Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 1225: test

The first night in the new world was spent peacefully at sea.

That night, although the fleet encountered several waves of monster attacks from the deep sea, the number of monsters was low, the frequency was low, and their strength was mediocre. The sleeping Bailang was not disturbed at all, but Tang Fugui, who had tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, was all settled one by one.

After several rounds of fighting, Fuguimaru finally completed his Dragon Field Enlightenment.

Under the spiritual pollution of the collective unconsciousness of Fuguiwan in the past, he distorted the three views a little bit, and finally reborn, began to face the joy brought by dance, and became addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

Under the pale moonlight, Tang Fugui held a 'flying blood onion' and flew for a short distance, gliding and jumping between several cargo ships. Kill the monsters one by one with 'thousand-year piercing'.

The cruel method scared the sailor on duty to tremble.

Early in the morning, when the early Bailang took his two daughters who were sleeping late, they squatted on the side of the boat, brushed their teeth and rinsed their mouths, and taught their daughters how to accurately spit white foam on the fish.

At this time, Fugui, like a dog asking for credit, neatly placed the monsters killed last night in a corner of the deck, and introduced the new species and characteristics of sea monsters to his master.

Not long after, Feng Ying also got up, and imitated their father and daughter and climbed onto the side of the boat, brushing their teeth while saying 'Bah! ’, spit toothpaste foam on the face of a dolphin that surfaced out of the sea, and laughed heartily.

It's really not easy to learn well, and slip away when you learn badly.

I personally jumped into the sea to swim for morning exercises, and then dived into the sea to beat and kill a shark for breakfast. After eating and drinking enough, Lang sat on the bow of the boat drinking beer, looking at the vast sea horizon, suddenly felt nothing to do, and had the illusion of being trapped at sea.

At this moment, Feng Ying and Xiao Fufu moved out of a desk, and after whispering to each other for a while, they happily decided to do paperwork, so they dragged the reluctant Jack to start a vicious introspection.

Seeing the self-consciousness of the children, Bailang flattened the cans and threw garbage into the sea again, then clapped his hands and jumped onto the deck, cheering himself up: "I have to cheer up too! I can't be compared to the children."

Thinking for a while, he waved to recruit a few sailors who had been brainwashed by mental pollution.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Lang: "You guys come with me and play a few simple games with me."

Although I don't know what a mini game is? But these sailors did not refuse, but followed honestly.

After a few people came to an open place, Lang decided to conduct a few rounds of small experiments, using these aborigines to test the suppression of the 'mission world' on himself, and test the bottom line of the Chaos Source Storm].

First of all, he carried out the 'Gu parasite' transformation on several sailors. The screwdriver turned an afterimage between its fingers, and then stabbed continuously, piercing their chests.

At the moment of blood transfusion therapy, one after another 'Void Fish Gu' was implanted into the sailor's body. And use the imported 'high-energy fish blood' as nutrients to stimulate the hatching of 'fish Gu', and carry out Gu parasitic transformation on the sailor's body.

A few people snorted, half kneeling on the ground in pain, their faces flushed, and cobweb-like subcutaneous blood vessel patterns spread out from their chests, extending towards their limbs.

During the Gu parasitic transformation, Bailang turned on the sensor all the time] to observe the changes of several sailors, and found that the 'parasitic effect' was not optimistic.

Their own "Gu parasitic effect" is undoubtedly a hundred times stronger than their original "fish alienation", but this kind of parasitic transformation needs to consume "high-energy fish blood + energy stored in Gu parasite itself", and finally complete the first stage of fish veins remodel.

It's asking for money.

At the same time, Bailang noticed another kind of 'alienation transformation' from several sailors, which was not lost in his own system, nor did it belong to the human physiological system, which originated from the alienation of fish scales of 'Mazu'.

There is no conflict between the two, and as the degree of 'Gu parasitism' intensified, this blessing from Mazu began to be squeezed, and the proportion in these sailors continued to shrink, and finally fell below 1%, being 99. ? % of the 'Fish Vein Transformation' was fully crushed.

It can be said that these sailors now have the last name of the carp king.

But the negligible 0. few% of the alien force is very tenacious, dormant in a low-key manner. Like a child in the corner after being bullied, there is no negative impact, but it cannot be completely eliminated, or covered and merged.

After all, it was the imprint left by another 'god' on the sailor's body. Bailang had no choice but to temporarily give up completely stripping off this 'alienation' and continue his own experimental transformation.

After the 'fish vein transformation' was completed, a new situation emerged.

As an outsider, Bailang was not recognized by this world. Therefore, it is impossible to establish an energy cycle with the mission world and obtain energy supplies from the natural environment.

