Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 149: Fel suppression!

Bang bang!

The kinsmen who were struggling to death finally made a single move due to their lack of physical fitness. They were torn their throats with a claw of the same trembling werewolf.

Due to the special physiological structure, this claw is not fatal. On the contrary, the wound is healing fast, and the broken trachea is rejoined. But before that, similar ‘serious injuries’ have been repeated how many times?

Under the superimposition of the werewolf's accumulated damage again and again, this claw eventually became the last straw that crushed the camel, leaving the blood group unable to fight anymore, looking up at the faltering monster in front of him with despair, but never falling down.

On the other side, behind the werewolf, Bai Lang had pulled out the hanged "Bloodthirsty", his heartbeat gradually stopped, his body was wrapped in a large amount of black smoke, and he was recasting his body.

Pounding! ...Thumping! Pounding!

Although the abrupt heartbeat sounded weakly, it attracted the attention of the werewolf. It raised its ears vigilantly and looked back sharply. Bailang had re-supported its body, raised the ‘flaming’ to aim at its knee and pulled the trigger.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Holding the pistol calmly and powerfully with his arm, the white waves recovered from full state and fired continuously. At such a close range, there was no miss. In the blink of an eye, he penetrated the werewolf's hands and feet, causing him to fall to the ground.

After falling to the ground, the werewolf roared angrily, struggling to get up. There is still strong vitality in his body, and the wound that was shot through can be clearly seen, still squirming fast, wanting to heal.

Fortunately, Bai Lang practiced his marksmanship well, and each shot hit the key points of the joints, greatly reducing the threat of the opponent.

"Okay, well done! Quickly kill it, quickly dig out its heart!" The blood officer who was in desperate situation was overjoyed, lying there, shouting with all his strength.

Bai Lang did the same without reminding him. While he got up and walked closer, he pointed the gun at the werewolf on the other, and continued to shoot at the werewolf, further deepening the damage.

"Shoot his heart! Attack his heart!" The blood race urged anxiously, his expression a bit out of control, and he was full of dissatisfaction with Bailang's attack on the werewolf's limbs and joints.

Coming to the werewolf's side, looked down at this monster that far exceeded the upper limit of his own ability. Even if it is severely injured and weak, it still exudes the dangerous aura of a top predator, as if it still has the ability to put itself to death. It looked into Bailang's eyes, more malicious, without fear at all.

"You are a powerful enemy, and I will give you the highest honor."

While speaking, Bai Lang stretched his hand behind him, and then started the horizontal exercise, his whole body swollen and tightened, looking full of strength and oppression. At the same time, his arm sank and clenched a huge ‘bronze cross’.

Today's cross of destiny, the left and right sides are ‘columnar cross-sections’ imitating logs, which can be regarded as the two ends of a heavy hammer. The upper and lower ends are sharpened by external forces. In addition to the'critical blunt injury,' they can easily break the defense and pierce everything with heavy inertia.

If you put it on the ground, it happens to be a statue of the evil Christ suffering on the cross. The head ring of thorns, the iron nails that pierced the palms of the palms and the soles of the feet, and the weed wounds under the broken clothes were all done vividly, full of trembling mood.

After he exploded a werewolf's head with the "left arm" of the cross, Bailang clearly felt the joy and desire passed by "destiny" to him. This cross was eager for stronger prey to fill his hungry appetite.

Although no one told him what to do? But at this moment, if Brother Lang, who holds the "destiny" in his hand, is assisted by the gods, he can establish a connection with the "cross" without a teacher, and understand what to do next?

Through his own behavior, and the active guidance of thinking and belief, he will cohere and shape the first special effect for this ‘equipment’.

The rainy night reverberated in his mind, and the black thorns held up the "Fel Christ" through the scene of Dior. Then, under the gaze of the werewolf and the blood race, he lifted the ‘Cross of Destiny’ high and shouted ‘Lok\’tarOgar! He put the cross in the werewolf's heart and nailed it to the ground!


