Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1196: Creepy wits are chasing me!

In addition to the hot and funny gossip brought by the cowardly girl that attracted Bailang's considerable interest, there was another thing that occupied most of Lang's energy.

The matter also starts from the fact that 23 "Online Virtual Hope Primary Schools" in [Baotou Township] launched the "Little Fungus KPI Assessment Indicators".

The ruler of [Baotou Township], Sharfu, is very concerned about the growth of her family, the little fungus, and almost regards them as another unfilial younger sister.

Therefore, Fufu attaches great importance to the "learning progress" of the little mushroom people. In order to help them transform from instinctive wild intelligent animals into high-quality intellectuals, Principal Sharf (Lang: School Manager) issued a set of assessment indicators.

First of all, she issued an oracle as the "Lord God of the Little Fungus", requiring every little fungus to receive compulsory online education, and study hard for at least 24 hours a day! (Time acceleration effect: triple speed. Safe zone, not burn the brain.)

This kind of forced learning, the little fungus can't resist. Even though he was unwilling in his heart, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then his spirit body appeared in the 'virtual classroom' together with other students.

Even if you want to make some small moves, classroom uprisings, armed riots, but the power of the [Servo Skull] will force the body to be fixed on the seat, and even the head cannot be tilted, and they are forced to stare at the blackboard with wide eyes.

[Servo Skull] This step is already the limit. It is equivalent to force-feeding rice into the mouth, forcing the little fungus to swallow it.

But the learning effect is very subjective. If the little fungus instinctively resists and refuses to cooperate, she will be forced to look at the blackboard for 24 hours; but she can still wander around, think wildly, refuse to absorb knowledge, and work hard until the course Finish.

For the cultural construction of the vast number of mushroom people, and to supervise and assess the quality of classroom learning of each of the mushroom people, the little master **** Sharf was worried, and finally thought of a good way, that is, KPI assessment!

By observing the growth rate of [coolie] in each class of each little fungus, to determine whether she has studied hard? If [Sweet Power] appeared in a class, it must be the **** of learning among dogs! My husband's best saint deserves to be cultivated, and will assist God Fu to rule Baotou Township in the future.

Through the [coolie KPI] to assess the learning quality of the little fungus, even Bailang applauded this trick!

The formation of [Coolie] is very fair, all beings are treated equally, and there is no difference between a **** of learning and a scumbag of learning. The cohesion of [coolie] only values ​​your 'hard work'.

Even if you are mentally handicapped, but you have a correct learning attitude, listen attentively in class, and concentrate on thinking, even if you only learn 10% of a class, you still get a lot of points for [Coolie].

For the **** of learning, maybe the level of hard work is not as hard as a dog, but the satisfaction and joy after gaining new knowledge will give birth to [sweetness], one sweetness equals seven bitternesses!

As soon as the assessment indicators came out, it immediately exposed many little mushroom people who were dawdling in the 'virtual elementary school'. Those "daily scumbags" have since been banned from participating in party dance, deprived of the qualification to ride a pocket children's bicycle cross-country race, and the food supply is halved.

The most frightening thing is being forced to drink three times the amount of [bitter water] every day.

The bitterness enters the stomach, the spirit is polluted and distorted, and the boundless pain is felt. Shouting, hugging and crying can't relieve the slightest bit. Only through the frenzied study of hunger and thirst, can the huge inner pain and torture be calmed down little by little.

After this set of combinations, the learning atmosphere in [Baotou Township] has been boosted.

Originally disobedient, the little mushrooms who dominated and fought in groups in [Baotou Township] also put on the beautiful school uniforms provided by Fufu, using test scores and coolie KPI as the standard to measure their status, forming a new chain of discrimination , Continue school violence and bullying.

Seems like something has changed? It seems that there is no change.

Seeing this group of brainless slowly evolve into gentle scum, from chaotic evil to lawful evil, Bailang is quite satisfied.

At this moment, a [miraculous event] happened!

As we all know, people cannot be generalized. Take learning as an example, there are such creatures as geniuses, and there are also fools who can't make progress even after a hundred times of effort.

