high and circling.

Behind him, Tim was carrying a magic engineering shovel and an oversized travel bag. Lucy is wearing a long skirt, while the tower is shorts + slim vest, revealing the abdominal muscles + small navel that attract Bailang's attention frequently.

"Ready? Let's go!"

The young lady gave an order, and the eight people were teleported away at the same time.

When the picture was clear again, the temperature was slightly lower than Somogo, but it was still nothing to the contractors.

At this time, everyone appeared on the top floor of a castle with excellent lighting. They had a wide view, and in front of them was a super large curved glass dome with a modern architectural style. Rows of owls stand on long sticks.

Bailang immediately realized that this was the top floor of Hogwarts, and the floor under his feet outlined a complex teleportation array.

Unlike the movies he saw when he was a child, although the Hogwarts in front of him still had an ancient castle as its skeleton, it lacked the retro medieval flavor. After renovation, the modern style is obviously felt.

For example, this attic is open, bright and well ventilated. And the pictures outside the glass dome attracted a certain kind of attention.

Naturally, there are green playgrounds, teenagers and girls riding brooms to grind their roots, and in the distance, you can see endless forests, sparkling lakes, and undulating veins in the distance.

But different from the imagination, there is a 24-hour connected semicircular enchantment in the sky, which is larger than the one in the movie where Voldemort brought the **** eaters to the door.

Hogwarts opened the barrier, not because it was attacked, but outside the barrier, giant dragons of different shapes spread their wings and let out a loud and clear neighing sound, flying across the sky and projecting a flash Fleeting shadows.

Bai Lang just looked at it for a while in the attic, and found that there were at least 7 'dragons' of different varieties in the distance. Some are slender and slender, like a long snake, waving sharp streamlined wings; there are also giant dragons with pitch-black scales, a majestic body, well-developed limbs, and equally burly and huge wings.

In addition to a giant dragon flying past in the air, there is also a huge figure shaking in the jungle in the distance. It is a creature similar to the "brachiosaurus" in Jurassic Park.

The 'giants' that can only cover their chests with tall trees are walking in the green ocean just like humans wading through cornfields that are about to submerge themselves.

As his eyes continued to zoom out, Bailang saw all kinds of strange creatures appearing outside the Hogwarts barrier, as if he was in a magical primeval forest.

High and high...

There was another distant and loud low cry. In the distant lake, a huge shadow set off a stormy sea, drilled out of the water, and leaped to the surface of the lake at a slow speed that did not conform to Newton's theorem, spinning 360° lazily. As if playing in slow motion, hover, move forward, and slide in the air, and finally hit a huge wave bomb again and disappear on the lake.

Looking at the half-rotten giant that was covered with strange tentacles and had no shape, Lang asked doubtfully, "Kunkun?"

Cowardly girl wore her peaked cap askew, and answered, "Chicken, are you too beautiful?"

"Welcome to Hogwarts, everyone!"

A deep, rhythmic, and operatic magnetic voice came from behind everyone, interrupting everyone's enjoyment of the natural scenery of the magical world.

Looking back, the person who came was long hair and shawl, full of greasy skin, pale skin, hooked nose, gloomy and indifferent eyes, wearing a black retro robe... Half-Blood Prince-Shen Teng!

No, it was Professor Severus Snape.

Different from the dog-licking, sad, gloomy, and mean Snape in his impression, this one in front of him gave Bailang a faint sense of threat, as if he was facing a raging beast.

The body hidden under the robes of the other party was not tall enough for a wizard. Although Bailang was more than a head shorter, he had the illusion of looking down at a bully dog. The other party was still gloomy and indifferent, but with a lingering dark aura, even Tong Kong was a pair of dark vertical boys.

At this point, Tower looked at Snape, visibly interested. Examine and measure very carefully.

"Are you all the professors hired by the headmaster this school year? I am the headmaster of Slytherin Lawweaver College, Severus Snape. When you come to Hogwarts for the first time, I will be your guide and carry out A brief introduction. Where there is confusion, you can also ask questions directly.”

"The First Clan"

As a polite response, Bailang and the others also began to introduce themselves.

The captain's sister was the first to speak: "Gong, modern electromagnetic physics, and advanced lightning magic class, and professor of Nordic runes."

Hearing the young lady's answer, Snape nodded knowingly, matching the young lady's appearance with the teacher's information he had received. For this young but knowledgeable professor, he is full of respect and appreciation: "Welcome to Slytherin."

But Bailang looked over in surprise, a little unacceptable that Nima Hogwarts still teaches modern physics? What timeline is this?

At this time, the cowardly girl was also eager to try: "I, I, Curry Knight Gao Wen, is in charge of competitive sports, that is the flight class. There is also an optional course: Divination."

Looking at the cowardly girl who seemed to have just graduated from the seventh grade, Snape nodded calmly. As for the contractor, he has seen a lot, so he really can't judge a person by his appearance. But this frivolous guy has some real skills, and then said: "Your Excellency's office is in Gryffindor."

The wild long-legged girl browsed through her task information in her mind, while extracting and summarizing: "Ta, teacher of the hunting practice class."

Snape focused on the young lady, nodded to show his understanding, and said, "Gryffindor."

Lucy said with a strange expression: "Lucy, black magic necromancy, and the teacher of corpse processing and collection. Is this a compulsory course?"

"Distinguishing, collecting and preserving materials from prey is a very important skill, which is related to the lifetime achievements of wizards. I hope that Teacher Lucy can take her courses seriously and not treat them perfunctorily."

Lucy waved her hand: "Don't worry, I'm the most professional in corpse recovery."

Snape nodded: "You belong to Ravenclaw, and the specific work matters will be arranged by Head Flitwick."