The extraordinary energy consumed by the 'Fish Vein Sailor' all comes from the Fish Gu's own reserves. This 'extraordinary energy' is constantly being consumed, but cannot be replenished. It is equivalent to a battery that is constantly draining, and the more it is used, the less it gets.

Especially when the power obtained by the 'Fish Vein Sailor' gradually approached the low magic threshold], the consumption became more intense.

Fortunately, the Fish Vein Warlock] is not a 'pure energy inheritance', but a 'bloodline rule'. After Bailang disabled all kinds of energy, spells, blood succession limit] and other programs that come with Gu Parasite], only the enhancement of fish bone veins, deep divers, and flesh and blood enhancement of the 'bloodline' for the physical body were retained.

These sailors can recharge energy inefficiently by eating and maintain a balance.

Only then did Bailang feel the malice of this world. Before he could explore the first 'God and Demon Ruins' and fully integrate into the system of this world, he would not be able to establish a deep connection with the mission world.

The more spells, energy, and rule-based attacks you use, the greater the consumption. These powers must be drawn from the contractor's own ability column and occupation column].

And after the output exceeds the low magic threshold], the released attack will be suppressed and destroyed by the 'chaos source power storm'.

Do you want to protect the attack power output that the contractor should have? Of course you can, but you need to pay several times the energy. After completing the spell, these released powers will eventually be crushed and swallowed by the source of chaos.

Therefore, the contractors who came to this world are all philanthropists. Every attack, every release of its own power system, is a donation to the mission world.

First-tier newcomers are not suppressed because they cannot reach the low magic threshold, and can play freely. At the same time, the ability column of the first level] is usually not filled, and it can completely solidify a 'ability' belonging to this world, so as to integrate into the power system of this world and establish a cycle of daily charging.

Obtaining energy from the natural world and even the "Chaos Origin Force Sea", and then unleashing the attack, this is probably a "novice protection mode".

Bai Lang tried it with himself and those 'fish vein sailors'. For an attack with a second-level strength, if he wanted to maintain the proper output strength, he needed to consume 3 times the energy. After reaching the third level of strength, the price has risen to more than 5 times.

The output of the third-order is already higher, and multiplied by 5+, tsk tsk... forcing high-level contractors to engage in literary battles.

After several tests, there is also a good rest. This world is extremely inclusive. As long as the energy is paid in place, no matter magic, true essence or other systems, they can be used freely without being suppressed by other aspects.

Compared with other contractors who were suppressed by the 'storm of chaos origin', Bailang found that he had two advantages:

First, although his great source of qi and blood was also suppressed by the 'source of chaos'. However, if the Qi and blood are locked in the body and not released to the outside world, and only perform physical work on external things, then the suppression can be greatly exempted.

At the same time, the martial arts of migrant workers does not need to build an energy cycle with the outside world to supplement the consumption of the power system like "magic, cultivation, and force...".

Charging is prohibited in this world], but he can completely replenish his physical energy through 'eating', which is far ahead of other power systems.

As for the second advantage. Although he can't connect to the 'origin' of this planet for the time being, he has two independent small worlds: Seafood City + Dream Demon Dimension.

Even without relying on the origin of the mission world, the 'energy freedom' has been realized ahead of schedule.

Even if the output consumption exceeds five times, he can completely ignore it. Just keep drawing the energy from Seafood City and Nightmare Dimension] to fight.

As long as you don't use the ultimate ultimate move that will destroy the world and destroy the erosion speed], these two pieces of world fragments with their own energy cycle] can be regarded as 'perpetual motion machines'.

Even after exploring the ruins of the 48th Demon God and gaining an insight into the secrets of this world, the energy that can be obtained is not comparable to the output of Seafood City] fully opened.

In addition to Seafood City] and Dream Demon Dimension], Langshou’s Unlimited Fish System, Rabbit Army Power, and Big Salted Fish] are also super-battery charging treasures.

It can resist three times and five times the consumption hard, and it can last for a long time. But these capitals are not the reason for him to waste, so Bailang chooses to stay on the sidelines, and has no plans to release the 'Mao Mao Rabbit' or Xianyu for the time being. Instead, it was experimenting with these indigenous sailors.

Although the seafood city Yumai Toutuo Hailabang and these "yumai sailors" are both fish], after entering this world, the labangs in the seafood city are all responsible for their own expenses. The price has soared by 35 times, and there is no tax rebate.

It is too unfair to use your own troops.

So change the strategy, using aborigines + Gu parasites to create temporary cannon fodder, and the consumption amount is greatly reduced. It only needs an initial investment of Gu + fish blood, and then disable most of the fish vein agreement, and a balanced cycle can be achieved through eating.

Afterwards, Lang successively prepared 20 junior 'fish vein sailors' to participate in another experiment.