The same is true for the little fungus. Although the appearance is above 80 points, their personalities, hobbies, and intelligence are very different. In terms of learning attitude, there are those who are tired of studying, and some who are very adaptable to the "law of hard study" and have repeatedly won the little red flower. In terms of intelligence, there are fools and there are smart ones.

However, those who are obsessed with studying and unable to extricate themselves are rare cases after all, and so far no such strange species has been found in [Baotou Township]. The vast majority of mushroom people feel pain in their studies. Under the oppression of prohibition on disco dance, drag racing, and delicious food, [coolie] grows rapidly.

Then, there was a smart but lazy "student" who was forced to drink three times the bitterness after failing a KPI, howled and screamed madly, picked up mathematics, and carnivaled with his friends. On the square, read aloud and recite the "Table of Ninety-Nine Multiplication Formulas".

It was indescribable, the three-point value plummeted, as if the brain was burned through after being stared directly at by an evil god, and the appearance of a maniac shouting three-three-six, nine-nine-eight-seven, made countless happy and excited little friends after school pale. , shivering.

so horrible!

The appearance of being distorted, irrational, controlled, and studying crazily in public is too scary! Many little mushroom people feel that even disco dancing is not attractive anymore. They are afraid that tomorrow's assessment indicators will not meet the standards, and they will be listed as "today's scumbags" and accept [Blessing of Xuehai].

Even the bystanders were frightened, and the parties involved were naturally in great pain. After the effect of [Bitter Water] faded, this little mushroom man successfully memorized the [Multiplication Table] which was full of mistakes.

It wasn't that there was a problem with the 'multiplication table', but that the little fungus was in an abnormal mental state at the time, and his education was too low. High-level 'multiplication formulas'.

This is "advanced knowledge" far beyond her brain's comprehension. With the wisdom of the first half semester of the first grade, she naturally cannot understand it, so she can only memorize it by rote, and finally engrave a set of "roots" full of bugs in her soul that cannot be erased '.

If the foundation is crooked, and it goes deep into the soul, it seems that the three views are not correct, and it is almost impossible to make up for it. It is also doomed that she will have no future in 'mathematics' in this life, and the more she learns, the more oblique (evil), but that is a story.

The little fungus who finished reciting [multiplication formulas] in broad daylight gradually regained his sanity. The little friends who were killed to make an example to the monkeys also came together to care about her health.

At this time, as soon as the little fungus with lingering fears recalled the state of his rationality being burned out just now, he felt terrified in his heart. It was a psychological shadow that was comparable to the great terror between life and death, and he would never touch it in his whole life.

However, even if she tried her best not to recall, the knowledge she couldn't understand, such as "three three makes six, nine nine eighty-seven", appeared in her ears like tarsal maggots, echoing in her mind, getting louder and louder!

At this moment, it's not her learning knowledge, but these knowledge turned into beasts, jumping out from the textbook, chasing her!

Scaring himself, the little fungus who was almost scared to death was helpless and desperate. Fortunately, she belongs to the category that is naturally smarter, and finally found a way, which is to seek the salvation of the Lord God.

Of course, it is not looking for the big devil Sharf who created the "coolie KPI assessment index", but another [evil spirit. Genius Baichuan] to conduct a memory sacrifice.

She doesn't even need any knowledge from the [evil spirit], as long as she unilaterally sacrifices and deletes the 'multiplication formula' that keeps chasing and biting her in her mind.

[Bai Chuan] As Fufu's seventh column, he raised his hand to harvest the little sister's 'knowledge memory'. However, unlike Hogwarts' customers, [Baotou Township] is full of family members, and the "memory fragments" of the little fungus were separately archived by her, and they were well preserved and not consumed.

The little fungus who lost this learning memory finally relaxed. She forgot the indescribably terrifying feeling, but she still retained the memory of her frantic study after drinking the bitter water and harvesting 'unknown knowledge', falling into extremely desperate and painful memories. No matter how difficult it is to empathize with her, she still has lingering fears rationally.