Little Tim said at this moment: "Dean Severus, I'm Walnut Tim, an assistant teaching herbology, and an auditor of senior courses. I was assigned... Hufflepuff?"

Snape nodded, no nonsense.

Finally, it was Bailang's turn. After confirming his "task information", he said, "Outlander, Fantastic Beasts cooking class."

"Hufflepuff, Headmaster Hannibal will arrange your specific work."

The names of the other names are okay, and Bailang has an impression of them. Why did the dean become a stranger when he came here? What about the Pomona Sprout people? Was he in Azkaban with Dumbledore?

Lang asked curiously, "Isn't Hufflepuff's dean Sprout?"

"Professor Sprout couldn't accept the ideas promoted by the principal, and he resigned seven years ago. Since then, Dr. Hannibal Rector has been the dean of Hufflepuff."

Bai Lang's tiger body trembled, I know this name well! The Silence of the Lambs, I don't know if it is the middle-aged version or the old version? Deserving of the position of Head of Hufflepuff indeed.

Thinking that his immediate boss is such a famous figure, the style of Hogwarts became more and more unpredictable.

In the end, Snape's eyes focused on Fufu and Little Jack, and couldn't help but look at Fufu who was wearing a helmet. Fu glanced.

Lang said at this time: "They are my daughters. As we all know, I am a single father, and I am worried about entrusting the children to others, so I brought them to Hogwarts and arranged for them to attend class."

"Let's go this way, everyone. Let me give you a brief introduction to the college. The Hogwarts Dragonborn School of Magic and Technology is divided into four colleges. Except for the compulsory public courses, each college has a different focus. For example, Lanffindor is more inclined to strength, fighting, and fighting. Hufflepuff attaches great importance to cooking and potions. Ravenclaw is knowledgeable and professional, involving many fields of alchemy, magic, and runes, but it is more inclined to application. Laitlin is extremely professional, everything revolves around 'magic', and also absorbs disciplines such as runes, but everything revolves around delving into the essence of magic, and is more theoretical."

When introducing the four colleges, Snape's words and demeanor clearly revealed his disdain for Gryffindor and his underestimation of Hufflepuff, and he barely put Ravenclaw on a par with his own Slytherin. But still superior.

Judging from the other party's description, the difference between the latter two is probably: applied magic and theoretical magic?

Ask if you don't understand! Snape said it, so the cowardly girl spoke up: "Dragonborn?"

Dean Snape turned a pair of vertical boys, and responded: "Yes, Hogwarts Dragonborn Vocational and Technical College, the cradle for cultivating dragonborn wizards. Since the dean defeated the White Devil Dumbledore and reorganized Hogwarts , has brought the strongest wizarding system to the British wizarding world: Dragonborn! All students who come to Hogwarts to study, as long as they go through a complete seven-year education, will acquire and master the power of 'Dragon Vein', and their strength is far beyond Wizards of different systems in the world."

Bailang suddenly understood why he saw so many [dragons] in the attic just now. Nima Dragonborn Academy, how could there be no dragons? This is probably also the power system of the lord!

Starting from Hogwarts, we will continue to cultivate 'Dragonborn' to radiate and spread the magic world, and even the whole world. It's like [Greedy Zong] spreading spores.

Hearing this, Ta was undoubtedly even more excited. Her dragon-hunting soul began to burn, and she finally understood what the responsibility of her [Hunting Lesson] teacher is!

At the same time, Lucy and Lang also showed understanding expressions. The former also understands the meaning of "collection, processing and preservation of corpses"; Lang Geng understands the value of "Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class".

I am familiar with the dragon thing!

At this time, everyone had already entered the elevator, and after the retro elevator doors with gorgeous golden embossings were closed, soothing classical music played automatically.

Snape continued to introduce: "There are two commuting tools in the academy, the traditional moving stepladder and the elevator. You can use the special magic elevator for teachers, and you can go directly to any classroom on any floor according to your heart. The effect is similar to Floo powder, but more stable."

Now it's kind of magical.

"In addition to cultivating students with different development directions, the four major colleges also set up more 'departments' after the fourth grade in accordance with the requirements of the principal to further cultivate professionals. In the past ten years, Hogwarts has continuously hired Outstanding talents in different fields set up related departments in the four colleges and left different inheritances. If you are interested, you can also write a book and write a biography and apply for an independent department. Even if you leave Hogwarts in the future, the college will Make the videos you left in class into courseware for students who are interested in the future to learn."

During Snape's explanation, Bailang finally understood the true meaning of the lord's so-called allowing the contractors to leave their respective power system inheritance.

Since 'Hogwarts' was transformed into a lord's territory, the academy has been recruiting contractors, aborigines from other worlds, to serve as professors, and to leave their own traditions in the form of 'professional departments' With Imprint, available for students in grades 4 and up.

For example, Bailang, as the teacher of "Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class", in addition to teaching textbooks according to the script~lightnovelpub.net~ can also set up a more professional "Advanced. Greedy Hell Lava Flow Cooking" for students above the fourth grade.

Because of his role as a professor this year, he can even force all senior students to study, lay his own brand, and become a potential user.

When he resigns, the next year's "Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class" will be held by a new aborigine or contractor, and he will start to force the new class of students to accept his education.

At the same time, these new leeks that are constantly pouring out can also be studied according to one's own preferences, among the traditions left by many "cooking class" teachers, by digging out Bailang's "Greedy Course" as an elective course.

Because of this system, the differences between the four Hogwarts colleges became more and more obvious. Not only among the colleges, but also when students from the same college graduated, they were severely differentiated due to the different departments they chose.

Unlike in the original book, where the students studying the same textbook were divided into four classes to compete with each other.

This is a one-stop service for seven years from elementary school to university graduation!

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