Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 204: Double 11 The Gate of Truth Special Offe

"Are you here again?"

Facing the weak white waves just one step away from death, and the dark werewolf holding the ‘spar’ beside him and holding the ‘black skull’ in his hand, the gatekeeper also showed a feeling of ‘helpless’.

Within the truth, the invisibility of the black ghost is invalid, and it is clearly seen by the ‘truth’, revealing the details of the black mummy bandage.

When the Contractor of Paradise launched the "Human Refining", the judgment was very vague. It is nothing more than those who start the ‘formation’ will pay a little less, while passengers who are passively involved pay a little more tolls. For the personal belongings of the contractor (those equipment and props locked in advance by the paradise), they will be separated separately by the gate of truth and not included in the raw materials for refining.

Therefore, under the control of the white waves in the first person, the "Black Thorns" attacked the scene of rabies plundering the seeds of the evil god, and the gatekeeper was reluctantly judged as "White Waves Victory". However, Fuguimaru's left hand had disappeared and returned to Fuguimaru's side, and only this Cthulhu Seed was left.


As an inseparable part of the white waves, after the black thorns regained their freedom, he got up and spit out the seed of the evil **** toward the white waves, and dropped his skull.

At this time, the gatekeeper floated to Bailang's side and asked: "Your injury is very serious, and you are about to die. Are you willing to consume a seed of the evil **** and exchange it for a perfect rebirth?"

"No, I refuse!"

Bailang, who wanted money for his life, took out a screwdriver with difficulty and pierced it toward his chest; and handed the large wrench to the black thorns. The restored ghost grabbed the wrench and repeatedly beat his master with both sides.

Soon, Bai Lang went from pain to restraint, showing an expression of enjoyment, and no longer felt any pain, and then his bones became flexible, and then his complexion became ruddy again... He returned to the light, got up from the ground, and removed the black thorns.

"It's an amazing treatment technique. This magical power does not belong to this world. Are you willing to trade? I can pay a price you can't refuse."

The gatekeeper was overwhelmed by the witchcraft (medicine) displayed by the white waves, and rarely asked for py.

Those contractors who reach the truth take the initiative to sell all kinds of ‘hardening power’ to the gate of truth. This power from Paradise and the rules behind it will be stored in the truth, in a ‘read-only mode’.

Once the contractor sells enough ‘knowledge’, a huge, complete and self-consistent ‘base of the power system’ will be formed. Then a certain ability will be thoroughly understood and absorbed by the ‘truth’, begin to ‘copy + re-edit’, feedback and paste into the world of steelmaking, and become a new power system.

The gate of truth is willing to trade. The essence is the root of this world. It is absorbing new laws and pursuing self-evolution and complement. This world wants to upgrade.

"I reject."

Bailang will not sell the painstakingly completed ‘medical system’: “Don’t talk nonsense, let’s just start trading.”

"Please tell your needs."

The exciting time has come. After tossing for so long before and after this mission, he finally ushered in the final reward.

"I want you to help me transform and strengthen this..."

He took out the ‘Cross of Destiny’ instead of the ‘Mother of Blood’. Although both types of equipment have the basis to become a ‘faith weapon’, they can only choose one.

In terms of experience, the "Blood Madonna" is undoubtedly better. It is easy to wear, flexible, and in line with his violent fighting style. It can also be linked with its own ripples, or hold a sword with arm armor, which is equivalent to equipment stacking equipment. Compared with the big, heavy and clumsy "Fel Christ", it has too many advantages.

But it has a fatal flaw, which limits the use of women. How could Bailang use the biggest gain from this mission to strengthen and upgrade a piece of ‘female equipment’? He is not a female boxer! (Country is the only one)

In the future, he needs a piece of main battle equipment that can be handed out, can see the light, and can live in the field, which can be called the signboard of the facade! So ‘Fel Christ’ stands out.

From a long-term perspective, although today's cross is still heavy for him, as his physical fitness continues to increase, the "Fel Christ" will undoubtedly become more and more comfortable.

So just like a golden cock, the heavier it is, the more fragrant it is.

Seeing Bailang take out the ‘Fel Energy Christ’, the gatekeeper said: “You have two choices. Use this ‘Cthulhu Seed’ as a reward, merge with the ‘Evil God’s Embryo’; or the other way around.”

At this time, he also received a reminder from Paradise and faced a new choice. You will be armed with different beliefs if you integrate into the ‘seed of the evil god’ or the embryo of the evil god.

