Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 117: Promote, countdown to 0, chase the murde

   In the opening of the box this time, in addition to three extremely special ‘activated organs’, there are also two ember crystals, both of which belong to the paradise’s hard currency.

   One of the ‘crocodile physique’ originated from the two ‘women’s heavy guys’ whose skin was exceptionally rough and tough. From a literal introduction, it is similar to Bailang's "Extraordinary Physique + Heng Lian". It does not belong to the pedigree category, but a passive special physique enhancement, which is of high value and will not cause a pedigree shift, but! ...Ugly rejection.

   The second ember crystal ‘Lion Heart King’s Sword Skill’, Bai Lang did not hesitate, and directly ruined himself.

   After the fingernail-sized ‘crystal’ melted into his palm, he felt a warm current rushing into his head, and then a large number of fragments of knight fighting appeared. The independent and fragmented ‘sword style’ of one trick after another is played repeatedly in the brain, just like being on the scene.

   He fought with different enemies personally, splashing blood, roaring, and even learned how to charge on horseback, as well as a few old English swearings, and he no longer resisted stepping on shit.

   When these fragments were over, the chaotic and scattered moves merged to form a set of loose sword skills, as if instinct was imprinted in the depths of the soul, but the body still felt strange. They are like a set of "semi-finished formulas" lacking parameters. After filling in their own data and running them in, they will evolve into exclusive sword skills.

   When encountering a battle, you can substitute variables such as enemies, environment, weapons, etc., for professional restraint and combat. Of course, it is a natural reason to play oneself to death by lack of experience.


  【You have mastered the ‘Anonymous Sword Skill-13 Style’, white quality, is it an exclusive ability? 】

  Different from the self-taught "Ripple", the "Sword Skill" of Lionheart King is a paradise certified skill, and it also comes with soul fragment perception and combat experience. Even if he doesn't solidify, he can inherit it all. It is comparable to a reserve knight who has trained for many years. The pinnacle is the second "Lion Heart King".

If you choose to solidify, this "swordsmanship" will break through the shackles and quickly reach the level of the medieval "swordsman" as the level increases; and with the improvement of ability and quality, it will surpass the limit of this earth, and derive the fighting energy and sword energy that do not exist in this world. , Magic Sword...

'Refuse! ’

  A set of swordsmanship is nothing but a set of swordsmanship, it is not worth wasting a ‘ability bar’ to form his foundation. This is inconsistent with the original intention of the ‘Blood Beef Shield Major’. Bailang has already planned to leave the third ability column to ‘Ripple’. It can not only amplify itself, but also heal, but also can last for black thorns, limit overdraft, squeeze and run away, flexible.

   is the "Three Flowers Gathering the Top", is it not more promising than a mere set of sword skills?


   The last one, "True/False Mother?" The key of Juggernaut’s, Bai Lang did not open.

   He has a hunch that the five keys of the Guardian have exhausted the character he has accumulated recently. It must be continued with another wave of operating values ​​and opened together with Dior's key.

  Waiting for the day, Bailang did not waste time, but chose an empty room, waved the lionheart king knight sword, and began to run in swordsmanship.

   Although he is a novice in swordsmanship, he is good at making a bat/bazooka in Camp Rogge. He is good at circling the back, turning the sword, and chrysanthemums. He also has a unique understanding of'melee combat'.

   Now, according to his fighting style, philosophy, habits, and the angle of his body's strength, he constantly sculpts and adjusts the hazy swordsmanship in his heart. The feeling is getting stronger and stronger. The two-handed sword is no longer a tool, but is flexible and free.

   "Although this set of swordsmanship is not bad, it includes charge, defense, riding impact... but it lacks the ‘Ultimate Kill’ for defeating the enemy, and it would be perfect if the ‘Big Salted Fish Spurs’ of the false female sword master can be opened!"

   Approaching the evening, Bailang began to rest, and summed up insufficiently.


   When night was about to fall, a ‘postman’ in shabby clothes passed through the long tunnel and entered this Jedi. Immediately afterwards, I saw dead bodies everywhere on the battlefield not far away. I was frightened and wanted to turn around and run away.

   However, thinking of the promise of that weirdo, and touching the coins in his pocket, he finally mustered up his courage and passed through the deserted village with anxiety, and finally came to the castle, and saw the white waves guarding the door to enjoy the sunset.

