Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 258: At this moment, I am the most beautiful

When approaching the top floor, Bailang had already got rid of the “movement” of the first fall in his life, and also found that under the title of “behind-the-scenes hand” he is currently wearing, one of the two dry parts of “Fugui Maru” was marked [ Defection].

   What’s more interesting is that even though the piece of equipment "Fuki Wan must die" is not in his hands, as long as the "Fuki Wan" is within 1 km away from him, he can open the "Fuki Wan Manager Panel" at any time for observation.

  At this moment, in the "Must Die" interface, the locked "Small Target" talent skill actually displays [Completed]? ! The Fuguimaru deity also received the benign buff of [Fanatical, Excited, and Leadership].

   Lang analyzed from the clues that he was killed by this stupid thing! And after killing the owner, the goods floated up unexpectedly, and they also got the buff bonus. How similar is this to "killing a teammate to sacrifice to the sky"?

  There is also the bonus of ‘leadership’, which is so dazzling. Could it be that after this cargo was defeated and pushed himself down by himself, he won the support of the group of sinking demons and became the new pope of the ‘Cure Church’?

   Bai Lang felt his own'Fel Totem', and still kept in touch. Even if the Fugui Wan turned back, it still worked for itself in a muddle, which made him feel more irritated.


"Sinking demons are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. I can't bear it only to the point where I can't bear it? IQ is too much worse than Wen Fugui. But as the first killer of the Lord Fugui pill to kill me ', I would like to call you'eight generations'!"

  Whether this year of Fortune Maru can leave exclusive skills in the inheritance menu? As the wealthy pill that has created a historical record, Shiranang decided to give it the honor of'eight generations', which is worth remembering.

  What's more, Lang suspects that there is an 80% chance of ‘must die’ and will form the inheritance skill of ‘Xia Ke Shang’! Don't believe it, just wait and see.


   "Kalanichi!" xn

  "Kalanichu!!!" xn+1

  Before pushing the gate of the rooftop, there was already a fanatical cry of monsters from the balcony, and the efficiency of absorbing the power of faith by his own ‘totem pole’ has actually increased! But a lot of impurities, garbage, and negative information also flooded in...

  If it is not stopped, and the ‘spiritual body’ in the cross absorbs these nourishments, it will eventually transform from the form of a ‘werewolf god’ into an ugly ‘sinking demon-the **** of the capital’. Even the name of the **** Jidu has to be distorted into ‘Karanich’, as long as the number of believers in the Sinking Demon is large enough.


   Bai Lang smiled and passed through the door, a pair of fierce, evil, fanatical eyes looked over, and they were locked on the body of Bai Lang who was stained with blood but looked intact, and then they suddenly became dumb!

  That man is back again? ! With an evil smile.

  The scene was deadly silent, and Bai Lang's eyes were placed next to the cross, and the ‘eight generationme’ who held the staff aloft to activate the missionary skills.

   "Wow!" The old wizard screamed after seeing the master's resurrection from the dead, and knelt down on his knees in a thunderous manner, and prostrated himself.

  The [defection] displayed on the dry parts of the ‘behind the scenes’ disappeared instantly, and all the buffs brought by the ‘small target’ disappeared, as if nothing had happened. But the ‘Small Goal-Completed’ has not changed. It did kill himself once.

  "I haven't tried the basic functions that must die yet!"

   Bai Lang snapped his fingers, and a fierce electric current erupted from the neck of the Eighth Generation Eye. It screamed and fell to the ground, convulsing and trembling constantly. At the same time, the collar shrinks closer and closer, making it painfully unable to breathe.

  The sinking demon community began to commotion, and a few unkind scums approached him. Bailang unceremoniously pressed the remote control, again with a series of screams, struggles, screams, and begging for mercy with practical actions.

  Those weak chickens who have not undergone surgery are also beaten up by the ‘blushing and heart-beat’ seniors, and they dare not act rashly.


   After re-conquering the group of sinking demons, Bai Lang was not in a hurry to steal the secret for the second time, but stood on the edge of the rooftop and fell into thinking.

After falling from the building once and then standing here, he is not so afraid, especially after the control of the body is greatly increased, the bottom plate is more stable, and the skin keenly catches the changes of the wind. It seems stable as poi, but it is insignificant. The power of transformation is more stable than poi! And all of this is spontaneous, and does not need to be deliberately controlled.

  This is a great thing for practitioners, but it has become a huge resistance to the waves who want to steal the heavens for the second time. The first experience of falling from a building not only brought him a great improvement, but also gave him soul resistance.

  How to make the best use of the second "Pirates of Heaven"? This is not simply reckless, it also requires deeper routines and scientific skills. So he came to the cross, set up the phone with the disconnected headphone cable, turned the sound to the maximum, and pressed the play button.

   died once, but still did not get rid of the strong ‘experience’. Bailang had to sing and dance to relieve his mental stress and re-enter the second state with ‘empathy and empathy’.