So this little fungus deeply realized the importance of "study hard and stay the same". In addition, as the first little fungus to sacrifice 'Memory Fragments', she experienced an indescribable peace from [Bai Chuan Genius].

Any little fungus will get tired and feel pain after a day of hard study. Even if gathering together to dance disco brings joy and enjoyment, but in the dead of night, when you suddenly remember that you have to go to class tomorrow, your heart will feel painful again.

And the never-ending learning career day after day continues to torment the soul of every little fungus. Maintain a long-term learning state, even with the positive stimulation brought by disco, food, and drag racing, but the state of mind continues to decline.

On the contrary, this method of deleting "learning memory" can completely forget the pain and feel a kind of relaxation and beauty. At the same time, although the study memory has been deleted, the [coolies] accumulated during the day's hard work are not insignificant.

So, the little fungus found a bug!

With continuous learning, the mood will continue to be low and gradually fall into a state of depression; in addition, continuous learning will increase the difficulty of teaching materials, and this road to upgrading will never end. The more difficult the course, the more painful the study, the worse the state, this is an endless vicious circle.

However, the emergence of [Memory Sacrifice] interrupted this spiral of despair.

Study low-level content hard during the day, work hard with a correct attitude, and accumulate [coolies] that match your own dedication, meet the assessment standards, and pass the test smoothly. Go to make a deal with [Bai Chuan] after school, sell today's knowledge, forget the pain, and feel the tranquility and joy of the night. Go to school the next day, learn low-difficulty knowledge repeatedly, accumulate [coolies], sell memories after school, have fun, and enjoy dancing, racing and eating without any worries!

So this little fungus friend found strangely that since he was driven crazy by triple bitterness that time, this guy has finally changed his ways, studied hard every day with a correct attitude, and saved more [coolies] than other friends. Carefree after school, Biaoqidilai is happier than other friends. Is this the top student? I'm really envious.

The [coolie] accumulated by this little fungus is far more than that of other students, because she will focus on repeating the "multiplication formula" that has been engraved deep in her soul after class every day.

Although it is forgotten, it is imprinted in the soul, and the speed and efficiency of recall learning far exceed other knowledge. At the same time, because of sacrificing "knowledge and memory" on time every day, her level is always at the level of the first grade of mathematics, and the experience points (coolie) for leapfrogging [multiplication formulas] are naturally super high.

In short, this little fungus was stuck with a bug, and the coolie KPI was always far ahead, but his brain was always empty. It was not until the last joint exam that he revealed his true colors of math illiteracy and was caught by Fufu.

If that's the only way, then in [Baotou Township], there are countless little fungus who are crazy about playing tricks, trying their best to test the bottom line of Sharfu, and developing all kinds of cheating and laziness skills.

This one is only the top priority, and it's not worth alarming Bailang.

However, the miraculous scene happened after Sharf killed the opponent's bug and asked [Bai Chuan Genius] to return the little mushroom man's 'memory'.

Because it was my family members who sold the memories, and these [multiplication formulas for the mentally handicapped version] were full of mistakes and omissions, and were worthless, and only the 'memory' that carried these information could be used as spell-casting materials.

So [Bai Chuan] readily returned 37 copies of [Memory of multiplication formulas for the mentally handicapped]. (Little mushroom man not only learns and sacrifices in math class. Other courses are also hard to learn multiplication formulas, and then sell them.)

Apart from 'knowledge', each of these [oral formulas] is also a 'memory fragment'. A single copy is absorbed, but it only recalls some new knowledge and quickly masters it.

But at the same time, 37 different [Multipulation Formula Memory] came out at the same time, just like using a carving knife to cut again and again at the same position of the soul, deepening the deep marks and adding new marks at the same time. (Knowledge error: Eighty-eight sixty-six, eighty-eight sixty-seven, and eighty-eighty-one exist and hold true at the same time.)

This wave of overlapping and conflicting memories almost didn't break Xiao Fungus's mind, but it managed to remind her of the terrifying memories of being chased by the [Multiplication Table] crazily.

