Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1224: Control the fleet, sailing experience

"Dimension Corruptor"

At the end of the demon dance, Tang Fugui ran to the side of the ship with a face full of horror, curled up and squatted in a ball, and fell into a state of doubting life.

At his age, he couldn't accept his commotion (twisting) just now. Obviously, it was not only the group of sailors who fell to the ground who were greatly shocked, but also himself who had obtained the ultimate joyful experience from the hot dance.

(Remnants of mental pollution of a certain 20th generation Joyful Emperor)

When Bailang stepped out of the room, there was already a large area lying on the deck. Barely a few people could not kneel down, but they also groaned in pain, enduring mental torture and shock.

Seeing that the **** demons swept the audience, they didn't notice the second extraordinary unit similar to Tang Fugui. However, the life characteristics of these sailors are extremely active, which has surpassed the boundaries of mortals.

Observing curiously, he found that the exposed throats, necks, and hearts of many sailors reflected unusual luster under the sunlight.

Is it scales?

The knowledge-colored mental fluctuations descended on one sailor after another, and Lang discovered that these people generally had the characteristics of "weak fishification".

Apparently, someone has stolen my [Bai's Fishery] 'Fish Vein Warlock Technology'!

After further inspection, it was concluded that the 'degree of alienation' was very low. Most of them are handy, and only a small part of the skin grows scales, which can only protect limited vital organs. For example, the heart, throat and other positions are equivalent to the biological version of the heart mirror.

Get a piece of armor that can't be removed with no upkeep and will grow stronger over time.

Among them, the most alienated person is the captain of the ship. The biological energy level (physical strength) is twice that of ordinary people, which is about 0.3 of the [low magic threshold] in this world. The degree of scaling covers 1/3 of the body, but there is no special energy.

On the entire ship, there is only Fuguiwan's legal system. At best, these sailors are physically stronger and do not have magical powers.

"You, stand up. How did you get these fish scales?"

Bailang came to the leader with the highest degree of scale, kicked him, and ordered him to stand up and answer. At the same time as asking questions, he did not forget to take out one of the [Legendary Medical Tools] [Dead Fish Eye CT Gun], and performed a chest X-ray scan on him.

It turned out that this guy had no gills by accident? Between the two lung lobes in the body, only a small 'air fish bubble' has mutated?

What does this mean? This guy can't even breathe underwater, he can only take a deep breath, store a little air in the fish bubbles in his body, and hold it for a longer time. Rubbish! What rubbish!

Wearing an embarrassing and slightly perverted bikini with simple scales, it can swim faster in the water with less resistance; then hold your breath for a longer time, and it will be gone? Not even the weakest deep diver.

After being awakened by the white waves, the captain first showed a shocked and annoyed expression after seeing the 'enemy', and then wanted to say something to show his indomitable spirit.

As a result, after being hit head-on by the [Fear-colored Domineering Qi] emanating from Langhu's body, he fell into a state of panic again, and the remaining arrogance was extinguished, and he fell into a state of being dominated by fear.

[The Charm of the Wicked] The reverse effect is activated, failed to conquer the opponent, but controlled it. It shows that this person has good character and is trustworthy. It also shows from the side that his identity is really stretching his hips, and he was hostile by conscientious crew members.

"Tell me, how did you get these fish scales?" After seeing the alienation of these sailors, Lang felt a faint sense of crisis. Someone (god) was competing with him on the same track and maintained the first-mover advantage.

"Going home, this is Mazu's blessing."

"Mazu?" Bailang's heart skipped a beat, according to Fuguiwan, this is a great god. The mainstream belief of Nanyang Daming, the [Sea God] in the eastern world, shelters ships and sails safely, and there are a lot of other weird priesthoods.

Lang curiously asked: "How to bless?"

"Go to the temple to pray piously, and then go to the sea to fight a sea monster. Bring the body back to the temple for blood sacrifice, and the temple priest will cast a spell to get a piece of consecrated fish scale, cut the skin and implant it in the heart. When the wound heals, you only need to be devout day and night To pay homage, after going out to sea, hunt big fish and sea monsters, and smear the flesh and blood on your body, you will be blessed by [Mazu], and you will be strong and healthy, and you will not sink when you drown, and the waves will hit sharks..."

Bailang frowned. It sounded so ordinary, without any technical content. With just a random 'Gu parasite', he can create a fish-veined deep diver with meridians of demons, which is much better than this group of people.

"By the way, I just heard from you that you want to kill me to sacrifice to Mazu? What do you mean?"

Hearing this question, Bailang was frightened, and vaguely realized that this useless owner had changed drastically. The sailors, who seemed to be possessed by a demon, lowered their heads and did not dare to look at him, let alone answer.