He set up a carp network on the boat], connected everyone, and at the same time imparted "Qi and Blood Martial Arts + Simple Formation and Military Formation". , becoming a unit capable of countering ordinary sea monsters.

At the same time, Bailang found that after he opened the carp network], he effectively resisted and canceled the suppression brought by the source of chaos. Within the scope of the carp wii, raise the indicator of the low magic threshold].

That is to say, if he opened the [Dream Demon Dimension] or the Seafood City] domain, he would be able to resist the suppression of the Chaos Source Storm], stably output level 2 damage within the local area, and make these sailors like "practicers" In that way, breaking through the shackles.

From this point of view, he is like the local 'God and Demon', endowing mortals with the power to practice.

The consumption of doing so is also very high, and there is still the old problem of "charging channels", and you need to pay enough for yourself to resist the suppression of the chaos source force].

The problem finally returned to the ruins of gods and demons]. Only by successfully exploring and activating the 'gods' in the ruins can one obtain the 'legal power' recognized by this world.

Then came the third experiment.

Bailang no longer burns his own strength to cultivate strong sailors, nor does he pay huge fees to prop up the carp network against the oppression of chaos. He reduced the consumption of 'Gu Parasite' to the level of 'feeding = output'.

This level of strengthening is enough to buy people's hearts and control the life and death of sailors.

What he has to do now is to conduct a round of 'faith experiment'. So I chose the King of Inspiration] as the idol worshiped by the sailors, and tried to open the 'belief system' to maintain the balance of income and expenditure by harvesting the beliefs of believers and transforming them into divine power.

Since energy cannot be extracted from the nature of the world; then squeeze the believers and take the traditional route of gods!

But soon, Bailang discovered that even within the coverage of the carp network, the "power of faith" that believers pay tribute to the king of spiritual inspiration will be decomposed and dissipated by the underlying rules of this world.

In this world, faith cannot be condensed and transformed into the power of gods!

"??? What's the matter? The Demon God Pillar] failed?" This was the first time Bailang had seen such a wonderful world.

Judging from the experiment of the 'King of Inspiration', the gods in this world do not rely on belief? The power of faith cannot be condensed and refined in this world.

"What a hell! This world is unscientific! How do the 'gods' here exist?!"

Bailang 'sees' the beliefs offered by the sailors condensed into the most primitive form of 'power of faith' in the 'carp network', and before it was passed on to the King of Inspiration], it was surrounded by the power of chaos that surrounds the world everywhere The storm] was crushed, smashed, and disintegrated.

Of course, if the Inspiration King forcibly intercepts and withholds this "faith" that belongs to him; or uses divine power to strengthen the strength of the "carp network", and then fights against the "chaos source force storm", and forcibly transforms the belief into divine power. can be done.

But here comes the problem, whether the evil spirits personally attack or strengthen the carp network, they are all consuming their own energy. This is the opposite of making money through 'faith'.

Cut off the faith enshrined by his followers from the hands of the world, and condense the 'divine power'. It seems to have slapped the face of the world~lightnovelpub.net~ maintained self-esteem, and demonstrated the power and strength of evil spirits.

But from the perspective of cost, more energy was wasted and donated to the Chaos Origin Force Storm]. Spending more than you earn is a fool.

So Bailang resolutely gave up harvesting faith to refine divine power, but still strengthened his determination to 'preach'.

Even if you give up the power of harvesting faith, preaching is still an excellent means of pua, developing believers, and cultivating cannon fodder.

This time, he recalled the information provided by Fu Gui Wan yesterday.

The religious sects in this world develop and expand their influence but they don't pay much attention to them, they only stay at the secular level. The extraordinary level is limited to a small circle, and the power is shared among a small number of high-level people in a secret way.

If the existence of gods has nothing to do with the strength and size of believers, then this situation becomes understandable.

The gods do not pursue the number of believers, but the expansion of the scale of belief is a good thing in itself, which is conducive to the high-level church and clergy to collect money and exploit and oppress the common people. It's just that God doesn't care about that.

"This kind of world rules is a bit difficult to play." Bailang rubbed his chin, feeling that he was restrained. But looking at other contractors, they will only be restrained even more.

In this situation where the whole world is lying flat and infected, one's own strength has become stronger, which is not a bad thing.

However, one should also consider those contractors who have already entered this world for trials and successfully solved the 'energy problem'. Compared with the person who solves the defect, he is at a disadvantage.

"In the end, it's still a matter of the 'God and Demon Ruins'."

Bailang took out the parchment scroll of Demon God No. 48. The secret place of this relic should be in Central Asia, and it will take some time to find it. I can only continue to wait in the sea... so boring.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind: "There is a way!"