No! It's not chasing anymore! This time, thirty-seven complete and different [multiplication formulas] merged with each other, sucked a lot of [coolies] from her soul, forcibly bonded the conflicts, and merged into one with each other, finally from her soul Drilled out!

At that time, Sharf was teaching the little fungus in [Baotou Township]. As a result, as soon as [Bai Chuan] returned her memory, the little guy screamed crazily, then convulsed violently like a goat, and then his soul fluctuated violently. It began to bleed from the seven orifices, and then a writhing and twisted translucent 'knowledge' crawled out of the head along the blood flowing from the seven orifices.

Fufu remembers clearly that it was a wriggling mass emitting the unique 'gray shimmer' of [Bitter Water], translucent, composed of countless multiplication formulas, distorted 3×3=6, 2×7=9… These multiplications stick together to form a mass of squirming matter, which finally floats on the head of the little fungus.

[Angel in Debt] A flash of holy light saved his "Family Believer", and the little fungus looked at the crazy wriggling "Energy State Twisted Knowledge" above his head with a frightened dementia. appearance.

Then, [God of Hard Learning] looked at the distorted knowledge, and felt the violent vibration of the [Law of Hard Learning] in the [Seventh Column].

In an instant, she understood the nature of this thing.

If you regard [Student Monk] as the profession of the little fungus, and [coolie] as the [mana] accumulated by the little fungus through learning, then this wriggling group of 'gray translucent twisted knowledge' constitutes the [law of hard study] foundation.

It's like the most basic [Recipe: Great Wisdom and Manna] in the [Greedy Sequence].

This pile of [distorted knowledge of multiplication formulas] is the first 'extraordinary power (extraordinary characteristic)' condensed under the [law of hard study].

Its essence is the product of the joint synthesis of the little mushroom man's "soul dissipation energy, earnest study, knowledge mastered and hard study power =". At the same time, it is also the soul fragment of this little fungus.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for her to learn a piece of [Multiplication Formula] thirty-seven times. Because as long as you master it for the first time, you have formed your own three views on mathematics, which cannot be changed.

On the contrary, after selling this memory, it is equivalent to constructing a basic foundation from scratch. After repeating this for 37 rounds, once all the memories were retrieved, the 'basic conflict' rooted in the bottom of the soul finally merged into one body with the help of a large number of [coolies] in the body.

This supposedly ordinary 'knowledge' naturally surpassed the common sense of human beings, and jumped out of the mind like a beast, turning into an unknown 'knowledge of power'.

This tricky practice process is somewhat similar to the practice of Taoism and Buddhism. For example, the famous "Golden Light Mantra" of Taoism requires practitioners to continuously recite it devoutly, and at the same time visualize it in their minds for a deep understanding. So back and forth, over and over again, and finally fully cultivated the golden light of mana.

Countless golden light mantras have accumulated ~lightnovelpub.net~ and finally turned into layers of mana golden light. Turn nothingness into reality.

The little mushroom man's card bug practice is also similar, if she can repeat the "nine-nine multiplication mantra" over and over again, and infuse the "coolie" for the "table of formulas" in her mind again and again for visualization, accumulating over time, Her 'multiplication formula' will also be manifested like the 'Golden Light Curse', becoming an unknown force.

Now this group of "distorted knowledge of multiplication formulas" is the same in essence, except that it uses the quick method of magic, repeatedly deleting memories and recasting the three views of mathematics.

This kind of 'foundation' is worth countless times of review and consolidation. When the 37 conflicting foundations were forcibly merged, and swallowed the [coolie] that the little fungus had worked so hard to cultivate, and every piece of knowledge was 'spiritual energy, memory fragments', Finally came up with a similar 'magic product', twisted wiggly wisdom!

Today, most of Bailang's energy is devoted to researching the "Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Year-Impaired Multiplication Formula".

Lang believes that this is probably the future 'professional system foundation' of [Kujiao]! It's like the first [Secret Medicine Recipe (Recipe)] in the world of mountains and seas.