Bailang turned his head and looked at Yan Yi who was still doubting his life, Yan Yi was changing crazily. For a while resisting bitterness, and for a while showing the abnormal ecstatic expression of [20 Daime. Yuyue Emperor]. He opened his mouth and shouted: "Fugui, get over here and talk."

The latter was startled, got up quickly, and ran over.

Introduced by Fugui, Bailang learned that this fleet was able to sail all the way to the Indian Ocean in the sea full of sea monsters and is about to enter the Arabian Sea. Apart from experience, it relied more on the protection of "Mazu".

Whenever the fleet was attacked by a sea monster, Fugui Wan would open an altar to sacrifice the important materials stored in the cabin, and the corpse of a single sea monster that was usually hunted and killed. A brief communication with [Mazu], and being protected by a breath of breath, can deter monsters that follow their instincts.

The fleet was attacked yesterday, and Fuguiwan used krypton gold to make sacrifices continuously, so that the ship carried a strong aura, and was the first to escape from the siege of undead pirates and escape alone.

As for the blood sacrifice, there is already a consensus. The effect of blood worship is excellent, and there are endless tributes in the sea, but hunting is the most difficult; the second is naturally the natives full of spirituality; the third is the genus of the three animals. On top of these, there are pagan believers with mana and wild monks.

The sailors chose to use him as a sacrifice to the heavens, and when the heavens were angry with others, it was also waste utilization, which was more cost-effective than throwing him directly into the sea. What's more, these mortals don't enter the sect and can't rectify the Fa. If they want to go further, they can only hold ceremonial sacrifices continuously to get the gods to stop and pay attention for a short time, so as to make the degree of alienation deeper and gain a little more power.

But no matter how hard you try, it is difficult for this kind of wild believer to reach the 'low magic threshold', let alone produce mana. At most, he is physically strong, a good swimmer, and a diving expert.

And those restrained worlds, or worlds that use demonization, demonization, and dehumanization as the standard of evil. Far from being a bad thing, the 'alienation' of this world has become the 'righteous way' that mortals cannot dream of.

Whoever is more alienated is more capable and outstanding. In the face of the flood of low-level demons, he is better able to protect himself, and is more favored by girls from all over the world.

As for side effects? There is no mental pollution, demon fall, restraint and transformation, at most there are bad habits such as swallowing live fish.

After figuring out the source of the 'alienation' of this group of sailors, Bailang felt that it was both reasonable and unexpected, so he couldn't help asking: "[Mazu] still needs blood sacrifice?"

Several sailors wondered, "Isn't it necessary?"

This topic can’t be discussed here. After all, it’s a different world. The gods are suspected to be awakened from the ‘ancient ruins’, and they have the same name and different painting style as the gods in his hometown.

Originally, he had the intention of turning around and returning to East Asia to play at home in a more familiar home country. But now, Bailang is still scared! Scared!

Chapter 1218 has only been blocked, he has more seasons in his heart, and only five chapters have passed... I'm afraid.

If the next volume turns around and goes back to his hometown to fight, and the familiar [Oriental God] frequently appears on stage, according to the underworld painting style of this world, I am afraid that he will be reported again and again?

The gods of the northern and southern celestial dynasties, let's not talk about it! For this mission, he decided to go to the Atlantic Ocean for a while, isn't the triangular trade delicious? Egyptian tombs and South American relics, isn't it enough to steal?

Consciously disconnect the topic, and focus on the ships that are getting closer.

After easily controlling his own ship, Lang ordered 'Tang Fugui' to be an eagle dog, and crossed the sea to level up several other ships one after another. Finally, he used [Spiritual Pollution (Magic Seed Bar)] to reconquer the initial capital and completely unify the group. fleet.

At noon, the sky was blue and white, the sky was clear, and the sea breeze was blowing.

Lang stood at the bow of the ship, looking at his own fleet, feeling a bit like when he found the zombie channel.

This fleet is all oriental-style flat-bottomed blessing boats, and the details have absorbed a lot of technology from western ships. It's a bit of a mix and match, but the style of painting is still on the oriental side. With three large masts and a loft built on the deck, the speed is not high.

Sharf took her younger sister and ran around on the deck with Feng Ying. It didn't take long for Fufu to get acquainted with how to steer the ship. She used her father's power to usurp the captain's position, and finally stepped on a small bench to steer the rudder, dreaming back to Qiwuhai.

With the priesthood of [Dangerous Driving], she can not only drive a boat, but also sail the sailboat on the sea.

Lang also saw a few monsters in the water during the voyage.

