Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1154: Lord Mode

Chapter 1154 Lord Mode

The first week of school passed smoothly and quickly like this.

The employment mission belonging to Bailang and the girlfriends group has not yet started, and everyone is still enjoying a role-playing paid paddling holiday life.

Every day, in the different "novelty + plain" life, gradually wash away the mental pressure brought by the fast-paced and difficult tasks in the park, and get a deep relaxation.

Here (Hogwarts), you can clearly feel the difference between [Paradise] and [Territory], [Task] and [Vacation]:

The former will keep posting tasks one by one, forcing the contractors to be exhausted, and then increase the difficulty layer by layer, constantly escalating the difficulty, and there is a risk of overturning at any time; while the latter is slow-paced, stress-free, and relaxed, spending a happy time like a salted fish. Relax and soothe a tired mind.

Especially as a teacher, it is reasonable to vent the accumulated dissatisfaction and pressure in the heart by hitting, oppressing, torturing, and mentally PUA students.

This is even better!

Be a teacher? nonexistent! Teaching at a conservative, closed school like Hogwarts with death indicators is an excellent way to relax, vent, and decompress.

So Miss Captain is very good at choosing tasks!

This week's teacher's life allowed Lang to quickly integrate into Hogwarts, and wandered around the campus, visiting the projects he was interested in, and trying to understand the operation mode of this territory.

The school is also very face-saving, generously opening up various scenes, allowing the contractors to visit, this was agreed in advance.

During this period, the girlfriends group acted separately to explore their own preferences:

For example, Ta ran to the library and retrieved a lot of information about various dragons. It is expected that in one month, she will organize students from the four colleges in the fifth grade to leave school for a large-scale hunt (practical class). Hunt and kill a dragon according to your own preferences.

The captain's sister concurrently took courses in the two colleges of Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The former mainly taught a subject of "Electromagnetism"; while the latter needed her [Knowledge of Nordic runes] to optimize Hogwarts' magic net.

Lucy disappeared. According to my counselor, the other party received a private task issued by the school. As a teacher, she led a group of exchange students away from [Hogwarts] and went to another magic school in Egypt.

Magical girl Tim felt very uncomfortable after auditing the magic class for a week, and finally chose to drop out of school. Follow behind the master every day and be a help cook.

In my spare time, I went to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest to open up a field to grow fruits and crops, and composted the kitchen waste from the classroom. Conveniently, those magical creatures who were attracted by fruits and grains and came to eat and destroy them were chopped into pieces, and continued to fertilize the land.

After a brief period of confusion, the counselor began to become interested in Hogwarts' [Dragon Roar] course.

When Bailang asked if she was preparing for the evolution of [Pigworm Immortal]? The cowardly girl shook her head, and the dog showed Xiang Lang a new ability that had never been used before [column 6: Lingling].

This [Speaking Spirit] came from a wrong path, and the style of painting was curious. That's why she hopes to learn from Hogwarts' [Dragon Roar System] to correct it and get back on the right path.

When Lang expressed curiosity about the other party's [Speaking Spirit], the cowardly girl cleared her throat, and took him as the target to give it a try.

They said one after another: [It's all here], [It's not easy], [I'm still a child], [Give me face], [Forget it]...

After Gao Wen's voice fell, Bailang knew that this was the other party's speech attack, but neither his own [Thorn Palace] defense system nor the [Healing God System] firewall responded in any way.

But in Lang's heart, there was an indescribable awkwardness, it was an indescribable boredom and irritability, and then his behavior and attitude, unconsciously, developed towards the direction of the cowardly girl.

Afterwards, in Jidu's test and comparison, I did find that my mental thinking and behavior patterns, after Gao Wen's "Speaking Spirit" ended, there were subtle deviations.

Although the counseling girl's speech is simple, it can subconsciously deflect the object's cognition and behavior patterns, but it is not considered a mental attack.

In Gao Wen's eloquent rebuttal, this kind of PUA is not a mental attack like "Bie Tian Shen", but a comprehensive manifestation of her personality charm, appeal, and language ability.

Excellent strategists can always turn things around and change the views and attitudes of the other side with their mouth cannons. This is a confrontation of words! Combined with her harmless, pure and beautiful face, it produces a magical effect.