   He tremblingly plucked up his courage and asked, "Are you Mr. Outlander?"

   "It's me. You were sent by Wen Fugui? What message does he have to bring me."

"I don't know what that gentleman's name is, but he asked me to tell you that he will lead your goal to the area of'Fulham Road-Bronpton Cemetery' in the City of London. If you can't find it, you can Go to the apartment at 125 Kings Road, where the latest information is kept."

   The postman hesitated for a moment and said again: "The gentleman also said, when I deliver the message, you will give me the rest of the reward?"

   "Oh, I see." Bai Lang touched his pocket and asked suddenly, "How did you come?"

   The postman immediately pleased: "Ride a horse."

In this era, 500 pounds can buy a villa in London, so Bailang gave the other 10 pounds: "I want your horse, go back by yourself. If you are worried about running into wolves at night, just stay in this village. Choose a room for the night. Anyway, all the people here are dead, and whatever property you find is yours."

   After listening to a fierce spirit, the postman didn't dare to stay longer, grabbed the money and left with his head down, even afraid to see the white waves. He didn't take the horse, and didn't dare to go back at night, so he chose a room that looked good, kicked the door and hid in.

  Finally, after the few people in Bailang left, the postman carefully searched the entire village, accumulated a fortune, and lived a good life.


When    returned to the castle, night had fallen. But there was still some time before the 24-hour countdown, and Bailang approached Jonathan and Qi Beilin and spoke his thoughts.

"We frustrated Dior's ambitions this time. I don't think he will make a comeback in a short time. Instead, he chose to flee as soon as possible, and escaped from Britain. Once in the wider European continent, there will be no one under the intention to hide. Can find him. At that time, he still had options for retreat from Asia, America, Africa, etc."

At this time, Bailang showed a wise gaze that could see through everything like a marsh leaping fish: "If I were Dior, I would definitely flee to London as soon as possible. Where is the largest pier in the UK, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and can easily be mixed into any ship. ."

   "What you said makes sense!" Qi Beilin nodded deeply.

   Jonathan said, "So, what should we do next? Wagen's injury is very serious and needs care. You can't leave him here alone."

Bailang replied: "Yes, but don’t forget, Dior, like us, was unable to move during the day, and was fatally injured, with only one head left. He wants to recover, and it takes a lot of time and blood; and he absolutely Don't dare to act high-profile, so efficiency must be very slow."

"That's what I planned. I set off first and rushed to London overnight. With the identity of a'detective', I contacted the police station and blocked the docks and ports for investigation and did not give him a chance to escape. But you first send Wagen back to Josta. The home’s manor~lightnovelpub.net~ invite professional doctors and nurses to take care of him, then come to London to join me and defeat the villain Dior together."

   Jonathan thought for a while, feeling fine. No matter he or Qi Beilin, his influence in London is not as great as that of the other. And behind Altland, there is a mysterious ‘Wandering Sea’ as a backer, which is more suitable than himself.

   Qi Beilin did not object either, but took a deep look at Brother Lang and said, "I beg you."

   Bai Lang didn't know how much Qi Beilin saw, but the trust between the three obviously began to decline, but he didn't care anymore. The next task does not require Jonathan to intervene, it is his personal grievance with Dior.

   still retains the identity of the ‘justice partner’, that’s enough. And after solving Dior, he will also prove his innocence to Jonathan.


When Bailang and Jonathan split up, they did not rush to London, but rushed into a forest at night, killed a bunch of small animals with Wushuang Sword Dance, took out the seasoning from the storage space, and started grilling. .

   Vampires in this world have no restriction on not being able to eat. They can also eat and drink normally, but for them, blood is the real food, and food is of little significance. It is used to satisfy the taste and feel the life of the human age.

   It wasn't until the latter half of the night, when the 24-hour countdown reached zero, that he extinguished the bonfire and rode towards London on horseback!

   The ‘riding skills’ inherited from the crystallization of embers, and the bonuses brought by the ‘Guardian Knight Medal’, allow him to easily control the horses. He has a vague estimate of his riding skills, similar to riding a bicycle with one hand, and taking time out of his mobile phone to check the time and cut songs. He is no longer a beginner.

  ? ToBeContinued……Recommended ticket