It can be discovered only by perception, and then grabs the spear connected to the chain, throws purely physical violence, without any supernatural power, and easily blows up the limit of the "low magic threshold" of this world with physical effects.

Throwing a thunderbolt into the sea, it exploded the huge waves, and blasted a thing that looked like a "sea taming yaksha (Naga. The pieces of meat mixed with blood splashed thousands of waves, and finally covered a piece of sea.

Conclusion: The physical explosion is not restricted by [low magic threshold], and can freely display the third-order effect, which is very cost-effective.

This spear also completely helped the aborigines headed by Fuguimaru to calm down. Loyalty +100, control of the fleet +100, confidence of the crew is greatly improved, and morale +100.

For the rest of the afternoon, Bailang took his daughter and Fu Luoli to barbecue + shabu-shabu on the bow of the boat.

During the voyage, there were no large-scale Kraken attacks, but a few Krakens were encountered sporadically, and all of them were salvaged by the waves. Among them were two ugly and short humanoid fish-headed monsters that looked like humpbacked hunchbacks but were extremely stout.

Wu Dalang, like a kind of marine devil, is holding a white whale bone hammer in his hand, and his vitality is quite tenacious. It took five to six sailors holding harpoons to besiege the deck non-stop, and it took more than ten minutes of fierce fighting to bleed to death.

This kind of sea monster also has no special 'magic ability', and it is close to the 'threshold' only by its physical body, and it fights physically fiercely with the weak and alienated sailors. On weekdays, if the fleet encounters this kind of sea monster, they will use their crossbows to shoot, drag them to let them bleed, and drag them to death.

However, the sacrifices are often divided up by carnivorous fish that smell fishy, ​​so if they can be salvaged, it is a good sacrifice. It can also smear itself to deepen alienation.

In addition to the two muscular murlocs, he also encountered a 'water ghost', which was a genuine Arabian floating corpse. Resurrected from the dead, swelled into a giant view, manipulated a pile of black kelp to climb onto the lucky boat, it was regarded as a water zombie, and was burned to death by the sailors with the "fuel torch".

If this thing is encountered at night, it is also very dangerous. It can climb onto the side of the ship, manipulate the 'black kelp' to entangle the sailors, drag it into the sea to drown, and then fuse with each other.

It is said that someone has seen hundreds of floating corpses intertwined with each other into giant balls, sinking into the sea, and jointly breeding a giant symbiosis of kelp. The corpse nourishes the kelp to manipulate the kelp, and the kelp captures the corpse to control the floating corpse, and finally forms a huge ecosystem, floating and sinking in the ocean, killing all life that comes into contact with it, forming a forbidden zone.

Because it was too unappetizing, Bailang didn't try this idea of ​​'black kelp'.

During the voyage, he also took the time to inspect the goods carried by this fleet ~lightnovelpub.net~ including silk, pepper, pearls, tea, and porcelain. In addition, there are boxes of spell-casting resources purchased from temples at high prices. Inside are incense candles, cinnabar, mercury, and special pickled demons. These are extremely popular offerings, no matter which **** they worship. welcome.

After meeting several kinds of aquatic monsters, Lang suddenly felt that his "Salted Fish King" could also be an excellent "sacrifice"? However, he has not yet bound any local gods. A simple low-end sacrifice like Fuguiwan is extremely inefficient and not advisable.

According to his understanding, an orthodox practitioner is equivalent to a Taoist 'Shoulu Taoist', who is recognized by the ancestors of the sect and heaven, and opens the altar to call directly to borrow divine power; the wild practice of wealth and honor sacrifices a large amount of wealth Finally, because of the lack of a certain connection, only a small amount of help within the 'threshold' can be dropped.

Reading the voyage records of this trip, the fleet has repeatedly docked for supplies. Everywhere you go, you have to make offerings to the local "Gods and Demons Temple", send some of the goods brought by Nanyang, and at the same time get the blessing of the local "Gods and Demons" to disperse the demons in the sea. The more tribute you pay, the longer the blessing will last.

Fortunately, communication is inconvenient in this era. After the goods are transported from Nanyang to the Indian Ocean, if some of them are sold, they can be exchanged for a large number of local specialty spices and special wood. It is still profitable to add a wave of demon mummy to continue on the road.

If you are lucky, you can run into the ship of the "practice" and follow along, then the safety will be greatly improved. In the same way, if you encounter a pirate ship or a ghost ship with a cameo appearance by the "practice", the chances of the dog leash will also soar.

Therefore, it is very important to be equipped with "monk" when going to sea, just like the spaceship of Warhammer 40k needs to arrange psykers to act as subspace high moral navigation. It's a pity that Bailang was inexperienced and was deceived by Fuguiwan, so he suffered a heavy loss.