The werewolf opened his mouth and let out a scream, his body seemed to be under the weight of external force, his body sank a little into the ground out of thin air, and stopped struggling. The fresh blood in his body violated the rules of physics, and flowed upstream along the copper cross.

Then, blood entangled on the body of the ‘feel Christ’, and finally sucked into the cross through the eyes, mouth, and nostrils of the idol. And the eyes of the gods also automatically reflected the'emerald green' glow.

It wasn't the white waves infusing the'emerald wave', but the scene where the evil energy entered the bones and was automatically activated. When I look at the werewolf again, he is getting old at a speed visible to the naked eye, the vitality in his body is rapidly draining, and the'destiny' has also become deep and obscure, gestating a force of strength.

[After a high-quality sacrifice, ‘fate’, driven by your mind, condenses the first ability: Fel suppression. 】

【Cross of Destiny: Fel Christ, dark blue, flail/heavy hammer/heavy weapon. Stimulates the fel attributes (basic abilities), which can be converted and fed back to the ‘fel power’ by offering sacrifices, absorbing and storing life force. 】

【Special Effect 1: Fel Suppression. When you call out the corresponding ‘spell’, and then pierce the enemy with the cross of destiny and nail it to the ground, you can initiate the ‘fel energy’ suppression. Consume the fel energy reserve inside the cross, summon a ‘fel Christ’ to seal the target, while slowly drawing on the other’s vitality, causing it to fall into weakness, wither and die. 】

[Remarks: You used it to kill Dior Brando, the "Ultimate Perfect Vampire". 】

Bailang senses the message that the "cross" transmits to him. Although only the first special effect is condensed, it unlocks more than one ability for the "destiny".

Its basic attributes carry effects such as heavy weapons, fel energy, and sacrifice. It is equivalent to a "feel power bank" with its own charging function, which solves the problem that the "burning blood" is about to run out.

Once the ‘Fel Suppression’ is turned on, it will change from a heavy weapon to a ‘seal, suppression’ type of props, and it will continue to erode lives and weaken opponents, perfect equipment!

And based on the feedback from'Destiny', can it also condense a second special effect? It was really exciting and full of expectations. However, how to guide the second ability without wasting its potential still needs to be studied.

After witnessing this scene, the corpse'blood officer' was first frightened by the'Cross of Destiny' that appeared out of thin air and squeezed out the werewolves, and then forced himself to forget everything that had just happened, with an expression of overjoyed hope and a trembling voice. :

"Well done! Soldier, you did a great job, help me up and return to the barracks quickly. I will personally guarantee you, apply for the top real blood for you, join the core group of the church, and enjoy..."

[You have gained the ‘Friendship of Survival’ which is extremely feared by ‘Aris’, +35, you have become ordinary friends and do not conflict with your personal camp. If you bind the ‘Blood Faction (Hidden)’, this friendship will still increase. 】

[There are 4 minutes and 27 seconds left until the end of the guidance mission. Please choose your camp as soon as possible. 】

Bai Lang thought, bending down to lift up the kind-eyed blood with a gentle and friendly voice. After feeling the kindness of Lang brother, the other party ~lightnovelpub.net~ happily promised: "We can still..."


Before he could finish his speech, a bronze female arm pointed like a sword exploded at the moment of cross-stretching his right arm, directly piercing his chest, shattering his ribs, and inserting it into his heart.

With a click, his chest dented a large part, and Maria's entire hand was stabbed in the chest with great force by the white waves, only half of his forearm was exposed outside of the chest.

"Ho **** ho..."

The blood officer's eyes widened, and he looked at Bailang unwillingly + puzzledly, his mouth opened slightly but he couldn't speak any more, he could only make a sound: "Ho **** ho...".


Bai Lang released his hand, let the other party lie back on the ground, tremblingly stretched out his finger to him, and finally fell powerlessly...