   Devotion, selflessness, and finally forgetting oneself, and putting aside all ideological burdens, is the foundation of ‘Stealing Heaven’s secret’. At this moment, his thoughts are too complicated, so he decided to use a powerful ‘forgiveness and color tune’ to quickly adjust and transform his mental state.

  A "billiejean" for everyone!

Bai Lang put a hat on his head and jumped to the edge of the roof. With the sound of the music melody, under the light of the scarlet moon, in the fragmented night sky, he squirmed, squirmed, and squirmed nervously. ...

  At this moment, j’s brain fan began to frantically test on the edge of the alien building, swaying, kicking, spinning, twisting and twisting, and continuing to kick... the movements are flowing and flowing.

  The people who sink into the magic soy sauce party are instantly attracted by this cramping scene, full of brains? ? ? ! jpg, don’t understand what this human being is going to do?

  But even if the race is impassable, the civilization is impassable, and the language is impassable, you can still read the strong and handsome waves from the smooth and smart dance steps.

  And this ‘dance movement’ is exactly part of empathy. Just like the spellcasting material, dance is used to divert attention, so that the brain is immersed in the song, and gradually "people, song, song and dance are one body".


  As the lyrics of "Song of Hi Daddy" began to sound, Bai Lang entered empathy in the smooth dance movements, gradually forgetting everything outside. He began to take the j point of view, immersed in the anger framed by the ‘female bitch-golden bli’.

  A little black boy was stuffed into the basket and placed in front of him...butthekidisnotyn!

Under the strong brainwashing of this song of forgiveness, not only did Bailang get rid of the shadow of the first “falling from the building”, even the group of sinking demons were impressed by the dance steps he copied, and followed them all in a drunken manner. Shaking his head. The gangster is the gangster, this must be praying to the ‘Government God’, right? !

  The white waves who gradually found the state, immediately cut into the second song "beatit", began to strengthen his state, and further jumped the totem pole to heal the church. And the more intense and explosive music, the Sinking Demon also fell into a state of'empathy and empathy' and became fanatical.

  The next moment, Shirano looked at Yatsushita: "Do you also think of dancing? Fuguimaru. Let's come together!"

  Next, he used the "belief line" to select a group of sinkers headed by Fuguimaru, and input dance moves for them to accompany the dance.

   "Let's dance, no one will sleep tonight!"

  Lang chose "danro" to brainwash himself at the moment, and substitute himself in the jump, and a group of depraved demons behind him were also immersed in the dancers, intoxicated by themselves.

  Amidst a bunch of uniform movements of the sinking demons, and accompanied by the spirit of faith totem bg, Bai Lang gradually forgets about it.

  Actually, half of the sole of the foot was suspended on the edge of the cliff and began to slide in space, walking forwards, walking backwards... volleyed, flew directly out of the roof and circled back, continuing the spacewalk...

  The dancers of the sinking demons were thrilled, and watching the sinking demons screamed and applauded. The white waves immersed in j's feel, only think that at this moment, he is the most beautiful boy in Camp Rogge!

   Immediately, the person involved became excited, happy and sorrowful... lived up to expectations.

  He saw the marquee of life again, the whole process was real and unpretentious.


  【You experience a very artistic and ornamental experience, highly reproducing the utilitarian death of the first fall from a building, ib particles +30】

  After waking up again, Bailang made a summary while climbing stairs. This time, he chose singing and dancing empathy and self-hypnosis, as far as possible to avoid overlapping with the first stealing secret, the effect looks good.

  However, the flaws of the ‘Spiritual Falling and Moving Method’ were also manifested, and the effect was greatly reduced, and only increased by 20.


When   was awake for the third time, the white wolf received a reminder from the park:

  [You have experienced a lack of creativity~lightnovelpub.net~ but you are still trying to reproduce the previous two successes, you can only say that it is a bit of internal death + 13ib particles]

  Progress +11

  【A death that lacks creativity in a deadly talent...ib particle +7】

  【Human tolerance is the limit...ib particle +1. 】

  At this point, Thieves of Heaven has reached its limit, Bailang's practice results have remained at 93, and the dog belt is no longer in vain, but he is already satisfied.

  After climbing to the top of the building again, he decided not to continue practicing the ‘Spirit Moved Falling Down Method’, but to take revenge on the eighth generation.

  Its description of the ‘small goal has been completed’ is like a thorn in the heart. Such a rich pill is like a wolf that has seen blood. It seems to be tamed but the eagle-eyed wolf is rebellious. It is not worth training.

  "Fuguimaru, come, now is your highlight moment, indulge in dancing! Thriller go!"

  In another singing and dancing carnival, the eighty generation who drank the fragments took the four little brothers to forget the passion and dance, and finally fell collectively...

  【Fuguiwan must die. Ability 3: Inheritance menu: Add skill ‘Zombie Dancer’. 】

  "Yes!" Bailang smiled happily, and the eight generations of eyes was indeed on the list, and with his help, he obtained a brand new inheritance skill that surpassed the ‘undertake on the upper’!