And Bailang also visited many hidden places in Hogwarts that are not open to students during this period, consulted a lot of information, and even asked his own dean (the lord's right-hand man) for advice, and finally used a week to figure out the "lord's right-hand man". Territory' basic mode of operation.

It is not difficult to understand the principles, just like when studying physics, the laws and formulas summarized through natural phenomena at the beginning of each chapter unit seem very simple.

However, it is not just to memorize these formulas that you can get full marks.

On the contrary, the massive test questions that followed, as well as the comprehensive questions with increasing difficulty levels, were all derived from this formula, but far exceeded it.

It is not difficult to understand the core logic of the territory, but Lang still needs a lot of time to observe, summarize, and finally sort out a set of operation plans suitable for his own territory.

At present, we can see that there are two prerequisites for [Territory]:

First, you need a piece of [World Fragment] to integrate into the target world; or get a piece of [Cave Paradise] in a task world with an erosion rate > 30%.

Secondly, it is to master a [private law].

[Shards] or [Blessed Land] Bailang is already very familiar with, but he also has things like [Private Law], and there are many more.

But for the vast majority of ordinary contractors, [Private Law] is something that only the fourth level will come into contact with.

At the second level, the contractor builds his own power system and initially condenses the [Great Source (prototype)]; at the third level, he tailors his power system and continuously improves the [Great Source] for upgrades.

And at the end of the third order (3.5th order), it is about to break through the fourth order. One of the conditions for promotion is to incubate [Dayuan] into a [Private Rule].

Mastering the power of rules is the transformation from man to god.

For example, Bailang's evil spirits generally mastered [Power of Rules] at the beginning of the game, so they were regarded as 'quasi-fourth-order+' seeds. After Lang's [Evil Spirit Transformation], he can often easily leapfrog.

When the third-order contractor successfully breaks through to the fourth-order, no matter whether the core system is strong or weak, mainstream or unpopular, they can use their own [big source] as the seed and their own "power system" as the soil (flowerpot + seed) to take root Germinate cohesion and master a 'law of personalization'.

(Excellent contractors can often develop multiple private laws based on [Great Source] and follow different directions; what's more, they can develop fragments of rules like [Ability Column] into 'Private Laws' .)

So far, the ordinary fourth-order poor force possesses a personalized private law.

And the more outstanding senior contractors began to harvest [fragments] in the low-level world, or open up the "Cave Heaven and Paradise" in the highly erosive world.

Going one step further, the scope of the 'Blessed Land' will be further expanded and upgraded, and it will be officially recognized by the 'Mission World'.

At this point, a [lord] was officially born: in his own 'territory (Dafudi)', he implanted his own [private law] and was certified by the 'world'.

[Private Rules] In the private domain, it has become one of the "official rules" recognized by the world.

From then on, the job of the [Lord] is no longer to pursue the growth of one's own individual strength, but to manage and manage one's own territory to nurture and cultivate the [Private Law].

Make it upgrade, optimize, grow, and expand, spread out of the "private territory", and expand towards the entire mission world. The ultimate goal is to change from "legal rules" of a regional nature to "underlying rules" covering the world.

Therefore, the distinction between the fourth, fifth and sixth rank contractors began to blur, which is the difference in the degree of completeness, radiation range, and territorial area of ​​[Private Law].

The fourth level at the bottom does not have a piece of [fragment], and has never implanted [Private Law] into any highly erosive world.

The high-end Tier 5 has its own industry (territory) in more than one mission world, and [Private Rules] completes the registration certification.

The excellent Tier 6 has already transformed [private rules] into world rules in a mission world with an erosion rate > 30%.

Although it is not accurate enough, these three stages can also be understood by [legendary, demigod, god].

The above standards apply to the territory of most lords. However, the [singularity] experienced by Lang last round is another special mode, which is ignored for the time being.

Using this standard as a substitute, the lord of Lang and Girlfriends Group hired this time is roughly at the fifth level. (It does not rule out that the other party has higher achievements in other mission worlds.)

The lord has successfully implanted the [Dragonborn] system (law) into the origin of the world, and the radiation has spread throughout Europe, completing the certification. At the same time, he has ascended to the gods and obtained the 'godhead'. (Local gods, similar to the Nordic pantheon, radiate Europe.)

Next, the opponent's goal is naturally to spread [Dragonborn] to the whole world and become a world-class rule like [Magic Net].