Bailang’s first reaction to this was a consumer scam, and wanted to trick me into adding more money? You are a deceitful contractor.

"Do you need to pay a new price?"

"No, no matter how you choose, your reward is more than enough. You can also exchange more knowledge or services from the gate of truth." The gatekeeper explained.

Hearing this, his heart suddenly fell, and he began to consult the details.

The park also gives a calculation formula similar to a shopping cart:

Assuming that the face value of "Cthulhu Seed" is 150, then the "Cthulhu Embryo" that absorbs the power of faith and successfully hatched is worth 200. The cost of integrating the former is 100, while the latter requires 120. No matter how you choose, there is still a balance.

It should be noted that no matter which one is combined, the basic potential of ‘faith armed’ is the same, and there is no high or low. It's just that the evolved ‘special effects’ will be different, and the former is in an unawakened and unstimulated state.

However, what attracts white caps the most is the use of ‘balances’.

The value of "The Seed of Cthulhu" far exceeds expectations. After reading the database of "The Gate of Truth", Paradise listed a series of the most favorable "special package" for Bailang. He can choose one of them:

1 Choose ‘Seed of Cthulhu’ to pay, and the remaining ‘balance’ can support him to complete at least 5 truth drifts and successfully get the title of ‘In and Out of Truth’. That is to exchange the balance for the ‘title’, but this is undoubtedly the most stupid.

2The Gate of Truth also provides a ‘full set-Mechanic Experience Package’, allowing him to obtain the pure knowledge of Ye Luzi’s ‘neural connection surgery’ (mechanical). It can greatly complement his medical shortcomings and make his ‘physical medical school’ more detailed.

3Choose "Cthulhu Embryo" to pay, get more balance and more wonderful choices. If you continue to purchase ‘5 Drift’ or ‘Machinist’s Knowledge Set’, you can get an extra small copy of ‘Synthetic Beast Basic Knowledge’.

But this ‘knowledge’ has a limitation, and Bailang must solidify ‘alchemy’ as a prerequisite. And there was an opportunity to cover the ‘thermit reaction’ with ‘biological alchemy’. In that case, he can take the route of a ‘biological alchemist’ part-time ‘mechanical armor technician’ and attack the second tier.

It sounds wonderful, but Bailang is not very excited. Alchemy also has shortcomings, but in conjunction with ‘in and out of the truth’, it is favored by the world, or infinite white female votes for low-level alchemy, the mission world will pay for it.

4 It's a bit embarrassing. The Gate of Truth can help him make up for the technique of ‘full set of sage’s stone forging’. This is undoubtedly one of the highest crystallizations of alchemy in this world, and it opens the ‘Alchemist Professional Template’ (guaranteed). It is undoubtedly the best choice for those salted fish that are squandering the first order.

But the flaw is that he can make redstone at will in this world, consume redstone, but can't bring it back to paradise. In his future missions, he will experience any world that contains alchemy, and he will be able to merge and merge on a large scale, and through his efforts, he will reproduce the "redstone" with the rule system of another world.

For example, when he returns to the jojo world, he is 80% sure to create a real "Newtonian Redstone".

Choosing this option means that you will be given the title of "In and Out of Truth" for free, because you can refine redstone with your ability and drift infinitely. But unfortunately, self-made redstone cannot be exchanged for any knowledge other than'crazy drop-in and chatter with the gatekeeper'.

On the contrary, he can earn money by acting for other contractors' "Zero Price Truth-Didi Taxi". He even suspects that he has done so, and he can even earn the advanced title of "The God of Truth".

5 Bailang can choose to consume the balance and synthesize another piece of equipment, but the quality is undoubtedly inferior to the "belief armed"; in addition, he can also provide relevant information and ask the gate of truth to help him deduct, improve, and enhance his "solidification ability", according to Different quality charges ~lightnovelpub.net~ In short, the park offers a lot of options, and he only hates that he has too little money.

"Sure enough, only krypton gold can become stronger!"

At a certain moment, he even had the urge to abandon his ‘belief arms’ and trade the seeds of the two evil gods, but he still suppressed it and began to bargain with the gatekeeper.

Although the park offers a variety of ‘special packages’, Bailang can also be re-split according to preferences.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the title of "Bargain King" of Old Man Qiu, otherwise he will fight the truth gate at this moment... It will not only further increase the gold content of the "Bargain King", but also may trigger a new "Strange Title".


First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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