In the same way, it can be judged that the lord who holds the [Magic Net] is already Tier 6. It's just that it's still a long way from the most perfect state.

As for the management method of the [Territory] centered on [Hogwarts], the magic school, it is not a narrow rule that only supports its own [Dragonborn].

Treating the 'territory' as a piece of farmland, its carrying capacity and nutrients are huge. [Dragonborn] This is the best and largest 'tree' in this land. In addition, more 'plants' can grow in the territory.

Therefore, the four colleges of Hogwarts also accommodate the "Private Laws" left by other high-level contractors such as [Day Canon, Gourmet Cell, and Magic Net].

In addition, the lord also allowed Bailang and others to leave behind their own 'private rules'.

In doing so, it is not only using more contractors to provide nutrients to strengthen the [Dragonborn Rules] of the lord; at the same time, those third-tier and poor-B fourth-tier contractors similar to Bailang can sell their own labor. Through this territory, the rooting (authentication) of [Private Law] to the origin of the world has been successfully completed.

The lord is eligible to introduce (pimp) more [private rules] to the origin of the world in his 'territory'. This kind of behavior has greatly enriched the rules reserve of "the origin of the world", and at the same time can get the feedback from the world.

For those ordinary contractors who are unable to open up a "blessed land" in the mission world and complete the [Private Law] registration (rooted), selling their labor to work for the lord is also a good path.

After the fourth level, simply fighting and killing can only earn the lowest level of money. If you want to be rich, you have to get a [fragment], or implant the [Private Law] into the source, deepen your deep connection with the mission world, and strive for control over the world.

If you understand this set, you can understand the behavioral patterns of high-level contractors.

For example, in [Hogwarts] in front of you, the lord used the method of openly accepting the "orthodoxy (private law to attract high-level contractors to work for him.

With almost no effort, there will be a steady stream of "contractors" who will come to apply for the job, and further expand the territory, gain feedback from the world, and enhance the overall influence.

And the third-order part-time workers are keen to use the teaching model of Hogwarts to spread their own power system to students, and use the special environment of the 'territory' to help themselves complete the cohesion of [Private Law].

For Tier 4, working for a semester can plant [Private Law] into the origin of the world. In another mission world, I made my own mark and planted a nail.

Even if you don't take the lord's route, this highly erosive world, which is usually not destroyed, is itself a resource.

When Bailang was experiencing [Ninja World Destruction Mode], he had seen a kind of trick operation. A team of third-tier contractors opened a portal to another world on the land of the Land of Fire, using the "Cave Heaven and Paradise" as the coordinate, and completed a cross-border invasion.

Looking back on this operation now, it is easy to figure out that behind this team, there are high-level contractors~lightnovelpub.net~ After they took root in the ninja world, they opened the space of the "advanced world" to the ninja world door, completed an expedition.

Contractors who hold multiple "world coordinates" (private law root marks) can open the connection between the "mission world" and the "mission world" and create even greater miracles as long as they pay a sufficient price.

Miss Captain actively participated in the [Magic Net] project of Slytherin College this week. She personally provided [Norse Runes], and then used the sixth-level lord [Magic Net] and the fifth-level lord [Dragonborn Xiaonei Network] For the self-optimization of the products of high-level rules, take advantage of the opportunity to push up one's own "runes" to see if they can come up with [Private Rules] or related "by-products".

Even if you don't get anything, participating in it yourself is a very eye-opening experience.

However, for Bailang, leaving his "own orthodoxy" at Hogwarts is not very attractive. Unlike those contractors who urgently need to cross the [private law] stage, Lang already has several reliable or unreliable 'laws'.

Therefore, there is no idea of ​​using the [Hogwarts] platform to upload and register the rules.

Secondly, there are too many "rules and quasi-rules" collected by Hogwarts in the past, viciously involving each other. On average, the orthodoxy left by each contractor has insufficient resources and limited potential.

It can be said that staying in this world for development has no future at all. The cake was divided among the lords, and he did not lack the soil to develop private rules.

Under the Gourmet Paradise, the Mountain Sea Realm + Greedy Sect sequence...the future is boundless.

Therefore, Lang intends to take advantage of Hogwarts' mature [territory model] and good campus scope to help Fufu develop [Tutoring God's Religion] through the use of Hogwarts' mature [Territorial Model]; 'Rules', such as [Magic Net].